View Full Version : My TR character is starting to distance my NC character

2012-12-15, 11:44 PM
At this point, I could care less about balance as I've hedged my bets by playing two characters. But, from a purely observational perspective, my tr character is doing better than my nc character, and I've played them pretty much the same over the last two weeks as I have the same certs across the board.

2012-12-16, 12:09 AM
I will say this, the prowler and mosquito are better than the vanguard and reaver at farming infantry, bar none.

2012-12-16, 12:16 AM
Maybe TR fits your style better...

I asked Str8Dumpin what he thought about this whole "NC is underpowered" debate this is what he said: "Pistol balanced, everything else make people cry."

If you can control the recoil, their weapons are beastly..

And I know, just because Str8 is high ranked, he might not be the all knowing master of balance, but if he does well, it means others' can do good as NC as well.

2012-12-16, 12:24 AM
Maybe he should play TR to the same rank as his NC. If he has, okay, maybe he has a point and I just do better in TR vehicles than NC vehicles farming infantry. I used shotguns on both sides the last two weeks.

But on the other hand, it honestly could be a statistical anomaly, but I think I played enough on both sides to discredit that. Shrug.

No lightings btw, just mbts and esf, HE and rocket pods.

2012-12-16, 12:26 AM
Maybe TR fits your style better...

I asked Str8Dumpin what he thought about this whole "NC is underpowered" debate this is what he said: "Pistol balanced, everything else make people cry."

If you can control the recoil, their weapons are beastly..

And I know, just because Str8 is high ranked, he might not be the all knowing master of balance, but if he does well, it means others' can do good as NC as well.

Just because one player can do well with a faction, does not mean its balanced. A game should be balanced around the average player, as a so called good player will do fine no matter what. And why should anyone care about a players opinion who clearly has no clue how ptfo, kill farming does not take skill.

2012-12-16, 12:28 AM
For the record, I'm not very good.

2012-12-16, 12:30 AM
Maybe he should play TR to the same rank as his NC. If he has, okay, maybe he has a point and I just do better in TR vehicles than NC vehicles farming infantry. I used shotguns on both sides the last two weeks.

But on the other hand, it honestly could be a statistical anomaly, but I think I played enough on both sides to discredit that. Shrug.

No lightings btw, just mbts and esf, HE and rocket pods.

Yes, you could be right, it could be a statistical anomaly, but only SOE knows.

I assume SOE got stats for all factions across all servers, if they see NC losing consistently they'll fix it.

They have as big, if not bigger, interest in making the game fair for everyone.

If they didn't care, they wouldn't make any money.

We can debate balance all day, but it would be based on guesstimates.

2012-12-16, 12:32 AM
Just because one player can do well with a faction, does not mean its balanced. A game should be balanced around the average player, as a so called good player will do fine no matter what. And why should anyone care about a players opinion who clearly has no clue how ptfo, kill farming does not take skill.

His opinion has as big value as OP, mine, and yours...

We have no raw data.

edit: and he's just one of many, I see plenty of NC folks on top 100.

2012-12-16, 12:32 AM
Yeah, it's just interesting to me.

2012-12-16, 12:38 AM
His opinion has as big value as OP, mine, and yours...

We have no raw data.

edit: and he's just one of many, I see plenty of NC folks on top 100.

Since when does leader boards mean anything. It only means the player has no life, and knows how to farm, thats it.

2012-12-16, 12:40 AM
Since when does leader boards mean anything. It only means the player has no life, and knows how to farm, thats it.

Hmm, what's with the attitude? Slingin' insults has nothing to do with the topic.

2012-12-16, 12:41 AM
Str is VERY good, I remember him from PS1. His opinion matters, if nothing more than simply from the fact the he probably plays a lot.

2012-12-16, 01:34 AM
I will say this, the prowler and mosquito are better than the vanguard and reaver at farming infantry, bar none.

True... But the prowler sucks against any vehicle that fires back at them... Sure I have won 1 vs 1 fights against Vanguards. But only because the vanguard driver where less skilled then me.

2012-12-16, 04:02 AM
I also have two characters, and I'm also not very good.

I worked out my rate of certs/hour and my Vanu has progressed around 48% faster than my NC. That's with broadly similar playstyle across both - mainly infantry/Engineer, little to no farming, ESFs but not much time in any other vehicles.

*shrugs* make of it what you will.

*edit* that percentage is from memory, and may be wrong.....it was 'somewhere around 50%' when I checked it, which was a few days ago......

2012-12-16, 05:13 AM
I will say this, the prowler and mosquito are better than the vanguard and reaver at farming infantry, bar none.

The Prowler yes but how is the Mosquito better at farming Infantry? I know it's rocket pod has like 2 extra rockets in it but that hardly matters. Especially since the update made direct hits more important. Yes the Prowler is good for farming Infantry cause of the double shot but it pays for that by being inferior in every other category that matters. Terrible special ability, worse secondary turrets, and in general the poorest at fighting tank vs tank unless you right in a Magriders face.

As for why TR may be better in this game than NC I believe someone has figured that out on official forums. It's the fact that every time you get shot it throws off your aim. So when a TR is turning you into swiss cheese with the high firing rate your unable to really return fire. Which completely kills NC's advantage of more damage per shot. However keep in mind that the VS fire almost exactly as fast as TR as well as being more accurate at a distance. Which is why IMO the VS are really the strongest faction in this game especially since their Tank is also amazing.

This is why I think the recent buffs they made to NC, and nerfs to TR were unnecessary especially since the changes they made don't address the real issue which is aim being thrown off when your being shot.

2012-12-16, 06:07 AM
*Snip* real issue which is aim being thrown off when your being shot.

Working as intended.

You should have an advantage of fire first. And as a TR we have the same problem if we are taking fire first.

2012-12-16, 08:58 AM
I am a beastly Vanu, yet here I am... NC :/ I feel like I've been forced into the circus with a bunch of dysfunctional monkeys running around in circles, confused and making loud noises.

2012-12-16, 09:17 AM
Sometimes I'm really thinking about changing faction... It frustrates me when I see the state of NC on most servers.

2012-12-16, 09:42 AM
I'm going to continue on, playing both relatively equally as I had thus far (at least as much as I did in the last two weeks in regards to play style) as long as I still enjoy the game. Both are BR 25 now with almost equal time played.

I may focus more on getting vehicle camped as infantry again, like I did in beta, but I hate being the mole in whack-a-mole. I may not though as I've conditioned myself to easy tank farming.

I was never much of a heavy assault person, although I used it almost exclusively in beta out of necessity and I WANTED to play infantry and really didn't like vehicles. It's just not very cert-friendly playing infantry as opposed to playing vehicle spammer in regards to exp and certs, and I got sick of being one-shotted.

Also, for the record, both have breached 1000 kills. I looked at my stats and the majority have come from vehicles, not like that is surprising. Tanks have garnered me the biggest share followed by esfs. I wish I could see play time per role and I could get good kills/role percentages. I'm sure tanks and esfs would be rather close as I've played tanks more.

2012-12-16, 09:55 AM
Sometimes I'm really thinking about changing faction... It frustrates me when I see the state of NC on most servers.

Thats the problem right now. I know a ton of guys who would switch if they already hadn't dumped tons of time and money into an NC solider

2012-12-16, 09:56 AM
I dunno why people whine so much, I played all 3 factions and did just as well on each of them, they all feel the same to me. All the weapons act the same, the vehicles act the same apart from the Magrider which has just as many disadvantages as it does advantages. There are differences in HA weapons like JH, Lasher and MCG but they all such and no one uses them so whocares?

On each character looking at my stats, my k/D ratio is between 2-3 on each of them, barely any differences. I noticed however as NC and Vanu I'm fighting TR most of the time and as TR I'm fighting Vanu most of the time. Kinda weird, but it's how the maps are designed, always seem to focus NC and Vanu against TR.

I've also noticed NC are the best organised usually, I find them always fighting in groups and it makes them very tough when I play my main a TR on Miller. I'm pretty sure they must have a major Outfit or something that is hundreds strong because most fights I always end up in the shit, probably why my stats suggest I fight the Vanu most the time, they always seem very unorganized and solo.

2012-12-16, 10:06 AM
Thats the problem right now. I know a ton of guys who would switch if they already hadn't dumped tons of time and money into an NC solider

I wouldn't switch factions. I'm sure things will see-saw back and forth until the devs are satisfied. When that will happen, if ever? Who knows? Also, I'm just one person, my assessment could be way off from reality.

I'm just insanely curious, so I'm doing what I did in ps1. That's why I never join outfits after I left future crew as I bounced around so much.

2012-12-16, 10:20 AM
I wouldn't switch factions. I'm sure things will see-saw back and forth until the devs are satisfied. When that will happen, if ever? Who knows? Also, I'm just one person, my assessment could be way off from reality.

I'm just insanely curious, so I'm doing what I did in ps1. That's why I never join outfits after I left future crew as I bounced around so much.

It just its a ton of frustration by the NC. When the devs have admitted the NC is under powered it makes it even worse. The NC players don't want to be overpowered, we just want to be on par in the 1 v 1 gun fights

2012-12-16, 10:35 AM
You sure you play on Miller EVILoHOMER? Because NC always have the least territory except at night when everyone is sleeping (2-3am). The VS have a ton of outfits (the "Vanu accord" which consist of serveral huge outift) and same for the TR with their alliance. And on very, very few servers does NC dominate.

2012-12-16, 10:40 AM
You want to know the stat difference that caught my eye? I died a lot less playing TR than NC. Which could mean two things maybe considering my play style:

1. My opponents as NC (i.e., TR) were a lot more lethal than NC were while playing TR.
2. I could get the hell out of dodge a lot easier in the prowler if things got hairy.

2012-12-16, 11:18 AM
... When the devs have admitted the NC is under powered it makes it even worse....

I'm calling BS unless you've got a link.

2012-12-16, 11:33 AM
Essentially BeerBeer - proof that TR needs nerfing. I bet you'd feel the same if you'd tested out Vanu.

2012-12-16, 11:40 AM
I wouldn't call it proof, it's just my observations and I'm just one person.