View Full Version : I uh..just...uggg....

2012-12-13, 02:39 PM

We warned them...in beta.

2012-12-13, 02:42 PM
Correction. Alpha.

2012-12-13, 02:42 PM
My bad.

2012-12-13, 02:43 PM
I do recall seeing posts like this but really, with this setup how could this NOT happen? Personally though I think this is a temporary thing and will be fixed once more gameplay elements are added.

2012-12-13, 02:44 PM
Looks like Vanu are not going to Amerish like they're supposed to.

2012-12-13, 02:48 PM
lol. I hope cross continental warfare comes soon.

2012-12-13, 02:53 PM
It was just silly to launch with 3 conts. 4 conts may work.. WTF even 2 conts would be better...

2012-12-13, 03:40 PM
just gives me more reason to work on my ICBM cert

2012-12-13, 04:07 PM
Surprised that NC took esamir. Map benefits VS the most, with the huge ass valley road thing that is rather annoying to advance across.

2012-12-13, 04:27 PM
...Crown... fucking HATE THE CROWN!!!

2012-12-13, 05:05 PM
Oh, but it's okay because we don't need sancs or rotating warp gates or anything, because that only adds a loading screen, amirite? And anyway if you don't enjoy being the outzerged holdout on somebody else's continent, you can just go to the main menu and join the winners. See? Fixed.

Also, we need generators outside where they can be attacked more easily and more launch pads that lead straight to them. That leads to more dynamic gameplay. 'Base defense' is just a code word for 'farming', after all.

For the first time I am utterly horrified by the direction this game is taking. They are fine-tuning it to the needs of the instant-gratification CoD-kiddie crowd, and they will get bored and leave in four to six months. Then comes server merges. Then comes collapse.

Adding more continents merely means more empty bases to harvest for free path-of-least-resistance XP, preferably at the highest rate of speed possible. The few defenders will continue to be cut down. Those of us that don't enjoy the ghost-zerging grind on the one hand or futile defense on the other will join the exodus.

I actually reinstalled BF2142 last night. I could find fights there. There were chokepoints to defend. It was... fun. Or more fun than this last weekend was.

PS2 may not even *make* it to next summer.

/head in hands

2012-12-13, 05:40 PM
Looks like Vanu are not going to Amerish like they're supposed to.
The newly indefensible tech plant is two mountain ranges away and takes 15 minutes to get to by ground, and is closer and easier to get to from the TR warp gate. All of it is inhospitable to tanking. What you are seeing is what is good for vs, lib/scythe around the biolab.

2012-12-13, 05:51 PM
You don't need Sancs, you just need more conts and cont locking and a goal. That way also you could only have one server per region and open and close conts as the popular rises and falls.

Also what ever happened to the mission systems and the meta game that was meant to be in the game? None of that ended up happening lol. The game is so rushed out though that some weapons got their non place holder sounds last patch......

I have no idea why SOE launched this year, we all warned them. Also releasing so late, being ignored because COD took up all of the marketing space and people not being bored cause they have a brand new COD to play, means no end of year buss for GOTY :\ Funny because they're not on many sites as they did launch during a busy time so close to the end, also they will have no buzz next year either because they wont be counted in it.

6 more months of development and a Summer release woulda been fine.

2012-12-13, 06:00 PM
The newly indefensible tech plant is two mountain ranges away and takes 15 minutes to get to by ground, and is closer and easier to get to from the TR warp gate. All of it is inhospitable to tanking. What you are seeing is what is good for vs, lib/scythe around the biolab.

Agreed. What I meant, however, was that there is an even enough pop of TR and NC at Amerish, and VS have not joined the fight. Correct me if I'm wrong, but OP seems to imply that empires are zerging one cont at a time uncontested, while the pop bars at Amerish say otherwise.

2012-12-13, 06:33 PM
Agreed. What I meant, however, was that there is an even enough pop of TR and NC at Amerish, and VS have not joined the fight. Correct me if I'm wrong, but OP seems to imply that empires are zerging one cont at a time uncontested, while the pop bars at Amerish say otherwise.

Most likely started with one faction taking a map and the other 2 bailing out for another out of not wanting to be farmed. Basic snowball effect that happens when ever one faction gets an upper hand for a single map. Outfits are the ones to blame for this if they group up to make an army.

It can start with as little as a 5% pop advantage and grow to what the pics show in a matter of 1-3 hours. Most pup players want an easy to fair fight. So they'll stay if there are even numbers and farming possibilities or bail for better odds to moment they see a pop advantage either in their favor or against.

Adding more maps and the ability to lock them will help with this "problem". Till then you have to get a group to man up and make a push in a low pop map. Once a good push is seen other grouped players will see it as a good fight and join, then the herd will follow over time and hopefully form a zerg.

2012-12-13, 06:44 PM
The nc are farming an amp station on the way out.

2012-12-13, 07:11 PM
Hoping for a 4th continent soon enough, I thought 3 conts for 3 empires was a pretty meh release model as well. Surprise.

2012-12-13, 07:39 PM
I almost think it doesn't matter anymore. Now that they let you switch faction at any time any credibility to the metagame has pretty much gone out the window. How can you even say anymore that your faction won a continent? When half the people might have been 4th empire players just jumping on the bandwagon the moment you started getting an upper hand? I think population balance is forever skewed now even with more continents.

2012-12-13, 07:44 PM
Correction. Alpha.


The number of things in this game the PS1 vets, especially a few of the more eloquent and thoughtful ones were able to say right away from the PLANS of what would and would not be in this game is staggering.

What i'm disappointed about is that the people like Figgy here and Espion and some others that were LONG time PS1 players who were very constructive with suggestions on balance in PS1 were able to look at what was planned for PS2. BEFORE even the tech test and say "this, this, this needs to change' Then sure enough the devs in beta eventually understood... yet only changed SOME of the items.

Granted the biggest downfall in a lot of games (because all games are criticized for "not listening to the community) is that they DO listen but simply to the wrong people. Look at the general community in any game and this one is no different. They're retards. BUT we have a few and I don't understand why they aren't listened to and trusted.

Had HiRez simply listened to and done everything Espion had suggested for that game Global Agenda would be a great game and super popular. They didn't listen to him, but they DID listen to the wrong people and killed the game.

PS2 had people from the start, with experience and with balance in mind giving them suggestions and REASONS that things wouldn't work but they needed to push on and find out for themselves what is broken.

Poor base design in general.
Specifically horrid spawn points relative to vehicle areas and capture points and generators.
Drop pods INSIDE the base's
XP for all the wrong things like ghosting bases, and what should be tactical moves like killing gens and terminals.
No XP for defending.
Tug-O-War capture mechanic that WE knew would not encourage a back and forth battle but really takes away the ability of a small organized squad to re-secure.
AMS spawn points ALL over the map.
Everyone has access to EVERYTHING ALL the time EVERYWHERE.
Driver IS the main gunner.
No or crappy shared vehicle XP and CRAP gal pilot XP.
Maps NOT actually that big with no space for open field battles and areas for air to dogfight in strategic locations between bases.
Continent Foot holds rather than the sanctuary and true Warp Gates.


2012-12-14, 02:29 AM
I hate to join into the hate-fest but I have to agree. It especially sucks as VS becaue I really don't care for Esamir. But most of the time my options are go there and maybe find a decent fight or just get rickrolled on Indar/Amerish.

2012-12-14, 06:40 AM
ANOTHER shit thing that is now even worse, used to only be an AMP station but is a bit worse on techplants since the change. The almost completely unrewarding yet ongoing generator defense.

Someone has to do it, but it is a crap job.

A lone infil or LA, occasionally a small team... usually that only happens after you finally kill the one infiltrator running around re-dropping gens after your faction is pushing OUT after a cap. Its a shitty job, its boring but it is needed, AND it never stops and is just too damn easy for one guy on the other side to hit the gens over and over and over again.

I know the role of the gens in PS1 and PS2 are different but at the same time the ability for one guy without any real effort to hit them over and over... OH AND it gives experience so there are actually people that go to the uncontested parts of a continent and just drop all the gens and kill all the terms. I've run into it a couple times the most recent I went to an out of the way amp station to figure out how to park a sundy. Every gen down, every term down at that amp station and at all of the surrounding check points. I didn't check further than that... but... WTH? Blame a player for being a bored dumb ass.... but why in anyway shape of form should that kinda thing give ANY reward at all... ANYTHING?
Common complaint in PS1 was that gens needed MORE coordination to take out and that one guy shouldn't be able to. C'mon how did the devs see that complaint and then just say to themselves ... well PS2 gens will be different we should make it so you don't need to shoot them or blow them up just anyone can hit 'E' for a few seconds and it'll go down.

The amount of time I want to play this game is dwindling so fast right now. I tried 3 severs just now and three different flavors of shit.

I SOOOOO want to enjoy this game but there is just so little rewarding. If I can't log on when my friends and outfits are on, which I can't because of crap work schedule there is no fun to be had. I had some friends who were night owls and were playing prime time and into the wee hours when I can get on right now... well a couple are AFK no idea where they went, one went back to single player games at that time and another back to DayZ. These are paying players... alpha squad, 6 month sub players who are simply losing interest with all of the issues we've been bringing up over and over about the metagame and lack of fight or meaningless base caps or lack of ability let alone benefit to even attempt to defend bases (except the crown). Just steam roll around the map till the other team gives up, or get steam rolled and give up.

Sad part for me? The amount of money I put in the game and the fact that what needs to change to make the game fun to play is SOOOO major there is no way it is going to happen anytime soon.

2012-12-14, 06:53 AM
In PlanetSide 2 battles can last for days or even weeks, and finally taking control of the base means it's yours until someone can take it back. Working strategically as a team to capture key tactical positions such as power plants and ammo depots have long-lasting effects that can shift the tide of battle. Victory requires strategic teamwork and a quick trigger finger to survive the massive battles. (http://www.planetside2.com/overview)

What happened to this ^^^ Still on the PS2 page in the game overview.

They either need to fix the game to match this or fix the page to reflect the crap they've turned it into.

2012-12-14, 06:56 AM
I have to join in here to, but for one thing in particular, the no xp for defending. I mean sometimes we let the hack go all the way threw before we take it back. But I dont know, im a long time PS1 vet and I think the game is going great. Its fun (minus some of the bugs I run into), looks great, plays great, me and the guys are learning new ways to take a base and new tactics. I think this game is a overall success Im just not feeling alot of the issues, that people are experiencing. I know that Devs have plans for the future, and hopefully this will keep the game running and entertaining. I think the only thing that keeps players coming in is the free to play concept. I mean if you dont like whats going on in PS2 you can quite, wait a couple of months install it again and see whats new, and it wont cost you a dime. The fact that it started with three continents tells me that this game still has room to grow, I just hope its in the right direction.

@Wahoo I have to say I feel your pain man, but I dont like the hex system it sucks ass, I like the link system, it was alot better. Didnt have to leave one base and back track because of a small hex section touching the section behind you allowing the enemy to just go around.

2012-12-14, 08:19 AM
Lockable continents are coming guys.

2012-12-14, 08:39 AM
...Crown... fucking HATE THE CROWN!!!

How so? I find it pretty darn fun lol... it's a cert making machine!!!!! >:O

2012-12-14, 08:54 AM
I gave up trying to enjoy the strategic aspect of this game on launch.
I only play it to unlock stuff at this point, I don't care at all how the map is coloured, I only go to where I can find people to shoot at.

I've done some outfit ops but they really slowdown my character progression. You know, capping bases nobody cares about and earning 1 cert every 10 minutes. Time is spent just waiting for the bases to flip. And none of the capping matters cause nobody is there to defend, because its boring and because there's barely any action compared to crown. So everything flips back in 30 minutes.

Also the low population makes it even harder to find people to shoot at any other time but peak hours, and even then my server (woodman) never goes above medium-pop. Crown is the pretty much the only place where u can enjoy interesting battles.

Then people started this stacking thingy where they just skip continent the moment they are doing poorly...which means EVEN LESS PEOPLE TO SHOOT AT.

I miss the strategy of PS1 so bad, this game lacks focus badly. It allows people too much freedom to choose where to go to, so It ends up as just a big sandbox of team deathmatch and hide&seek. :cry:

2012-12-14, 10:58 AM

The number of things in this game the PS1 vets, especially a few of the more eloquent and thoughtful ones were able to say right away from the PLANS of what would and would not be in this game is staggering.

What i'm disappointed about is that the people like Figgy here and Espion and some others that were LONG time PS1 players who were very constructive with suggestions on balance in PS1 were able to look at what was planned for PS2. BEFORE even the tech test and say "this, this, this needs to change' Then sure enough the devs in beta eventually understood... yet only changed SOME of the items.

Who me? Right on the money on everything I said pre-beta? Why I never... Oh wait, yes, I was actually... >.>

And no that's not bragging... it was there to see for all who wanted to see it and I was far from the only one to see it, I just made long posts about them and repeatedly. Unfortunately, it was pink goggles year till Beta for many.

2012-12-14, 11:19 AM
How so? I find it pretty darn fun lol... it's a cert making machine!!!!! >:O

2012-12-14, 11:25 AM
I almost think it doesn't matter anymore. Now that they let you switch faction at any time any credibility to the metagame has pretty much gone out the window. How can you even say anymore that your faction won a continent? When half the people might have been 4th empire players just jumping on the bandwagon the moment you started getting an upper hand? I think population balance is forever skewed now even with more continents.

When did that happen? I understood that you can have characters in different factions but only on seperate servers. Did this change?

I am somewhat disappointed at present with the way the game design gives barely two fucks about having to defend territory. I do get on every night and have a blast with my boys and I have high hopes that the game will morph a bit (a lot) in the upcoming months to address the metagame (or lack thereof). The game at present is good but even the most ardent fanboi would admit there is little to no strategic aspect of the game. Which makes me sad.


2012-12-14, 11:35 AM
all they need to do is make bases worth defending. I would love to actually be able to defend a base for hours and have fun doing that.

2012-12-14, 11:36 AM
I gave up trying to enjoy the strategic aspect of this game on launch.
I only play it to unlock stuff at this point, I don't care at all how the map is coloured, I only go to where I can find people to shoot at.

I've done some outfit ops but they really slowdown my character progression. You know, capping bases nobody cares about and earning 1 cert every 10 minutes. Time is spent just waiting for the bases to flip. And none of the capping matters cause nobody is there to defend, because its boring and because there's barely any action compared to crown. So everything flips back in 30 minutes.

Also the low population makes it even harder to find people to shoot at any other time but peak hours, and even then my server (woodman) never goes above medium-pop. Crown is the pretty much the only place where u can enjoy interesting battles.

Then people started this stacking thingy where they just skip continent the moment they are doing poorly...which means EVEN LESS PEOPLE TO SHOOT AT.

I miss the strategy of PS1 so bad, this game lacks focus badly. It allows people too much freedom to choose where to go to, so It ends up as just a big sandbox of team deathmatch and hide&seek. :cry:

Yea certs do come faster when you go to the hot spots, I mean I find myself going to the crown, or looking at the map for a good 3 way fight. But let me add this if you consentrate in one spot and loose alot of ground you will notice that your resources start to dwindle and you wont have access to vehicles. I think the devs were hoping that players would see the value of bases to keep the resources coming in, but this has kind of backfired. Because when you defending a base, you dont need them as much, but you do gain cert points just faster, hence the crown. I can sit up there for like 2 hrs with a xp booster and rain hell on the enemy. Now alot of players continent jump for resource reason. I mean if your on a continent and you find your resources running low, you can jump to a continent that has more bases and replenish your resources faster. I mean sometimes I have to jump to a new continent because of lack of resources. I mean I like fighting at the Impact sight and Tawrich tech plant as well as the crown. these fights are mostly 3 way and alot of certs points. My outfit does a free for all night were we forgo ops and just run around looking for good fights. We dont consentrate on taking bases as much, just looking for a big fight, and nights like these I gain alot of certs, but at the same time we do have to watch the number of bases we have for resource reasons and tech plants as well. I mean maybe in the future things will change and devs will look add somthing to motivate players want to take a base, or to defend it.

2012-12-14, 02:38 PM
In PlanetSide 2 battles can last for days or even weeks, and finally taking control of the base means it's yours until someone can take it back. Working strategically as a team to capture key tactical positions such as power plants and ammo depots have long-lasting effects that can shift the tide of battle. Victory requires strategic teamwork and a quick trigger finger to survive the massive battles. (http://www.planetside2.com/overview)

What happened to this ^^^ Still on the PS2 page in the game overview.

They either need to fix the game to match this or fix the page to reflect the crap they've turned it into.

That game you talk of sounds like Planetside 1

2012-12-14, 02:52 PM
[QUOTE=Wahooo;866542]In PlanetSide 2 battles can last for days or even weeks, and finally taking control of the base means it's yours until someone can take it back. Working strategically as a team to capture key tactical positions such as power plants and ammo depots have long-lasting effects that can shift the tide of battle. Victory requires strategic teamwork and a quick trigger finger to survive the massive battles. (http://www.planetside2.com/overview)




/slumps dejectedly

2012-12-14, 03:10 PM
Yeah I'd like to see 2 or 1 continent; force people to fight it out. Adding more would be OK but as someone said before; will just thin out the population and leave more open bases for easy XP. I'd rather see populations concentrated and force player interaction.

Really though it's not like this scenario happens all day and all night. Ya if you log in off-peak hours it looks like that. When I log in during prime-time though there's a lot of action going on and people are really fighting over continents. There might be one continent dominated but the other two are heavily contested.