View Full Version : To TR, regarding NC @ Mani Biolab (Esamir, Miller)

2012-12-09, 09:38 AM
My question: If Biolab favours NC the most, what bases favour other factions playstyles the best?

TR on Miller: Stop wasting countless hours being farmed by an empire that loves shotguns and hiding behind walls, in a base that promotes such tactics.

Mani is blue and flashing for 90% of the day. Sometimes one or the other of us takes it from them but then it's lost in 10 minutes or so when they want it back.

Your time wasting means that even the scissors to our rock (VS) are beating us around the rest of the map.

Scat MAXes are supremely overpowered in a biolab.
We might not have thirdperson anymore but when TTK is dramatically reduced and these things can kill enemy MAXes in no time, camping the teleporter/spawn spots from just out of sight with 5 (yes I saw (and just about killed) 5 on one MAX) engineers is absurd.

I recommend (as a near fulltime MAX user myself) that only one engineer should be able to repair a MAX at one time.

NC MAXes break the game in this situation.
It only takes a couple of scats to hold in 20+ TR in one of those tiny teleporter rooms, and any clown can jump in one without focused cert trees as we had in PS1.

Yes, absolutely they should dominate in close combat range as they did in PS1, they're still walking coffins in the open air, but I want my TR AV MAX alternate fire back with bouncing grenades to counter OP CQC MAXes and their wall hugging fetish (which they would perhaps engage in less if they had the shields they presumably will get later).

It could be suggested that TR should stop going back there, but it has been. The most ridiculous thing is that many sit underneath the biolab with the shields up waiting as if they don't realise they are not going to get in that way.

TR on Miller lack structure & command hierarchy, desperately.

If I was an NC MAX in Mani last night I think a 100+ kill streak would be most feasible; something I achieved only once in a Scatter Max in PS1 before I joined my true calling in the Terran Republic.

My K/D in a TR MAX (almost exclusively) sits at an almost non-existent ratio of 1.5 (granted part of that is because my non-MAX infantry which I'm forced to use more often have no certs, as they are all going into overpriced MAX abilities).

Dual Cyclers might have range but we have no supreme guaranteed instakill edge like Scats.

NC, stop your bitching.
Suit up and get your free XP now, cause when Decis drop I'm going huntin'.

2012-12-09, 09:52 AM
So , NC MAX has one base type out of 10 (counting the towers and misc. bases as well here) where it excels, and you are crying? You got owned repeatedly, and kept coming back for more? hahahahahaha

2012-12-09, 10:10 AM
Biolabs are the ONE place I can go to get the fuck away from vehicle combat and just focus on Infantry. I'm going to fight there every single chance I get.

2012-12-09, 10:17 AM
Go cry more, go join your TR buds at the crown and go use your carv and tac

2012-12-09, 10:55 AM
assess, adapt and over come. if you play max all the time let the other people deal with if first before you go out or get your own engineers to help break out.

i see too much whining on the official forums over stupid things. people need to think more, this is a game of tactics and actions. not 1 man army rambo shit. ( though Rambo is a god lol ) i am NC and saw the same sort of thing happening at another base. so i spawned, got behing the TR max and killed both engineers. Then the other NC guys took out the max. its all about team work and it sounds like you are not in a team or trying to coordinate.

2012-12-09, 08:08 PM
Most amusing, I get annoyed cause I hate the scatter max, and would much prefer some type of machine gun, like the TR max counterpart, but that doesn't fit our fluff. And two days ago we stormed the bio lab and all of its surrounding bases in easily 10 minutes, I didn't even see any TR spawn to counter us until we already held the bases inside.

2012-12-09, 08:46 PM
Most amusing, I get annoyed cause I hate the scatter max, and would much prefer some type of machine gun, like the TR max counterpart, but that doesn't fit our fluff. And two days ago we stormed the bio lab and all of its surrounding bases in easily 10 minutes, I didn't even see any TR spawn to counter us until we already held the bases inside.

NC always say they want the TR's miniguns. If you actually traded us for a day you would be happy to go back to your scat gun. It's the only really decent AI MAX weapon. The TR/VS one's don't kill fast enough to stop an Infantry right in front of you from turning an running back around the corner. Or for a group of Infantry to just stand their ground an mow you down. But a group of Infantry in front of a ScatMAX is splattered. Can't even really say the others have a range advantage as their weapons have large COF that makes them not so good beyond 20 feet out against moving targets. And Hacksaw users are about equally effective at that range. And of course the only MAX ability the Charge heavily favors the scatMAX.

In regards to Biolabs I would say defending against NC MAX spam is possible with enough LA's on the roofs out of scat range picking off engi's. But assaulting one is futile. Really smarter right now to just ignore any base the NC is in an take other territory. Only the AMP's are open enough for it not to be a total kill farm for the scatMAX.

2012-12-10, 06:53 AM
No, what's a real pain in the ass is Tech Plant farming holds...

ScatterMAXes hiding behind the corners of the shield gap, blasting any Light Assault that tries to sneak in while the back door has about half a dozen ScatterMAXes stonewalling any push...

2012-12-11, 05:02 AM
TR on Miller lack structure & command hierarchy, desperately.
I disagree, I suggest you team up with one of the bigger TR outfits on Miller to see for yourself.

2012-12-11, 07:20 AM
what outfit are you in Max?

2012-12-11, 07:34 AM
I think scatter maxs have too much range. They also do border on being game breaking. However, I have dual mercy's on my TR Max and they are beast. They're nowhere near one shot kill like the NC's max, but I think the AI max balance is fine in the overall scheme of things. I may actually start focussing on max suits more. They are the closest thing to rambo in this game.

2012-12-11, 07:35 AM
TR on Miller have a ton of outifts (and not small ones) and make alliance pretty often so I don't know your problem.

As for the NC MAX it only shines in Biolab and even then you can still die rather easily if the enemies are decent.

2012-12-11, 08:53 AM
"TR on Miller lack structure & command hierarchy, desperately."

Someone go tell Ostekake of this thread please. ;)

2012-12-11, 09:18 AM
I switched solely to engy with grenade launcher, and it does provide some ability to clear out the engineers if you are in a spot that allows you to lob grenades without instantly getting shot to pieces. Obviously, the ever-reliable grenade launcher has to actually work properly and resupply itself from your ammo pack.

The grenade launcher is pretty much OP and I fully expect it to get nerfed (3 kills a shot is pretty common, with infinite reload), but for now, it's a way to combat all the crap that piles up in certain areas of bases.

2012-12-12, 12:56 PM
As suggested by the thread title, I am referring specifically to Esamir. I have heard we have "pro" outfits dominating Amerish uncontested, farming empty bases and outposts xp - or with great population advantage. Esamir sees little of such activity. There is a disturbing acceptance of each continent "belonging" to certain empires.

2012-12-12, 06:21 PM
i love NC but man is it hard to play atm. soo many idiots about lol. so unorganized its not funny. hope it picks up soon as i spent too much on my lovely NC to move servers ot faction. :(

i wouldnt say a base is good for one faction or another, it all depends on the players fighting there at the time. its all comms and tactics. though with /RE still not working both are hard to do

2012-12-12, 06:24 PM
Same old complaints SOE never learns.

2012-12-12, 09:15 PM
As suggested by the thread title, I am referring specifically to Esamir. I have heard we have "pro" outfits dominating Amerish uncontested, farming empty bases and outposts xp - or with great population advantage. Esamir sees little of such activity. There is a disturbing acceptance of each continent "belonging" to certain empires.

Seems that way on Jaeger too. TR have Indar, VS have Esamir, and the NC have Amerish. All the time.