View Full Version : META GAME NC underpower Metagame is Simply favor TR and VS rigth now but TR op most

2012-12-11, 02:28 AM
NC are always the factions thats get compleatly destroy in term of balance by the devs for some unrelated reason like (( NC OP myth back from PS1 jackhammer style ))

Yes NC can hold the ground blablabla we can lock continents but guest whats ? Thing arent Fair for everyones and the Metagame stuff is really imbalanced and create lots of issue

Ok lets look at the ««« META GAME »»» elements thats have been introduced lately and how all this play out ,

Techplant = ability to respawn vehicules = 100 % valuable
Biolab = selfregen = 0 % valuable
Ampstation = turrets cooldown = 0 % valuable

Actually whats the % means is how peoples care about the bonus and how it could affect the game outcomes , not been able to self regen or having a longer cooldown on turrets do not change anything to anyones concerning the overall outcome of the battles , Everyones will go all the way for the techplants because been able to controle the heavy armor tanks all over the maps and simply be sure thats almost no heavy tanks will cross the 1 km border around the warpgate is more than a HUGEEEE advantage and always decide who will lock or not the continents !

Thats said lets come to the main problems

Esamir :

Wap gate positioning : NC warpgate facing the TR warpgate , VS are aside more safely and can hold up more ground simply because their warpgate is far from the NC and TR ones , so most likely the two factions with the nearest warpgates will always be in direct and immediate conflict , its simply factual so Esamir is deeply in favor of the VS

Esamir = single tech plant as soon as one team get the tech plant if they have few forces to hold it they will simply dominate the continents for sure since a tech plant can be hold by 20 to 30 guys agains 150 atackers with ease , atackers will simply get frustrated and are going to rage quit to anothers continents this will create pops imbalance in favor of those who hold the tech plants , because most peoples dont like to be kills by heavytanks while they cant respawn those on the front line to react and push

Indar : NC warpgate is facing the VS warpgate and TR are aside more (( safe )) in the north same deal here but VS and tr ARE EXCHANGE

All 3 tech plant are at a similar distance Tr ones is still a little closer to their warpgate , but HERE IS THE PROBLEM the NC techplant tawrich is in the direct line with the VS Warpath rigth at the frontline with VS so as soon as vs want to jump into the NC regions they have the first objective been the tech plant , while the VS techplant is more (( safe )) from the NC way back into their own lines

So agains NC are the ones in the worst situation on INDAR
Amerish :

So basically Amerish is the worst of the 3 in term of balancing once more , the NC warpgate is facing another opponents VS agains this time but here is the Worst imbalanced problem in term of META GAME

Nc and Vs techplants are like 2.5 km away from their warpgates , while TR have to travel the same distance to reach the VS and NC techplants

TR as their own tech plant at 2 hex from their own warpgate so even if they loose it , its no big deal for them they just have to spawn back at 2 hex away from their and get as many armor as they want to steam rolls over their own techplants and take it back

If this is not outrageously obvious for you it is for me , on amerish with the (( metagame )) components TR as a huge advantage on 2 of the 3 continents they are aside 2 time and they have one tech plant a few metres from their own warpgate ...
If this is not outrageously obvious for you it is for me , on amerish with the (( metagame )) components TR as a huge advantage on 2 of the 3 continents they are aside 2 time and they have one tech plant a few metres from their own warpgate ...

NC in the others hand got on all 3 continents a warpgate thats face another empire , they have absolutly NO highground on any continents , on indar they got the worst techplant positioning , TR as the highground on 2 continents out of 3 , they have a techplant thats is easily defendable and at few metres away from their warpgate ...

Vs got the highground on esamir , but the same weakness as NC on amerish
Vs got a (( safe tech plant ))on Indar way back into their lines far away from NC influence , nc could posibly lock the Vs warpgate before even touching the Vs techplant

There is a huge balance problems in all this metagame

Also the techplant = heavy vehicules respawn create a new phenomena , the Techplant camping , we are kinda forced to camp it or been camp in it wich is getting old and boring really quick this remind me Operation metro conquest 64 players in BF3 really boring anoying and kill the game as a whole

this metagame DONT WORK and HAVE TO CHANGE

A systhem thats create dynamics missions where the ressources , can be put up on certain regions and can depleate and merge to others is a WAY better metagame elements where we could experience more base and play on more various spot of the maps ....

The current systhem is BAD why ? because it lead to force the figth toward the same bases , who as mostly all the same layout , also the reward for biolab and ampstation are worthless and the bonus for the techplant is way to huge , all this play out really bad and the techplant camping doorway is getting old really fast

At least for now they should give the NC one warpgate set apart on indar or amerish and they should work to change some techplant location and also change the current metagame element to create a more dynamics and game changer elements to create more variety in where you should figth to get meaningfull bonus

Here are the continents to be analysed look at the tech plant positioning and tell me this isnt ridiculously imbalanced




2012-12-11, 03:08 AM
There is no metagame :(

2012-12-11, 04:16 AM
What can I say? Yes that is true.... Hopefully we will get 3 new continents in a few weeks.

2012-12-11, 04:21 AM
NC, by far, have the worst positions on the map. I was thinking if this today when I realized TR have good advantages on two cont. over Vanu. But, NC has it much worse.

2012-12-11, 04:55 AM
I believe this was the intention. In the early days of beta NC seemed to be getting a serious amount of players, to counter this the other two factions were given a reduced cost for vehicles and eventual stronger starting positions. However after multiple weapons tweaks there was an exodus of "goodtime" nc players to the other two factions.

Can't say I'm not enjoying fighting like a demon for every inch of ground though :D

2012-12-11, 03:46 PM
I believe this was the intention. In the early days of beta NC seemed to be getting a serious amount of players, to counter this the other two factions were given a reduced cost for vehicles and eventual stronger starting positions. However after multiple weapons tweaks there was an exodus of "goodtime" nc players to the other two factions.

Can't say I'm not enjoying fighting like a demon for every inch of ground though :D

thing dont have to be (( intentional as this )) better weapons for others groups to carry more peoples over their better positioning to have more peoples

And here we are ending in a non competitive environement where a NC players are to be as twice as coordinated and have to be 1.5 to 2 X time better to do the exact same thing

this isnt inteligent this is imbalance

to have a competitive environement both team if in equal numbers as to have the exact same chance to do good , if one side have a edje weapons wise , or anything the game isnt balance anymore

2012-12-11, 03:49 PM
I believe this was the intention. In the early days of beta NC seemed to be getting a serious amount of players, to counter this the other two factions were given a reduced cost for vehicles and eventual stronger starting positions. However after multiple weapons tweaks there was an exodus of "goodtime" nc players to the other two factions.

Can't say I'm not enjoying fighting like a demon for every inch of ground though :D

They intentionally did this due to pop imbalances? That's an odd thing to do. What happens when the pop balances out? They move structures on the map?

2012-12-11, 04:15 PM
NC always UP? Unbelievable.

I wouldn't disagree, to a small extent, now but in ps1, you're havin' a laugh.

Besides, there's a balance pass coming.

2012-12-11, 04:45 PM
Have to agree on the positioning bit, not sure how much its caused a problem on Jaeger though. I always see TR take Indar, VS take Esamir and NC take Amerish

2012-12-11, 04:52 PM
Wouldn't we need a bit more metagame to really criticize it's slant towards one empire or another?

2012-12-11, 05:34 PM
Triangle peg in a square hole. We all learned in kindergarten that they just don't fit.

It's far to late to remake the maps to work better in a 3 sided battle. The devs wanted to get the max amount of space out of the hex based maps and that lead to them all being square. That alone borked balance right there in not only of where a base lays but to how much of the map one faction will have by default.

Look at Indar and Amerish. In both TR has the odd WG out in the distance. With having that WG it gives them damn near that entire half of the map by default. Base hexes are the same, but the TR outpost hexes will cover more land than those of the given to NC or VS by default even though the total number of outposts are the same. If all 3 factions are holding just their starting number of bases/outposts it will look as if TR own half of the bloody map!

A square map looks great and really maxes the play area within it. But at far to much of a cost for a 3 sided war. If the other maps coming out in the future are square as well them that's going to be more of the same. Maps need to be either round or in a tri shape of some kind for there to be a balance. If they're not then one side will always have more land than the others without having to work for it even though the number of outposts are the same.

Once more-
Triangle peg, square hole.

2012-12-11, 06:09 PM
WTF did i just attempt to read?

NC are always the factions thats get compleatly destroy in term of balance by the devs for some unrelated reason like (( NC OP myth back from PS1 jackhammer style ))


2012-12-11, 06:22 PM
TR and VS weapons at close range are op i have to say. their rate of fire far out weighs the damage on NC weapons. i have fired at TR before and they have turned round and cut me in half. thats on my Ha with a powerful weapon. it looks balanced on paper but its not. the ROF is too high on tr and vs weapon to make up for nc dmg. either nc dmg needs to be higher or tr and vs ROf needs lowering.

i have played a TR HA and i cut people to shreds at close range but at distance they suck lol. i can snipe with the NC HA weapon and have on a good few occasion shot snipers with it firing single rounds down range as fast as i can at good distances. there is still tweeking to be done and i hope they sort it soon as playing NC is frustrating atm due to weapons and players

2012-12-11, 07:15 PM
You have a really Good point about the techplants.

On Indar, if the VS push NC, we hit Tarwich and the south first. Our techplant is probably the safest, exept maybe Mao up north

Esamir is pretty much fair game for the tech plant, with NC being at a slight disadvantage due to being stuck on both sides. The VS warpgate here is off-set, so unlike Indar North, we struggle to hold Ymir Biolab and the eastern regions

Amerish sucks. I hate that map. Both the NC and the VS techplants are on the front lines, and the TR one is right next to their base. If we lose the techplant, TR has an easy tank-augmented push to our gate. Meanwhile, we have a couple shitty outposts with no towers to defend.

2012-12-11, 07:38 PM
This is funny cause it's not even true at all on every server. they do fine on Mattherson. All three empires do fine on Mattherson. Depends on when you log on and other random factors etc.

NC is not underpowered. Fail.

TR is not overpowered either.

I play Vanu, sometimes we win, sometimes we get our asses kicked. Every empire gets owned and has their time in the son.

Maybe on another server it's different but god I'm sick of these threads.

2012-12-11, 07:57 PM
WTF did i just attempt to read?

NC are always the factions thats get compleatly destroy in term of balance by the devs for some unrelated reason like (( NC OP myth back from PS1 jackhammer style ))


its easy enough to understand , The devs as over done it over the NC just to calm down the little whiners who always bring back the spectres of the OP jackhammer from Ps1 as a arguments to say Hey NC is OP blablabla

the jackhammer in Ps1 is the worst shotgun ever made

The scatter canon are the worst AI weapons of all 3 factions

most weapons on any factions are sligthly better than the NC ones and easyer to handle

the NC got the worst positioning on everymaps for the most part

NC in Ps2 are the outcast its factual and ps2 isnt ps1 remember that ;)

2012-12-11, 08:39 PM
sounds like your playing the wrong faction, I have yet to see anything that would suggest the nc are underpowered. If they roll up in a column of armor they do just as well as if the VS or TR would if they rolled them out. On mattherson, the NC still do decent despite being very un organized at time. I cant count the number of times we have been warpgated on indar by TR and NC or on amerish tonight. The NC held us off and pushed back to top them from losing their cont lock.

2012-12-12, 01:28 AM
the jackhammer in Ps1 is the worst shotgun ever made

The scatter canon are the worst AI weapons of all 3 factions

most weapons on any factions are sligthly better than the NC ones and easyer to handle

You just lost all credibility in any other argument here.

A) Have we heard anything from Devs about WG rotations? I still would like to believe sanctuaries will return and WG will rotate on the continents. I would agree with the WG placement on Indar at least when TR had that I HATED it.

B) SCAT worst AI weapon??? What are you smoking? I... um... you... um... well, it... um... WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING!?!??!!?

C) PS1 JH was obnoxious and save for the ~9 months of uber-lasher yes it certainly was the best HA of the three. Gauss was a great weapon and the peonix was probably the most annoying shit to play against in the entire game. Thunderer was BEAST, and the tanks IMO are the same balance wise as they were then, MAG>Vannie>Prowler.

D) JH in PS2 has some issues, it simply is not enough different from other shotguns in the game, but if it was it would be OP as hell. Scat again... like PS1 but hits HARDER!?!?!
SAW is yes probably the low end of Orion>CARV>SAW but by such a small margin. OH LOOK AT THE .02 second TTK advantage TR has. If you start shooting someone in the back in this game and they turn around and kill you? You failed and missed A LOT... with ANY weapon for ANY faction.

2012-12-12, 01:38 AM
I think he meant the Jackhammer from PS2. NC didn't have any problems in PS1 and the TTK was high enough they could reach close quarters and use their shotguns very effectively. The Jackhammer in PS2 need something like a big magazine.

And I don't think they'll ever rotate the WG positions, they will most likely wait to have more continents.

2012-12-12, 06:52 AM
You just lost all credibility in any other argument here.

OH LOOK AT THE .02 second TTK advantage TR has. .

I do not care about credibility by any mean everything ive said in the OP is 100 % accurate and cant be debate those are facts

Also on your quote yess a 0.2sec ttk advantage is huge on a 0.5 sec ttk game ;) just saying

i do not want to get into weapons my tread is about the TEchplant mechanics and the fake metagame mechanics thats lead to imbalance and BAD pops imbalance and boring and repetitive techplant lame battles where big outfit get the techplant when its almost undefended and then camp in it to farm kill while their own techplant are safe at few metres aways from their warpgate

this tread is about warpgate positioning and overall balance and yes i keep sayying we have the worst Ai max the Wrost maxs vs maxs and also i will say we have the hardest weapons to deal with its not a massive difference but enough to be a handicap for us + the maps imbalances because of the metagames elements such as techplant bonus

but hey badfaith peoples will remains the sames ;)

2012-12-12, 06:53 AM
I think he meant the Jackhammer from PS2. NC didn't have any problems in PS1 and the TTK was high enough they could reach close quarters and use their shotguns very effectively. The Jackhammer in PS2 need something like a big magazine.

And I don't think they'll ever rotate the WG positions, they will most likely wait to have more continents.

yes even if this is offtopic kinda ive said the devs avoid to give anything good to NC by the fear of the Ps1 vets storm unleash on them , saying thing like , you guys make the NC OP agains wich is the compleate oposite in ps2