View Full Version : Nerf the NC NAX - almost no one cares.

2013-01-27, 09:48 AM
If that what takes get NC on equal footing with the gear that matters(rifles tanks, ESF - please nerf the NC MAX immediately.

Cut the damage by 25% or what ever - all it will impact is noobs standing at spawn doors. It will have almost no effect on actual combat operations.

This has become the most ridiculous excuse ever as to why its ok the NC has sub par gear. the MAX is the most inconsequential of all faction gear relative to effect ob battles.

*NOTE Yes I agree that both the Prowler and the Vanngaurd are gimp relative to the Magrider.

2013-01-27, 10:05 AM
Which of the 4 scattercannons should be nerfed?

2013-01-27, 10:10 AM
Which of the 4 scattercannons should be nerfed?

Whichever ones make you happy.

2013-01-27, 10:12 AM
The scattercannons all need a nerf. They are a classic example of how minmaxing stats on a weapon can make something more powerful than it should be, despite the fact that it supposedly has a downside. Since none of the MAX weapons have particularly good range, and MAX units are always best used in tight spaces naturally the weapon that has the most extreme slant toward that type of deployment is superior, despite the fact that technically you can say it has a disadvantage on range.

2013-01-27, 10:35 AM
They've been nerfing and buffing the Scattermax since the tech test, it always goes from being too lethal at close range to basicly useless.
I would rather have them give up on whole Scattergun idea and just replace them with HMGs.
Since that probably isn't going to happen, then giving them different chokes, for different ranges, might make it easier to balance them.
They could of course also stop forcing players into confined spaces in order to take a point.

2013-01-27, 10:37 AM
NO! My non-existent ESF farming leveling backbone!

2013-01-27, 02:09 PM
We'll have scattermax nerfed if you have your RoF (TR) and no recoil/accuracy (VS) nerfed. Deal?

Didn't think so...

The one thing that NC has better than the other factions and you want it nerfed. Typical!

It's our faction trait to have high damage, CQC weapons. Whether it's on a MAX or not isn't the point. Now move along people.

2013-01-27, 02:13 PM
We'll have scattermax nerfed if you have your RoF (TR) and no recoil/accuracy (VS) nerfed. Deal?

Didn't think so...

The one thing that NC has better than the other factions and you want it nerfed. Typical!

It's our faction trait to have high damage, CQC weapons. Whether it's on a MAX or not isn't the point. Now move along people.

The difference between the other examples?
There are only small differences favouring different factions.

The NC MAX isn't something superficial like "0.25 less recoil than other guns". It is DRASTICALLY overpowered.

2013-01-27, 02:18 PM
We'll have scattermax nerfed if you have your RoF (TR) and no recoil/accuracy (VS) nerfed. Deal?

Didn't think so...

The one thing that NC has better than the other factions and you want it nerfed. Typical!

It's our faction trait to have high damage, CQC weapons. Whether it's on a MAX or not isn't the point. Now move along people.

I like how you didn't read his post at all.

He plays NC, he's asking for the Max to be nerfed in exchange for having the rest of their stuff buffed.

Calm down, Scatter-farmer.

2013-01-27, 02:25 PM
I don't use Scat MAX. I never have. I'm normally a HA or medic.

So you get your facts straight as well. There is no indication that Ghoest9 is NC or any other faction.

2013-01-27, 02:32 PM
It's not overpowered. It is just quite simply that it is the only MAX that can get kills.
So buff the other MAX units before you nerf this one, because all the MAX units are basically worthless anyhow.

2013-01-27, 02:34 PM
Only reason it needs a nerf is that the only fights that currently matter are Bio Labs and the NC MAX is far superior in them than any other unit.

2013-01-27, 08:32 PM
I do agree that our Max deal pretty good damage in close combat as I rarely use a AI max and the time that I do (which only happens in Bio Labs cause thats the only place they r very useful) I was rocking kills. However, in trade of, since we have sh!t for ammo count, increase the magazine count. Most of the time have to reload after each kill to make sure I have enough to kill the next poor slob.