View Full Version : PlanetSide 2 EXP Guide by -ItZMuRdA-

2012-12-28, 11:56 AM
Hey guys,

I'll start by saying that I know very similar work has already been done and posted on sites like the PSU Wiki for example (and credit and props to them for that!), but I wrote up this guide in Excel awhile back and just today ported it over to Google Docs to share with some friends.

It includes a lot of stuff that you may have seen already if you cared to search for it, but also includes a few things that I didn't find anywhere else all in one place. The only real thing it is missing is the decals, and as those would be quite the hassle to work into this format I simply left them out. Decals are awarded depending on your title for every Battle Rank, and if you really want to check them out you can see a full list of their icons on the PSU Wiki. Everything else relating to the EXP values and the non-decal rewards for every BR is included here, though.

A quick unnecessary explanation of the columns:

Sorted by Battle Rank, you'll find the Total EXP values up to the point that the given BR is earned, the EXP required until the next BR, the increase in EXP required over the previous BR (this is my favorite column, some of these trends are pretty cool), whether or not there is a Title or Loadout reward (if it says Title, they are sorted by empire in the next 3 columns; if it says Loadout, it just means you gained an extra custom infantry and vehicle loadout), and lastly the 3 columns that indicate which Title is rewarded depending on the empire that you are playing.

If you're looking for some nostalgia, I reuploaded my original PS1 EXP Guide that I made back in 2003 and updated in 2005 (when there was only 25 Battle Ranks) and that can be found below as well. As for the PS2 guide, that last jump from BR99 to BR100 is going to be a fun one. :)

Enjoy and please feel free to ask if you have any questions/comments. See you in-game.

PlanetSide 2 EXP Guide by -ItZMuRdA- (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsKBQqDTOXWKdGxyUElOTTZyRHJnZ0hHYmR2aF9Kb Gc)
PlanetSide 1 EXP Guide by -ItZMuRdA- (http://i.imgur.com/AdzPQ.gif)

2012-12-29, 02:36 AM
Socks' Planetside 2 EXP Guide
