View Full Version : Finally, the NC do something usefull.

2012-12-11, 11:02 AM
Last night on Connery we had the Crown and there was this pesky TR infestation on the road leading to Zurvan.

Then NC armor came from behind across the bridge from Palisades and they wiped each other out.

Thanks NC, good job!

2012-12-11, 12:00 PM
they must have made a mistake lol. we NC never seem to do anything useful atm :P lol

2012-12-11, 02:59 PM
We last conquered Amerish on Jaeger, unless that changed, it could've last night, at least it looked close.

2012-12-11, 03:05 PM
Loyal Terran here: A Vanguard zerg -- once assembled and pointed in the right direction; two very big ifs given their FUCK YEAH FREEDOM WOOHOO do-my-own-thing corporate culture -- has always been one of the most feared phenomenon on Auraxis. That is as it should be.

What *isn't* is that I can no longer lay a minefield to slow them down, complete with double rows of off-route Spitfires. :(