View Full Version : Reading this forum is depressing sometimes..

2012-12-09, 10:52 AM
First off: I'm not trying to troll or start a flame war here. Just trying to take a look at the bigger picture.

Thing is.. aren't we all getting a little caught up in what's wrong with the game? I remember reading around before Beta started, even before Alpha was closed, and the forums were a lot nicer. We had plenty of gripes but we were much more optimistic.

Fast forward a few months, and now we're at release. We've got a cash store, we've got plenty of fresh noobs to shoot (at least on Connery), and life is pretty good IMO. I see plenty of potential problems with the game. The balance is a pain sometimes. And I really wish they'd pick up the pace with optimizing; my comp screams in pain every time I boot PS2 because it knows of the torture to the CPU that's coming.

But this is still a 100% unique game. No game out there quite compares to it in storyline, art style, and gameplay. Even if all we do is zerg around, I am completely content in playing this game without an inch of metagame. Because it's fun. If we're all reducing ourselves to griping about a free game and the many problems that it's gigantic corporate creator hasn't fixed yet, what are we? Just enjoy the awesome titles they've put out. I'll always love PS1 and PS2. Every flaw is what makes it unique and some of my best gaming memories come from those two. The game was designed for FUN. Not for actually dominating those technoreligious nutjobs or smurfs with guns :trrocks: .

That's pretty much it.


2012-12-09, 11:50 AM
Yeah, when you have distinct differences in a PVP game, there will lays be whines, and it's actually pretty healthy so long as it doesn't get overly nasty or become so overbearing that it just eats away at the community. That's why balance, real AND, more importantly, perceived, is important. People tend to exaggerate, but peer down below and they usually have a point.

That's why even in ps1 I played all three factions for a long, long time (not just a few hours) as I wanted to see for myself if the grass is really greener. I'm going to do the same now.

But generally speaking, some of the non-balancing complaints are warranted IMO, especially after hearing people brought some of these issues up months and months ago.

In any regards, the shiny, new aura is gone and people tend to nit pick after the glow has dissipated. Maybe you will, too (hopefully not).

2012-12-09, 12:00 PM
While I do agree that people most often tend to complain rather than acknowledge the successful aspects of a game, if a complaint is valid, it is valid to complain and discuss about it.

Concerning the successes, more than any forum posts, the short, medium and long-term success of the game will speak for its players' overall satisfaction. Of course, this does not mean praises are unecessary, unwanted or unappreciated by devs.

For all its shortcomings, PS2 is an impressive game technically.

2012-12-09, 12:02 PM
The only reason I find this forum depressing sometimes is because you suddenly realize how much stuff in the game actually is broken and how much better it could be. I like PS2 and it's a good game, but it's nowhere near it's potential and I hope the devs will keep developing it until it's really really awesome and not just good.

2012-12-09, 12:06 PM
Yeah, I've never bothered to post in other game forums because it was either really good and polished OR it's a fundamentally good but flawed game, but I enjoy it enough to actually take the time to post. If it's the latter and I don't like it, I won't even bother.

2012-12-09, 12:09 PM
If we're all reducing ourselves to griping about a free game and the many problems that it's gigantic corporate creator hasn't fixed yet, what are we?

We are the ones who help progress the changes made to the game.

2012-12-09, 12:13 PM
This forum is for fans of the game. Even moreso than the official forums, because people come to PSU as it's the premier fan site for PlanetSide and the discussion here tends to be somewhat more mature than the official forums. (Trying not to giggle while saying this because anyone who wants to call me a liar could probably link any of a hundred threads.)

People who post here are passionate about the game. And with that passion comes strong opinions, and it's human nature to look for what's wrong in something before what's right.

Basically what I'm saying is that it's normal. People are going to whine and bitch and moan but it's because they love the game, or because they were really excited about the game and are disappointed that things didn't happen the way they wanted it to.

Just tune out the threads are whining ("omg I had such high hopes for this game and it sucks wtf") and focus on the ones that are constructive criticism ("I think the game could be better if things worked this way instead of that way"). Otherwise, yeah, it gets depressing.

2012-12-09, 12:24 PM
What's to nit pick? The rendering issue is absolutely game breaking and will scare players except the planetside religious off. I, personally, believe that soe is deliberately crutching these settings to attempt to attentuate terrible game design decisions. for example, instead of putting a roof and walls around facilities so there is a transition to infantry combat, they drop around more pointless garbage so its slightly more inconvenient to camp spawns with high explosives.

And camping spawns, especially sunderers until no one spawns there any more, is the entire sum of the meta game. Everything else is cute and for roleplayers


2012-12-09, 12:31 PM
Lol, your avatar shows a unicorn humping a dolphin. What the hell...

2012-12-09, 03:42 PM
What you are seeing is fairly normal. People who are happy typically don't go to forums.

2012-12-09, 05:46 PM
What you are seeing is fairly normal. People who are happy typically don't go to forums.

Which is why we <3 Hamma, Jennyboo, MarsMan, Gryphon and all the PSU staff who've kept this mofo running for the last umpteen years (Blatent Kissass)

2012-12-09, 06:33 PM
I've got to say though, the people who point out the problems and argue about them and try to get them fixed are the people who really care. It's not like all the fighting and such is meaningless. Yes, of course, some of it is, but it is quite productive to argue about the future of the game and what needs or doesn't need to be fixed. Again, make sure you realize that those who are trying to point out and make known the problems of the game are the ones who really care about the game's future.

2012-12-09, 06:37 PM
It's a hell of a lot better than the official forums. Reading those can make you lose faith in humanity

2012-12-09, 08:03 PM
I like PS2 and it's a good game, but it's nowhere near it's potential and I hope the devs will keep developing it until it's really really awesome and not just good.

They were adamant about no AMS's, because that was old and therefore bad. We pressed our point and garnished it with reams of in-game experiences and now we have AMS's again, more or less.

Baby steps. This game was released six months too soon and we all know it. With luck and a united voice, PS2 will be the game it should be at the beginning of next summer. And it will be then, with school out and all those teenagers having lots of time to kill, that PS2 will fly.

Or die.

2012-12-09, 10:13 PM
Forums would be boring and even pointless if they will full of detailed posts about why particular aspects of th game are good and great.

2012-12-09, 10:47 PM
What you are seeing is fairly normal. People who are happy typically don't go to forums.

Absolutely agree. It's the same principal about why you see far more negative comments on most youtube videos than positive ones. People who are mad or upset want to voice their opinions. People who are happy don't usually fell the need to say "good job" or "I liked it!", even though that would greatly help a community.

That said, this is also the internet, where you can be a massive jerk behind an anonymous mask or whine incessantly about something that would normally get you shut up in real life. It kind of amplifies idiots and leaves reasonable people unchanged.

I think there are a lot of problems with this game too, but I've had a great amount of fun as well. Also, a game that actively encourages teamwork and camaraderie, even in a casual way, is ok in my book. A little optimism goes a long way you guys :)

2012-12-09, 11:00 PM
What Hamma said.

Although I feel your concern a little. Like that saying the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Fortunately SOE has a lot of tools for gathering data so I'm not concerned about a few loud and negative people influencing too much.