View Full Version : The Decimator

2012-12-13, 02:43 AM
I am in love with it. The projectile travel speed is slower but not a snail and the damage output is just insane, two hitting libs? putting a MBT on a third of its hp from a rear hit? Yes please. What are your thoughts on it? Been killed by it? Trialled it and didn't like it? I made a quick video of some decimation, that lib kill :rofl:
PLanetside 2: Decimated - YouTube

2012-12-13, 04:07 AM
Nicely done, the animations obviously have some issues but that damage output is crazy. How's the splash on it when shooting at infantry?

2012-12-13, 04:14 AM

When they said "slow projectile speed" I was expect, you know, slow. Thing looks faster than the default NC launcher. Granted, hard to compare from a video though.

Wonder if anyone's done a comparison for them yet in terms of projectile speed/drop.

2012-12-13, 04:19 AM

When they said "slow projectile speed" I was expect, you know, slow. Thing looks faster than the default NC launcher. Granted, hard to compare from a video though.

Wonder if anyone's done a comparison for them yet in terms of projectile speed/drop.

Yeah and seems to have less gravity drop off. :o

Hitting a lib by moving a dumbfire in its path usualy required you to aim two libs above it due to the fall rate.

Looks like a straight upgrade over default then, not even a trade-off on ammo. Unless they increase the default to 8 missiles.

2012-12-13, 04:22 AM
an outfit mate of mine did a test of it compared to the S1 so we could see the damage output, they have almost the same damage and the s1 has a faster traveling speed.

2012-12-13, 04:36 AM
What is this s1?

The decimator is definitely better than the default nc launcher.

2012-12-13, 04:37 AM
What is this s1?

The default VS launcher, I think.

2012-12-13, 04:44 AM
we shot it at a friendly lightning from the side with no armor, did the almost same amount of damage as the default, with the nemesis (G2A) being the weakest and hades (AV) being the 2nd weakest.

2012-12-13, 04:51 AM
Its defualt ammo capacity is 4 i beleive, its projectile is by my estimation 10 - 20% slower its arc is a fair bit flatter then the default dumbfire for the vs. As for damage, it one hits ESFs no chance for fire suppression to save them, two hits a lib. A rear hit to a MBT will take it to 1/3rd HP as opposed to the just under half of the defualt. In my eyes it is a straight upgrade it can also take out a sundy in 5 missles. As for the splash on infantry it still needs a direct hit to instagib an infantrymen, a direct hit on a max will take it to something like 6 or 7 bars of hp, so a decimator to the face and about 10 rounds from an lmg will drop a max, all of a sudden scat maxes arnt scary anymore. I need to do some more testing.

2012-12-13, 05:38 AM
Wasn't overly impressed.
I was expecting slow velocity, direct dumpfire, high damage.

It has drop. Which is sharply increased over default AV launcher.
Also has less shots 1/3 rather than 1/4 on default.
It doesnt nothing anything new, different or exciting.

As it's still a two shot kill to the rear not worth 700SC or the Certs at this stage in the game.

In a dream, I was hoping it would be a "common pool" weapon that had two shots, cost 100 infantry resources but took up the utility slot.

2012-12-13, 05:51 AM
In a dream, I was hoping it would be a "common pool" weapon that had two shots, cost 100 infantry resources but took up the utility slot.

Sony has to make money somehow :p
It is just a preference thing however, I personally like the higher damage even if it is only marginal.:groovy:

2012-12-13, 05:53 AM
Your avatar moves in sync with the music lol XD

2012-12-13, 06:02 AM
Horrible music great weapon though.

2012-12-13, 07:35 AM
One guy tested it on the official forum, the base rocket launcher and the decimator on a Prowler. The Decimator just do a tiny more damage, not worth it imo. Unless it does more damage against aircrafts but I doubt it.

2012-12-13, 08:45 AM
My only real complaint, which you're about to find out isn't really a complaint at all but mindless bitching...it looks different!

2012-12-13, 09:12 AM
Tested it out yesterday using a magrider with no upgrades on front, sides, and rear hits vs the Hades. Damage output was nearly the same in all instances with only a slight advantage going to the decimator. Certainly not worth the 700 smed-bucks.

2012-12-13, 10:23 AM
Oh good, I can't wait for every heavy assault unit in the game to start using this to dominate vehicles.

Personally I didn't think the heavy assault needed another more powerful rocket launcher, considering their default one is annoying enough due to their infantry mobility and 'hit & hide' tactics. I've had more problems dealing with heavies than other vehicles whenever I decide to hop in a tank.

Now I can envision every single HA grabbing this and two-shotting tanks/libs all day long. Don't know if that's such a good thing or not in my opinion....

2012-12-13, 10:36 AM
Highly disappointed in its appearance.

2012-12-13, 10:41 AM
couldn't agree more Blood, it needs to be returned to it's former glory

2012-12-13, 11:26 AM
It looks shit like every other gun in this game, GIVE US THE UNDERSLUNG MCG SOE!

That said I found it to make MAX units even more useless like I thought it would. I was constantly one shotting MAX units with it.

What are the point of MAX units again? They're too slow, they're weak, you cannot heal yourself at no cost like you can any other class and HA is much stronger, press F for the shield and pull out ur AV weapon and MAX units have no chance... they can even easily die to small arms fire. The worst thing is their guns suck, the AV weapon does no damage, it takes two burster cannons to have any impact on aircraft and the AI weapon isn't accurate and the range sucks.......

2012-12-13, 11:27 AM
Oh good, I can't wait for every heavy assault unit in the game to start using this to dominate vehicles.

Personally I didn't think the heavy assault needed another more powerful rocket launcher, considering their default one is annoying enough due to their infantry mobility and 'hit & hide' tactics. I've had more problems dealing with heavies than other vehicles whenever I decide to hop in a tank.

Now I can envision every single HA grabbing this and two-shotting tanks/libs all day long. Don't know if that's such a good thing or not in my opinion....

The worst thing put into this game is directional damage to vehicles, like some on you'd have thought with the tech they have that they'd put the same strength armour all the way around the tank.

Not only that but it means you cannot retreat, as soon as you try you get one shotted up the arse.

2012-12-13, 11:30 AM
Anything from PS1, they are Deathly afraid of, or something. Even if that means making something appear more like its predecessor.

Its becoming irrational.

We told them about footholds and what they would cause.
We told them about making attacks the only thing that mattered.
We told them about proliferation of vehicles with the class system.
We told them bout mass on point and why its stupid for this kind of game.
We told them about no cont-locks, and only three conts.
We told them about a lack of an SOI system.

Now the decimator looks like something out of, well, Planetside 2. Where everything looks the same, and the MCG being under slung is apparently too much for the player-base to figure out.

2012-12-13, 11:38 AM
I'm buying that MF'er tonight.

2012-12-13, 12:11 PM
Anything from PS1, they are Deathly afraid of, or something. Even if that means making something appear more like its predecessor.

Its becoming irrational.

We told them about footholds and what they would cause.
We told them about making attacks the only thing that mattered.
We told them about proliferation of vehicles with the class system.
We told them bout mass on point and why its stupid for this kind of game.
We told them about no cont-locks, and only three conts.
We told them about a lack of an SOI system.

Now the decimator looks like something out of, well, Planetside 2. Where everything looks the same, and the MCG being under slung is apparently too much for the player-base to figure out.

You are 100% right, but you know what? They don't care, they just want a big battlefield. Let me quote Smed from this venturebeat interview (http://venturebeat.com/2012/12/12/sony-online-entertainment-chief-says-planetside-2-online-frag-game-is-a-smashing-success-interview/):

GamesBeat: What do players do when they join up? From what I hear, they have to find protection pretty quickly.

Smedley: Usually what happens is, somebody’s thrown into the game, and we deliberately put them into the fight fast. In terms of game mechanics, it’s exactly like every other FPS out there. If you play Battlefield 3 or Call of Duty, you know our controls. You know immediately who to shoot at. That, I think, is the single biggest reason we’re successful. We didn’t try to change the core gameplay. What we did is we made that core gameplay massive.

They never intended to make it like PS1... they intended to make a BF clone with massive battles, that's basically what he is saying.

2012-12-13, 12:23 PM
I regret buying this.

To anyone who has not purchased it yet, I would recommend not getting it as the damage difference to the default dumb rocket isn't that much more.

That, and it looks bland, sounds bland, etc. I miss the old ps1 whistling decimator of doom.

2012-12-13, 12:47 PM
I regret buying this.

To anyone who has not purchased it yet, I would recommend not getting it as the damage difference to the default dumb rocket isn't that much more.

That, and it looks bland, sounds bland, etc. I miss the old ps1 whistling decimator of doom.

why didnt you just trial it?

2012-12-13, 01:09 PM
I regret buying this.

To anyone who has not purchased it yet, I would recommend not getting it as the damage difference to the default dumb rocket isn't that much more.

That, and it looks bland, sounds bland, etc. I miss the old ps1 whistling decimator of doom.

Sounds change in the game frequently and to some extent weapon models. At some point it could be close to it's former self. Usefulness wise any power increase seems like a solid win unless you were expecting the BFG from Quake. That little damage tick could be the difference in killing a vehicle or MAX. The travel time doesn't appear to be that bad in the vid.

2012-12-13, 01:25 PM
I didn't trial it because I have no idea if they fixed the trial/boost bug.

2012-12-13, 01:29 PM
I didn't trial it because I have no idea if they fixed the trial/boost bug.

A long time ago, man.

2012-12-13, 01:57 PM
Expecting an actual unique looking weapon?

Don't be silly

They didn't even get the Lasher a new model

2012-12-13, 01:58 PM
The worst thing put into this game is directional damage to vehicles, like some on you'd have thought with the tech they have that they'd put the same strength armour all the way around the tank.

Not only that but it means you cannot retreat, as soon as you try you get one shotted up the arse.

Drive backwards.

A long time ago, man.

Is this the bug where trials don't work? I've constantly been unable to trial weapons. I was able to trial the LA80 once like 2 weeks ago or something. Since then no trial works for me.

2012-12-13, 02:03 PM

2012-12-13, 02:26 PM

honestly i would die laughing if i saw that in game.

2012-12-13, 02:27 PM
Hay, they said they changed the MCG because you could not shoot over cover. Someone fixed it, and its just as valid as the "FIX" in game.

2012-12-13, 02:30 PM
The worst thing put into this game is directional damage to vehicles, like some on you'd have thought with the tech they have that they'd put the same strength armour all the way around the tank.

Not only that but it means you cannot retreat, as soon as you try you get one shotted up the arse.

You retreat in reverse. It's harder, yeah. I thought no one liked easy mode around here.

As for MAXs falling to HAs, do you spend much time indoors?

Back on topic - sorry to hear it's not as powerful as we might have liked. What's the ammo capacity?

2012-12-13, 03:00 PM
What's the ammo capacity?
1/3 to start with but rocket sling effects its capacity as well.

2012-12-13, 03:47 PM
It looks shit like every other gun in this game, GIVE US THE UNDERSLUNG MCG SOE!.....

I forgot they put the "MCG" in the game, now I'm sad again. :(

2012-12-13, 05:17 PM
I forgot they put the "MCG" in the game, now I'm sad again. :(

It's okay maybe you can cert into an underslung version :rofl:

2012-12-13, 05:55 PM
It's okay maybe you can cert into an underslung version :rofl:

I would pay a million SC for an underslung MCG if it meant not having to look at the shit they put in to replace it.

2012-12-13, 06:11 PM
Horrible music great weapon though.

When you said that... there was a moment that i thought you might actually be Quan, from Regurgitator...

2012-12-13, 07:12 PM
I don't play HA much, but I did enjoy the time I spent with the Decimator last night, at least moreso than the stock rocket launchers. I'm not much for lock-ons, so I don't really care about that. I miss the original Deci and it's camera that you could detonate though. :)

2012-12-13, 09:42 PM
Would just like to post something a PS2 forum member (ZulthusVS) whipped up in a few hours for the Decimator

First try

Modern Touches

Looks pretty cool

2012-12-13, 09:46 PM
When you said that... there was a moment that i thought you might actually be Quan, from Regurgitator...

Hahahahaha A+. Slightly off topic have Regurgitator done anything of note recently?

2012-12-14, 03:24 AM

Coffee splurge!

A picture can paint a thousand words. Hilarious. I hope T-Ray sees this!

Brilliant! made my morning!

2012-12-14, 02:46 PM

Could you imagine the end of that whizzing around....
I'd just about die seeing that never mind about the bullets.

2012-12-14, 07:13 PM
So the VS get yet another awesome gun to add to their impressive arsenal. Soon we can hope that NC will get the same...........maybe.

2012-12-14, 07:27 PM
So the VS get yet another awesome gun to add to their impressive arsenal. Soon we can hope that NC will get the same...........maybe.

Don't fret, The Decimator is available to all factions :D

2012-12-14, 07:51 PM
Would just like to post something a PS2 forum member (ZulthusVS) whipped up in a few hours for the Decimator

First try

Looks pretty cool


2012-12-14, 07:54 PM
Lol, fart is ackbar.

2012-12-15, 06:58 PM
Lol, fart is ackbar.

"insert star wars reference here"