View Full Version : Admins to Waterson to ban cheaters please...

2012-12-22, 08:21 AM
Get some admins to Waterson ffs. TR is already zerging the whole server with 50% pop. Now they have cheaters using aimbots and shooting through walls, and taking our precious benefits that we've been fighting to defend for weeks.

I've had my outfit and platoons reporting them all day and they are still there. If we had an admin or two, it would be obvious who needs the banhammer. Thank you, come again.

2012-12-22, 09:20 AM
It's not just the TR. I have seen them on all factions. Most recently Vanu.

2012-12-22, 12:30 PM
Why are you asking here on a third party site for in game support?

2012-12-22, 12:38 PM
Why are you asking here on a third party site for in game support?

Because this is the Quasi-official Planetside2 game site and he didn't know to post the request to Smedley's Dog's Blog....

2012-12-22, 06:16 PM
I know it's not just TR. I haven't personally seen VS speedhackers or aimbotters. I would report them, and tell my outfit to do the same if I did. That's not to say they aren't there. All I can relate is my own experience.

I posted this on the official forums too, but the devs do read this forum, ya' know.

Edit to say: They seemed to disappear after a couple hours, so here's to hoping they got IP banned.

Fear The Amish
2012-12-22, 06:38 PM
if i see a VS aimbotter i just order my outfit to TK them until they quit.... really wish the TR would do the same.

2012-12-22, 10:39 PM
I've got to be real. I've seen a real diminishing in cheaters on waterson, from a NC PoV. We roll around for a long time, and I'm seeing a lot less cheaters. Though I do see the occasional dude moving akwardly towards me with his sights on an simply shooting me like he was being guided by some sort of failish aimbot.

But the problem has diminished considerably.

2012-12-24, 07:14 PM
Yeah, they've done a pretty good job on the cheats. Its been quiet lately. I see them occassionally but their BR is always low implying they don't last long.