View Full Version : Creating a lattice system on top of the hex system.

2012-12-10, 03:12 AM
I think it would be a great idea.

Hexes control outposts.
The lattice would control bases.

This way you don't need to capture the surrounding outposts to capture a base, but if you do they are highly beneficial. This could be in the form of reduced capture time, able to spawn vehicles nearby, artillery positions, giving your troops benefits from any other bases you control.

You would not need to defend all your outposts, just your bases. You could optionally defend your outposts but you would have a primary objective to defend, the base. When that was secure then you could recapture the surrounding hexes if they were compromised. This would create battle flow and a feeling of accomplishment in defense and capture.

If each base only had a link to one other base, then attackers and defenders would know what base's were vulnerable to attack. They would not have to live in a constant state of limbo about where to defend or attack. They would not have to worry about the constant merry go round of backhacking. They would know where to go to meet the enemy head on.

They could choose to attack the next base directly bypassing the outposts all together (IF we ever get Lodestars for example this would make them viable). Or they could choose to capture a few of the surrounding hexes so that they could more effectively lay siege to a well defended position.

There will still be plenty of space to fight over. Even if each base only had one link, that means on any one continent two of your bases are always going to be vulnerable if you control more then one. Plus with the surrounding outposts people are going to be attacking and defending, you would have a sort of main fight raging and little proxy battles for the outposts.

The hexes would need to be reworked so that each base had 4 hexes surrounding it. I'm sure maps would need to be slightly altered.

Other then that I see no drawback at all.

We get the best of both worlds. The lattice system and the hex system. Yes I am the man I know.

2012-12-10, 05:09 AM
Unfortunately, my thread on PS2 beta forums (like all others) was removed, hopefully they still have the discussion somewhere for review.

This is the old map hex grid btw, but anyway.




2012-12-10, 05:14 AM
What is SOE's vision when it comes to this kind of stuff?

Have they even outlined what they want to do yet?

Besides bring back warpgate links between continents..

2012-12-10, 05:25 AM
What is SOE's vision when it comes to this kind of stuff?

Have they even outlined what they want to do yet?

Besides bring back warpgate links between continents..

Malorn is pondering on this sort of thing. Though if what he's planning can be worked into existing continents is a bit hard to tell atm.

Thing is, the current continents have not been developed around such latticed systems, but around a theory of equal map share.

2012-12-10, 05:27 AM
Malorn is pondering on this sort of thing. Though if what he's planning can be worked into existing continents is a bit hard to tell atm.

Listening to Malorn spout off idea's on Buzzcut's stream makes me cringe that he is a SOE developer.

I personally think the guy is an idiot. That's just me.

He supposedly had all these "ideas" for PS2, what were they?

Is SOE going to ask us our opinion before they start to code it in?

2012-12-10, 05:47 AM
He supposedly had all these "ideas" for PS2, what were they?

Is SOE going to ask us our opinion before they start to code it in?

You'll have to ask him if he's able to give an update on that. Can't speak for him on the matter of what his current plans are, no clue if what he's working on is to be considered NDA either. But from what I gathered he does look for more map guidance to enforce more direct clashes and territorial control.

Malorn does ask for opinions on for instance his outpost designs though.

Anyway, I don't watch Enclave streams, they're... not my type of outfit. So wouldn't know what he shared on there. He also looks for alternative capture mechanics and outpost design, though I don't think he had his eureka moment yet and is still brainstorming for alternatives. :) So there's a good chance he's tossing ideas around to get some feedback. I'd suggest PMing him if you want to know more or make sure you let him hear your thoughts on those comments of his.

2012-12-10, 05:54 AM
You'll have to ask him if he's able to give an update on that. Can't speak for him on the matter of what his current plans are, no clue if what he's working on is to be considered NDA either. But from what I gathered he does look for more map guidance to enforce more direct clashes and territorial control. He also looks for alternative capture mechanics and outpost design, though I don't think he had his eureka moment yet and is still brainstorming for alternatives. :)

Malorn does ask for opinions on for instance his outpost designs though. I'd suggest PMing him if you want to know.

Anyway, I don't watch Enclave streams, they're... not my type of outfit. So wouldn't know what he shared on there.

He flies Buzzcut around in a Liberator while he listens to him bitch about stupid things and then sits there and agrees with him like a tool.

Any respectable adult that would play in the Enclave is not someone you want coming up with game design. Every so often he will say "Hey what do you think about this idea" and then says something totally stupid. If you disagree with him, he still defends the idea not with logic and points, but just with "Well I think its a good idea".

And all the teenagers on their teamspeak are like "Totally Malorn, do it, knarly man".

And I facepalm.

I dont recommend that stream. Havent been there in a few days. Luckily there are other streams getting more popular where I can chat with people while I take my breaks from playing.