View Full Version : Can you buy SC in US$ even if in UK somehow?

2012-12-15, 02:06 PM
The exchange conversion for SC is a rip-off.

Even if you live in the UK and your account has United States on it, can you buy SC in US$ rather than £ Sterling?

2012-12-15, 03:01 PM
I think the best you can do is have someone in the US buy them and give you the codes.

2012-12-15, 03:47 PM
Not sure how it is in Planetside 2, but on Steam Europeans appear to pay more for things. The reason is that European countries charge distributors a VAT penalty for sales. By paying the US price, which does not charge VAT tax, you would in essence be buying everything at a discount.

What I don't agree with is how companies, Valve especially, go about doing this. In some European countries, and because it seems easier to just charge a flat rate for everybody, that rate often exceeds the VAT tax and the distributor makes additional profit. Instead, distributors should be charging the proper exchange rate, which is updated regularly, and include VAT separately so Europeans can see exactly what they're paying for, instead of assuming that they're being ripped off.

2012-12-15, 06:14 PM
If you are a SOE client (and not Pro7 customer), you should be able to have your account set up for the USD currency. Get in touch with SOE customer support.

edit: FYI, you will still pay VAT and exchange rates may fluctuate.

2012-12-15, 07:05 PM
Seems to depend how I go about it. In-game it reverts to £, but outside it seemed to stick on $ I think, but I wasn't sure if it would stay that way when I finished acquiring the SC. It's not very clear.

2012-12-15, 07:35 PM
Ive been trying the same thing, getting feed up of paying more in the UK.
Each time I try with dollars for the sc, it automatically change back to pounds.

Im up for buying cards from USA, but who do I trust to buy them for me.

2012-12-15, 08:53 PM
If you have a SOE account and not a pro7 account, you can buy SC in $ at the soe exchange rate of 1.35... pretty crappy rate really considering it's normally 1.5/1.6. (this is based on my experience at he last triple SC promo) £37 got me $50 of SC using paypal or debit card.

Now i will add that if you base the figure on a rate of 1.5/1.6 exchange rate and then add 20% VAT it works out at £37/£37.50 but SOE are not clear on the specifics.

2012-12-15, 09:04 PM
I am from Australia and I bought a SOE Pre-Paid card for $15 USD (1500 SC) from this website that sends you the code via email.

At first I tried with Walmart who offers 1500 SC + 500 free SC for buying a a card from them.

Link: http://www.walmart.com/ip/SOE-Universal-Sony-Online-Station-Cash-Game-15-eCard-Email-Delivery-Universal/21125840

The only problem was that they don't seem to take PayPal. It says it is supported but myself and a friend both got the 'cancelled' status after trying with out PayPal accounts. Credit cards should work fine.

An alternative that does accept PayPal off the bat are these guys:

Link: http://www.offgamers.com/sony-online-entertainment/sony-online-entertainment-us/sony-online-entertainment-us-soe-cards/sony-online-entertainment-us-soe-30-day-universal-game-card-or-1500-station-cash-pc-cp-126829.ogm

They will need your phone number to confirm it is you before they send the code via email. Note that you will not get an extra free 500 SC with these guys.

2012-12-16, 05:00 AM
Thanks 'jassinlive', will look into those links.

2012-12-16, 05:06 AM
I also suggest you to wait and buy you SmedCred´s on 21th of December(21 correct me if im wrong) there will be tripple Station cash you buy for 10 and get 30 for example.

2012-12-16, 05:20 AM
I also suggest you to wait and buy you SmedCred´s on 21th of December(21 correct me if im wrong) there will be tripple Station cash you buy for 10 and get 30 for example.

Thats the plan, buy digital codes from the usa and use them on the 21st

2012-12-16, 05:22 AM
Important question concerning the Walmart and Offgamers links. Can those be used for Seven Cash on the ProSiebenSat.1 side of things?

2012-12-16, 05:43 AM
Walmart + Paypal + UK = fail

With using offgamers + legit uk postal address + paypal set at sterling = £10.01
Got my code after 5 mins = a saving.

2012-12-16, 06:28 AM
What I don't agree with is how companies, Valve especially, go about doing this. In some European countries, and because it seems easier to just charge a flat rate for everybody, that rate often exceeds the VAT tax and the distributor makes additional profit. Instead, distributors should be charging the proper exchange rate, which is updated regularly, and include VAT separately so Europeans can see exactly what they're paying for, instead of assuming that they're being ripped off.

Don't think Valve set the prices.

If you are a SOE client (and not Pro7 customer), you should be able to have your account set up for the USD currency. Get in touch with SOE customer support.

edit: FYI, you will still pay VAT and exchange rates may fluctuate.

I have an SOE account and play on Miller, have bought Alpha Squad and subbed. The reason I'm statiung this is I hear about this Pro7 yet haven't to my knowledge used them for anything. All is working but should I have an account with them. Is this gonna bite me at some point for doing it this way?

2012-12-16, 08:48 AM
No, if you had an account with SOE during beta you should continue to use it, as stated by SOE several times. Also, Valve does not facilitate VAT and what I explained is the truth. They do, in fact, also set prices for some games with their own proprietary marketing data as a service to the publishers who opt for it. The fact that complex data-driven companies, with huge brand names like Valve and Sony, persist to play dumb on the issue is suspect. There should be a price point, equal around the world, and VAT (separate) added to the final sale and made apparent to the buyer on the checkout page.

2012-12-16, 10:54 AM
I used this site (http://www.gametimezone.com/games/cards/soe_30_day_game_card.html).

Use the code "instance" on checkout, and you get a 5% discount. Saved $4/1500 SC compared to buying from Sony. They called within a minute upon paying, so it's not much hassle really. You just have to confirm your paypal shipping adress and email. They said they deliver to most countries, so anywhere in Europe should be fine. However, PS2 is not mentioned in their list of games, so I hope SC is universal or I just blew $30...

If you look at the Q&A for the Walmart card, you don't get the +500 SC when ordering online. I was also unable to order it to somewhere outside US, even if it's just an email code.

Btw, for the Valve discussion, both the VAT thing and "we don't set the prices" are bullshit. I really like Valve, but they were very dishonest regarding this subject.

2012-12-16, 03:31 PM
Ooooooook, sounds very complicated!!! UK's just screwed then?

2012-12-18, 03:31 PM
I used this site (http://www.gametimezone.com/games/cards/soe_30_day_game_card.html).

Use the code "instance" on checkout, and you get a 5% discount. Saved $4/1500 SC compared to buying from Sony. They called within a minute upon paying, so it's not much hassle really. You just have to confirm your paypal shipping adress and email. They said they deliver to most countries, so anywhere in Europe should be fine. However, PS2 is not mentioned in their list of games, so I hope SC is universal or I just blew $30...

If you look at the Q&A for the Walmart card, you don't get the +500 SC when ordering online. I was also unable to order it to somewhere outside US, even if it's just an email code.

Btw, for the Valve discussion, both the VAT thing and "we don't set the prices" are bullshit. I really like Valve, but they were very dishonest regarding this subject.

edit: im asleep :D
Thanks though, that site is great, very handy. I used to do a similar thing with Eve Online.