View Full Version : 17 Second Cloaker Video

2012-12-18, 02:47 PM
InĀ·filĀ·trate - To pass (troops, for example) surreptitiously into enemy-held territory.

17 Kills 17 Seconds 17 Certs - YouTube

Q: Str8, why don't you abuse the bolt driver more?

2012-12-18, 03:14 PM
People don't expect enemies in a tight packed group...

C4ed quite a few groups in beta in LA too, just trod among them, try and look unsuspicious and join the crowd in huddling around the equipment terminal, lay your CE,toss a grenade, jump off, blow the AMS. >.>

Kill some leftovers with guns. Die to them finally waking up...

2012-12-18, 03:31 PM
he prolly lagged and didnt render.

2012-12-18, 04:00 PM
^ or they all had like 5 fps :p

2012-12-18, 04:05 PM
I love the grenade bandoleer too, so pro.

2012-12-18, 04:19 PM
he prolly lagged and didnt render.

Thats my guess.

I occassionally do something amazing(not that amazing) and afterwards realize I must have lagged because theres no way it should have worked.

2012-12-18, 04:52 PM
I got that a lot in BF3 when it first launched. I was pretty sure I was either lagging despite having like 30 ping or something, because every few lives I'd feel like I was invisible to the enemy team and would just go on like a 10 kill massacre with 1 clip of ammo.

2012-12-18, 04:54 PM
he prolly lagged and didnt render.

Not really, people aren't alert when they're in a group. Half probably didn't even realise what was going on, didn't expect enemies this close, were watching the map, having a convo on TS or looking at their cert screen and when they reacted, the guy was temporarily cloaked.

So meh. Lag? Not needed when you have several AOE one hit kill weapons. You act as if people didn't try this sort of thing with boomers.

302 Found

2012-12-18, 05:13 PM
that vid was great

nothing in ps2 comes close to that much entertaining ;(

2012-12-18, 05:23 PM
that vid was great

nothing in ps2 comes close to that much entertaining ;(


2012-12-18, 06:17 PM
You act as if people didn't try this sort of thing with boomers.

Oh gee, Figment is discussing PS1>PS2. That never happens.


2012-12-18, 06:22 PM
Oh gee, Figment is discussing PS1>PS2. That never happens.

If you can't handle my 1337 opinion, there's an ignore button.

And honestly, that isn't even a PS1>PS2 comment, that is a PS1=PS2 comment, as it's simply indicative that players can often be unaware in groups and this doesn't have anything to do with lag aaaaaand that players like the one in the vid... did that sort of thing before...

You don't ever look at the context and phrasing of a sentence?


2012-12-18, 06:36 PM
If you can't handle my 1337 opinion, there's an ignore button.

And honestly, that isn't even a PS1>PS2 comment, that is a PS1=PS2 comment, as it's simply indicative that players can often be unaware in groups and this doesn't have anything to do with lag aaaaaand that players like the one in the vid... did that sort of thing before...

You don't ever look at the context and phrasing of a sentence?

Its unreal how dumb some people can be. I drove a GSD sunderer under a biolab, and went on a 17 kill spree with HA. People just didn't know I was there. So funny

2012-12-18, 06:51 PM
You don't ever look at the context and phrasing of a sentence?

You didn't write it to mean 'been there, done that, here's some footage in the first game I have been discussing as superior for weeks that shows proof'? If not, maybe an edit is needed.

2012-12-18, 07:56 PM
You didn't write it to mean 'been there, done that, here's some footage in the first game I have been discussing as superior for weeks that shows proof'? If not, maybe an edit is needed.

No, I was simply objectively responding to someone who tried to find some sort of rational dismissive reason and said it was all down to lag that this was possible - and did so with a video showing exactly that sort of behaviour of people.

And yes, PS1 is superior in many ways, equal in some and PS2 is superior in a few aspects as well. If you had quoted that other post, the link I sent to Bags, THAT actually is a PS1 > PS2 comment.

And so what if it is? It's not like you'd never see a positive comment about PS2 from me, fact is, that right now, there's so many negative things to improve in short order and focus on to retain playerbase, that there's very little reason to make positive comments.

We're all interested in a proper PS2 game. We all have differences in opinion, some greater, some smaller, but it doesn't help any discussion to exclude references because you're personally sick of hearing about it. Like it or not, there's thousands of systems in PS1 that can be referenced and if you didn't notice in that discussion with White Eagle on infils yesterday, there is quite a few systems and designs in PS1 that I also critique (pretty much the entire base viral design, BR40, extend to which interlink radar influenced fights, too narrow corridors, a few too few entrances, horrible cave design (AA, spawn buildings, ziplines, map and access), Battle Island inter-island and continental lattice configuration, Raider manpower reqs., capital shields, Flails, BFRs, Galaxy Gunship, plasma spam, etc, etc, etc.).

PLENTY of things to critique, many of which luckily didn't go into PS2, but some did in another way, shape or form. Many lessons have not been learned.

I try to avoid using rose teinted goggles. PS1 wasn't perfect, but PS2 should at the very least have been of equal worth (not equal design decisions) in its core mechanics design.

Critique has to be heard and dealt with now rather than in a year because in / the closer to beta, the more fundamental the changes you can make and yeah, they do have to look at PS1 more closely because many of its subsystems simply ARE better alternatives, where they started from scratch. You'll hear those arguments from voice macros to SOIs to niche units to cert systems to whatever, there's just so many systems to evaluate! If you tire of the reference term "PS1" , that's your problem, not mine. It doesn't mean anyone who mentions it wants a carbon copy. Heaven forbid no, the above complaints would get in.

But keep the derogatory, disparaging and prejudiced comments to yourself, please.

2012-12-19, 07:53 PM
But keep the derogatory, disparaging and prejudiced comments to yourself, please.


2012-12-19, 08:54 PM
you can;'t say ditto when figment isn't doing what he's asking you to not do

2012-12-19, 10:09 PM
you can;'t say ditto when figment isn't doing what he's asking you to not do

But he did say "ditto."

He did the impossible!!!!

2012-12-20, 04:29 AM
Great videos both of them. Figment that brought me back to my PS1 days of hiding in a corner with my lone scat pistol hoping to god they didn't see me with dark light. lol

2012-12-21, 05:31 AM
you can;'t say ditto when figment isn't doing what he's asking you to not do

I can, he was, and I am not prejudice - in fact, my post was the exact opposite of prejudiced, due to pure history shown right in this forum.

2012-12-21, 05:55 AM
I can, he was, and I am not prejudice - in fact, my post was the exact opposite of prejudiced, due to pure history shown right in this forum.

Uhm... You thought you saw a pattern, thus you assumed you could extrapolate to any other comment of mine, correct?

That's called prejudice.

And no, I wasn't derogatory or disparaging in this thread in any way, shape or form.

2012-12-22, 03:17 PM
Can you explain how you weren't derogatory towards PS2?

Prejudice is judgment without giving a person a chance - without knowing anything about them or their behavior. You just described what I did as the opposite of prejudice. You have a history that's been far too obvious.

2012-12-22, 03:59 PM
Can you explain how you weren't derogatory towards PS2?

So you're saying you feel so personally offended if I make say a sarcastic statement about the state of PS2, you think it's fine to post comments about me personally?

You act as if people didn't try this sort of thing with boomers.

Which again, I didn't do here. How the bloody hell is that comment got anything to do with PS1 > PS2?

All you're doing now is trying to save face because you completely failed at trolling and interpreting. Very childish. And yes, that's a derogatory assessment of you, but also very accurate unfortunately, because you're not man enough to admit you judged wrong and prejudiced.

Prejudice is judgment without giving a person a chance - without knowing anything about them or their behavior. You just described what I did as the opposite of prejudice. You have a history that's been far too obvious.

Not at all. That's your interpretation and a very selective one at that. I'm definitely unhappy with the current state of PS2 and yes, I'm absolutely convinced on experience with both games that PS1 had better mechanics that should have been and still should be implemented in PS2.

I am not however, of the opinion that by mere definition PS1 is always better in every way than PS2 as you attested (that IS a prejudice) and when I make a comparison between the two or make a reference between the two, my posting history DOES NOT suggest it's ALWAYS in favour of PS1.

If you want me to find examples, I'll get you some. However, I tend to use my time efficiently and focus on the problems and problem solving. Problems which there are plenty off and which I think are so important that they can seriously hurt the longevity of this game. I ALWAYS back up my opinion with argumentation. ALWAYS.

That I get cynical from all the white-knight status quo and rose teinted dev worshipping that I've seen going on since Alpha, is something else entirely. That I get cynical and make sarcastic comments about PS2-fanboyism in general (I try not to target specific people), when comments I've given during alpha have always been waved away, but came back in full force from ALL new and old groups during beta, but wern't adressed and are still white-knighted with denial by some, is that really surprising?

You know what's really baffling though? With the say 4000 things to comment on, I've got a shortlist of around 10-12 pretty damn easy fixes (especially if they did that over the course of last year) and an additional 20 or so other things I critique heavily because I feel they are important...

...that I'm pretty damn mild about PS2 compared to a lot of others. Yes, I'm a very harsh critic and give me one reason why I shouldn't be? At least I take constructive critique seriously and put effort into it, FFS! And no, I don't always opt for the PS1 alternative. But I will when it's simply much better suited, especially in combination with other systems.

You don't hear me complain about the new roofs over the walls and some vehicle pads and the use of multiple vehicle pads do you?

In fact, when talking about base design, I actually did compliment them on that. But what is there for me to gain to keep talking about what I do like? What is there for us all to gain for me getting complacent or content with the walls having roofs, if the walls have giant gaping holes in them instead? Why the bloody hell would I ever refer to PS1 about how great the roofs were for the vehicle pad and walls if there wern't any? So I don't!

When it comes to cloaking however, they've utterly and completely annhiliated its gameplay by removing ALL its objective gameplay. ALL its infiltration capacity and making a melee unit into a long distance sniper! CAN YOU FUCKING IMAGINE THAT I, A LONG TERM CARREER INFIL, AM REALLY, REALLY PISSED OFF ABOUT THAT BECAUSE IT WAS ONE OF THE MAIN REASONS I PLAYED PS1?

And ffs, in that light, I MADE A PRETTY DAMN NEUTRAL COMMENT. AND YES, FFS, I DID REFER TO PS1. SO BLOODY WHAT? I didn't state it was better. I didn't imply it was better. I didn't state it was worse. I simply stated people did this before in another game in relation to a very specific - and one that was actually derogatory towards the OP - comment about how the OP could probably have done that due to lag. However you want to see it, it was a support to the OP that it was down to his actions using the tools at his disposal and typical group psychology and not down to lag.

Yet here you are claiming you "know", because of a supposed posting record about "always" making PS1>PS2 comments. Yes, I make a lot of those comments. But certainly not always. In fact, I'm quite sure I made a big list of critiques on PS1 as well, regularly. But somehow, those disappeared from the posting track record you kept of me? How convenient, because they sure as hell didn't disappear from my records.

However, can you imagine that I find it an incredible waste of time to speak more of wall ceilings, instead of moving on to more important fixes? Can you imagine I'm pretty damn annoyed with certain attitudes from people who are nothing but obtuse and block progress so they can continue stat padding and abusing and exploiting current PS2 systems, while chasing off new and old players alike?

You'll find that I tend not to speak of PS2 in general, but of PS2 systems, contexts and specific parts of gameplay that I find weak, abusive, flawed, obsolete (and yes, often times when compared to a more innovative and practical PS1 system, if applicable, certainly. That I can and have to I find sad about the state of PS2.).

Instead, all you can see is me relating to PS1 and selectively only reading those comments. And perhaps you would even like to go as far, like some other really obtuse people, claim that someone like me would only want PS1 with a mere graphics update.

Get your facts straight. You don't know anything about my posting history. You just think you do because you're being extremely selective in picking what fits into your image of me and what doesn't. If you don't like what I have to say, put me on ignore. There's a button for it. Go on then. Do it.

2012-12-23, 03:07 AM
So you're saying you feel so personally offended if I make say a sarcastic statement about the state of PS2, you think it's fine to post comments about me personally?

Nope, I don't think it's fine, and thankfully I never made personal comments about your life. I also didn't create balloon animals today, and I also didn't eat chocolate covered ants. Is there anything else?

All you're doing now is trying to save face because you completely failed at trolling and interpreting. Very childish. And yes, that's a derogatory assessment of you, but also very accurate unfortunately, because you're not man enough to admit you judged wrong and prejudiced.

I don't have to 'save face' for pointing out a bias that you've admitted to having. Please reference what prejudice means, because you still don't understand, apparently.

I'm definitely unhappy with the current state of PS2 and yes, I'm absolutely convinced on experience with both games that PS1 had better mechanics that should have been and still should be implemented in PS2.

I am not however, of the opinion that by mere definition PS1 is always better in every way than PS2 as you attested (that IS a prejudice) and when I make a comparison between the two or make a reference between the two, my posting history DOES NOT suggest it's ALWAYS in favour of PS1.

Here's some more good news: since you are efficient at using quote tags, feel free to quote where I said you are always in favor of PS1. Go ahead, I'll wait - unless you are making random statements to make it seem I said anything of the sort... perhaps to 'save face?'

I ALWAYS back up my opinion with argumentation. ALWAYS.


When it comes to cloaking however, they've utterly and completely annhiliated its gameplay by removing ALL its objective gameplay. ALL its infiltration capacity and making a melee unit into a long distance sniper! CAN YOU FUCKING IMAGINE THAT I, A LONG TERM CARREER INFIL, AM REALLY, REALLY PISSED OFF ABOUT THAT BECAUSE IT WAS ONE OF THE MAIN REASONS I PLAYED PS1?

Even more good news: Margaret and I discussed the state of Infiltrators on her stream and she says more is coming. I typically main engie and infil so I agree, something needs to be done and honestly I think removing rifles was a bad reaction move on Sony's part, basically guaranteeing infil's always lose every close encounter. As I am playing Vanu in PS2 (I played TR in PS1) I wanted to reference how disappointed I was with the Artemis, the only fully automatic infiltrator weapon. I know Higby referenced MAXes and LA are on his radar first, but I thought I would let you know that she is aware that infil's need work.

Yet here you are claiming you "know", because of a supposed posting record about "always" making PS1>PS2 comments.

You are inventing quotes. I addressed this 'always' statement above.

Get your facts straight. You don't know anything about my posting history. You just think you do because you're being extremely selective in picking what fits into your image of me and what doesn't. If you don't like what I have to say, put me on ignore. There's a button for it. Go on then. Do it.

You've mentioned that before, in this thread, yet don't take your own advice. Seems a little hypocritical, but then what should I expect from someone that resorts to 'trolling' 'childish' 'not man enough' references? I hope you step back and look at your behavior for a minute. :)