View Full Version : Need Some Pointers

2012-12-23, 08:12 PM
Well, since we just had a triple station cash day, I spent 20 bucks and got 6000 station cash, which leaves me at 6,170 counting the sc I got from logging into everquest and clone wars adventures. The only problem is, I want to spend this station cash wisely, and I'm not doing good so far. In short; I need help.

I just spent 700 SC on the LC2 Lynx, and honestly I feel like I wasted my money. It's pretty much a TRAC 5 with a little bit faster fire rate, quite a bit more recoil, and not nearly enough of the attachments I prefer (2x reflex, compensator, etc.). So I feel like I've made an impulsive, stupid decision once and bought a gun that feels like a POS, and I don't want to make that mistake again.

What should I spend my SC on now to make the most out of it? I have like 5,470 left, which is a good bit, but I want to make it all count greatly towards my gameplay. I'm only worried about getting things for my light assault and maybe a couple upgrades for vehicles, so that eliminates the possibility of spending SC on weapons for a different class.

I am hoping some of you will know what would be wise for me, as a TR Light Assault player, to spend my station cash on.

P.S. If someone could try to convince me how and why the Lynx is apparently so good, I would greatly appreciate it :)

2012-12-23, 08:17 PM
Cant help you with weapons ATM but the first thing I purchased was a 7 day XP booster. I figured that would be more helpful to me at this stage in my gaming.

I did the same as you. I bought a SABR rifle and I think I wasted my money on that. Second, I got some camo for my armour, which I didnt mind... TR medic outfit stands out like a dogs scrotum :)

2012-12-23, 08:28 PM
you need 0 weapons. They're all good (default ones). If you like playing a max, get another AI weapon for it. Don't bother with dual bursters, playing aa max is boring and unrewarding as fuck.

I made the mistake of stacking up on 50% 7day boosters on friday, but I just know SOE is going to put a better booster +ev-wise in the ingame shop before I run dry of those.

dunno, get another cycler or a variant of cycler (onslaught=<3) for your AI loving max, but don't bother with the infantry weapons. They're not better and most of the time they're worse than the stock ones.

2012-12-23, 08:55 PM
hahaha default weapons are not good, vehicle weapons are pretty much straight upgrades over the default

Brutal Magikarp
2012-12-23, 08:57 PM
I heard the decimator was good.
Also the vehicle weapons for the magrider are also good.
Also if you use the sunderer often as a spawn point upgrading it's weapons is a good choice.
Alsooooo upgrading your MAX weapons is a good way to spend SC.
Alsoooooooooooooo the zephyr and dalton are epic weapons for the liberator.

2012-12-23, 09:02 PM
Lol well at least now I can save my SC for a time when I may actually need it xD

2012-12-23, 09:30 PM
Don't spend any SC unless you are planning to play a lot the coming week. In that case the 50% XP boost for 7 days (500SC) makes sense as you will easily earn that investment back.

For the rest, just wait until a proper sale (>50% off) will show up and ask again. Your stock arsenal is good enough for now playing as LA. As you don't like the recoil and lack of attachments on the Lynx, wait for the TRAC 5 S to go on sale. It's the ultimate jack-of-all-trades attachment galore carbine in the TR arsenal.

2012-12-23, 09:36 PM
Best purchase I made was the Barrage, love it on my LA.

2012-12-23, 09:42 PM
Giraffe camo of course

2012-12-23, 09:52 PM
In reference to the TRAC-5 S - Can this oasis of attachments available to it make up for its lack of ROF in terms of power?

2012-12-23, 10:43 PM
There are only two TR carbines that have compensators, the TRAC-5 S (which everybody uses for the grenade launcher attachment) and the T5 AMC.


The wiki is wrong here and shows that the Lynx has a 2x reflex, but I just checked in game and it doesn't. You can also look at the weapon data for the TR carbines here:

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AuOojvNLMApVdEtIU1NKenEzNzZOSWNaanFqSUVxLW c&type=view&gid=12&f=true&colid0=16&filterstr0=TR&colid1=17&filterstr1=CARBINE&sortcolid=-1&sortasc=true&rowsperpage=250

There are basically two ends of the spectrum:

Short range -- Jaguar/Lynx. Soft point ammo, advanced laser sight, high rate of fire. Lynx is very similar to the Jaguar, losing a little hipfire accuracy and getting a higher rate of fire and right-leaning recoil. These are both really meant to be hipfire weapons (which is about 10m or less for me), with a max range of about 20m before the damage dropoff from soft point ammo starts to hurt you.

Long range -- T5 AMC. High velocity ammo, advanced forward grip, compensator, all the long-range scopes (2x reflex and a 6x), slow rate of fire. Problem with this weapon is that it still has right-leaning recoil, which is a weapon feature I really dislike; I like my recoil to go straight up with none of this left/right leaning BS.

Everything else is somewhere inbetween. Looking at the data sheet, the base carbines are all very similar (they all do the same damage per shot and have the same ammo pool), so it pretty much comes down to attachments. Very minimal difference compared to LMGs, where there is a fairly wide range of damages, accuracies, and fire rates. I would have a hard time spending money on carbines.

I spent $20 on triple station cash day, and this is what I got so far (all the vehicle weaps were 15% off):

Dual Mercy MAX -- this is great
HE Prowler Turret -- this is great
HE Lightning Turret -- haven't used it much
A2A Mossie Missles -- I'm not really into flying, but I figured I would try it out. It's not bad and I have killed a few dudes with them. Still crash the plane too much.
ROCKETPAWDS -- hard to hit ground targets while moving, which is pretty much what I expected. Stopping to aim gets you shot to pieces
TMG-50 -- way better for me than the MSW-R; feels like I can actually kill people 1v1.

Still have about 1800 SC left. I want to buy the SKEP, but I keep waiting to hear whether the Annihilator actually exists or not.

2012-12-23, 10:52 PM
The lynx is a speed hip fire weapon. Try strafing back and forth with the lynx..hip fire or ads. You will see its power, it doesn't slow you down! You will give HA nightmares. It's powerful when used correctly with laser sights, although not good long range.

Personally, I think the tr automatic shotgun would match well for a LA that likes to ambush, kill, gtfo. Also shotguns are easy to free-trial because they don't need to be certed to see their potential. They suck for medium and long range.

Trac 5-s is probably the most versatile weapon you can buy. you cant go wrong having this in your armory. It's damn fun trying out the attachments. Only downside is that it's kind of buggy. If I had the budget for just one gun this would be it.

2012-12-23, 11:00 PM
Damn, disappoints me a bit that they assume anyone wanting a high rate of fire wants to hipfire. Oh well, I really do hope they differentiate the carbines as much as they do the LMGs some day, as they are stupidly similar right now. I'm just going to lay off spending SC and wait for good sales to make it last longer, and be more worth while when my purchase is a piece of crap.

2012-12-23, 11:37 PM
...Personally, I think the tr automatic shotgun would match well for a LA that likes to ambush, kill, gtfo. Also shotguns are easy to free-trial because they don't need to be certed to see their potential. They suck for medium and long range...

I'll +1 the shotgun and also point out that with slugs and a reflex sight it can actually be pretty decent at medium range. 860 damage per shot with a 250 or 300 RPM fire rate is enough to make anyone on the receiving end have a bad day, particularly if you manage a headshot. If you can reign it in and use it carefully you'll have a lot of fun, and switch between pellets or slugs depending upon the situation.

2012-12-23, 11:41 PM
Damn, disappoints me a bit that they assume anyone wanting a high rate of fire wants to hipfire. Oh well, I really do hope they differentiate the carbines as much as they do the LMGs some day, as they are stupidly similar right now. I'm just going to lay off spending SC and wait for good sales to make it last longer, and be more worth while when my purchase is a piece of crap.

You should really try hip firing more. The lynx and jaguar are really powerful with advanced laser and soft point. I used to only ads before and have just recently started hip firing. I've cleared a room running in fast and deadly. before it never was possible.

2012-12-23, 11:54 PM
Oh trust me I do hipfire; I just want hipfire to be an afterthought with my gun. The main function should be the ADS performance, which is why I wish they had a high ROF gun with lower recoil and worse hipfire accuracy. I actually bought the lynx because I had heard of its mobility while aiming down sights, and, combined with its low time to kill, it sounded like a pretty special weapon, one that would certainly be powerful in the ADS aspect. It seems like it can't find itself though; it doesn't know what it's supposed to be. Speed while in ADS but crappy ADS accuracy and recoil, with high hipfire accuracy. Not sure what it's supposed to be doing.

2012-12-24, 12:24 AM
certainly be powerful in the ADS aspect. It seems like it can't find itself though; it doesn't know what it's supposed to be. Speed while in ADS but crappy ADS accuracy and recoil, with high hipfire accuracy. Not sure what it's supposed to be doing.

Well that's a side grade for you. A speedy close combat ads weapon with high rof, quick ttk, good hip fire, and no downsides sounds like an upgrade. I don't think anyone but the vanu will get something like that.

The jaguar however does seem more accurate than the Linx when ads, but there is slow down when ads, it's also much better mid range. The jaguar is my weapon of choice. I just think there needs to be a better mid-long ranger. The amc doesn't do it for me.

2012-12-24, 01:41 AM
I'm loving the Jaguar even without laserpointer. Also it comes with changeable fire settings (full auto and single round) which I just found out last night for when you do want ADS + longer distance engagements.

The Hayemaker is the only shotgun I've picked up but I like this. It offers you other options as a LA. Jetpack shotgunners are deadly in tall outposts!

Ultimately do a trial and see for yourself :)

Fear The Amish
2012-12-24, 10:26 AM
Couple of pieces of advice... Every weapon feels diffrent to everyone. Personally i LOVE the Pulsar LSW got in beta and still run with it great close and mid range. but most people hate it. The default once you throw some sights and grip on it are great. I would suggest that you trial a few weapons to see what you like and then go with that. If you like vehicles i would suggest getting the maingun and secondary gun upgrades. also one BIG one is Get your second burster arm or just any form of AA it might be boring but it is what helps you shoo away some of the air problems. I do suggest boosters because they are really nice though.

2012-12-24, 06:07 PM
Yeah, I do understand that they are supposed to be sidegrades. I just wish they felt a bit more diverse. I feel like the Lynx and my old trusty TRAC 5 don't actually feel different. They just shoot better or worse.

2012-12-24, 06:15 PM
Always use the trial. Try your weapons it costs nothing.

2012-12-24, 07:28 PM
Oh, trust me, I've already trialed most of the weapons :) only problem is when I trial them I can't tell their performance paired with certain attachments, which greatly affects how they play out.

2012-12-24, 07:35 PM
0x7363682E (http://xkcd.com/138/)

2012-12-24, 07:55 PM
If you play Infiltrator a lot, get camouflage for guns, armor, and vehicles. Even if it gives you a very, very small advantage, anything else can be bought with certs eventually. Later on, when you have a lot of certs lying around, you're gonna wish you spent SC on camo. One for each continent (desert scrub v1/snow aspen/jungle forest are my favourites).

But if you don't play an Infiltrator a lot, vehicle weapons are the way to go. If you want a bigger presence in platoons, get a Skyguard for your Lightning. Many people don't like using AA guns, but if you're skilled with it I would highly recommend it. Even a single well-placed Skyguard puts a ton of pressure on enemy air, and can mean the difference between a survivable defense, or getting dominated by Liberators. My best purchase.

I'm not a good Lib pilot, but I'm a good gunner and there's a good pilot in my outfit I fly with. If his Liberator goes down, I pull mine and we continue. You can get a Zepher or Dalton for 700 SC if you know you're gonna have a pilot/gunner all the time; would not recommend otherwise.

Don't feel bad about that impulsive buy. Remember that these are all "sidegrades" - you didn't get a worse gun, you just got one tailored to a different situation/playstyle. I impulsively bought 3 different weapons for my Infiltrator (semi-auto,automatic,bolt-action), and I was worried at first. But I found that I had a lot more versatility in how I could play, and I could adapt to situations instead of being forced into a different role.

I did, however, cry because I spent a little money before the SCx3, and I bought the guns before the days of their deals...

2012-12-24, 08:51 PM
This whole thing about sidegrades; they're not really sidegrades. They are (or should be) different guns to support different playstyles. I think calling them sidegrades is an effort to justify the fact that they are not all that different. I feel that their stats should differ more greatly, in contrast to the current small differences between them. I know for sure I'm holding off on buying more weapons for my LA until I find one that actually fits my bill, which is a good balance between ADS accuracy and high fire rate. I know the VS has this, the NC seems to have it with their GDF-7, but the TR doesn't.

2012-12-24, 09:57 PM
Engi or LA Weaponry:
If you want just a good carbine without the extra stuff, T5 AMC with Adv Forward Grip, 2x, comp, maybe mess with ammo.
If you want grenades for bio lab fights, TRAC-5 S.
For very close range, shotgun.
For medium range competitiveness, I've heard good things about the AMR-66 but that's engineer only.

Stick with the stock Cycler. The TRV got nerfed and it just isn't the same. Cycler S for nades.

I'd have to go with TMG-50, since the MSW-R and CARV-S seem to have been nerfed just enough to be out of the running, and I have no idea what they did to the CARV but everyone is bailing out of that one too.
Decimators do a lot of damage if you're pretty good at aiming them.
Annihilators seem to be getting some decent reviews.

Everyone has very different opinions about whether the Mercy or the Onslaught is better, but they all end up arriving at "It doesn't matter if you go up against a Scatmax (Scattercannon/Hacksaw), unless you're a couple lightyears away from them."
Don't even bother with AV MAX guns unless they are rushing you with AI maxes.
Bursters. I hear about these being underpowered all the time, but the truth is, if your outfit puts a few dual-bursters outside, and they know how to use them, you will make a no-fly-zone FAST. I've seen 5 of these things absolutely melt a Reaver in about 2 seconds.

Rotary for primary, rocketpods for secondary. Dogfighting chassis and flares. Stealth or Composite is up to you, but composite wont save you from an AA battery.

HEAT is a good middle of the road so I'd stick with that.
Our secondary weapons however... are suspect. Never ever spend certs or money on the ground variant of the Walker. At least not until it's buffed. Vulcan eats thru armor up close, not great at range. Halberd is nice at medium range, but missile's speed is slow and arcs, so it's a massive pain at long range compared to the Magrider's Saron HRB. Marauder... would be so much nicer if the arc wasn't ridiculous, but as it is, it's pretty difficult to hit things consistently without walking the shots out to the target.

I think that's enough knowledge to help you bring fear and death to the terrorists for now. =P