View Full Version : Abusing the grief system

2012-12-07, 10:15 PM
First off, I don't condone this, but Jesus, it is so easy to grief and get away with it.

First off, there's probably just a few hapless people filtering the reports. Secondly, I've seen numerous griefers who other people in yell asked to report a week ago still in-game. It's either broken or they're swamped.

Will Sony eventually get to them? Maybe?

It's open season...

2012-12-07, 10:59 PM
I think you are finding great irritation from a small issue.

I mean there is lots of FF but most of it is just the by product of zergy fights.
And people(including me) might occassionally get ticked off at someone in
and put a round in their head.

But intentional repeated griefing seems really rare. I find it hard to think their is enough to notably hurt your game experience.

2012-12-07, 11:31 PM
I'm not irritated as I wasn't griefed; I'm just remembering names and making an observation.

But, if I wanted to grief, it would easy...

2012-12-07, 11:46 PM
I'm totally guilty of killing a few fellow snipers. Something about them setting up shop 3 feet away from where I've been shooting for 10 minutes and shaking my scope every 5 seconds with their semi-autos.