View Full Version : MAX certs

2012-12-26, 03:20 PM
Haven't certed the MAX at all yet. What are your favorite load out configs for fighting infantry with the MAX? Most effective guns? Must have certs?


2012-12-26, 03:22 PM
Dual Cycler (Mercy is nice) for infantry, Dual Burster for AA as it's the strongest atm, idk anyone who uses dual Pounders. If you can get flak armor, go for it.

2012-12-26, 03:24 PM
I don't see the cycler. Must be TR

2012-12-26, 03:27 PM
I don't see the cycler. Must be TR

So you are either VS or NC.. so we need to know what you are to tell you what you need because outside of the burster arms they all have different names depending on faction.

2012-12-26, 03:29 PM
So you are either VS or NC.. so we need to know what you are to tell you what you need because outside of the burster arms they all have different names depending on faction.

I am VS. I think the little icon on the top right of the post represents our faction...

2012-12-26, 03:31 PM
My team rocks dual-blueshift. We consider it the best all-circumstance AI fit available for VS. You're still in trouble outside 100m, but there's not much you can do at that distance in the lobster suit anyway.

2012-12-26, 03:33 PM
I am VS. I think the little icon on the top right of the post represents our faction...

I was going to help.. but after that.. nah.. sense appearently having 3 character slots meaning you could play 3 characters.. on all 3 factions.. or maybe you didn't update your faction selection before you posted means nothing to you. Good luck.

Advice, be less of a douche when people are trying to assist you.

2012-12-26, 03:33 PM
I was going to help.. but after that.. nah.. sense appearently having 3 character slots meaning you could play 3 characters.. on all 3 factions.. or maybe you didn't update your faction selection before you posted means nothing to you. Good luck.

Advice, be less of a douche when people are trying to assist you.


2012-12-26, 06:57 PM

Im not sure why Dragonskin said that either.

Ive noticed an increase in AA usage for the MAXs, specifically to counter air. That may be a good first choice.

2012-12-26, 07:05 PM
If you're going to buy anything for MAX, buy another burster. It'll save lives.
Although, flak armor is great too.

2012-12-26, 07:33 PM
Don't get another burster. It's actually better to just ignore air and kill people on the ground than it is to bother trying to actually gain some exp using bursters. They aren't fun to use and they hardly get kills.

Get a second AI gun of your choice and then max out flak armor and extended mags for both guns. Grats now you're a beast. Alternatively, VS Anti-tank MAX is really good if that's your thing. Just don't get another burster unless you really like taking one for the team, or you're part of an outfit that can pull many bursters at once.

2012-12-26, 08:23 PM
Thanks for all the replies. I'll probably only spawn a MAX for cq infantry battles when our infantry advance has hit a wall. Seem to find myself in these situations when attacking biolabs fairly often. Not much interest in AA.

2012-12-27, 01:17 AM
Dual Nebulas if you wana fire loadsa boolets, blueshifts are marginally the best dps wise but they fire slow and are well, lets put it this way NO VS MAX AI weapons are incredibly accurate.

I have dual blueshifts and dual nebluas, i love the nebulas they have 50 round magazines and can just tear shit up. You could try the cosmos but im yet to give them a whirl so i have no idea how they fare.

2012-12-27, 02:48 AM
Yeah, AA MAX suits seem to do their job well. But is dropping 1k certs on a second AA gun really worth it? What do you get in return? You become a 'deterrent' for enemy air and maybe get a kill once every 10 minutes. Even if you buy it with station cash ...

2012-12-27, 05:20 AM
Well as a VS advocate :vsrocks: I hookced up with the duel burster, nebulas, and comets. FYI dont under estimate the comets, they are slow to load but can pack a punch on armor. Nebulas have a higher rate of fire, and good damage, but range sucks on them.:sniper: Bursters are just that bursters, pretty good on air. I am a little worried about getting the extended mags for the duel nebulas because they say its like a glitch and you wont get 50% more for the magazines, it will only give you like 5 or 6. But if they say it not and you actually get like 50% more in the magazine then ill get that. I also have the flack armor upgrade, I catch a lot of that when Im on the ground shooting down libs.

People say vs max will not be getting the jump boost, (like the PS1 max), but if they do give us the jump jets Im definetly putting certs into that.

Ref: gunshooter must be a fly boy, dude its always good to have that extra burster, outfit or not. Base defence though it sucks and is hardly done, bursters on the roof are fly boys worst nightmare. Just last night on Woodman, me and about 3 burster maxes with engineers murdered TR air just north of the crown at the hydroponics station. It was a massacure, I would advice you to invest in that burster.

2012-12-27, 06:04 AM
I've been spending SC and certs on my MAX.

- My first "must have" was a left arm Burster for AA duty. I say "duty" as it is out of a sense of duty that I run dual bursters; not a great deal fo fun to be had in this role any longer. But it is important to be able to run with this when it is necessary to drive off enemy fighters.

- After the recent "triple SC" day I invested in a left arm Falcon, which is the NC specific anti vehicle grenade launcher. This to date is the best thing that I have spent SC on; Dual Falcons in the right situation, and especially with a height advantage, can be devastating against both infantry and armour, especially deployed Sunderers.

The drawback to Dual Falcons is that they are not so good against infantry at close range due to the slow fire rate. A direct hit is deadly, but if you miss then you're in trouble. It is possible to "snipe" medium range stationary infantry though, once you get a feel for the projectile drop.

As for Certs:

I have certed the regenerative armor, as I play solo, but if you can rely upon a friendly Engi to keep you in top shape, then Flak Armor is the "must have". The kinetic armour damage reduction percentages seem a bit lame.

For solo Dual Burster duty the extra ammo cannister is useful to have, but again if you can get resupplied reliably, then the Charge ability is better; great to be able to get to shelter quickly if you get some rocket pods coming your way. Extended mags for the bursters would be nice too, but at this stage I have better things to spend 500 + 500 certs on!

2012-12-27, 10:24 AM
Guess I was angry yesterday. Honestly can't tell you why I reacted that way....

2012-12-27, 11:49 AM
The kinetic armour tool-tip is misleading, it actually provides a 25% reduction in damage from incoming small arms fire. MAX units have a base 80% resistance, so 1% additional actually equals 5%. It really isn't clear from the description, but has been tested.

Flak armour is cheap and with the increase in use of C4 and Decis, it's a worthwhile investment, particularly if you like to play Burster or AV. Gives you a little longer against lightnings and aircraft.

I'm still ranking up my kinetic armour, as I too was unsure from the description. Regen armour feels like kind of a luxury, not certed into it yet, just stick around engis if possible.