View Full Version : So when is the metagame being fixed?

2012-12-09, 05:49 AM
I so want to like this game but the metagame sucks and it makes it so hard to enjoy. The Hex system and smaller outposts are a disaster, all that ever happens is vehicles sit outside the spawns in outposts while they all sit there waiting for influence to count up. It is so boring for both sides, no one likes spawn camping and no one likes sitting and waiting to capture. People hated it in Planetside and I don't get why you ended up doing just the same thing but worse?

Again with these "giant" bases there is actually little infantry space, the capture points are always so close to the outside which is dominated by vehicles camping spawns and doorways, though we don't have any doors unlike what Planetside had. At least in Planetside there were more indoor areas inside the base so you could defend a base and it became about infantry and not vehicle camping.

I'm sick of how these bases are designed, they suck. Sure they look nice for the first time, sadly SOE failed to fix the generic copy and paste nature of them which we complained about so much in Planetside. In fact what did they fix from Planetside? I cannot see a whole lot of fixes for the problems we had with it. SOE went with the multiple server setup with multiple conts open at the same time, so you can only really play during peak time and weekends for bigger battles, the rest of the time everyone is so spread out. Then all happens is factions stealth cap a cont over night like Planetside as well. Should we be calling them conts? It's funny because you can clearly see they're Planets in the nights sky......... why are the Planets so close to each other? Are they going to keep on added Planets in the Sky when they add new conts?

The hex system is bad, Planetside had linear progression over a cont and it was good, it kept people together and kept battles big. Planetside 2 just wants to spread everyone over an island, half the time I have no idea what is going on, the map is so poor. Why doesn't the map show any information you want? Just show me where my forces are on the map, the hotspots don't work in this game and it is so hard to tell where people are because the hexes don't work. You can see influence on the map but you cannot tell what is going on, I look at a base we own and we have way more influence but I fly there and it just has a swarm of Vanu and no TR there what so ever. Like why doesn't the map tell me this? Now I have a fucking shit load of aircraft on me and I'm probably going to die and have to go AFK until the 10 min timer is over because for some reason rocket pods do so much damage. I was in a prowler and just one burst of rocket pods took me from 100% to 0...... wtf?

In fact I'm not a fan of resources, all they do is encourage people not to defend a base, people don't want to keep using up resources and just end up retreating. It just isn't fun because it basically gives you one shot to defend, as soon as some one loses a vehicle they generally have to wait ages or ran out of resources. I spose they could buy the Alpha Squad or subscribe or whatever for faster gain PAY TO WIN, I just find it annoying because unlike Planetside bases are captured very quickly before they turn into camp the spawn. Usually the spawn timer or by the time you have the resources back, they have the base anyways.

The only base I do like fighting at is the Tech Plant, usually cause fights last so long, they aren't fun at all though, I'm just happy I can relax and stay in one place for awhile. Sure it turns into Metro from BF3 and there is tons of nade spam and you'll die 100 times before you capture the point........... oh wait nevermind yeah I don't like that base. In fact what base do I like? I was hoping the Bio Lab would be some giant indoor base with multiple levels, it turned out it is only one level at the top with more copy and paste buildings from outposts or the warpgate. Having spawn tubes that go from the outposts into the building is retarded, like camp the spawn but for the defenders...........

The only part of the game I actually fine myself having fun with is the ESFs, that is only because it is satisfying to hover around and mow people down with the chain gun and having to get the aim perfectly. However now everyone is unlocking AA it's becoming really annoying, you'll get instantly shot down if a base has multiple dual Burster MAX units. Not only that but everyone has A2A now and lock on aircraft is so annoying, it basically takes out Dog Fighting and puts you on the run before anything has even started. It is so easily to tail someone in the game, it really becomes who saw the other person wins unless they manage to get to the warp gate first. Bases aren't ever safe because Turrets aren't Automatic like Planetside and for some reason other aircraft ignore helping you and are too busy fighting for a space on the pads.

I dunno there are some major fun parts to Planetside 2 which keep me coming back to the game, however none of them involve capturing bases or what the developers probably intended. I really hope that part of the game gets fixed, I mean they kept saying it was going to be fixed in beta, then they announced a launch date out of the blue, everyone was saying that is too soon and I guess this is the result. That metagame fix never happened, I doubt it'll ever be sorted now, probably be one of those things like capital bases in Planetside, they'll be these massive city like bases....... oh wait all you've done there is put a shield over it?

2012-12-09, 07:16 AM
I guess the ideal vision of Planetside-gameplay, is that the unorganized 'zergs' clash and slow each other down, while the organized squads or outfits are the ones that actually have the most significant impact and change the tide of the battle.

As it stands right now, the hex system by itself is kinda bland. It spreads people out and it leaves little room for tactics on a larger scale.

I think to solve this SOE needs to add another layer of complexity to their game. This layer won't be experienced by the unorganized zerg, but can be used by organized outfits as a sort of "highway".

This 'layer' would come in two forms

1. A capture-point tier-system (http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?t=49513), which is internal to the hexes, and which would funnel the combat by providing fewer areas of interest at any given time, whilst also rewarding organized groups.

2. A system where the individual control points in one hex is linked to individual control points in adjacent hexes. This means that a platoon could split up, capture just one control point - without capturing the entire hex - while the rest of the platoon could capture the corresponding control point in an adjacent hex.

2012-12-09, 08:44 AM
Honestly, this problem goes away once you are in an outfit, or atleast a platoon, with competent squad leaders. Prioritising which hexes to grab, capping smaller outposts in preparation of taking a major facility and generally having strategical planning makes the game much more enjoyable IMO.

2012-12-09, 09:20 AM
Honestly I just dont think this is the right game for the OP.

She is nt complaining about broken stuff nor balance stuff nor obvious potential improvement(like colorblind mode) she just doesnt like the game the devs made.

2012-12-09, 09:31 AM
You mean when is the metagame being added, right?

2012-12-09, 09:37 AM
The metagame is in the infant stages right now, as the game matures surely the metagame will evolve.

I'll admit that some forms of metagame should be inserted asap, just to quell some of the QQ on the main forums.

Patience is key.

2012-12-09, 11:03 AM

2012-12-09, 03:57 PM
Didnt they silence Malorn by recruiting him for the metagame :p

2012-12-09, 05:31 PM
You mean when is the metagame being added, right?

actually this. I was luaghing hard when SOE added cont lock bonuses, facility bonuses and yelled: "look guys we added meta!"

2012-12-09, 05:40 PM
Didnt they silence Malorn by recruiting him for the metagame :p

Miffy is trying to get hired :lol:

But yeah. Attacking is basically pinning 6 guys in the spawn room, and defending feels like shooting out of said spawn room.