View Full Version : /who

Babyfark McGeez
2012-12-10, 05:08 AM

since PS2 doesn't like to inform its players (which would STILL well deserve its own thread) i'm asking you people; how exactly does "/who" work? Does it show ALL players (all factions)? Does it show people in /yell radius? Or in the hex region you're in?

Thanks in advance :)

2012-12-10, 05:36 AM
All I know is /who only show people in your own faction. I would guess it also only show those that are on the same continent as you.

2012-12-10, 06:03 AM
I just know how it worked in PS1.

2012-12-10, 06:11 AM
What I liked about PS1 was that you could see which allied players were on which continent (/who esa = all NC on esa, truncated to 25 matches, of course). This way you could ask players for sitreps directly while not having to migrate there immediately.

"/who Cr5 all" was one of my most frequently used /who's, next to /who (contname) to do a quick estimate and calculation of pop balance to see if there was need for reinforcements or not and if so, how many. Was also funny to do /who cr1 to cr5 to see that 50% of the pop was Cr5. :p

Way back /who TR and /who VS would show you those of the other empire on continent. Gave a bit too much info to deal with stealth ops, so was good they removed that.

Haven't really seen appropriate reason to use /who in PS2 yet. :/

Babyfark McGeez
2012-12-10, 06:13 AM
Haha, i like the general confusion when you ask questions about PS2. Kudos SOE, you managed to make completely basic things barely understandable, even for PS1 / FPS vets. Ahwell, that'd be a different topic. :p

But thanks sunrock, i take it that it's only for your own faction then.
I don't think it's server- or continent-wide though. The numbers i get are way too low for that, i'm guessing more /yell- or /region-wide, without having any sort of confirmation.

2012-12-10, 07:27 AM
/who tells you the number of people from your faction in the current region (hex, base, whatever you call it).

I typed /who in dahaka
It showed there are only 2 of us from our faction in dahaka
Enemy has an armada in the area
Fight or Flight
