View Full Version : K/D fixation and the fear of tanks.

2012-12-27, 12:05 PM
*Let me preface this by saying I rarely use tanks and so far only have used aircraft as transport.

I do not understand the the constant whining about tanks. Yes I dont like to get killed by them - because i dont enjoy being killed by anything.
But considering they are tanks they just arent very scarey.

I get killed more by tanks than I kill but I kill plenty. If they sit way back in safety they might be able to cover a door but they arent much for picking people off. If they come in close they are vulnerable(like real tanks.) A single tank trying to hold or cap an out post against 2 infantry is at a notable disadvantage.

I think the issue here is that people resent the tanks getting better k/d and xp ration to infantry. From a pure game play perspective they work about right. the only probalem is that infantry should probably get a bigger proportional reward than they do for killing one compared to a tank killing a grunt.
If people would just accept that infantry in general will have to have more deaths to kill a tank - they would realize that tanks cant control the map.

This is quite different from the air situation where 2 aircraft can pretty much lock down large areas of the map. From a a squad size unit unless they get out multiple burster maxes - which at best will just chase the aircraft away. A few of them can actually dictate the control of territory by ground forces.

2012-12-27, 12:09 PM
its that they can be spammed, easily, and in close ranges near bases, they have next to no real solid counter for defenders once spawn rooms are covered except to die repeatedly. it is the current path of least needed skill for highest payout (kills, exp, certs, etc).

out in the open, however, where infantry can get up onto vantage points that still exist, they can be focused fired down a bit easier, if people are smart about it and have some numbers on their side.

2012-12-27, 12:24 PM
When you kill a tank you get the XP for the tank kill, plus the XP for the Driver, plus any bonus for stopping his kill streak. With the Double XP i have been getting 200-300 xp per kill or about 1 cert point per tank kill.

That is pretty nice.

I think the biggest issue with tank spam is there are not enough people that switch to Heavy Assault when they start rolling in. Just the other night i killed 3 tanks solo that were camping an outpost. Run out around behind them (there were hills, i know you can't do it everywhere) shoot, hide, reload, shoot, 2-4 shots and the tank blows up.

I did it the other night and got 3 tanks before i died, then killed 2 more after they wised up to what i was doing. Granted there were some other infantry keeping them occupied but i was one of the few actually shooting them.

I have said it before. If you are getting tank spammed, everyone needs to switch to HA. 4 rockets (4 HA) will take out a tank even on the frontal armor. If you have a whole squad in a spawn room and everyone goes HA there is no way they can stop all of you if you use teamwork and tactics.

It all comes down to training. We need to start training our outfits like we used to in PS1. Stop doing the Zerg! Use smart tactics and it doesn't matter what the other side does.

2012-12-27, 12:37 PM
I think the biggest issue with tank spam is there are not enough people that switch to Heavy Assault when they start rolling in. Just the other night i killed 3 tanks solo that were camping an outpost. Run out around behind them (there were hills, i know you can't do it everywhere) shoot, hide, reload, shoot, 2-4 shots and the tank blows up.


When they are coming in close around buildings or hills, LA with C4 is also a solid option.

2012-12-27, 12:51 PM
When they are coming in close around buildings or hills, LA with C4 is also a solid option.

Yeah, but i haven't certed my second Explosive for any class yet. SOOOO many certs. A single C4 only takes a tank down to about 30-40%

2012-12-27, 01:04 PM
The issue isn't the strength of tanks, it's that there's 4033403490 tanks because anyone can be a tank whenever they want at virtually no cost. They are actually pretty weak, but apart from the cooldown, anyone can immediately become an MBT as long as they haven't recently lost their MBT, and that's a problem.

A tank driver with a brain however is hard to take out for infantry because he'll actually be smart. Anecdotes like "I took out a BR1 uncerted tank driven by a guy who just got the game solo as a HA" are great and all but that doesn't happen against any non BR1 tank driver. If I take a back armor hit, I immediately turn around and kill the HA, or if I can't get a shot on him i'll drive up to him, hop out and kill him while he's stuck on his rocket launcher. You are not soloing a tank unless the driver fucks up, period, as any class. Not even 5 HA's will kill my tank unless they're all on high ground with cover so I can't get a splash shot.

I'd much rather they be stronger (in terms of hp/armor) and much harder to pull.

2012-12-27, 02:58 PM
You are not soloing a tank unless the driver fucks up, period, as any class.

Thats true - if you mean that every tank that comes within 10 meters of a building has fucked up.

A tank that plays it safe will not be killed by infantry.
But agressive tanks get more kills and help more in capping bases.

2012-12-27, 03:19 PM
It's easier for 2 burster maxes to chase away an aircraft than it is for them to chase away a tank.

Now, what was the question?

2012-12-27, 03:22 PM
It's easier for 2 burster maxes to chase away an aircraft than it is for them to chase away a tank.

Now, what was the question?

I think it had to do with your inability to read.