View Full Version : TR weapons as of late

2012-12-25, 12:47 PM
I feel like there is something really screwy with TR weapons lately. They seem to have a bit too much up and right recoil, easily throwing them off target, especially when paired with their high rate of fire. I am speaking mainly from the perspective of carbines, but I think LMGs seem a bit lacking too. After testing out the recoil patterns of each empire's weapons (I rented many of the non-TR weapons with the trial system). I have come to the conclusion that my suspicion is true and there is something about these weapons that makes them uncontrollable.

Seeing as the TR is supposed to have the highest rate of fire weapons, but instead their highest ROF carbine is 800 rounds per minute and the NC AND VS have weapons that shoot 845 rounds per minute, something is seriously not right. Furthermore that 800 round per minute weapon of the TR, the LC2 Lynx, feels much less controllable than the VS's 845 RPM Serpent and the NC's 845 RPM GD7-F.

I prefer not to complain too much about faction imbalances but there is no fun in trying to tame these weapons. They are simply a hassle to use, and when I try other factions' weapons, I feel so much more powerful and in control, like I actually have a chance. The TR is meant to have high rate of fire paired with low bullet damage, in contrast to the NC's low rate of fire and high bullet damage, resulting in balanced TTKs. If they are meant to have similar TTKs, the faster firing weapons should not have any less controllable recoil than the slower firing weapons, but they do. They pull far too hard to the right and are easily knocked off target, especially when taking damage. Something is not right here, and I only hope it will be fixed.

2012-12-25, 12:49 PM
>A hassle to use

Nope. Can't speak for carbines though.

2012-12-25, 12:51 PM
Can't say I've noticed this.. though I use almost exclusively the Trac-5 S that thing is epic.

2012-12-25, 02:10 PM
Can't say I've noticed this.. though I use almost exclusively the Trac-5 S that thing is epic.

That's what everybody keeps saying, but I freely admit I can't do jack with it, even with the foregrip and compensator. Especially zoomed in with the scope.... touch the trigger and BRAAAAP it climbs all over the place so I can't see what I'm shooting at, even at mindrange.

In infantry actions I fight mostly with my engie anymore. I can hit what I aim at, I have a grenade launcher, and I can carry free ammo for myself and my compadres. I guess it's one of those mileage-may-vary things.

2012-12-25, 04:02 PM
I'm gonna assume you're talking about burst firing because I know you're not spraying and praying at 100m. I personally haven't really noticed anything weird about them lately, but I've switched over to the AMR-66 for med-long range engagements and save the CARV for close range fighting where recoil doesn't really matter as much.
As for carbines, I don't really use em since I AMR-66 on my Engy and don't play LA.
<3 my TRV tho...

2012-12-25, 04:13 PM
It is pretty shitty when the GD-7F, an NC weapon, fires faster than all TR weapons.

2012-12-25, 05:48 PM
Thanks for the responses guys, glad my voice isn;t completely alone on this xD

Well according to Bags TR LMGs do in fact suck too, I assume for the same reasons that TR carbines seem to suck. I'm not trying to go full auto at 100m, but I do try to lay 10 shots into someone for a kill at more like 10 meters with the LC2 Lynx and find my aim to be knocked off far to easily by the recoil. I can only imagine if the TR did have the actual high rate of fire weapon that they rightfully deserve how bad its recoil would be. It's really out of control and needs to be brought to attention.

2012-12-25, 06:10 PM
What makes you think this is a bug? Carbines aren't meant to be long range weapons, thus why they universally have very low bullet velocity. Very few carbines do not sway to the left or right. In exchange for this they have the best hipfire cof/bloom.

2012-12-25, 06:42 PM
It is pretty shitty when the GD-7F, an NC weapon, fires faster than all TR weapons. Technically not true. Cycler TRV and TX1 Repeater shoot as fast but these are not carbines, so yes, fast-firing TR carbines should be on par with the other empires on ROF.

I guess stats don't say it all. Weapon handling remains a very personal thing. Some of my team mates like the AMR-66 for instance. Personally, I hate the slow bullet velocity and poor ROF, making me loose vs AR and LMG on ranges where this weapon is supposed to win.
Speaking of bullet velocity, even sniper rifles having a lower bullet velocity compared to LMG's an AR's is something that scratches my head.

As for Trac-5 S, I'm considering certing into this one. The extra DPS and versatility of the launcher is something not to be overlooked.

Btw Higby announcing that these stats will be in-game (https://twitter.com/mhigby/statuses/283201774729437184) is some serious good news.

2012-12-25, 06:57 PM
I have a decent amount of experience with TR carbines and I'll say I greatly prefer the VS and NC weapons. There are several reasons why. First the recoil does feel much harder to manage for me than while playing VS or NC. But additionally I blow through ammo like its nobody's business and find myself running out of ammo significantly faster than I feel necessary.

Maybe I'm old school but I don't find relying on friendly engineers fun in the least bit. Also my infantry strategy is to stay the fuck away from teammates because all they are good for is getting me killed.

2012-12-25, 08:51 PM
VS have all of TR's weapons characteristics but no bullet drop and less recoil. They are the strongest faction, no doubt about it. Best weapons, best vehicles. They're the only faction that can charge into the biolab weapons blazing and take it over with no MAX suits involved and with equal populations. You can't stop their extreme fire rate and accuracy when their light assaults start pouring in.

2012-12-25, 10:41 PM
Fact is, Higby said in Beta that every empire would have weapons that approached the defining characteristics of the other empires, but still would not best them. Weapons like the GD-7F and the Serpent just sort of throw this philosophy out the window. Both fire faster than any TR carbine... which makes little sense.

I play NC, and the GD-7F is my weapon of choice, simply because it has the lowest TTK and is pretty versatile. However, it's an outlier that needs to be corrected, IMO.

2012-12-25, 11:08 PM
I think TR carbines overall are pretty weak, since they all do the same 143 damage (7 shots to kill a non-nanoweave non-infil at 10m) and the Jaguar is the only one where the recoil doesn't lean to the right. Like I mentioned in the other thread, I find the left/right-leaning recoil a really awful weapon characteristic and I basically won't use a weapon that has it. I can't hit the broad side of a barn when it does that crap. For HA, I bought TMG-50, where the recoil goes straight up, and even though the TTK is higher than the MSW-R, I am killing dudes way easier because (my admittedly awful) accuracy% went from 15 to 20%. I even kill guys at close range better, even though that's supposed to be the MSW-R's bread-and-butter. Accuracy really trumps everything for me.

So it's hard to look at NC's AC-X11, with 200 damage, straight up recoil, and 0 ADS CoF while standing still (at the cost of having a paltry 500 RoF) and not wish TR had something similar as an option.

The Messenger
2012-12-25, 11:43 PM
I'm convinced SOE doesn't have a Qaulity Assurance (QA) department hence why they find all the borked things from players. And it makes sense financially since that is less people they have to keep on payroll. The lack of QA was apparent during the fiasco with the original cert cost for reaver flares. Unfortunately, this means there are going to be a lot of inconsistencies between all factions. My guess is the ROF on the other two guns was an oversight for whoever created them and probably weren't cross-referenced against TR guns.
Or this was actually intentional and they wanted to give non-TR a gun that had a high ROF. Devs would probably not consider it game breaking since 99% of TR guns still outclass everything else in ROF. Especially since the guns don't get the extra ammunition that is standard with TR guns.

2012-12-26, 06:50 AM
It is pretty shitty when the GD-7F, an NC weapon, fires faster than all TR weapons.Lol...one weapon in the whole NC arsenal fires faster than yours and it is shitty....:eek::cry::cry::cry:

2012-12-26, 07:07 AM
They hired this CS guy, Jimmy Whisenhunt to work on the guns. I'd say he has his work cut out for him because the consistency in weapon design philosophy is a mess atm.
Every weapon should have a very specific role and character in this game, not some generic pool of identical looking weapons that have minor characteristics differences for no specific reason.
The empire philosophy should be consistent across the line. A fast firing TR carbine should always fire faster than its counterparts.

2012-12-26, 07:08 AM
It is pretty shitty when the GD-7F, an NC weapon, fires faster than all TR weapons.

TX1 Repeater and Cycler TRV have just as fast rate of fire, 845 RPM. So, actually, TR have two weapons that have the highest rate of fire, compared to NC/VS one.

2012-12-26, 07:33 AM
I'm convinced SOE doesn't have a Qaulity Assurance (QA) department hence why they find all the borked things from players. And it makes sense financially since that is less people they have to keep on payroll. The lack of QA was apparent during the fiasco with the original cert cost for reaver flares. Unfortunately, this means there are going to be a lot of inconsistencies between all factions. My guess is the ROF on the other two guns was an oversight for whoever created them and probably weren't cross-referenced against TR guns.
Or this was actually intentional and they wanted to give non-TR a gun that had a high ROF. Devs would probably not consider it game breaking since 99% of TR guns still outclass everything else in ROF. Especially since the guns don't get the extra ammunition that is standard with TR guns.

Don't spread rumors about stuff that is obviously untrue. They do have a QA department, but that QA department has a lot of elements of the game to test. Understand that their primary focus has been fixing crashing issues, optimizing the game and netcode, and dealing with problems that affect the playerbase as a whole.

The development team has 99 different problems to deal with, people bitching shouldn't be one of them. ;) They have limited resources to commit to a game which has some major problems that need to be corrected soon.

Lets stick to outlining the problem, proposing solutions, and making things as simple as possible for them so that when they do have the time to address topics such as this thread title, they can do it as quickly as possible.

TX1 Repeater and Cycler TRV have just as fast rate of fire, 845 RPM. So, actually, TR have two weapons that have the highest rate of fire, compared to NC/VS one.

The issue here is really that the NC GD-7F and the VS Serpent carbines fire faster than any of the TR carbines.

2012-12-26, 07:41 AM
VS have all of TR's weapons characteristics but no bullet drop and less recoil. They are the strongest faction, no doubt about it. Best weapons, best vehicles. They're the only faction that can charge into the biolab weapons blazing and take it over with no MAX suits involved and with equal populations. You can't stop their extreme fire rate and accuracy when their light assaults start pouring in.

Truer words have never been spoken.

Also NC scatter maxes something need to be done about those they are just insane ridiculous.

Kills my TR max suit in less than 0.5 sec

2012-12-26, 07:44 AM
The issue here is really that the NC GD-7F and the VS Serpent carbines fire faster than any of the TR carbines.

And the TR weapons have more recoil and do less damage per bullet than other factions so why the heck is this in the game these better guns?

This seem ridiculous but i always die to the Orion Serpent and GD-7F.

I usually get 4 to one kill ratio cause i am one of best TR on server but know which enemy guns are OP and those 3 are.

2012-12-26, 11:29 AM
And the TR weapons have more recoil and do less damage per bullet than other factions so why the heck is this in the game these better guns?

This seem ridiculous but i always die to the Orion Serpent and GD-7F.

I usually get 4 to one kill ratio cause i am one of best TR on server but know which enemy guns are OP and those 3 are.

Really XRaDiiX is somewhat right. This is more of a thread of two points that need to be fixed: the TR's absolutely overkill recoil and the lack of a high rate of fire carbine for the TR.