View Full Version : When they add Buggies.....

2012-12-13, 11:23 AM
What the hell will they do?

I mean, they made MBT two mans. Will buggies have the equivalent power of a MBT? Will the marauder still be a three man, as it should be?

I think they really painted themselves in a corner with MBT's being a two man gig.

They could make them solo... I suppose. :rofl:

2012-12-13, 11:29 AM
What the hell will they do?

I mean, they made MBT two mans. Will buggies have the equivalent power of a MBT? Will the marauder still be a three man, as it should be?

I think they really painted themselves in a corner with MBT's being a two man gig.

They could make them solo... I suppose. :rofl:

Like ATVs, but bigger! :O

Well they could be a Skygu... oh no.

They could have a gunner with morta... oh wait.

They could have a gunner with high expl... oh never mind.

They could float over wa... ehm...

They could have speed like the Ligh... ehr...

Yeah. Why did I want niche vehicles again when they talked about this in alpha?

2012-12-13, 11:32 AM
Perhaps prevent lockon weapons from working on them and give them some resistance to mines.

Or simply give them some unique weapons. Like a long range javelin launcher to combat sniping tanks.

2012-12-13, 11:34 AM
Well, I'd imagine that unless the devs come up with some novel uses for buggies, they'll be as popular (and useful) as the current Skyguards...

2012-12-13, 11:39 AM
I'm not even sure where we will drive them, seeing as 70% of every continent is some sort of EQ2 like hallway system in terrain form, that has the congestion of the NJ turnpike.

2012-12-13, 11:47 AM
What the hell will they do?

I mean, they made MBT two mans. Will buggies have the equivalent power of a MBT? Will the marauder still be a three man, as it should be?

I think they really painted themselves in a corner with MBT's being a two man gig.

They could make them solo... I suppose. :rofl:

2x the suspension of a flash w/ better handling, 3 seat w/ open cage(driver, turret, back seat), 1 turret on top w/ good AA/AV, speed of a sunderer, and then they could do a lot with certs.

2012-12-13, 11:55 AM
I'd say it should be faster than a Sunderer...as it'd be toting a lot less weight around. Of course, the trade off is in the amount of armor on it, as it'd basically be a jeep style transport. It should afford more small arms protection than a Flash, but any high damage vehicle mounted weapon should probably cripple it. Of course, this is where the speed and handling of the thing would give it it's own niche...capable of delivering 3-4 troopers to an objective quickly and without drawing too much attention.

2012-12-13, 11:58 AM
I just want buggies so I don't have to use that Flash deathtrap ever again, anything else is a bonus.

2012-12-13, 11:59 AM
2x the suspension of a flash w/ better handling, 3 seat w/ open cage(driver, turret, back seat), 1 turret on top w/ good AA/AV, speed of a sunderer, and then they could do a lot with certs.

I like it. I'd want them slightly faster than a Sunderer though.

2012-12-13, 12:06 PM
Just basically a Bigger Better Flash, without the perk of being vulnerable to ANY PROJECTILE that your enemies can put into the air, and being as inconspicuous as Circus on a Graveyard.

I think they should really make STEALTH an actual thing for the flash, and not just radar jamming voodoo, but actual stealth. Silence, camouflage, the whole lot.

2012-12-13, 01:22 PM
Give them good acceleration and make them freakin' mountain goats. They'll be useful for getting over terrain that you'd be crazy to try to take a Lightning through. Give them a weapon with decent range so they can try to avoid getting nuked by AV weapons.

2012-12-13, 01:38 PM
Combining ideas from the thread here. What about the buggie being a 4 seat vehicle making it bigger than a quad, but make it streamlined and give it a long duration cloak that has a relatively high cool down and radar stealth. Make it weaponless, but give it defensive abilities like maybe a AOE EMP or Concussion effect... and give it the ability to traverse mountains..and a gate diffuser. Light armor, but higher than a quad.

Turn it into more of a tactical insertion vehicle.. designed to get you to a specific objective with a small group relatively unseen. I don't know, just throwing out ideas here.. I think that would be cool. If not for a buggie then they need to make this vehicle and call it something else.

2012-12-13, 01:47 PM
Combining ideas from the thread here. What about the buggie being a 4 seat vehicle making it bigger than a quad, but make it streamlined and give it a long duration cloak that has a relatively high cool down and radar stealth. Make it weaponless, but give it defensive abilities like maybe a AOE EMP or Concussion effect... and give it the ability to traverse mountains..and a gate diffuser. Light armor, but higher than a quad.

Turn it into more of a tactical insertion vehicle.. designed to get you to a specific objective with a small group relatively unseen. I don't know, just throwing out ideas here.. I think that would be cool. If not for a buggie then they need to make this vehicle and call it something else.

Not really fond of the combination. My thoughts are just something like this guy
or perhaps this guy

2012-12-13, 01:49 PM
The advantage of the cert/slot system is they could logically do many options, they'd just have to have the options there for people to customise their buggies the way they want.

2012-12-13, 01:51 PM
I was also curious as to what role they would actually fill. In PS1 they had a driver and a gunner, but so did main battle tanks. So if they make it a 1 man vehicle what separates it from the others? Fast attack belongs to Lightning, anti air belongs to lightning. More survivability and hitting power belongs to the MBTs.

SO what if they require 2 people to run it? Then no matter what it creates a balance issue because the other more powerful vehicles require only 1 person, and you just can't turn buggies into the most powerful vehicle on the field....

2012-12-13, 02:01 PM
I was also curious as to what role they would actually fill. In PS1 they had a driver and a gunner, but so did main battle tanks. So if they make it a 1 man vehicle what separates it from the others? Fast attack belongs to Lightning, anti air belongs to lightning. More survivability and hitting power belongs to the MBTs.

SO what if they require 2 people to run it? Then no matter what it creates a balance issue because the other more powerful vehicles require only 1 person, and you just can't turn buggies into the most powerful vehicle on the field....

I see buggies as a way for my outfit and I to get around quickly, and traversing rough terrain easier. They could give you some measure of fire support, not be overly expensive in terms of resources, and allow H&R/Guerrilla stuff to work very well.

2012-12-13, 02:05 PM
I ( and two buddies ) killed god dam BFR's with a marauder.

They are not going to do them justice. Herp a derp yet another transport is not the solution.

2012-12-13, 02:07 PM
Buggies should be like modern MRAPs/DPVs we have today, only Planetside-ed.

2012-12-13, 02:14 PM
MRAPs is not a buggy, its a Sunderer.

2012-12-13, 02:14 PM
My opinions:

Superior at range, with weaponry that has no damage falloff and little to no drop (railguns, finned bolter cannons [real rockets], recoil-less chaingun) with no recoil on sights. Very fast projectile speeds.
Superior optics, things like picture-in-picture zoom or longer range thermal scans. Perhaps even magscan optics, all with a relatively low cert cost. This also allows for the vehicle to be a better scout.
A dead-set improved target LOD when a user is in the vehicle.
Armor options similar to a tank, featuring rear-front-sides (but not top) armor plate certifications. The driver gets to use their primary infantry weapon put on a fixed tripod.
Vehicle immune to small-arms fire.
I'm going to say same or similar HP/cost to Lightning.
Two-man vehicle, possibly with 3rd passenger.

Long-range combat,
Inconspicuous target due to being smaller,
separate driver-gunner target profiles.

2012-12-13, 02:15 PM
A buggy, effective at range?

Wut? 2-man, wut?

2012-12-13, 02:19 PM
Eh, with certs you can easily change the effective range of the vehicle by swapping out the gun.

2012-12-13, 02:25 PM
Sorry to be snippy, but the marauder is my favorite vehicle of all time, and I know they are going to fuck it up.

I was one of the people who wrote an entire tips and tricks + Epic encounter story and was interviewed by SOE staff for the Player spotlight article on the Marauder.

Its gone now :(

2012-12-13, 02:44 PM
I liked the Marauder too, and the Enforcer. They were both really great, and I too expect them to be fucked up.
But I can't imagine how they couldn't fuck it up.

2012-12-13, 02:51 PM
Would rather have an Enforcer than a bloody wimpy Harrasser.

2012-12-13, 02:55 PM
MRAPs is not a buggy, its a Sunderer.

True...sorta. Maybe something more akin to a M/ATV or RG31, instead of the Caiman or RG33 (which are sorta Sunder-ish). I was more thinking like a HMMWV or something similar...with really only enough armor to reduce the effects of small arms. The more armor you stick on something, the heavier it gets...the slower it moves.

My opinions:

Superior at range, with weaponry that has no damage falloff and little to no drop (railguns, finned bolter cannons [real rockets], recoil-less chaingun) with no recoil on sights. Very fast projectile speeds.
Superior optics, things like picture-in-picture zoom or longer range thermal scans. Perhaps even magscan optics, all with a relatively low cert cost. This also allows for the vehicle to be a better scout.
A dead-set improved target LOD when a user is in the vehicle.
Armor options similar to a tank, featuring rear-front-sides (but not top) armor plate certifications. The driver gets to use their primary infantry weapon put on a fixed tripod.
Vehicle immune to small-arms fire.
I'm going to say same or similar HP/cost to Lightning.
Two-man vehicle, possibly with 3rd passenger.

Long-range combat,
Inconspicuous target due to being smaller,
separate driver-gunner target profiles.

I think that, like any vehicle platform, the options to configure for a specialized role should exist. I'm not sure I follow you on the long distance/zero damage drop weapons platform though.

Eh, with certs you can easily change the effective range of the vehicle by swapping out the gun.

'Zactly! Even trade in speed for a little more armor, or vise versa...etc.

2012-12-13, 03:03 PM
Sad thing is, solo MBTs are in my opinion the only true reason why they didn't wrap buggies into the release version.

Also, guided missile launchers and stuff...

I doubt they will implement buggies, if anything, you should expect a mix of buggies and deliverers, something like a HMMWV in modern combat BF series: 3-5 people, I will not even be surprised if they will have the driver=gunner thing. VS will hover and strafe, TR will have 2 guns instead of one. All seems logical.

2012-12-13, 03:19 PM
I'm not sure I follow you on the long distance/zero damage drop weapons platform though.

There's not one in the game yet. It will do less damage than an MBT and be worse than an MBT at what an MBT does, but it makes sense to me for a lightly-armored, fast-moving vehicle have two possible specialties: Really good really close, or really good really far. Being fast allows the vehicle to get into vulnerable positions, take its shots, and move in case of danger.
And it makes for less whining when fighting it I think. It won't be too heavily armored so taking it out by aircraft or by a team of 3 coordinated MBTs shelling it at once should take it out, but it won't have to waste shells zeroing in on the range because it will have superior optics and less drop. Easier to use at range.

And for close range, well, we know how that can go. I'm not opposed to them being the drive-by vehicle, but the maps in PS2 are so corridor-like, I don't think that would work at all. That's the main reason why I suppose it be best at range, because up close, it will just get torn apart or be absurdly armored for a non-tank. If somehow it is technically viable, the absurd amount that the gunner's weapon will be bouncing up and down will make actually hitting anything a bitch on anything but level ground, and we know how rare that is in PS2. Less user frustration; easier to sell.

2012-12-14, 07:08 AM
I'd make it a lot like a Railgun Warthog from Halo crossed with a Marauder from PS1. Three man vehicle, 10 minute base timer, 150 resources. Main gunner in back with an AV gun like that ridiculous Saron HRB on the Mag... and a 50-cal for the passenger. They could even toy around with a Rocket Pod launcher on the back OR a Tow-Missile launcher (instead of that horribly lame F&F AA we have now). Why, yes I did just ask for a Striker turret mounted on a truck.

2012-12-14, 07:11 AM
Just please have the driver position gun less. If the buggy comes with a 100 mm canon slung on the top, controlled by the driver, I'll puke.

2012-12-14, 10:02 AM
would be awesome if you could fire Decimators from the back and pass seats....would be awesome circle strafing MBTs....no other weapons needed...

2012-12-14, 10:31 AM
What's the point of this thread? Buggies are fast and fragile. They can have powerful weaponry as well. They can also have a variety of gear, including reconnaissance. I would hope some would be 1, 2 even 3 man. You may even see light troops transports. 5 man, fast, lightly armored.

2012-12-14, 10:55 AM
I'd be happy with a truly effective skyguard buggy. One where the driver could actually dodge aircraft and boulders at the same time, while the gunner was able to keep the gun on target. How bout a 3 seaters with two independent skyguard guns and a dedicated driver (no gun). Make the thing a beast against air, but requiring 3 guys to run (same as liberator is a beast against ground targets).

Trying to move, track an aircraft, and not hit a mountainside or rock (both equally effective in stopping the current lightning from hitting an ESF) is downright annoying.

There are massive advantages to driver/gunner vehicles in terms of maneuverability and gunner accuracy vs solo-vehicles.

I loved the PS1 buggies.... Mostly ran with the Thresher and Skyguard.... wouldn't touch the lightning ever. Thing was a deathtrap. Felt like you could either drive/dodge at 100% or gun at 100%... but if you tried both you were doing 25%/25%.

2012-12-14, 11:56 AM
Well I would have to say the two man buggy with a small mini gun on top, more expensive in resources than the quad, but cheaper then the sundy. It can be just used for quick in and out assaults, and just an enemy supressor. I mean I guess some armor up grades and weapon options, as well as speed and handling, but nothing to crazy.

2012-12-14, 12:17 PM
I hope they work out better vehicle XP share before they implement buggies. If not they need to give the driver a viable gun...

I'd prefer the driver just drive, but with the current vehicle XP cost/gain mechanics it makes decking out a vehicle to the tune of thousands of certs troublesome.

Most importantly I'd also like the buggies to not have location based damage except possibly top/bottom. For them to zip around the battlefield they need to not worry about rear shots. Should be easy then to have them replicate this:

PlanetSide Thresher - YouTube

They should also be faster than any other current ground vehicle even one upgraded with Racer 3.

2012-12-14, 12:23 PM

2012-12-14, 12:40 PM
Bugger buggies! We need at least one more cont first!

2012-12-14, 03:40 PM
I hope we get a continent that benefits the role of the buggy, hopefully that it is a Fast Attack Vehicle as well.

2012-12-14, 04:15 PM
I just want buggies so I don't have to use that Flash deathtrap ever again, anything else is a bonus.

Yeah; t'would be nice if I could fly off big drops and not explode. Maybe that could be it's distinct advantage?

2012-12-15, 06:49 PM
Saws on all sides so the buggy driver can play Tag on steroids and without using magriders.

The Messenger
2012-12-15, 07:37 PM
Four person buggy with one customizable turret. Driver just focuses on driving and not getting stuck on the atrocious terrain. The other two people can use their own weapons and equipment.

Now give me racer chassis, nitro, or stealth so I can drive passed tanks while the two in the back throw c4/mines and blast rockets all over the place. Let the lulz begin.

Or an AMS buggie and watch for the absolutely absurd places people try to put that thing. Ramp to the top floor of the crown? Someone will try.

2012-12-15, 10:36 PM
The Thresher was the only vehicle that I drove in PS1 and I was a fantastic driver. I'm saving certs for my new Thresher, please don't change them too much. I'd like to have at least one thing make it over like I remembered. It'd be fine by me if they were exactly the same as their PS1 counterparts at the start, and then options opened up in the cert department.

2012-12-15, 11:18 PM
I'd like to see buggies use a new vehicle physics capability that might be shared with flashes. Make it's role be that it drives unlike other vehicles that have a more defined role.

Do up real physics customization options, make the buggy's role the vehicle that can accept a way higher degree of customization and specialization.

Slides, 360 rotation, open/closed cockpit, cloak, resupply (but not rearm?), low duration vertical thrusters, deploy to turret, the list goes on.

The Messenger
2012-12-15, 11:25 PM
Be able to drive uphill.

2012-12-16, 03:14 AM
I think noone needs buggys at this point. They should have had buggys instead of quads from the start to encourage teamplay, but now I can't really think of any way I would use a buggy rather than a sundy or an ATV. Yeah, it looks nice but it will probably not really have a use.

BUT: They could introduce continents where the buggys are used instead of the quads, that would work. Just like they plan to put snowmobiles on esamir... someday.... if that was not another loudmouth action from Smed.

2012-12-16, 03:33 AM
I hope they will work on the vehicle's stability first. The gunner should be able to aim while the buggy is moving over the mostly rough terrain of this game.

2012-12-16, 12:52 PM
I want three or four man buggies wi one driver, one gunner on a machine gun turret (requiring a cert, maybe? Or bought like a vehicle weapon?), and with a couple of passengers who can fire their weapons from their seats.