View Full Version : carv op? solstice says otherwise.

2012-12-11, 07:23 AM
I agree that TR have great weapons and the NC could use a better heavy assault default. However the VS solstice series wipes the floor with the carv. I'm just bringing this up out of fear that the devs actually buy into the nerf the TR hype. The VS HA is on par with the carv but the solstice is arguably the best gun in the game.

That's not even all the vanu got. The lasher is so much more effective than the MCG. I've seen lashers completely hold a door down because the orbs are so big you can't see where the fire is coming from. They also render your IRNV scope useless which is a must when fighting the vanus dark colors that blend them into the walls.

The Vanu Max's Anti Tank weapons are probably best in the game, which is adding insult to injury since they also have the best tank.

If you nerf the TR weapons you have to nerf the VANUs. Best bet for balance is to just buff the NC's defaut HA. I felt in beta, when they buffed the VS and TR, they should have left the NC alone. Getting hit by the solstice, and not to mention the Flare, remind me very much of the original pre-nerf gauss saw.

Am I QQing? maybe, I had another frustrating night of getting pottshotted by magriders and insta killed by solstices from all ranges.

2012-12-11, 07:27 AM
I agree. They also need to nerf the speed at which the magrider strafes and buff the armor on the prowler OR buff the reload time.

2012-12-11, 07:34 AM
The QQ is heavy with one..... also LOL @ lasher comments. Please give me the MCG so I can rip threw tons of people getting kills instead of just getting a crap ton of assists. You know the lasher has the same damage as our pistol right?

You do know that the Orion isn't the same class as the NC default right? Kinda like how the NC get the only bolt action without requiring SC, 1,000 certs or the alpha package. The TR and VS would love to start with a bolt action by default.. I am sure you would see a lot more VS snipers if that was the case.

SOE's mistake is having different class weapons as default for different factions. Which gives the illusion that things are imbalanced until both sides have similar weapons.

2012-12-11, 07:42 AM
when did I mention the orion? Believe me, from your perspective you only get assists with the lasher, but it's a big PITA when you're on the other end of it. You literally don't know where those glowing balls of plasmic sperm are coming from. It completely blinds you at night. Better than those bugged flash grenades. I have the MCG, but it collects dust because the spin up makes it useless.

2012-12-11, 07:56 AM
The QQ is heavy with one..... also LOL @ lasher comments. Please give me the MCG so I can rip threw tons of people getting kills instead of just getting a crap ton of assists. You know the lasher has the same damage as our pistol right?

You do know that the Orion isn't the same class as the NC default right? Kinda like how the NC get the only bolt action without requiring SC, 1,000 certs or the alpha package. The TR and VS would love to start with a bolt action by default.. I am sure you would see a lot more VS snipers if that was the case.

SOE's mistake is having different class weapons as default for different factions. Which gives the illusion that things are imbalanced until both sides have similar weapons.

Er, if you compare NC's GD-22S with the Orion, some issues should become immediately apparent. Don't take my word for it though, do it yourself.

2012-12-11, 07:57 AM
when did I mention the orion?

I agree that TR have great weapons and the NC could use a better heavy assault default. The VS HA is on par with the carv but the solstice is arguably the best gun in the game.

If you nerf the TR weapons you have to nerf the VANUs. Best bet for balance is to just buff the NC's defaut HA. I felt in beta, when they buffed the VS and TR, they should have left the NC alone.

You didn't specifically, but you mentioned the NC HA default being bad.. which is the unique one out of the 3 factions. The Orion is similar to the TR default. So you are basically asking for the HA default to be changed to the Orion.. which is the VS default.

The Solistice is a LA/Eng weapon for the VS... so not sure why you are clumping that in with the HA.. maybe you didn't mean to. IF you are comparing like weapons then the T-Carv is similar to the Polaris or Orion on VS side.. not the Solistice.


2012-12-11, 08:00 AM
Er, if you compare NC's GD-22S with the Orion, some issues should become immediately apparent. Don't take my word for it though, do it yourself.

I played both in beta. Unless things changed in release then the GD-22s is just like the Orion which is why we were urged to get the GD-22s in the Devil Dogs because it was on par.

2012-12-11, 09:15 AM
You didn't specifically, but you mentioned the NC HA default being bad.. which is the unique one out of the 3 factions. The Orion is similar to the TR default. So you are basically asking for the HA default to be changed to the Orion.. which is the VS default.

The Solistice is a LA/Eng weapon for the VS... so not sure why you are clumping that in with the HA.. maybe you didn't mean to. IF you are comparing like weapons then the T-Carv is similar to the Polaris or Orion on VS side.. not the Solistice.


You read me wrong or I wasn't clear. What I want is for the NC HA weapon to be on par with the other HA weapons.

People keep saying the TR are OP because of the carv when the VANU clearly have a better weapon with the Solstice, regardless of what class. I'm talking as a whole. Even vanu players on the official forums admit it's a one tap kill weapon. Head on I lose 90% of the time in a carv-vs solstice shootout.

2012-12-11, 09:25 AM
I agree. They need to nerf the speed at which the magrider strafes and buff the armor on the prowler OR buff the reload time.

Really funny, a while ago u changed from Vanu to TR or NC because u said the Vanu Weapons suck.

Now that u are on the other end, you say Vanu ar OP.

Just LOL.

LOL @ Thread.


PS: Solstice is just a mediocre VS Weapon. As Engineer i only play with Pulsar C. I was told by some mates, the best Weapon for the Vanu Light Assault is the fast shooting Vx6-7 or something

2012-12-11, 09:31 AM
Really funny, a while ago u changed from Vanu to TR or NC because u said the Vanu Weapons suck.

Now that u are on the other end, you say Vanu ar OP.

Just LOL.

LOL @ Thread.


PS: Solstice is just a mediocre VS Weapon. As Engineer i only play with Pulsar C. I was told be some mates, the best Weapon for the Vanu Light is the Assault is the fast shooting Vx6-7 or something

Pretty much exactly how I see it. I was NC for over a month in Beta and all I heard is VS weapon this or TR weapon that.... NC weapons suck blah, blah, blah. Now I have been VS since release and as VS I hear NC and TR weapons are OP and VS weapons suck.. blah, blah, blah. Grass is always green on the other side.

I hear good things about the Serpent that was just released. It's a CQC beast from what I hear.

2012-12-11, 09:34 AM
Head on I lose 90% of the time in a carv-vs solstice shootout.


So you're losing with a lower TTK weapon with more ammo when you have more health. :rofl:
Are you actually just getting noob-tubed? Like everyone that uses the -s carbines does?

At least claim you're losing to the VX6-7, which is actually fairly powerful.

2012-12-11, 09:43 AM
However the VS solstice series wipes the floor with the carv.

The Solstice has almost the same stats as the TR Trac-5. The Trac-5 has a faster firing rate, 10 more bullets in a clip, and a bigger ammo pool.

I think you need to focus more on what your real complaint is and that is that NC HA weapons suck.

GUN STATS (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AuOojvNLMApVdEtIU1NKenEzNzZOSWNaanFqSUVxL Wc&gid=12)

2012-12-11, 09:58 AM

2012-12-11, 10:03 AM
The Solstice has almost the same stats as the TR Trac-5. The Trac-5 has a faster firing rate, 10 more bullets in a clip, and a bigger ammo pool.

I think you need to focus more on what your real complaint is and that is that NC HA weapons suck.

GUN STATS (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AuOojvNLMApVdEtIU1NKenEzNzZOSWNaanFqSUVxL Wc&gid=12)

Sweet, thanks for the updated one. The only link I had was the first one of these that popped up.

So like I was saying in my above post about the Serpent. The VX6-7 has the same damage, same ammo per clip and ammo pool, but the Serpent is 43 rpm higher and has less recoil, but suffers slightly on bullet velocity compared to the VX6-7. Making the Serpent a CQC beast.. which is pretty much what my outfit has been saying without the data to back it up.

2012-12-11, 10:07 AM

So you're losing with a lower TTK weapon with more ammo when you have more health. :rofl:
Are you actually just getting noob-tubed? Like everyone that uses the -s carbines does?

At least claim you're losing to the VX6-7, which is actually fairly powerful.

I dunno, I rarely see the VX6-7 on my kill screen. It's usually the solstice SF or EF something. Anyways if that's a weak Vanu weapon it sure says something about how good the Vanu weapons are vs the NC because it hits harder than anything they have. I usually have no problem with any specific NC weapon.

2012-12-11, 10:18 AM
I dunno, I rarely see the VX6-7 on my kill screen. It's usually the solstice SF or EF something. Anyways if that's a weak Vanu weapon it sure says something about how good the Vanu weapons are vs the NC because it hits harder than anything they have. I usually have no problem with any specific NC weapon.

Facts... they are wasted on you aren't they. Comparing same class weapons here the NC Gauss Compact S or Burst has 167 max bullet damage while firing at 600/571 rpm respectively.

Solistice SF or Burst is 143 max bullet damage while firing at 698/645 rpm respectively..

The Pulsar C for the VS is 167 max bullet damage with 571rpm which is in line with the NC Gauss Compact S which is full auto.. yet the Pulsar C has the fire rate of the Gauss Compact Burst (X3 burst) which is slower even though the Pulsar C is full auto.. not Burst.

To add to that the NC have the AC-X11 which is 200 max bullet damage with 500 rpm.. making it the hardest hitting carbine in the game.

So.... NC... they have weak guns?

2012-12-11, 10:58 AM
I dunno, I rarely see the VX6-7 on my kill screen. It's usually the solstice SF or EF something.

I think so many people use Solstice SF because it's one of few if not the only carbine you can use underbarrel grenade launcher if playing as VS.

2012-12-11, 11:13 AM
I agree that the solstice basically a tube of awesome sauce.

2012-12-11, 12:22 PM
Finally, someone else doesn't like the Solstice.

I am a TR HA user. Nerf my Carv, it needs it. But so does the Solstice.

How to nerf the Carv? Decrease the time to bloom, but also decrease recovery time. No more holding the fire button down and getting kills at any range.

How could the Solstice be changed?

2012-12-11, 12:30 PM
I have auraxium medals in the Solstice, Pulsar Compact, and VX6-7. Solstice is easily the worst of the three, and I know what I'm talking about based on the previous sentence.

2012-12-11, 12:30 PM
Finally, someone else doesn't like the Solstice.

I am a TR HA user. Nerf my Carv, it needs it. But so does the Solstice.

How to nerf the Carv? Decrease the time to bloom, but also decrease recovery time. No more holding the fire button down and getting kills at any range.

How could the Solstice be changed?

Can anyone actually tell me why the solistice of all guns needs to be nerfed? This is actually getting funny.

2012-12-11, 12:33 PM
Can anyone actually tell me why the solistice of all guns needs to be nerfed? This is actually getting funny.

I'm guessing he is dying to the grenade launcher on the solstice-SF which is not the same as the solstice? No idea the regular solstice is not that great.

2012-12-11, 12:58 PM
I was mistaken - its the Pulsar C not that Solstice that is sneaky awesome.

2012-12-11, 01:03 PM
I was mistaken - its the Pulsar C not that Solstice that is sneaky awesome.

I like the Pulsar C, but my problem and I've heard it echoed in TS before, is that the Pulsar C sounds so much slower than the Solistice.. it's noticeable. It makes it seems like your are gimping yourself.. even though you are doing more damage per hit. Wonder which is more DPS?

If my math is correct in a 1 second window assuming all bullets hit...
Pulsar C = 1,586.5 damage
Solistice = 1,661.1 damage

Solistice is actually higher DPS right? Or is my math wrong?

2012-12-11, 01:22 PM
I like the Pulsar C, but my problem and I've heard it echoed in TS before, is that the Pulsar C sounds so much slower than the Solistice.. it's noticeable. It makes it seems like your are gimping yourself.. even though you are doing more damage per hit. Wonder which is more DPS?

If my math is correct in a 1 second window assuming all bullets hit...
Pulsar C = 1,586.5 damage
Solistice = 1,661.1 damage

Solistice is actually higher DPS right? Or is my math wrong?

Solstice (143 @ 10m, 100 @ 115m, 698 rpm)
DPS max = 1.663,6
DPS min = 1.163,3

Pulsar C (167 @ 10m, 112 @ 115m, 571 rpm)
DPS max = 1.589,3
DPS min = 1.065,9

I guess we have same math.

For comparison, NC and TR default carbines.

AF-19 Mercenary (167 @ 10m, 125 @ 75m 600 rpm)
DPS max = 1670
DPS min = 1250

TRAC-5 (143 @ 10m, 112 @ 65m 750 rpm)
DPS max = 1.787,5
DPS min = 1.400

So as you can see, just by raw DPS, VS got the short end of the stick*.

*This is not accounting for recoil, bloom and bad aim.

All data from here PS weapons data sheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AuOojvNLMApVdEtIU1NKenEzNzZOSWNaanFqSUVxL Wc&gid=12)

2012-12-11, 01:23 PM
I'm guessing he is dying to the grenade launcher on the solstice-SF which is not the same as the solstice? No idea the regular solstice is not that great.

The grenade launcher is annoying, but I was talking about the regular Solstice. Half the time I'm dead before I can even click my HA shield, which happens to be a thumb mouse button, so timing would be what? Probably <= 200 ms.

I deal with it and develop strategies around it... and if this is the intent of the gun, then fine, but I agree with the OP that if they reevaluate the Carv, they should reevaluate this gun as well.

Maybe it all comes down to not liking to the fight the Vanu. Once you destroy the Magrider which managed to get itself somewhere only infantry can get to, you have to kill the driver with the Solstice after.

I'm sure it can get frustrating fighting a Carv user as well.

2012-12-11, 01:23 PM
I am not saying the solstice SF should be nerfed. My point is that why are people complaining about the Carv while there are other guns, like the solstice, that are just as good or better. The carv out of all guns, especially since it's not much different than the Vanu's HA weapon, is not prove positive that the TR is the OP faction and should be nerfed. Just buff the darn Gauss Saw and call it a day. You can show me charts all day long, but play TR and if you honest you will see how much easier the NC are compared to the VS.

2012-12-11, 01:33 PM
I am not saying the solstice SF should be nerfed. My point is that why are people complaining about the Carv while there are other guns, like the solstice, that are just as good or better. The carv out of all guns, especially since it's not much different than the Vanu's HA weapon, is not prove positive that the TR is the OP faction and should be nerfed. Just buff the darn Gauss Saw and call it a day. You can show me charts all day long, but play TR and if you honest you will see how much easier the NC are compared to the VS.

T-CARV 143 max damage at 750rpm = 1787.5 damage.... Actually the same as the Orion, but with 50 more bullets per mag. Maybe that is why people complain about the T-CARV.. besides it being powerful like the Orion.. it has twice the bullets by default.

2012-12-11, 01:37 PM
play TR and if you honest you will see how much easier the NC are compared to the VS.

I don't quite understand what you're trying to say here.

Are you saying NC weapons are easier and VS are harder to use or are you saying killing NC is easier than VS.

In the former case, I will say you're delusional, in the later, you don't want any challenge?

2012-12-11, 01:41 PM
I like the Pulsar C, but my problem and I've heard it echoed in TS before, is that the Pulsar C sounds so much slower than the Solistice.. it's noticeable. It makes it seems like your are gimping yourself.. even though you are doing more damage per hit. Wonder which is more DPS?

If my math is correct in a 1 second window assuming all bullets hit...
Pulsar C = 1,586.5 damage
Solistice = 1,661.1 damage

Solistice is actually higher DPS right? Or is my math wrong?

Here is what i love about the Pulsar C

At ~25 yards you can aim empty the entire clip into someones chest in one long burst(obviously they would actually die sooner) and mostly every bullet with land.

It might not be accurate at long ranges but at the ranges where actual killing occurs its functional accuuracy is great because its bloom is low.

2012-12-11, 02:22 PM
I am not saying the solstice SF should be nerfed. My point is that why are people complaining about the Carv while there are other guns, like the solstice, that are just as good or better.

Your point is completely muffed because you seem to think the Solstice is particularly good compared to any other gun. The only thing good about is the under-barrel grenade, something that all factions have on their "-s" carbine.

The carv out of all guns, especially since it's not much different than the Vanu's HA weapon, is not prove positive that the TR is the OP faction and should be nerfed.
It's the default weapon and has double the rounds of the Orion - It's pretty much better outright.
Even if we ignore reality and take your premise of the Solstice being too powerful as true, that just means both the CARV and Solstice are OP compared to other guns. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Just buff the darn Gauss Saw
*shrug* I agree with this.