View Full Version : Still not even the most basic of colorblind options.

2012-12-12, 11:47 AM
All we NEED is a way to tell red enemies from green squad and platoon mates.

We have been asking for this since tech beta. Its ridiculous that they wont take the time to implement such a simple option as turning squad mates white. For 5-8% of the player base this would improve the game more than anything else they could do.

Im starting to resent their callous attitude.

2012-12-12, 01:30 PM
My outfit, myself included can barely tell the difference between squad colors sometimes. The problem is that the green and yellow or tan (whatever color that is) are way too close. Not to mention that the type font they use in this game is just too small most of the time or blends into the background too much (especially on indar), making names hard to read.

It may not be the tip top thing but are adding more guns to buy really worth more?

2012-12-12, 01:41 PM
Already been discussed here at length, go sign a petition on the official forums so people who already know about the issue x 100,000 and can actually do something about it will see it. Please use the forum search and continue an already active thread on these things.

It's serves no purpose to create a new thread to talk about it anymore...

2012-12-12, 02:29 PM
Already been discussed here at length, go sign a petition on the official forums so people who already know about the issue x 100,000 and can actually do something about it will see it. Please use the forum search and continue an already active thread on these things.

It's serves no purpose to create a new thread to talk about it anymore...

To that reasoning this forum serves no purpose.
Also necro is bad.

Go eat a turd.

2012-12-12, 02:32 PM
I am sure it's on the list of things to do bud. It may not be on the top priority of things but how could you expect it to take priority over other issues. Hacking, performance, balance, stability and some meta game issues are on their top priority; Possibily in that order.

I'm all about bitching at SOE when it's needed and I am not colorblind so I don't understand your frustration, but this is something I would suggest more patience with.

Except that the UI programmer probably isnt the guy doing all that stuff.

I think a good case can be made that the huge difference this would make to 5-8% of players is more important than any of the other UI changes they are puttting forward.
And secondly - from a programming standpoint this is an exceptionally easy change to make.

2012-12-12, 02:59 PM
To that reasoning this forum serves no purpose.
Also necro is bad.

Go eat a turd.

I was merely pointing out you are beating a dead whore bringing up the color blind issue AGAIN. We all know they should add a fix for it but continuing to bring it up here is futile.

And go eat your own turd..