View Full Version : Base Defense

Fear The Amish
2012-12-22, 05:08 PM
Ok... this really really really really hurts... but im gonna do it. I agree with Figment <shudders> Ok this game not only has become boring but has become a zerg offensive only place. Ok to preface some of this NO i do not throw myself at spawn camps i move on and attempt to re-take it. The problem is besides Bio labs there are no good defensive positions. What this leads to is an inability to defend against extreme odds (yes i can go 2x but when its 3x and 4x it just becomes nuts). I really would like them to revamp some of these bases and make them much more defensive. personally i think objectives need to be inside and minimize outward facing doors and windows. Build outposts like roman border towns with walls between buildings minimal windows facing outwards and all doors inward. You could add balconies and roof access to keep the LA play alive but besides that the defensive side of this game needs re-vamped.

2012-12-22, 06:21 PM
Ok... this really really really really hurts...

*cuddle* <3

Fear The Amish
2012-12-22, 06:31 PM
all i wan't now to defend against a zerg is decently designed and constructed fortresses along choke points. we already have a nice one with Quartz ridge would love if they followed that style throughout the rest of indar and esamir. also why does westhighlands only have a wall at one side?!?

2012-12-22, 06:31 PM
Also ask, why does it have a wall but no walkway on the other?

2012-12-22, 06:51 PM
Embrace the defensible base layout!