View Full Version : Why i have to fly in a empty Cockpit ?

2012-12-16, 10:52 AM
This is the most weired Thing since the Beta for me.

Ok, no "get in animations".

But WTF are all Seats EMPTY ?

Is there any explenation from the Developer site ?

This is so uggly...

2012-12-16, 10:59 AM
can you take a picture? I'm not so sure what your talking about

2012-12-16, 11:04 AM
You cant see any Pilots and Drivers in the Vehicle...

2012-12-16, 11:45 AM
Yeah, if they allowed us to shoot pilots with our rifles, we'd be able to do something from the CGI trailer.

2012-12-16, 11:48 AM
Yea, it is a bit creepy to say the least. It is eerie to witness a galaxy, loaded full of MAX units and precious squad mates, fly off into the tracer riddled sunset on what appears to be auto-pilot. There should be a human being sitting in the cockpit that I can see with my eyes.

2012-12-16, 12:46 PM
Yea, it is a bit creepy to say the least. It is eerie to witness a galaxy, loaded full of MAX units and precious squad mates, fly off into the tracer riddled sunset on what appears to be auto-pilot. There should be a human being sitting in the cockpit that I can see with my eyes.

Why so attached to humans? Imagine it's a virtual cat flying the galaxy. Wouldn't that be fun?

2012-12-16, 12:47 PM
I first noticed this in Sunderers, the vehicle where it is, IMO, most obvious. Simply pressing T while in a Sunderer and panning around reveals an empty drivers seat with a ghostly rotating steering wheel, seemingly moving on its own. How difficult can it be to place the model of the driver in the drivers seat? It seems to work, albeit with a few bugs, on the Flash.

2012-12-16, 12:53 PM
yeah, a bit of an immersion breaker for me

2012-12-16, 01:19 PM
Yea, it is a bit creepy to say the least. It is eerie to witness a galaxy, loaded full of MAX units and precious squad mates, fly off into the tracer riddled sunset on what appears to be auto-pilot. There should be a human being sitting in the cockpit that I can see with my eyes.
And that human shall be...
...Peter Cullen!

2012-12-16, 03:41 PM
When you look around the cockpit in MechWarrior Online, you see your pilot's limbs etc, when you turn the torso, you see him tilt the joystick to the side, when you accelerate you see him move the foot pedals, etc. It's a really nice touch.

2012-12-16, 04:35 PM
It's probably this way so there is less stuff to render in the world. Maybe they could at least tint the windows a bit and put a shadowy silhouette in the driver seat.

2012-12-16, 05:49 PM
I honestly never noticed but meh no big deal

2012-12-16, 06:00 PM
Its not cool

2012-12-16, 06:20 PM
I would like this, so i could get a headshot though the glass and take out the vehicle.

2012-12-16, 07:40 PM
Having a model in vehicles (ones with windows anyway) is kinda needed in games if you ask me. More so that if hitting it affects the driver. That could help with an ESF hovering in place spamming rockets more than some think. Adds more skill based gameplay for those that can pull off those kinds of shots.

Not a real deal breaker either way. Very nice to have, but other things need done first.

2012-12-17, 05:56 AM
Its just enough to show the pilot/driver...

How difficult can it be to implantate that ? :cry: