View Full Version : News: PC Gamer talks The Crown

2013-01-23, 03:14 PM

2013-01-23, 03:51 PM
It'd be nice if they spent their time trying to figure out how to make 1 other base or outpost actually defensible.

I'm not saying the Crown is done 100% right. But how about we address the nature of some other outposts and bases. Maybe then more fights would take place in other areas.

2013-01-23, 04:39 PM
less defensible. keep those defensible locations and ambush points secret, folks, they still don't 'get' it.

2013-01-23, 07:07 PM
less defensible. keep those defensible locations and ambush points secret, folks, they still don't 'get' it.

Haha and here we are pleading for bases to be more defendable for the last 6 months, making schematics and youtube videos ... and the 10 people who can do anything about it are busy making the 1 defensive position easier to take.

From the team that gave us buildings with no doors or windows and main bases with remote external spawn rooms. Please stop breaking the things that aren't broke and fix the things that are.

Please give us some doors and windows in bases
Please put the spawn inside the main building with tunnels leading out to the walls and the base

Bases are meant to be defended. It is the greatest joy of the players to work out ways of breaking that defense. Stop trying to take that away from us.

2013-01-23, 08:41 PM
Yea I'd rather they spend time making bases more defendable and leave the crown as is. It will naturally become less and less relevant.

2013-01-23, 08:53 PM
I loled when he said it had a distinct Helm's deep feel.

Do you even Amerish bro? The bastion is much more like helms deep. Sad to see some great ideas go to waste by being to zerg and attacker friendly

2013-01-23, 09:02 PM
I never really get to see it as TR, it's much easier to hold as Vanu or NC.

Edit: Well actually I don't get to see it because I don't play any more but when I did...

2013-01-23, 09:04 PM
Soon the warp gates will rotate. :P

2013-01-23, 09:37 PM
I never really get to see it as TR, it's much easier to hold as Vanu or NC.

Edit: Well actually I don't get to see it because I don't play any more but when I did...

You're missing out. Such a nice base. Fun attacking and defending, and requires strategy over numbers

2013-01-23, 09:59 PM
Until SOE put the underslung MCG on the store and fix the population issues I'm not coming back. I had a lot of fun in the beta and at launch but the game always feels dead now. Unless you're playing during peak time the battles feel smaller than BF3, the whole hex system just spreads the players that are there out too much. Also having 3 conts open all the time just means everyone is spread out even more when the population is down and it doesn't help that there are too many servers.

Like most the time when I log on it's not during peak time and everything is dead. I wish they had one server per region and just open a new cont when the current cont gets pop locked. I just don't get why they didn't fix this problem from Planetside. It wasn't a problem in beta because there was only one server and one cont for the most part. It wasn't a problem at launch because the game had lots of players, every cont was locked and you could have big battles all day long. Now however, most the time I login I can cap bases on my own.

2013-01-23, 11:03 PM
So the only defensible locations in the game is going to become yet another easy access blitzkrieg target. :rofl:

2013-01-23, 11:06 PM
So the only defensible locations in the game is going to become yet another easy access blitzkrieg target. :rofl:

Not quite... its still a very hard slog to win but now its possible to win it without taking the whole day.

2013-01-23, 11:11 PM
Not quite... its still a very hard slog to win but now its possible to win it without taking the whole day.

I'd much prefer every base would take a the whole day to capture myself :lol:

2013-01-23, 11:15 PM
I'd much prefer every base would take a the whole day to capture myself :lol:

You sir, have way to much time on your hands :)

But yeah, I see what you mean and I agree.

2013-01-23, 11:30 PM
You sir, have way to much time on your hands :)

But yeah, I see what you mean and I agree.

yeah I was an exaggerating to get a point across :)

I'd settle if it just took half as much work to take a base as in PS1, it would still feel like achieving something instead of achieving a win in patience at PS2. Since you win an attack when other side gets bored and leaves.

You can only defend adequately with equal numbers since the bases have so many tactical weaknesses.

Open backdoors, jetpackers scaling walls, planes shooting in the yard, wall jumppads quickly moving around opposition all over the base, too much ground to cover since the bases are so big. With smaller bases you lack everything else . You have tight space but nothing to give you a tactical leverage against the oncoming hordes. :/

2013-01-23, 11:32 PM
Yea I'd rather they spend time making bases more defendable and leave the crown as is. It will naturally become less and less relevant.

From your keyboard to God's ears, dude.

Why the flying mortal frack do they THINK everybody congregates there? Stubborn defense is FUN! Assaulting and trying a million different things and failing and then finally getting a toehold that grows into a mini-zerg and feeling the fierce joy of conquest is FUN! Gunning the bastards in their tubes is F -- oh wait. That too was part of the 'old' game, which shall remain nameless.

/grinds teeth

2013-01-24, 02:34 AM
Wait, how exactly is funneling into the same choke point for hours fun again? I log in and see that 1/2 of the server population is fighting over a biolab/the crown and immediately log out again. It takes the genre of shooters which are about dynamic fast paced action and turns them into repetitive static slogfests.

2013-01-24, 06:38 AM
I love fighting around the Crown, whether attacking or defending; always assured of some hectic action.

I'm not against a minor tweak or two, but I would rather the devs got their priorities right and spent their time on making other bases more defendable, rather than making the most popular base in the game less defendable.

2013-01-24, 06:48 AM
I've hardly even fought at the crown. I prefer to plow the fields of Tarwich instead.

2013-01-24, 09:02 AM
What they need to do is investigate what is happening at the crown and around and copy/paste that to every location on the map.

2013-01-24, 09:19 AM
What they need to do is investigate what is happening at the crown and around and copy/paste that to every location on the map.
Yep. If other bases were defensible they'd create larger fights too. Thus spreading the population out. Thus minimizing the significance of the Crown.

The Crown is only famous cause every other base and outpost is so terrible.

2013-01-24, 12:06 PM
Wait, how exactly is funneling into the same choke point for hours fun again? I log in and see that 1/2 of the server population is fighting over a biolab/the crown and immediately log out again. It takes the genre of shooters which are about dynamic fast paced action and turns them into repetitive static slogfests.

Just curious, so you prefer to run back and forth to locations that have hardly any people there and ghost capture them all day?

What do you consider fun in PS2 if it isn't having nice battles?

2013-01-24, 12:53 PM
Yea I'd rather they spend time making bases more defendable and leave the crown as is. It will naturally become less and less relevant.

Absolutely. Wtf are they doing?

2013-01-24, 01:15 PM
Tell me why again should we not be cynical, and expect SOE to fuck this game up in the long run?

2013-01-24, 09:33 PM
Just curious, so you prefer to run back and forth to locations that have hardly any people there and ghost capture them all day?

What do you consider fun in PS2 if it isn't having nice battles?

No, I would like to see open field battles where the full scale of the war can come into play. How exactly to accomplish this I'm not entirely sure. What I can tell you is that the most enjoyable fights to me have been over Eisa tech plant. Massive 3 way beatdowns on open ground.

However, one thing I am damn sure about is that "defensible" bases like biolabs are a travesty. One more minute of teleporting into an enclosed room that has 2 hacksaw maxes per shielded exit and no less than 4 light assaults standing on top of the room just waiting to C4 anyone who walks out and I might just quit permanently.

In short, gameplay that comes down to 50+ guys all pointing their guns at 3-4 chokepoints doesn't even deserve to be called gameplay, let alone a 'nice battle'. It's camping taken to its unfortunate logical conclusion in the worst possible way, and I've got better things to do with my free time than be someones 'fish in a barrel'.

2013-01-24, 09:56 PM
Who cares about the crown? I have not been there sens for ever.

2013-01-24, 09:57 PM
Tell me why again should we not be cynical, and expect SOE to fuck this game up in the long run?

It's not cynical to expect SOE to fuck up this game. It's called a safe bet. :lol:

2013-01-24, 10:17 PM
No, I would like to see open field battles where the full scale of the war can come into play. How exactly to accomplish this I'm not entirely sure. What I can tell you is that the most enjoyable fights to me have been over Eisa tech plant. Massive 3 way beatdowns on open ground.

However, one thing I am damn sure about is that "defensible" bases like biolabs are a travesty. One more minute of teleporting into an enclosed room that has 2 hacksaw maxes per shielded exit and no less than 4 light assaults standing on top of the room just waiting to C4 anyone who walks out and I might just quit permanently.

In short, gameplay that comes down to 50+ guys all pointing their guns at 3-4 chokepoints doesn't even deserve to be called gameplay, let alone a 'nice battle'. It's camping taken to its unfortunate logical conclusion in the worst possible way, and I've got better things to do with my free time than be someones 'fish in a barrel'.

Thanks for the descriptive answer. I share the same sentiment. I can tell you that in PS1 nice large field battles were accomplished by focusing empires to a few bases using the lattice system alongside choke points in the terrain. Also outdoor fighting at bases were a mix of infantry and vehicles but lasted much longer. Even if the defending empire had less people then the attacking empires. They could hold out longer due to the tools available and the defensibility of the base layouts.

I do agree with you about the transports at Biolabs. I hate them for the same reason you do. I've seen suggestions to install stairways so you have to fight up to the interior area however the devs stated that they couldn't do that because of game resource costs. I suppose you weren't in beta. The original concept for attacking a Biolab was using a Galaxy which at that time had a spawn point when deployed on the air platforms. That was changed in beta because it made it too easy to traverse to locations and bypass everything on the ground. There was no ground fight then back then.

2013-01-25, 03:04 AM
What they need to do is investigate what is happening at the crown and around and copy/paste that to every location on the map.

1) vecs cant approach the crown easily.
2) there are only 3 paths leading up the hill (the main road, the small path at the back and the east side of hill).
3) the defenders have an excellent view over all three paths leading to the crown and its nearer surrounding.
4) the spawns of the crown are in the inner core of the main building.
And last but not least 5), the crown is a relativly small facility. In about five secs one can be at every spot his help is needed.

Taken all together the magic of the crown is its defensability. Most of the other bases/facilities/outposts are like swiss cheese. Nothing except the shields prohibit vecs to enter. The bases are way too big and need hunderts of players to set up a proper defense and no one knows whats happen on which side of the base......

2013-01-25, 05:00 AM
I was never impressed by the Crown, I don't understand why it is getting so much high praise. All that ever happened was aircraft dominated it because ground vehicles couldn't and if you tried to go anywhere near in a ground vehicle you'd probably get weapon locked from running over all the laggy people. As infantry is wasn't fun either because it is basically one short corridor of death until libs killed everyone and as soon as you get into the tower it's camp the spawns again.

2013-01-25, 10:45 AM
1) vecs cant approach the crown easily.
2) there are only 3 paths leading up the hill (the main road, the small path at the back and the east side of hill).
3) the defenders have an excellent view over all three paths leading to the crown and its nearer surrounding.
4) the spawns of the crown are in the inner core of the main building.
And last but not least 5), the crown is a relativly small facility. In about five secs one can be at every spot his help is needed.

Taken all together the magic of the crown is its defensability. Most of the other bases/facilities/outposts are like swiss cheese. Nothing except the shields prohibit vecs to enter. The bases are way too big and need hunderts of players to set up a proper defense and no one knows whats happen on which side of the base......

You forgot to mention that it's always easier to defend a point when the enemy needs to attack up hill... A grate example of this is the battle of Gettysburg during the American civil war.