View Full Version : News: Planetside 2 has 1.6 million players

2012-12-12, 12:49 PM
1.6 million and growing!

2012-12-12, 12:51 PM
I guess that's impressive for a PC only title:p

2012-12-12, 12:56 PM
Wait, what? We have another thread the game is dying in.... You can't be growing and dying can you? Is that possible?

Impressive numbers for sure. I wonder how many people will be playing in 6 months. That is usually the cutting off point for a lot of players that start with a game at launch.

2012-12-12, 12:58 PM
"Online frag game"? I'm insulted. ;)

2012-12-12, 01:33 PM
Where are they all? The two servers I play on are fairly empty now, unfortunately.

Lot of new players that stopped playing it seems like.

2012-12-12, 02:01 PM
I have to disagree with Smed that SOE is taking the Blizzard approach. PS2 is nowhere near as polished as SC2 was. There are still a ton of issues and bugs, yet they still released PS2, whereas SC2 was in beta for a long time to get the balance just right as well as squash all the bugs.

2012-12-12, 02:16 PM
Has had*

I bet 3/4 of those people don't play anymore.

2012-12-12, 02:17 PM
Well he did say the average is 60 minutes a session.

Which means for every hardcore player plugging 4 hours, someone is playing 5 minutes.

2012-12-12, 02:23 PM
1.6 million and growing!


2012-12-12, 02:36 PM
I expect the real number of concurrent players to settle between 650,000 and 1 million.

2012-12-12, 02:41 PM
The average concurrent players on Planetside 2 on steam is usually 22,000...That seems pretty low given the claims of 1.6 million players total.

2012-12-12, 02:43 PM
The average concurrent players on Planetside 2 on steam is usually 22,000...That seems pretty low given the claims of 1.6 million players total.

I don't use Steam.

2012-12-12, 02:48 PM
The average concurrent players on Planetside 2 on steam is usually 22,000...That seems pretty low given the claims of 1.6 million players total.

most Europeans don't use steam because of the fact that steam had the US launcher which the pro Seiben users could not use. it was crazy . Not every ps2 user likes steam. Review site redirect to the official website on their reviews which has a huge "freetoplay" download now on it .

2012-12-12, 02:50 PM
The average concurrent players on Planetside 2 on steam is usually 22,000...That seems pretty low given the claims of 1.6 million players total.

Higher at most times than any other FPS on steam.

2012-12-12, 03:01 PM
Like Phantom mentioned, Steam does not represent two of the largest demographics: Europe and other continents, and people who choose not to use steam to open launchpad. I have the Steam version, and I can still launch the game through launchpad without starting Steam, so why would I? Multiply Steam number by at least 4, and you have a far more accurate number than what is up on their stats page. That would, at this time, put PS2 second only to DOTA 2, and that is being conservative.

2012-12-12, 03:02 PM
I will say given the little to no mainstream advertising 1.6 million is nothing to sneeze at. I would expect that number to jump a bit over the next 2-3 weeks with the holidays.......and also the Mayan Gods will return on the 21st so the Vanu will see a population bump....which would continue to discust me....

2012-12-12, 03:09 PM
I hope so, the servers I play on seem pretty barren as of late.

2012-12-12, 04:36 PM
"planetside 2 super bowl ad"

2012-12-12, 05:21 PM
What? 1.6 mill? So he's saying they have about 100.000 players per server.No way

2012-12-12, 05:48 PM

Total Chars: 29822

Hmmm that looks like PS2 has ~30000 Players...

Where are the other millions ?

2012-12-12, 05:57 PM
The players on our site are only the ones that are stored here and were looked up on PSU.

So, ours is just a cross section of players who have used our service.

2012-12-12, 06:30 PM
1.6 million players that have created a character on one of the server is a more correct way to say it. Not 1.6 million paying players, or active players (players that play for at least few ours a week).

As it is a F2P game Smed can count a player that logged in and created a char played for 5 min and then never returned..... for all eternity. So listing how many players a F2P game has is irrelevant. Only thing that matters is how populated your server is.

2012-12-12, 07:08 PM
^ Good point. One person can also have as many accounts as they like since it's F2P as well. So ya, that # is a lot less most likely.

2012-12-12, 09:20 PM
I think I'm probably right about how 3/4 of them people probably wont be coming back. I mean 400k sounds about right for an MMO made by SOE, they don't have a fan base to carry them like Blizzard and they don't have the polish or the optimization that keeps people.

Every EU server is low off peak, so are the US servers and during peak most only hit Medium, only one or two get to high. What are there like 12 servers? Low to medium must be like anywhere from 200 - 4000 if SOE's 2000 people per cont is correct. They probably only ever have around 25,000-30,000 MAX concurrent users, normally concurrent users = 10% of the player base.

Steam says Max today is 18,422 and it is dropping every day, it was around 30k at launch and has been in decline since. I'm going to guess Steam has a massive chunk of Planetside 2 players.

I'd say 1.6 Registered 400k active but declining.

I'd say I'm seeing the decline, I used to be able to get into big battles all the time but now unless it is between 6pm and 11pm then there is hardly any one around. If I go onto any EU server now there is like 5 people there :\ You can go catch bases yourself. I know it is in the early hours of the morning but you should always have enough people to play. They need to actively merge servers to the population rising and falling to keep the game playable. I mean I came to play in the middle of the day yesterday and there wasn't enough people :\

I don't think SOE will ever fix the population issues because they wont want to merge. They should have had like 12 conts and one visible server instead and then they can have control over opening and shutting conts.

2012-12-12, 09:22 PM
^ Good point. One person can also have as many accounts as they like since it's F2P as well. So ya, that # is a lot less most likely.

Yeh I have 5 with Planetside 2 that I've played because of the crap chaarcter limit.

I have 10 SOE accounts that might be counted as it is F2P lol.

2012-12-12, 09:43 PM
To those of you who are saying that the pops seem really low, there's a reason for that. This week is finals week for a lot of the US, at least, so a lot of people are busy (and have been busy recently) with that. Not to mention that it's a Wednesday night right now, even prime time isn't going to be near what it is on the weekends.

Edit: Forgot it was an update day today as well. That certainly doesn't help.

2012-12-12, 09:45 PM
I do realize that a lot of gamers don't use Steam, for compatibility reasons or personal reasons. I guess an estimate of 50-60K concurrent players is reasonable and indicates a large player base. Although, keep in mind also that the 36-40K BO:2 concurrent players is the statistic for PC use, and does not include the massive console playerbase, but I would readily agree that this does make PS2 one of if not the most played FPS right now.

2012-12-13, 06:39 AM
Well I hope the numbers hang there for a while, I mean if they drop off its cool, maybe they will merge some servers and the real PS gamers can go head to head. Running around with these newbs was funny at first but Its time to get down to buisness. I want to go up against an outfit with some skills.

2012-12-13, 07:00 AM
So where are all those people at??!! Because everytime I log I see like 20 people...

2012-12-13, 07:00 AM
Planetside 2 supposedly had 500,000 players on over the last weekend. And considering the soft start and mostly word of mouth advertising this game is kicking ass. I think PS2 has lots of room to grow.

2012-12-13, 07:17 AM
To those of you who are saying that the pops seem really low, there's a reason for that. This week is finals week for a lot of the US, at least, so a lot of people are busy (and have been busy recently) with that. Not to mention that it's a Wednesday night right now, even prime time isn't going to be near what it is on the weekends.

Edit: Forgot it was an update day today as well. That certainly doesn't help.

Even double experience weekend seemed a lot lower than the previous weekend. Sony needs to figure out why players aren't staying around. I have a good newbie theory, but they need to figure it out.

Or just merge servers. The fun factor is heavily dependent on how crowded servers are, at least for me.

2012-12-13, 11:36 AM
Planetside 2 supposedly had 500,000 players on over the last weekend. And considering the soft start and mostly word of mouth advertising this game is kicking ass. I think PS2 has lots of room to grow.

It isn't growing they already need to merge servers.

2012-12-14, 10:53 PM
Number one in revenue...? Off what? People buying minguns and such at five bucks a pop? Smed is lying his ass off. He has to be.

I have a good newbie theory
Regale us, sir.

/gestures magnanimously

2012-12-15, 12:30 AM
I hope so, the servers I play on seem pretty barren as of late.

I played Friday night for a couple of hours. Prior to that, I hadn't played since November. The game is a boring zerg that plays very, very poorly now. I had acceptable performance in mid sized battles in September, but all I could find after launch was huge 5 FPS zergs or empty bases most of the time.

I'm not complaining, just pointing why I personally haven't bothered to log in and likely won't bother loggin in again. I did spend $50 on SC for PS2 though, so you're welcome. :)