View Full Version : So the most interesting thing about Empire showdown

2013-01-27, 08:58 AM
The woman in purple looking fit.

I'm watching the stream and half of the audio keeps cutting out and half of the stream is adverts so I have to flick through half an hour's worth of stuff just to see people soloing.

2013-01-27, 09:02 AM
The woman in purple looking fit.
Waaaaaaaaat.. she is extremely unattractive.

Then again, she is standing behind Our Glorious Leader:


2013-01-27, 09:05 AM
I was just emphasising that even tho she is fit but not that fit, that was the best thing lo.

But I did just watch our BRIT lad TotalBiscuit take that trophy and wanna melt down that fucking medal into bullets haha. Cheeky cuunt

2013-01-27, 09:07 AM
Her name is Adrianne Curry. Just google her + "nude".

2013-01-27, 09:09 AM
I was a little weirded out by her, since they constantly talked about her like she was going to start giving blowjobs under the table any second and she seemed to revel in the objectification. Whatever floats your boat I guess, but this is sort of exactly the kind of thing that makes the eSports aspect not very appealing to me. I'd much rather be known as a mature community that welcomes women as equals, not as eye candy.

2013-01-27, 09:19 AM
I'd much rather be known as a mature community that welcomes women as equals, not as eye candy.

Mature communities recognise that men and women are different.
Equality has nothing to do with sexuality in this instance as women like to be looked at, dress themselves up and often socially are more flirtatious in that respect - that is part of their sexes majority gender identity and has FUCK ALL to do with sexist men or "oppression".

It's not universal, and a lotta girls don't necessarily want the attention. But it's their job to handle it, not the guys.

Girls wanted nothing to do with gaming conventions, content to call the guys that went to them nerds and losers ..until there was money involved.. now they want a piece.

Guys built this world, we're not holding women back, if anything we've been extremely accomodating - but they want to be treated "with respect" and "as equals" simply by showing up, well sweetie, in a mans world these things are EARNED.

We hand girls a lot of things on a plate, but if you want to be equals in a masculine environment, that means doing away with pussy-pass preferential treatment you get everywhere else.

Far from excluding women, we want MORE in gaming. But if you expect US to change for YOU when you're entering OUR world, you have to realise how ridiculously cheeky that is.

That's the deal, it's not about asking girls to compromise themselves at all; it's about us not compromising for them. Boys will be boys, men will be men. If you can't take jokey flirting or NORMAL sexual behaviour from people in their teens through to adulthood; you're not only not ready for male dominated scenes - you're not ready for life.

You are responsible for yourself, your own feelings.
We aren't here to babysit or pander.


J Baley
2013-01-27, 09:40 AM
Mature communities recognise that men and women are different.
Equality has nothing to do with sexuality in this instance as women like to be looked at, dress themselves up and often socially are more flirtatious in that respect - that is part of their sexes majority gender identity and has FUCK ALL to do with sexist men or "oppression".

It's not universal, and a lotta girls don't necessarily want the attention. But it's their job to handle it, not the guys.

Girls wanted nothing to do with gaming conventions, content to call the guys that went to them nerds and losers ..until there was money involved.. now they want a piece.

Guys built this world, we're not holding women back, if anything we've been extremely accomodating - but they want to be treated "with respect" and "as equals" simply by showing up, well sweetie, in a mans world these things are EARNED.

We hand girls a lot of things on a plate, but if you want to be equals in a masculine environment, that means doing away with pussy-pass preferential treatment you get everywhere else.

Far from excluding women, we want MORE in gaming. But if you expect US to change for YOU when you're entering OUR world, you have to realise how ridiculously cheeky that is.

That's the deal, it's not about asking girls to compromise themselves at all; it's about us not compromising for them. Boys will be boys, men will be men. If you can't take jokey flirting or NORMAL sexual behaviour from people in their teens through to adulthood; you're not only not ready for male dominated scenes - you're not ready for life.

You are responsible for yourself, your own feelings.
We aren't here to babysit or pander.


Um, WHAT? :huh:

2013-01-27, 09:45 AM
Uhhh.... yeaaa... What exactly does your entitled manchild outrage have to do with the fact that I just don't like having my hobby be turned into a peepshow?

2013-01-27, 09:48 AM
Holy shit. I was pretty sure after the post a little while ago, but now i'm 100% sure. A real life MRA* in the wild! Congrats on being a shitbag.

*For those who don't know, that's "Men's Rights Activist", go look it up. :doh:

I'd much rather be known as a mature community that welcomes women as equals, not as eye candy.

100% this.

J Baley
2013-01-27, 09:51 AM
Holy shit. I was pretty sure after the post a little while ago, but now i'm 100% sure. A real life MRA* in the wild! Congrats on being a shitbag.

*For those who don't know, that's "Men's Rights Activist", go look it up. :doh:

100% this.

Yes. I seriously thought we evolving as people. Wrong again Baley.

2013-01-27, 10:05 AM
Guys built this world, we're not holding women back, if anything we've been extremely accomodating - but they want to be treated "with respect" and "as equals" simply by showing up, well sweetie, in a mans world these things are EARNED.

Yeah, we don't need women. They do nothing to increase the population, nurture it to be prosperous, and even in help it progress, the same way in which men do (and in some cases better). Oh wait....

Men are objectified in some cases as well. Not as much as women perhaps, but it does happen.


2013-01-27, 10:07 AM
In a man's world those things are earned... by being born with a penis.

2013-01-27, 10:19 AM
I am sure AdriannaCurry was able to catch some 15 years old to watch the stream. At least as long as it need to masturbate.

Seriously SOE you are already at the bottom. Oh wait. Maybe next time SOE could advertise ps2 by giving free trails for porn sites. I am sure, it will be a huge success. Haha.

2013-01-27, 11:04 AM
Holy shit. I was pretty sure after the post a little while ago, but now i'm 100% sure. A real life MRA* in the wild! Congrats on being a shitbag.
*For those who don't know, that's "Men's Rights Activist", go look it up. :doh:

Yeah, supporting mens rights makes you a "shitbag".

That is the logic of feminism, when mens rights are an issue: all they speak is hatred.


Warren Farrell protest at the University of Toronto - Full version - YouTube

Blow me you manhating pos.
Equality is relative.

As for the assclown saying that women are worthless, these are your words not mine. Trying to put words in my mouth or paint me as someone I'm not, in order to fulfil your own misandrist fantasies is futile.

I'm not a rapist, a woman hater or a gender patriot.

..and I'm not defending sexism; because as you said, that girl was encouraging that behaviour which was taking place. Thus it is not oppression, it is not sexism, but grown adults acting with their own consent and responsibility.

What you find offensive is that these adults have different opinions and lifestyles to yours, that they confirm to gender norms that offend someone raised to believe in a fictional version of reality and equality peddled by marxist feminists who seek to replace men by, in part, becoming them, absorbing their roles - and you seek to change them as people. That is dangerous, authoritarian bullshit.

This is Truth. Google the word, it may have slipped by your vocabulary.

You can disappear now.

J Baley
2013-01-27, 11:10 AM
I don't hate anyone so please don't think you speak for me. But I do support your right to say what you want.

2013-01-27, 11:26 AM
My impression of Adrianne Curry is that her goal in life is to be viewed as a sex goddess or something by nerd.

Probably her goal is to make money and she thinks this image is her best way to get it.

2013-01-27, 11:32 AM
I'm not advocating objectiving oneself. But some people do that, and it's not illegal. If someone is offering compensation for such a thing and you are okay with that then what's the big deal though?

Also, if I'm the assclown that MaxDamage is referring to, I was being sarcastic. I don't really care about rights when they are being equated to gender. Perhaps I'm just not knowledgeable on the full scope of the subject. I just think we are all human, why does the discussion of rights have to come down to whether you are male or female?

2013-01-27, 12:04 PM
Mature communities recognise that men and women are different.
Equality has nothing to do with sexuality in this instance as women like to be looked at, dress themselves up and often socially are more flirtatious in that respect - that is part of their sexes majority gender identity and has FUCK ALL to do with sexist men or "oppression".

It's not universal, and a lotta girls don't necessarily want the attention. But it's their job to handle it, not the guys.

Girls wanted nothing to do with gaming conventions, content to call the guys that went to them nerds and losers ..until there was money involved.. now they want a piece.

Guys built this world, we're not holding women back, if anything we've been extremely accomodating - but they want to be treated "with respect" and "as equals" simply by showing up, well sweetie, in a mans world these things are EARNED.

We hand girls a lot of things on a plate, but if you want to be equals in a masculine environment, that means doing away with pussy-pass preferential treatment you get everywhere else.

Far from excluding women, we want MORE in gaming. But if you expect US to change for YOU when you're entering OUR world, you have to realise how ridiculously cheeky that is.

That's the deal, it's not about asking girls to compromise themselves at all; it's about us not compromising for them. Boys will be boys, men will be men. If you can't take jokey flirting or NORMAL sexual behaviour from people in their teens through to adulthood; you're not only not ready for male dominated scenes - you're not ready for life.

You are responsible for yourself, your own feelings.
We aren't here to babysit or pander.


I'm a man, and I give this manstamp, my manstamp of approval.

2013-01-27, 01:18 PM
I'd just like to point out that the protesters in this video are a FANTASTIC example of how Canadians really are. It's a myth that we're polite, laid back, and welcoming. 100% complete bullshit myth.

2013-01-27, 01:26 PM
just saying men are #1 because we're bigger get dunked women

meninists - 1
feminists - 0

2013-01-27, 01:30 PM
Christ guys stop being so fucking apologist.

It's the woman's job. Men like hot women. That woman makes a living off selling her appearance. It's the WOMAN'S decision to objectify herself. Good for her.

2013-01-27, 02:38 PM
I'm confused, you guys have a problem with a woman who was paid to be eye candy, being exactly that?

2013-01-27, 02:42 PM
I have no problem with her wanting to be a sex symbol, she can do that if she wants to. I have no problem with people flirting with her or commenting on her body either if she enjoys that.

What I didn't like is that SOE hired her to do all that at an event as if that is a natural part of the culture of Planetside 2. Like it's somehow gone from "Combat on an epic scale" to "Combat on an epic scale, and tits".

2013-01-27, 02:57 PM
Uhhh.... yeaaa... What exactly does your entitled manchild outrage have to do with the fact that I just don't like having my hobby be turned into a peepshow?

What does E-Sports have to do with your hobby being turned into a peepshow?

E-Sports is the reason why women are slowly becoming more accepted in the game community.

Besides, this event wasn't an "E-sport event", it was a PR stunt. In E-Sports, the winner of the competition isn't determined by popularity votes.

2013-01-27, 03:12 PM
What's all this idiotic talk about women being "accepted" in the gaming community. If a woman buys a game and plays it she's part of the gaming community. If some guy thinks that gives him cause to be an ass to her then that's just him being a pitiful douchebag.

Nobody gets to arbitrate who is or isn't welcome in the gaming community, people only get to decide whether or not they want to make an ass of themselves.

2013-01-27, 03:46 PM
What I didn't like is that SOE hired her to do all that at an event as if that is a natural part of the culture of Planetside 2. Like it's somehow gone from "Combat on an epic scale" to "Combat on an epic scale, and tits".

It's the culture of any entertainment industry.

Eye candy is eye candy.

Do you have a problem with the new PETA commercials too?

2013-01-27, 04:57 PM

I'd rather not participate and this level of epic stupidity.

Neutral Calypso
2013-01-27, 05:42 PM
This seems relevant to this discussion:

GameGrl (Original 1993 Mix ) *Lyrics in Description *Homestuck Vol 9 - YouTube

Black Creeper
2013-01-27, 06:37 PM
Like it's somehow gone from "Combat on an epic scale" to "Combat on an epic scale, and tits".

I've watched this on twitch over and over and I can't find the tits part. I need a link.
Can you see the man announcers tits as well? I'll bet his are nice.

2013-01-27, 08:34 PM
If she is the best that they could manage, they should just give up on having women sex objects in the first place.

2013-01-27, 10:18 PM
I have no problem with her wanting to be a sex symbol, she can do that if she wants to. I have no problem with people flirting with her or commenting on her body either if she enjoys that.

What I didn't like is that SOE hired her to do all that at an event as if that is a natural part of the culture of Planetside 2. Like it's somehow gone from "Combat on an epic scale" to "Combat on an epic scale, and tits".

Maybe you arent familiar with the marketing and side dressing for the majority of sports that are popular with men.
Football, Basketball, Hockey, Auto racing, Motorcycle racing - they all have atractive women paid to stand around looking happy and pretty.
Sex sell sports - its a fact deal with it.
SOE doesnt run this game to promote gender idealism - its runs the game to make money.

2013-01-27, 11:45 PM
All I was thinking when she was onscreen was, did SOE hire a hooker? Poor LevelCap was so uncomfortable like he was being molested lol. All of her interactions with the players was really awkward and weird. It was all very juvenile. It didn't project a good image for the community or SOE imo.

2013-01-28, 12:28 AM
I just want to point out there was an article published recently that commented on the diversity at SOE for game developers, and how big of a break through it's becoming, and really showing at SOE.

Adrianne is a model.... and has several nude tweets... she was hired for a certain reason....

2013-01-28, 02:53 AM
SOE doesnt run this game to promote gender idealism - its runs the game to make money.

And they are absolutely sure that treating their entire playerbase like drooling 15 year olds makes them the most money?

This kind of sideshow sleaze is exactly what keeps gaming looking like a seedy subculture that can't be taken seriously.

2013-01-28, 03:00 AM
What's all this idiotic talk about women being "accepted" in the gaming community. If a woman buys a game and plays it she's part of the gaming community. If some guy thinks that gives him cause to be an ass to her then that's just him being a pitiful douchebag.

Nobody gets to arbitrate who is or isn't welcome in the gaming community, people only get to decide whether or not they want to make an ass of themselves.

You obviously don't know what the definition of a "community" is, either that or you don't understand what the definition of "accepted" is.

A "community" is a group of people related by distance or an specific interest. It is a known and established fact that the online gaming environment is much more hostile to women on average than it is to men, especially on a competitive level.

And they are absolutely sure that treating their entire playerbase like drooling 15 year olds makes them the most money?

This kind of sideshow sleaze is exactly what keeps gaming looking like a seedy subculture that can't be taken seriously.

Yes, because football and every other "grown man" sport doesn't have things like, say, cheerleaders, who are nothing more than women who get paid to stand around in skimpy mini-skirts and pumps.

I really don't think your anger has anything to do with this girl at the event; rather, it seems to be derived from some general beef with SOE.

2013-01-28, 03:04 AM
Funny how there doesn't seem to be any kind of regulatory body that oversees who is and isn't in the gaming community, except for a bunch of halfwits who think they can do just that.

If the more competitive elements of the community are the worst offenders when it comes to sexism and being a bunch of entitled douchebags that's just the more reason why this whole eSports thing is not a positive force in gaming, but just tries to elevate scum to a level it doesn't deserve.

2013-01-28, 03:23 AM
Community doesn't mean what you think it means.

Except for the fact that women being able to actually show their skills in video games, which is only possible through youtube and, you guessed it, the competitive scene, is the driving force behind why more and more people are starting to take the "girl-gamer" concept seriously, and not see gaming as a "male hobby".

2013-01-28, 03:38 AM
Yeaaa, sorry, I don't at all see this weird world you live in where "gamer girls" are having to work hard to prove themselves to be allowed into the "gaming community".

As far as I'm concerned nobody has to earn acceptance, everyone is welcome, nobody has to prove a damn thing. People who think differently are assholes, and saying "Oh, but we finally started respecting some people after they ran our gauntlet of abuse and bigotry" is not a show of benevolence, it just shows how kackheaded some people really are to congratulate themselves for letting people in where the truly tolerant never perceived any walls in the first place.

2013-01-28, 03:44 AM
Yeaaa, sorry, I don't at all see this weird world you live in where "gamer girls" are having to work hard to prove themselves to be allowed into the "gaming community".

As far as I'm concerned nobody has to earn acceptance, everyone is welcome, nobody has to prove a damn thing. People who think differently are assholes, and saying "Oh, but we finally started respecting some people after they ran our gauntlet of abuse and bigotry" is not a show of benevolence, it just shows how kackheaded some people really are to congratulate themselves for letting people in where the truly tolerant never perceived any walls in the first place. Good for you, I wish I lived in your alternate reality.

Tell all this stuff to Jackie Robinson or Mohammed Ali. "Discrimination doesn't exist guys, it's all in your mind".

2013-01-28, 03:53 AM
Discrimination does exist, but fuck anyone who thinks discrimination is defeated when people bust through the walls. It's defeated when people stop putting the walls up.

2013-01-28, 04:00 AM
And how do you think people stop putting walls up? Like, did you think America just collectively woke up one day and said "man, I guess black people are okay at baseball?"

Discrimination is the result of ignorance, and believing in stereotypes. Ignorance is dispelled by breaking stereotypes.

As long as there is a stereotype that says that women suck at video games, and gaming is for men, that discrimination will exist. By showing women who are good at video games, you show that stereotype to not be true. Breaking the stereotype dispels the discrimination. People didn't "stop putting walls up" regarding african-americans in boxing until people like Jack Johnson and Mohammed Ali started kicking ass in boxing.

2013-01-28, 04:06 AM
A load of nerd rage over some fit bird at the event .....

I have now seen it all.

2013-01-28, 04:42 AM
Damn, MaxDamage in this thread with the real talk.


Babyfark McGeez
2013-01-28, 05:48 AM
Aslong as our fearless leader TotalBreakfast keeps his clothes on nobody will get hurt.

As far as stereotypes go, the video-game industry has allways been extraordinary well in embarrassing itself and its customers.

Top 10 Worst Video Game Commercials - YouTube

2013-01-28, 06:52 AM
ToOOOo Much rage guys, just have a wank.

It was allright, she did seem a bit awkward bouncing on the chair of the VS guy, but I swear I watched a pron last night and he was in it? Maybee she was like that with him because he's into the porn scene i dno

2013-01-28, 08:17 AM
All I was thinking when she was onscreen was, did SOE hire a hooker? Poor LevelCap was so uncomfortable like he was being molested lol. All of her interactions with the players was really awkward and weird. It was all very juvenile. It didn't project a good image for the community or SOE imo.

If level cap is indicative of most "gamers", he probably hasn't spent a lot of time around girls, much less attractive ones.

I remember a few years ago going to a midnight madness opening for one of the WOW expansions. I remember looking around a a crowd of guys who looked like that haven't seen sunlight, a healthy meal, a shower or a workout in about a decade.

Seriously guys, just because we like video games is no excuse to look and smell like that!!

2013-01-28, 08:36 AM
I think the reason why nerds are awkward around hot women who hit on them is because they can smell the insincerity from a mile away. :lol:

2013-01-28, 08:44 AM
Mature communities recognise that men and women are different.
Equality has nothing to do with sexuality in this instance as women like to be looked at, dress themselves up and often socially are more flirtatious in that respect - that is part of their sexes majority gender identity and has FUCK ALL to do with sexist men or "oppression".

It's not universal, and a lotta girls don't necessarily want the attention. But it's their job to handle it, not the guys.

Girls wanted nothing to do with gaming conventions, content to call the guys that went to them nerds and losers ..until there was money involved.. now they want a piece.

Guys built this world, we're not holding women back, if anything we've been extremely accomodating - but they want to be treated "with respect" and "as equals" simply by showing up, well sweetie, in a mans world these things are EARNED.

We hand girls a lot of things on a plate, but if you want to be equals in a masculine environment, that means doing away with pussy-pass preferential treatment you get everywhere else.

Far from excluding women, we want MORE in gaming. But if you expect US to change for YOU when you're entering OUR world, you have to realise how ridiculously cheeky that is.

That's the deal, it's not about asking girls to compromise themselves at all; it's about us not compromising for them. Boys will be boys, men will be men. If you can't take jokey flirting or NORMAL sexual behaviour from people in their teens through to adulthood; you're not only not ready for male dominated scenes - you're not ready for life.

You are responsible for yourself, your own feelings.
We aren't here to babysit or pander.



2013-01-28, 09:01 AM
Gender differences aside, i think a more important issue is the number of speds who insist on wearing sunglasses INSIDE A DARK BUILDING.

2013-01-28, 10:18 AM
They aren't sun glasses, they are eye hiders.

2013-01-28, 12:55 PM
1 - Guy posts message about Adrianne Curry being attractive.

2 - Some disagreement about "attractive", to each his own, beauty in the eye of the beholder


Everyone, what the f***. Really.

Also this:

Seriously guys, just because we like video games is no excuse to look and smell like that!!

I'm with you, this ticks me off to no end man. I used to go play Magic the Gathering at a local shop before I picked up an obsession with FPS games and League of Legends. The smells. The teeth. The odor. I put a lot of work into personal hygiene and I still game like a BOSS all day every day. Just because I may not leave my computer for a few hours at a time (like all of us here) doesn't mean I have to look, smell, and act like it. Have some self-respect.

Tell you what though - I went to DreamHack in Sweden this past year. All of the Swedish gamers, whether kids or otherwise, were dressed well (meaning, they weren't slobs - obviously there was a lot of t-shirts and jeans). No stains on all the clothing, they didn't smell like garbage, etc. As an American myself, I would hate to think that it's just American gamers that are like that.

My point is - having gaming as a hobby does NOT and should NEVER go hand in hand with poor personal hygiene. It creates a bad image for the rest of us.

2013-01-28, 01:01 PM
WTF is this thread, I don't even.

2013-01-28, 01:13 PM
1 - Guy posts message about Adrianne Curry being attractive.

2 - Some disagreement about "attractive", to each his own, beauty in the eye of the beholder


Everyone, what the f***. Really.

Also this:

I'm with you, this ticks me off to no end man. I used to go play Magic the Gathering at a local shop before I picked up an obsession with FPS games and League of Legends. The smells. The teeth. The odor. I put a lot of work into personal hygiene and I still game like a BOSS all day every day. Just because I may not leave my computer for a few hours at a time (like all of us here) doesn't mean I have to look, smell, and act like it. Have some self-respect.

Tell you what though - I went to DreamHack in Sweden this past year. All of the Swedish gamers, whether kids or otherwise, were dressed well (meaning, they weren't slobs - obviously there was a lot of t-shirts and jeans). No stains on all the clothing, they didn't smell like garbage, etc. As an American myself, I would hate to think that it's just American gamers that are like that.

My point is - having gaming as a hobby does NOT and should NEVER go hand in hand with poor personal hygiene. It creates a bad image for the rest of us.
You're not a real gamer.

Go back to Sweden, fake-gamer.

2013-01-28, 01:59 PM
The sheer amount of butt-hurt that comes from virtually every fucking topic on an internet gaming forum is so ridiculous that I find myself unable to participate in just about any of them. I have never, in all my life, seen so much drama. And my mother watched daytime soaps for decades. So SOE hired a "hot chick". I saw a great many attractive women at UES. Big fucking deal. Get over it. Virtually every industry on the planet does this. At least SOE officials were equal opportunity employers of eye candy. For reference, they also hired a "hot guy". Of course most of you were too busy arguing about sex appeal on a woman to notice, or perhaps you're a closet homophobe and therefore afraid to render a verdict on him lest you be deemed gay. Fuck that, I'll say it. Jace Hall was her male equivalent.

I like how many of you can sit there behind the sanctity of your monitor and pass judgment on this woman as though you A.) know her and B.) are some sort of spring chicken yourself. The fact of the matter is, this woman earns more money than many of you will see in ten years, based solely on her looks. Whether you find her attractive or not is all rather irrelevant. Plenty of people find her attractive.

My sole remaining contribution to this stupid dramalogue is this: I pride myself on being the only gamer present at UES who was man enough (or perhaps pathetic enough, depending on your point of view on this utter travesty of a conversation) to make a pass at her in public, whilst still treating her like a decent human being and just another interesting person in the crowd. That's all I am going to say.

By the way. She's fit. :D

2013-01-28, 01:59 PM
My balls & pits ALWAYS smell like rancid uncooked bacon.....even while in the shower using Irish Spring soap.....gaming has Nothing to do with smelling DANK. Poor genetics, perhaps. If you balance it with a big schwank, your woman will say her man has a "musk" smell...

The most interesting thing about Empire Showdown ? It's over. BEST thing about Empire Showdown ? It's over.

2013-01-28, 03:33 PM
Yeah, we don't need women. They do nothing to increase the population, nurture it to be prosperous, and even in help it progress, the same way in which men do (and in some cases better). Oh wait....
Indeed, it's sad when people can't accept what gender is truly superior...

As for the eye candy commentator, I was wondering just who the hell that woman was...

I thought maybe she was a Dev I hadn't seen before, shame it sounds like she ended up being hired just for her nice tits...

2013-01-28, 04:51 PM
Gender differences aside, i think a more important issue is the number of speds who insist on wearing sunglasses INSIDE A DARK BUILDING.

For your information, I'm a vampyre... with a nice tan.

2013-01-28, 08:12 PM
Mature communities recognise that men and women are different.
Equality has nothing to do with sexuality in this instance as women like to be looked at, dress themselves up and often socially are more flirtatious in that respect - that is part of their sexes majority gender identity and has FUCK ALL to do with sexist men or "oppression".

It's not universal, and a lotta girls don't necessarily want the attention. But it's their job to handle it, not the guys.

Girls wanted nothing to do with gaming conventions, content to call the guys that went to them nerds and losers ..until there was money involved.. now they want a piece.

Guys built this world, we're not holding women back, if anything we've been extremely accomodating - but they want to be treated "with respect" and "as equals" simply by showing up, well sweetie, in a mans world these things are EARNED.

We hand girls a lot of things on a plate, but if you want to be equals in a masculine environment, that means doing away with pussy-pass preferential treatment you get everywhere else.

Far from excluding women, we want MORE in gaming. But if you expect US to change for YOU when you're entering OUR world, you have to realise how ridiculously cheeky that is.

That's the deal, it's not about asking girls to compromise themselves at all; it's about us not compromising for them. Boys will be boys, men will be men. If you can't take jokey flirting or NORMAL sexual behaviour from people in their teens through to adulthood; you're not only not ready for male dominated scenes - you're not ready for life.

You are responsible for yourself, your own feelings.
We aren't here to babysit or pander.

Oh god, please stop, my sides are splitting with laughter!

Max is either king of the trolls, or we should put together a donation fund for him to get some therapy for his abusive upbringing/repressed homosexuality issues. He really needs our help you guys.

2013-01-28, 08:39 PM
I'm with you, this ticks me off to no end man. I used to go play Magic the Gathering at a local shop before I picked up an obsession with FPS games and League of Legends. The smells. The teeth. The odor. I put a lot of work into personal hygiene and I still game like a BOSS all day every day. Just because I may not leave my computer for a few hours at a time (like all of us here) doesn't mean I have to look, smell, and act like it. Have some self-respect.

Tell you what though - I went to DreamHack in Sweden this past year. All of the Swedish gamers, whether kids or otherwise, were dressed well (meaning, they weren't slobs - obviously there was a lot of t-shirts and jeans). No stains on all the clothing, they didn't smell like garbage, etc. As an American myself, I would hate to think that it's just American gamers that are like that.

My point is - having gaming as a hobby does NOT and should NEVER go hand in hand with poor personal hygiene. It creates a bad image for the rest of us.

It is kind of weird.
Im far from a stylish guy - but its not hard to wear clean clothes and bathe.
It doesnt even require "a lot of work." No one minds a scruffy beard or or that you are wearing a t-shirt and jeans even - just do the most basic things.

2013-01-29, 09:59 AM
Is there nothing you guys won't complain about? Her followers probably introduced new people to PlanetSide 2. She's hot, and she is an actual gamer. Enough with the argument about sexism, the woman can do what she wants to do it's not like she was chained up and forced to do the event.

Also, LevelCap is married for the person who said he hasn't spent much time around girls.. get a grip.

2013-01-29, 10:33 AM
Mature communities recognise that men and women are different.
Equality has nothing to do with sexuality in this instance as women like to be looked at, dress themselves up and often socially are more flirtatious in that respect - that is part of their sexes majority gender identity and has FUCK ALL to do with sexist men or "oppression".

It's not universal, and a lotta girls don't necessarily want the attention. But it's their job to handle it, not the guys.

Girls wanted nothing to do with gaming conventions, content to call the guys that went to them nerds and losers ..until there was money involved.. now they want a piece.

Guys built this world, we're not holding women back, if anything we've been extremely accomodating - but they want to be treated "with respect" and "as equals" simply by showing up, well sweetie, in a mans world these things are EARNED.

We hand girls a lot of things on a plate, but if you want to be equals in a masculine environment, that means doing away with pussy-pass preferential treatment you get everywhere else.

Far from excluding women, we want MORE in gaming. But if you expect US to change for YOU when you're entering OUR world, you have to realise how ridiculously cheeky that is.

That's the deal, it's not about asking girls to compromise themselves at all; it's about us not compromising for them. Boys will be boys, men will be men. If you can't take jokey flirting or NORMAL sexual behaviour from people in their teens through to adulthood; you're not only not ready for male dominated scenes - you're not ready for life.

You are responsible for yourself, your own feelings.
We aren't here to babysit or pander.


The 1800's called, they want their mentality back. You are abusing it.

2013-01-29, 12:28 PM
she is an actual gamer
This may be, but I sort of got the impression that she didn't know very much about the game. I could be way off.

Sir fraggington
2013-01-29, 01:19 PM
Since when did this forum become tumblr?

Sir fraggington
2013-01-29, 01:26 PM
Gender differences aside, i think a more important issue is the number of speds who insist on wearing sunglasses INSIDE A DARK BUILDING.

It is obvious you've never seen "They live". if you had seen it, you would know the true purpose of sunglasses.

2013-01-29, 01:31 PM
is there nothing you guys won't complain about? Her followers probably introduced new people to planetside 2. She's hot, and she is an actual gamer. Enough with the argument about sexism, the woman can do what she wants to do it's not like she was chained up and forced to do the event.

Also, levelcap is married for the person who said he hasn't spent much time around girls.. Get a grip.

omg hamma like girls, ewww!!!

Sir fraggington
2013-01-29, 01:38 PM
The 1800's called, they want their mentality back. You are abusing it.

actually, i would love to see some 1800's mentality in modern society, especially in warfare. I would pay millions to have the us army perform a good old fashion bayonet charge.

speaking of bayonets, i would love to see them as a weapon attachment.



(pic related)

2013-01-29, 01:54 PM
You should have voted for Mitt then.

It is obvious you've never seen "They live". if you had seen it, you would know the true purpose of sunglasses.

Do YOU have any bubblegum?

Sir fraggington
2013-01-29, 02:04 PM
You should have voted for Mitt then.

Do YOU have any bubblegum?

No sir i do not, you'll have to do with kicking ass.

2013-01-29, 06:25 PM
This may be, but I sort of got the impression that she didn't know very much about the game. I could be way off.

I don't think she knew much about PlanetSide 2 sadly.

2013-01-29, 07:37 PM
Is there nothing you guys won't complain about? Her followers probably introduced new people to PlanetSide 2. She's hot, and she is an actual gamer.
Oh she's an actual gamer?

Well that's good at least.

I don't think she knew much about PlanetSide 2 sadly.
Well nether did Tobuscus, and they hired HIM to lead a Faction, so let us hope they are learning!

actually, i would love to see some 1800's mentality in modern society, especially in warfare. I would pay millions to have the us army perform a good old fashion bayonet charge.
Actually I think they still do bayonet training...

I think I remember some rumor about Marines in Afghanistan running out of ammo in a firefight and scaring the shit out of some insurgents when they came at them with bayonets.

But yeah, Planetside 2 needs more 19th Century Warfare...
I mean, where are the trenches?
Hell, this is the future, WHERE ARE THE WAR DIRIGDIBLES?!?!

speaking of bayonets, i would love to see them as a weapon attachment.



(pic related)

2013-01-29, 07:40 PM
I seen better IRL.

inb4 white knights attack me.

2013-01-30, 06:13 AM
I seen better IRL.

inb4 white knights attack me.

I married better irl.

2013-01-30, 08:02 AM
WTF is this thread, I don't even.

+1. I lost track of the argument on page 1

2013-01-30, 10:24 AM
I would pay millions to have the us army perform a good old fashion bayonet charge.

So would Al Qaeda.

2013-01-31, 10:37 PM
I am pissed as a fart and she does not look fit to me right now. I AM OP thankyou

2013-01-31, 10:44 PM
I am pissed as a fart and she does not look fit to me right now. I AM OP thankyou

Thats the way, big fella :p

Black Creeper
2013-02-01, 12:14 AM
The ingame female characters should be much hotter and wear more revealing uniforms. Their measurements are too realistic today. They need to nerf the waist size and buff the chest in the next update. I'd like them to increase the ROC (Rate of Cleavage) on the bazookas. The uniform skin coverage is OP. I've got some new ideas for skins they could sell in the store too.

2013-02-01, 01:02 AM
The ingame female characters should be much hotter and wear more revealing uniforms. Their measurements are too realistic today. They need to nerf the waist size and buff the chest in the next update. I'd like them to increase the ROC (Rate of Cleavage) on the bazookas. The uniform skin coverage is OP. I've got some new ideas for skins they could sell in the store too.
I like that you have "creeper" in your name.

2013-02-01, 02:00 PM
While were on the subject of skins, why aren't their more Man-kini's and mustaches?
You know how much you want this Manservice!

2013-02-01, 02:05 PM
While were on the subject of skins, why aren't their more Man-kini's and mustaches?
You know how much you want this Manservice!

Make that purple, or else I switch teams as soon as I see a team mate wearing one of those. :p