View Full Version : Pirates of the burning sea being sold on. PS1 could go this way?

2012-12-20, 04:41 PM

I wonder if SOE have considered or had offers for Planetside 1. Could be promising if a games company suddenly realised PS1 was superior.

2012-12-20, 04:44 PM
I wish valve would buy ps1.

Valve actually has psychologists, statisticians and economists on their staff. They know how to read data and people.

2012-12-20, 04:53 PM
@ OP


PS2 is a cash cow and they how it continues for years to come.
It would make NO sense at all to let anyone else have any control over any part of the name because they could potentially tarnish it.

Seriously try to engage the brain.

Also PotBS was not a true SOE property.

2012-12-20, 06:52 PM
@ OP


PS2 is a cash cow and they how it continues for years to come.
It would make NO sense at all to let anyone else have any control over any part of the name because they could potentially tarnish it.

Seriously try to engage the brain.

Also PotBS was not a true SOE property.

-1 for reading comprehension

if you want ppl to engage their brains maybe you should lead by example instead of running your "mouth"

try re-reading the OP

2012-12-20, 06:57 PM
So the original developers of PotBS are planning to relaunch after SOE drops it. Not certain how that equates to SOE dropping PS1 and selling it to someone else. I doubt they would do this since the Planetside IP is currently strong due to PS2.

2012-12-20, 07:37 PM
-1 for reading comprehension

if you want ppl to engage their brains maybe you should lead by example instead of running your "mouth"

try re-reading the OP

So i went back and reread the original post.

Yes its still completely stupid for the reason I gave already.

2012-12-20, 08:27 PM
@ OP


PS2 is a cash cow and they how it continues for years to come.
It would make NO sense at all to let anyone else have any control over any part of the name because they could potentially tarnish it.

Seriously try to engage the brain.

Also PotBS was not a true SOE property.

Potentially tarnish the name? hahaha SOE have proven time and time again over the years that they are out of touch with their player base. They have single handedly tarnished the name Planetside. Why is it stupid? I am grateful for information like this. I would rather read speculative posts than SOE hype and the mindless repeaters spouting their rhetoric.

Far too many people on here calling others stupid and idiots. What for? all over posts that you disagree with . The mods locking threads and deleting stuff because....... wait for it. People might talk about it and throw mud lol. What the hell is a forum for? Fostering a community the players are the community and if we get a little gossip about SOE pushing PS2 out far too early and insiders considering it a beta still. Then why not talk about it?

2012-12-21, 04:05 PM
Potentially tarnish the name? hahaha SOE have proven time and time again over the years that they are out of touch with their player base. They have single handedly tarnished the name Planetside. Why is it stupid? I am grateful for information like this. I would rather read speculative posts than SOE hype and the mindless repeaters spouting their rhetoric.

Far too many people on here calling others stupid and idiots. What for? all over posts that you disagree with . The mods locking threads and deleting stuff because....... wait for it. People might talk about it and throw mud lol. What the hell is a forum for? Fostering a community the players are the community and if we get a little gossip about SOE pushing PS2 out far too early and insiders considering it a beta still. Then why not talk about it?

I think if you want to be taken seriously you should drop the melodramatics. The mods let quite a bit slide here, and let a lot of "off" topics keep going. You really should know what you're talking about before jumping on that kind of band wagon. It's been only recently that some topics, which contributed next to nothing positive for the community, have been shut down.

The people here have kept this site going for a long time, and it's because of them that we have had a place to stay and discuss Planetside.

2012-12-21, 04:11 PM
PlanetSide is an SOE property the chances of it going anywhere else are somewhere between slim and none. They own it, it's 100% theirs and they get all the money off it.

Also, I think Huntsab needs to lay off the egg nog.

We do not delete threads and posts like you suggest. We delete non-contributing threads and posts quite often that are laced with bullshit and worthless. We do not delete negative threads.

And yes, we delete threads about "XYZ WAS BANNED AND SHOULDNT HAVE BEEN" because this is not the forum for that. It is a customer service issue between the customer and SOE not for public consumption.

2012-12-21, 07:04 PM
OP does not understand the business relationship of the PotBS publishing deal. What OP said is nonsense. Not being "negative" by saying so, it's just the truth.

2012-12-21, 07:30 PM
If SOE were smart and were going to drop it and never support it again then selling it would make them money from something they'd have gained nothing from.

That said however I doubt they'd sell their own game, they'd rather see it die, where as that pirate game wasn't made by them.

2012-12-21, 11:31 PM
OP does not understand the business relationship of the PotBS publishing deal. What OP said is nonsense. Not being "negative" by saying so, it's just the truth.

But it's in the article that he linked. :doh:

2012-12-22, 12:09 AM
But it's in the article that he linked. :doh:

I meant that he did not understand that PotBS was not a SOE IP nor a SOE development project, they simply published the game under contract. Planetside on the other hand is entirely SOE designed and owned, so there is no reason, pressure, way in hell, whatever, that SOE would even consider "selling" it.

Completely different business. OP made a strange flight of fancy with this thread.

2012-12-22, 12:11 AM
^ Ah ok, I guess if he didn't know SOE created PS1 that makes sense.