View Full Version : News: Smed State of the game 12/6

2012-12-07, 01:23 AM

Hello everyone,

As you may have heard this weekend we are running a double xp weekend to say thanks for your patience during our launch. Our stability is in good shape now. Client crashes are down 95%. We have a patch coming next week to address a bunch more bugs and make some balance changes Matt Higby mentioned in another post. In addition we will be making big improvements in the infantry render distance issue. We get that it isn't good sometimes so this will be a big improvement. We also have a new anti vehicle weapon coming.

We continue to work on bugs and optimizations. We have something we hope will be a big improvement coming in January. It's significant and needs real QA time before we can put it out. That's only one optimization. The team continues to improve this and won't stop.

In early January we will be putting up our plan for the next 6 months and open that plan up to your comments and change requests. It's not written in stone and you're going to have the opportunity to weigh in and have us change it based on your collective feedback. We are hard at work on a lot of cool stuff like orbital strikes... Vehicle transport.. And other fun things.

One other important issue I wanted to address - cheating. We are all aware of the cheaters who us aimbots and other tools. We are tracking and banning these people. I don't want to pretend there is a magic answer to this. We have a great deal of tools at our disposal and people who fight this every day. I assure you this is a top priority and with each patch you'll see us address more of the things we see and a lot of stuff that you may not. Please continue to report using the /report function. You may not see the drone strike but when the idiot disappears quietly and without fanfare just know our anti hacking team has no mercy and enjoys the job. Please help us fight the good fight and understand that this is a war and its one we won't stop fighting.

Thanks for playing


2012-12-07, 01:32 AM
I do love the development team that this game has. They do a great job of listening to the community and keeping us informed.

2012-12-07, 05:02 AM
It would actually be funny to see cheaters getting killed by drones before being banned.

2012-12-07, 05:49 AM
It would actually be funny to see cheaters getting killed by drones before being banned.

If I saw this all I have to say to SOE is shut up and take my money!

2012-12-07, 06:20 AM
It would actually be funny to see cheaters getting killed by drones before being banned.

100% agree... a minature mushroom cloud, with a special death sound like someone burning in a fire, and charred bones left in its wake.

Would make SOE very special in my heart to see that happen to confirmed cheaters. Nuke 'em all...

2012-12-07, 06:22 AM
Oh god! Not orbital strikes! Please, god, don't let them do it! I'm tired of being scared to go outside.

2012-12-07, 06:33 AM
I'm scared to go outside now :P

I'm either rocketpodded to death, bombarded by Liberator bomb spam or sniped :P

And then there's the tanks splash damage killing me inside a tower or grenade spam through doorless openings.

But there's nothing wrong with vehicle spam, right? The whole game design needs a rethink or they'll lose alot of people to boredom and stupid game mechanics.

2012-12-07, 06:34 AM
Oh god! Not orbital strikes! Please, god, don't let them do it! I'm tired of being scared to go outside.

In my opinion, Orbital Strikes will be fine so long as they're as rare as rocking horse shit.

It got ridiculous in the latter years in PS1. So many people had it in the end and instead of an OS being a tactical trump card like it should have been, it became a dull and predictable spam weapon that instantly ended potentially good fights before they'd hardly begun.

2012-12-07, 06:37 AM
They wont be rare thats for sure. Even with long timers the scale of the game is huge compared to the original. Once everyone has certed them it will be a total spamfest at large fights. Probably be available for 1000 certs lol.

2012-12-07, 07:02 AM

They need more name control (dont want to say it but) some of the names these people have make it very difficult to report them. You end up thinking is that a Capitol I or a lower case L.

2012-12-07, 08:48 AM
I was killed by a aim botter the other day, i think his name was wwwwwwwvvvwwwwwwvwww

2012-12-07, 08:48 AM
It would actually be funny to see cheaters getting killed by drones before being banned.
Screw the drones, let's test Orbital Strike on their asses!

We shall call it: "The Wrath of Mod!"

2012-12-07, 08:53 AM
It would actually be funny to see cheaters getting killed by drones before being banned.

Hover the cheater in the air (like a Darth Vadar death grip) and let player shoot them over and over again until they log out.

2012-12-07, 09:08 AM
Oh god! Not orbital strikes! Please, god, don't let them do it! I'm tired of being scared to go outside.

I think I remember the dev teams saying that they weren't going to be as big.

2012-12-07, 09:09 AM
I would like to be able to throw more grenades. Maybe I haven't figured out how to work the grenades, but last night we were getting over run and I could only throw one per resupply. I think it should be at least 5, maybe in 5 second intervals. If I'm doing something wrong someone please let me know.


2012-12-07, 09:16 AM
I think the cheaters, real or perceived, are startung to take its toll (among other things). It's unfortunate, and hopefully Sony can do something fast.

Just reading around various non-affiliated communities and the bad rep is starting to creep up.

Really not sure why Sony kind of buried its head in the sand so early on when there were grumblings even before the game was released.

2012-12-07, 09:21 AM
All this could have been avoided by releasing next year, he said it himself that these things take time and it wont be fixed till Jan........ shoulda just released in Jan and did an open beta until then.

No mention of the spawn camping issue or poor base design either... when will the tech plant get fixed?

2012-12-07, 09:22 AM
I would like to be able to throw more grenades. Maybe I haven't figured out how to work the grenades, but last night we were getting over run and I could only throw one per resupply. I think it should be at least 5, maybe in 5 second intervals. If I'm doing something wrong someone please let me know.


I think the most you can cert into on most classes is 2 additional grenades per resupply.

2012-12-07, 09:23 AM
I would like to be able to throw more grenades. Maybe I haven't figured out how to work the grenades, but last night we were getting over run and I could only throw one per resupply. I think it should be at least 5, maybe in 5 second intervals. If I'm doing something wrong someone please let me know.


I say remove grenades tbh.......

Have you seen how close quarters combat ends up? Just a nade fest already.

2012-12-07, 09:28 AM
yay huge thanks smed, higby, and devs. keep the balance and this game will thrive for a long time. can't wait to see the performance boosts in january. just keep adding territory to take and all will be well :D

2012-12-07, 10:14 AM
We get that it isn't good sometimes so this will be a big improvement. We also have a new anti vehicle weapon coming.

Please let it be the Decimator : unguided anti-vehicle weapon , but does the most devestating damage to vehicles!

And its common pool! *WINK* ;) unguided/bigger warhead

2012-12-07, 10:21 AM
Base design was griped about for a long time.

I've grown to accept it and played through my initial hatred of it because I tank/esf camp them as much as anyone else I admit.

But to a new person, it's a major turn off. And it will only get worse as time goes by, further putting up a barrier to new people as we are all experts at camping spawn doors with tanks and esfs. Others, who stick around, will eventually become efficient as well, not that it's hard to do. It will get worse and worse probably, unless they redesign bases or nerf vehicles to the ground.

What I find funny is that the people who defended this assumed that everyone should respawn elsewhere and return with vehicles. That thinking is nice and all, but to a newbie, who expects to be able to fight, and is unwise to the mechanics of the game, will just respawn a few times, run out the door and instantly die without knowing why. Get discouraged, confused or laugh and leave.

2012-12-07, 10:35 AM
Wow...talk about a derail...the op is asking about being able to toss more nades, not cheaters or optimizations.

I think you can buy this upgrade in your utility or suit slot...someone will correct me if I am wrong.

2012-12-07, 11:43 AM
Wow...talk about a derail...the op is asking about being able to toss more nades, not cheaters or optimizations.

I think you can buy this upgrade in your utility or suit slot...someone will correct me if I am wrong.

Wut? Wasn't the op about Smed's forum post?

2012-12-07, 12:04 PM
Wut? Wasn't the op about Smed's forum post?

He came into the thread on the 2nd page first :lol:

2012-12-07, 01:25 PM
Base design was griped about for a long time.

I've grown to accept it and played through my initial hatred of it because I tank/esf camp them as much as anyone else I admit.

But to a new person, it's a major turn off. And it will only get worse as time goes by, further putting up a barrier to new people as we are all experts at camping spawn doors with tanks and esfs. Others, who stick around, will eventually become efficient as well, not that it's hard to do. It will get worse and worse probably, unless they redesign bases or nerf vehicles to the ground.

What I find funny is that the people who defended this assumed that everyone should respawn elsewhere and return with vehicles. That thinking is nice and all, but to a newbie, who expects to be able to fight, and is unwise to the mechanics of the game, will just respawn a few times, run out the door and instantly die without knowing why. Get discouraged, confused or laugh and leave.

Your also running under an assumption that it "will get worse as time goes by". Perhaps bases will changed or if/when they add the ability for players to add/modify bases/buildings these things will change, or....Gasp...Players will figure out other ways to do things than jsut what they are doing now. It's been 2 weeks and they have at minimum a 5 year plan. Also the new players I know have all said the game is great and it's refreshing to have to learn as you go. Most likely those who give up would not be cut our for PS2 anyway.

Let's see the plan Smed lays out and where we are in 6-18 months. Also maybe SOE will change the bases but just can't do such a major change this early on or delay the game so long when they had plans to launch???

2012-12-07, 01:33 PM
Yeah, the only solution that I see, without pissing off everyone who actually likes to drive vehicles, is a base redesign.

In the mean time, they should really put newbies anywhere but outposts or bases under heavy vehicle siege. Spawn them in a place where they can safely shoot their default infantry guns at something without getting one shot before they even get a chance to do that (if there even is such a place).


Go the complete opposite direction and just spawn them in a tank right outside the spawn doors (I'm not joking).

2012-12-07, 01:59 PM
Wut? Wasn't the op about Smed's forum post?

Yup, I apologize for being a tool...I started reading on page 2.

2012-12-08, 12:57 AM
I really hope the new anti-vehicle weapon helps make infantry fun again. Right now it just isn't anymore.

2012-12-08, 02:36 AM
I would love to see the Galaxy be able to upgrade to become an airborne Sunderer, as it originally was. Maybe limit the spawn to platoon only to balance it and give it a cost of 200 certification points or something.

2012-12-08, 03:29 AM
I propose they implement orbital strikes and anti-cheating measures simultaneously.

Instead of banning the cheater, just make it so that every time they step outside the spawn room, they're instantly OSed by a beam that only kills them.

Getting banned is just funny to some of those guys. Getting WTFPWND by something they can't fight back against though carries a note of sweet irony.

2012-12-08, 05:33 PM
things I would like to see in this game. And I think I speak for alot of us when I say this.

1) artillery. Artillery andlong range tactical missiles are used alot in warefare. It adds another realm of defensive and offensive capabilities that other games of this scale simply dont have. Coordination between ground and artillery forces will make or break them however. So that would make for a more challenging but essential part of this game. Instead of orbital strikes, use artillery!

2) naval warfare. Its simply an aspect of war you dont see in alot of large scale waregames if at all. If this Dev team can push the boundaries a bit and add a level of play to the game that would be integrating in such a large way, you may very well add more people toyour fanbase as well as add yet another field of warfare that alot of games dont have. Coordination again is key however. Because you cant just land your boatson the beaches of hostile territory and notget obliterated without some sort of planningor coordination between air, land, and infantry units. I would love to see this implimented if itwould be possible. I wantto be able to do that. They do it in real life! Why not do it here too.

3) large transport vehicles. Vehicles thatcan transport large ammounts of vehicles and people as a staging point for an assault. If naval warfare was added, air carriers and battleships. If its air, then megalith drop ships that hold lots of the same things. I want for people to be able toassaulta biolab seemingly out of Nowhere. Its tactically rewarding to commanders and factions, however overpowered in one way. If that ship docks outsideof awarpgate and sits there, its esentially a camp site for that faction. Which would notbe fun to anyone. If devs can figureout a way to nerf that a bit, this game will be the best largescale battlefield to be created ever.

Connect continents by water and add sea battles! Be creative! We all believe you can do it!