View Full Version : Afterburner nerf.

2012-12-16, 05:11 AM
As may be known im an advent reaver pilot. I have noticed that, even though it sais nothing about it in the patchnotes, the reaver's afterburner has been severely nerfed in the patch (from 300 to 214 in half a second, seriously?)

Now i've heard that this nerf was a mistake, but im not 2 sure. Can anyone enlighten me?

I'm asking because the reaver is just a joke in dogfights now. When you get picked out you feel like a sick animal of a herd, not being able to do anything vs your inpending doom.

2012-12-16, 05:54 AM
Well the reaver supposed to be the slowest of aircraft in the game,
so thats why they nerfed it a bit.

2012-12-16, 06:28 AM
Well the reaver supposed to be the slowest of aircraft in the game,
so thats why they nerfed it a bit.

Well agreed, but "nerfed it a bit." is a understatement. The deceleration after using it atm is just unrealistic. Like i stated in the previous post 300kph to 214 in half a second. Even if u use your brakes you wont get that from any other speed.

I agree, and have seen all the posts about the reavers afterburner being OP because if you used it correctly you could sustain around 300 kph, but i guess there are more sutble ways to nerf it than just applying brakes after afterburner usage. (like less afterburner speed, less fuel etc etc.) the reaver just doesnt feel right now, and this saddens me, because it was a dream before.

2012-12-16, 08:15 AM
Reavers are terrible, and you're right. Once you're picked, you're screwed. There is no running away in a Reaver and good Mosquito pilots are aware of this. Being an interceptor ESF for the NC is a waste of certs, unless you're confident your opponents have a far inferior specced ESF. If you're good, you can probably take one on, but two requires maneuverability, which we clearly don't have, and you'll be chasing one into the sunset while the other uses you for target practice.

2012-12-16, 08:23 AM
The reavers burners were clearly wrong from the get go, it was probably just a bug and so not mentioned.
The speed they infered decayed so slowly that they were almost charged before you were back to normal speed, the mossie and scythe both have speed decay like the reaver does now

2012-12-16, 08:25 AM
What Redshift said.

Its not a nerf. Its Balance adjustment.

2012-12-16, 09:28 AM
The reavers burners were clearly wrong from the get go, it was probably just a bug and so not mentioned.
The speed they infered decayed so slowly that they were almost charged before you were back to normal speed, the mossie and scythe both have speed decay like the reaver does now

Like i have stated before, i was aware of this. I am also not debating if the reaver needed a nerf. I am just saying the current nerf seems a bit harsh. I also feel that if it was not intended it took them a hell of a long time to fix it.

So what i'de like is the speed to decay a little slower than it does now.

What Redshift said.

Its not a nerf. Its Balance adjustment. A Nerf just means something is weakend. The reavers afterburner got weakend so it is a nerf. Any "Balance adjustment" involving weakening something is a nerf.

2012-12-16, 10:04 AM
Underslung grenades were stealth nerfed also. So it seems a few things were missed in this patch.

2012-12-16, 10:05 AM
lol, yeh as was how vehicles cannot go up hills anymore.

2012-12-16, 10:06 AM
Underslung grenades were stealth nerfed also. So it seems a few things were missed in this patch.

Were they really? That would explain a lot. I thought it was just more people using buffed flak armor, but it didn't really seem to add up.

2012-12-16, 10:09 AM
They should remove nades altogether, they're the most retarded thing in modern FPS games. Like Nades aren't made to be thrown at range, they're there to clear small spaces and soldiers do not over arm throw them at each other in real life.

All that Nades do in Planetside 2 is make indoor fights turn into Operation Metro, it wasn't fun back in 2011 and it isn't now.

2012-12-16, 10:09 AM
Seems a minimum range of some sort was added.

Sorry back on topic. Derailed the thread. :P

2012-12-16, 10:21 AM
Funny because I jumped in to see this, firstly there is no one playing, Miller is pretty dead compared to what it was a week or two ago. Amerish is meant to be where most TR are and hardly any one there........

Secondly my afterburner on the Mosq goes from full speed to like 230 in a second..... I don't see any difference between that and the Reaver.

Thirdy a Reaver tailed me, it's pretty hard to counter attack in this game because the flight model makes it so easy to react to everything the person you're watching is doing. 2 seconds of fire from his chain gun and I died....... never even had time to react.

Nothing wrong with the Reaver.

The Messenger
2012-12-16, 06:51 PM
The reaver is supposed to have the best AB in the game, it has the highest speed at full burn. Weather or not removing the bleed off was a fix or bug has yet to be confirmed. But even with level 3 racer chassis, a stock mossie is as fast as my reaver. So if the same mossie has level 3 dogfighting, it can outperform scythes and reavers on two fronts now? While I understand the mossie is supposed to be fastest in game, this should not be after dumping 700 certs into an upgrade. Level 3 racer also no longer gives any extra benefit to the AB so outrunning anything right now is not possible.

Any ESF that maxes their chassis should outperform a stock ESF. Otherwise all three factions would only want to cert into the one that is unique to their own faction.

The reaver is definately broke with the latest update. Speed is nill, smallest magazine for the rotary but highest COF. Biggest hitbox and it's already been confirmed all ESF's have the same HP's.

The flare system alone shows the reaver is at a serious disadvantage.
scythe & mossie: 100/200/500/1000
reaver: 100/500/1000/1000

Um what? So we can't use flares or outmanuever A2A; what is SOE thinking?

2012-12-17, 12:27 AM
The reaver is supposed to have the best AB in the game, it has the highest speed at full burn. Weather or not removing the bleed off was a fix or bug has yet to be confirmed. But even with level 3 racer chassis, a stock mossie is as fast as my reaver. So if the same mossie has level 3 dogfighting, it can outperform scythes and reavers on two fronts now? While I understand the mossie is supposed to be fastest in game, this should not be after dumping 700 certs into an upgrade. Level 3 racer also no longer gives any extra benefit to the AB so outrunning anything right now is not possible.

Any ESF that maxes their chassis should outperform a stock ESF. Otherwise all three factions would only want to cert into the one that is unique to their own faction.

The reaver is definately broke with the latest update. Speed is nill, smallest magazine for the rotary but highest COF. Biggest hitbox and it's already been confirmed all ESF's have the same HP's.

The flare system alone shows the reaver is at a serious disadvantage.
scythe & mossie: 100/200/500/1000
reaver: 100/500/1000/1000

Um what? So we can't use flares or outmanuever A2A; what is SOE thinking?

Amen brother, i think the problem is that SOE is not thinking. They are just reacting to all the complaints by presumably mossie pilots. Please SOE don't make the same mistakes that ruined one of your other games (jedi balance in SW: Galaxies) by just listening to the complaining masses whilst ruining everything.

The Messenger
2012-12-17, 12:42 AM
Please SOE don't make the same mistakes that ruined one of your other games (jedi balance in SW: Galaxies) by just listening to the complaining masses whilst ruining everything.

Oh lord, you had to mention THAT one. SOE has a habit of ruining games but it's usually after the game has run it's course. They claimed they would never add the beastlord to EQ2. Just like they "claim" we'll never see BFRs, wait for it...

The difference in flare cost has to be an oversite. I can't reasonably think of why the reaver flare system would cost so much more. Especially since each uprade barely decreases the max time. Currently, there is no way to make it so you can flare everytime someone launches A2A. You will have to evade some of the missiles if you can't get someone of your tail.

I miss my pre-patch commando, damn thing was a beast. I used to solo group on Dantooine and rake in all kinds of creds.

2012-12-17, 02:45 AM
Now mossies are looking slightly OP with their sleek thin design, speed and agility. With the same firepower as the others, these can be fearsome things. There is alot of air abuse though mate, you only have to look at the BR of who killed you to see. Most of the time on foot its BR 20 - 30 guys killing you / or lower. Most of the time when air spams you its BR 40 - 50 + beyond. Tells its own story..

2012-12-17, 03:05 AM
Dunno was killing things just fine in the Reaver the other day and was being killed by Reavers just fine when I piloted the Mosq. I fired an A2A, the reaver out maneuvered it and using flares to counter my first one which pretty much makes A2A useless. It's much quicker just to shoot them out of the sky with the chain gun.

Reavers seem pretty fast to me, they boost away nicely and if they have distance I can never catch them up. Also their guns seem fine, 2 seconds of fire is all it took to kill my Mosq, that isn't an exaggeration, it was 2 seconds and suddenly boom.

I don't see anything wrong with them, I pilot all factions and they all feel the same, I get kills exactly the same and the only difference is the Scythe and how it can turn so much better than the others. That isn't unbalance though, I kill loads of scythes in my Mosq and Reaver. Also the Scythe guns seem fine to me too, they fire differently but they aren't any weaker, they seem to do more damage but fire slower to me, I took down a Prowler pretty fast with them.

I just think people die, feel cheated and try to make up excuses. Some things need to be tweaked here or there but I see no evidence of one faction being stronger than the other, they all dominate.

I just think it is down to positioning more than anything, the TR seem to always seem to have the best placement apart from Esamir which is better for Vanu.

The Messenger
2012-12-17, 04:23 AM
Most of the time when air spams you its BR 40 - 50 + beyond. Tells its own story..

I actually figured some of those mossies had specced into the racer chassis so I ran a few tests. When ever I had a mossie on my tail, I just turned and ran, hit AB and watched them on my map. Prior to the patch, I could outrun everything, even A2A lock-ons and missiles themselves which makes sense if you're dumping 700 certs for speed alone. But one of the mossies that stayed on my tail and killed me was a level 1 BR with A2A. I then checked the numbers on the board. A stock mossie's maxed speed is ~250 and the the reaver with 700 certs in speed is slightly less, that makes no sense. I'm sure a TR would feel cheated if they dump 700 certs into dogfighting only to turn just as well as a stock scythe. Or a VS dumping 700 certs into hover just to have the same lift as a stock reaver. Either the level 3 needs to be buffed or the cert cost needs to be lowered.

Right now I have hopes that the reason the racer chassis is so jacked up is beause it's not boosting AB like it's supposed to. Once it's fixed, I'll be content with using my flying volkswagon again. The flare cost is a whole different issue and I currently attribute that to developer oversight. I find it hard to believe that the developer's intentionally want NC to pay 2600 certs for level 4 flares while TR and VS only pay 1800.

EDIT: Read on the main forums that apparently this issue is caused by a bug with the game's inertia. It currently affects all ESF's but the reaver feels it the most since it relies on inertia for it's performance. It's supposedly the same reason that tanks can't drive uphill anymore. Hopefully they will fix it soon.