View Full Version : Which VS carbine/AR/LMG would you recommend?

2013-01-31, 03:21 AM
After reading the thread about TR LMGs, I'd be interested to know what VS weapons people would recommend, and what attachments people find effective for them.

As a Heavy I'm currently using the Flare with an OG-4 scope and forward grip, which I find effective for close-mid work.

I also have an SVA-88 (compensator, 6x scope) which I got for mid-long range, but I rarely find much use for it.

Is there a better option I should be looking at? And would it be worth me upgrading from the basic Soltice/Pulsar for LA/Engi/Medic?

2013-01-31, 03:27 AM
I like the default Solstice for LA, really good at mid range (which is very handy if you're jetpacking up to high spots) and pretty decent in close. I recently switched over to the Solstice SF so I could get the underbarrel grenade launcher, so that's a good option if you want that or any of the other underbarrel attachments (I mostly got that to pair with my 2x C4 as a Sundie killer).

I like the default Orion for the HA as well, pretty accurate at mid range with a fast reload.

Overall, I find the defaults to be pretty good for mid range combat (that's where I prefer to be) so I haven't bothered to switch out (much).

2013-01-31, 03:44 AM
For carbines, IMO the default Solstice is all you ever need - although I have a special place in my heart for underbarrel attachments ^^ 1000 certs for that extra bit of utility might be a bit much for most people though.

For Assault Rifles, the default Pulsar is great, very easy to control and has a lightning fast reload speed. If you want a bit more oompf in CQC I'd suggest the H-V45, which trades reload speed for a faster RoF.

I can't really comment on LMGs, but the Orion seems nice and the LSW is also great for its low cert cost.
Additionally, I'm rather fond of the Lasher ;) Give it a try!

2013-01-31, 03:45 AM
I agree that the defaults are effective actually, I guess I'm just wondering if there might be something better I'm missing. Also I'm bored of the defaults ;)

TBH the Orion is arguably better than the Flare, especially up close, but I just find it rather bland. The Flare has more character.

2013-01-31, 03:46 AM
Serpent is an absolute beast close range and pretty bad ass midrange with the advanced laser sight.
NS-11 is pretty solid but that common pool so i'd suggest the h-v45 for a pretty solid all rouind AR
As for LMGs, SVA-88 is a great mid long rifle with the flare being an amazing short mid LMG

Most weapon choice is personal preference, a lot of people in my outfit love the vx6-7 but i love the serpent. :confused:

2013-01-31, 03:47 AM
I can't really comment on LMGs, but the Orion seems nice and the LSW is also great for its low cert cost.
Additionally, I'm rather fond of the Lasher ;) Give it a try!

Yeah, I've considered both of those - LSW for its cost, and Lasher cos, well, purple balls of death. What VS doesn't want that? :D

Question is, are they actually any good?

2013-01-31, 03:51 AM
Yeah, I've considered both of those - LSW for its cost, and Lasher cos, well, purple balls of death. What VS doesn't want that? :D

Question is, are they actually any good?

I think levelcap did a review of the LSW in one of his PS2 vids, check his youtube page for that.

On the Lasher, it's rather spammy in nature and tends to work against you in very tight quarters, but its an absolute beast for hosing down firing lanes/corridors. Just don't try too hard to hit your target, aim for his surroundings instead.

2013-01-31, 07:08 AM
I hate seeing Lashers even more than the normal VS fully automatic sniper rifles... :p

2013-01-31, 07:13 AM
After reading the thread about TR LMGs, I'd be interested to know what VS weapons people would recommend, and what attachments people find effective for them.

As a Heavy I'm currently using the Flare with an OG-4 scope and forward grip, which I find effective for close-mid work.

I also have an SVA-88 (compensator, 6x scope) which I got for mid-long range, but I rarely find much use for it.

Is there a better option I should be looking at? And would it be worth me upgrading from the basic Soltice/Pulsar for LA/Engi/Medic?

First off, I use the NV scope on all guns.

Which gun I use depends on the fight. For the LMG's if I'm planning on moving a lot I use the Orion and if I plan on working a specific area I use the Flare for the better range and better sustained fire. For the Carbines, I usually use the VX6-7, though to be honest I use the carbines far less now. Usually I use the Pandora for my LA, Solstice SF for my Engineer.

But yes, if you're using an LMG for close-mid range, I highly suggest the Orion with the NV scope on it. The Orion, for whatever reason, allows you to strafe faster while ADS(aimed down scope) than any other LMG for VS. It has the fastest fire rate as well but it also only has a 50 round clip.

2013-01-31, 07:15 AM
I haven't found the NV scope to be all that good. Sure it helps against the occasional infil, but I have better results overall with the Reflex sight.

2013-01-31, 07:19 AM
For LA/Eng:-

VX6-7 Carbine - It loses out very little in Rate of fire to the Serpent but makes up for it in buckets with reload time. (have tried both, went back to VX6-7)

Solstice SF - If you postively need underbarrel Grenade launcher, tried it for a while, but the bugs with hit detection on the grenade launcher made me stop using it.

Pandora + Extended Magazine + Ammunition Belt on my Light Assault is godly and I mean GODLY, but since I got the Auraxium medal (and 100 Certs) for it, I stopped using it to try to level up the VX6-7 to the Auraxium Medal.
(Use only CQC, as its useless for anything beyond 10-15 meters)


Pulsar LSW - I used the Flare a lot, but prefer the Pulsar LSW nowadays for anything other than a Biolab (and a lot of time in a Biolab also)

Lasher - For locking down a corridor or doorway, but there are many other Rifles that do a better job at killing in any other scenario apart from the above 2.

2013-01-31, 07:53 AM
I haven't found the NV scope to be all that good. Sure it helps against the occasional infil, but I have better results overall with the Reflex sight.

For me it's all about eliminating the flashy graphics. The VS guns, IMO, put out a lot more muzzle flash and make it hard, for me, to keep targets. The little bit I've played my NC and TR I don't use the NV scopes.

2013-01-31, 08:05 AM
For me it's all about eliminating the flashy graphics. The VS guns, IMO, put out a lot more muzzle flash and make it hard, for me, to keep targets. The little bit I've played my NC and TR I don't use the NV scopes.

That's a fair point, at night especially I do find my own muzzle flash sometimes ends up obscuring targets.

But I can't help feeling the NV scope is overpowered TBH - whenever you see something so consistently recommended over all other options, you have to ask whether it's balanced.

I may end up using it regardless, but it's going to make me feel dirty... ;)

2013-01-31, 08:27 AM
As LA/ENG I recommend VX6-7. Using it with Adv. Laser, softpoint ammo and silencer (especially useful as LA). I have a 3.4x scope and a 1x holo. But I don't really use ADS much on it. It's pretty bang on for short range from hip :P Lightning fast reload, great CoF when Adv. Laser sight. Predictable recoil. High RoF (nearly that of serpent). It's also pretty cheap.

As HA I use flare also. 4x scope or 2x sights, compensator, grip, high velocity ammo. I use mostly the 2x sights though. Love it. It's a great weapon, but gotta keep the reload times in mind. I also use in 3 shot burst mode.

Also - I don't like the NV scope. I have it on nearly all my weapons I use (was a newbie purchase). But I hate the fact that you lose the around the scope view you have with other scopes and sights. It makes me get killed more than it gets me kills.

2013-01-31, 08:28 AM
Double post,.

2013-01-31, 01:14 PM
I run with the serpent/h-v45/vx29 polaris. I pretty much want the mobility of the adv laser sight(no right click slow down) and find that they are all accurate enough at mid range without a forgrip to still be effective. I like the 3.4 scopes to be able to see when I need to let up on the trigger at mid range.

I do also have pulsar c/corvus/flare set up for mid/long range with grips/reflex scopes/compensators/hv ammo. But only really pull them out when fighting around tech plans and amp stations. Or if the fight is big enough that I can hang back and pick off people.

2013-01-31, 01:19 PM
Flare/Thanatos, 2x/1x.

I'm told there are other weapons available, but I don't know what I'd do with them.

2013-01-31, 02:09 PM
This is a rather generic question. There are tons of tutorials/ weapons reviews on this subject and you can always check the stats (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AuOojvNLMApVdEtIU1NKenEzNzZOSWNaanFqSUVxLW c&type=view&gid=12&f=true&colid0=16&filterstr0=VS&sortcolid=29&sortasc=true&rowsperpage=250)yourself.

Sofar, I'm quite happy with the default weapons for VS (easy mode compared to NC) except for the sniper rifle. Equipping these with HV scope + fwd grip makes me already quite effective on close - mid ranges. For up close there are better options of course.

2013-01-31, 03:17 PM
For me it's all about eliminating the flashy graphics. The VS guns, IMO, put out a lot more muzzle flash and make it hard, for me, to keep targets. The little bit I've played my NC and TR I don't use the NV scopes.

That hadn't occurred to me, but I can see how that makes sense. Guess its a good thing we hardly have any real night in regards to that :p

2013-02-01, 02:19 AM
This is a rather generic question. There are tons of tutorials/ weapons reviews on this subject and you can always check the stats (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0AuOojvNLMApVdEtIU1NKenEzNzZOSWNaanFqSUVxLW c&type=view&gid=12&f=true&colid0=16&filterstr0=VS&sortcolid=29&sortasc=true&rowsperpage=250)yourself.


Sure, I can make my own calls looking at stats, but it's interesting to hear what other people think about it. And it makes a nice change to just discuss some aspect of the game with other players, without it being all about what needs to be fixed or rebalanced.

Also, I can't get to the official forums or watch videos while I'm at work, and I'm bored, so sue me ;)

2013-02-01, 08:12 AM
Serpent is indeed a beast with it's fast rof,i use the ns-11a for mid to long range and h-v45 for mid to close,lmg's i use ursa for mid to long range and flare for close range.I love my setup but it comes down to personal preference.

2013-02-01, 09:35 AM
Pulsar LSW for HA (Nova indoors, no particular preference here, any shotgun will do)
VX6-7 carbine for LA, ( in my opinion Serpent reload time is too long ).
Solstice SF with Grenade Launcher for Engineer.
HV45 Rifle for Medic.
Parallax for Infil.

I mix and match attachments all the time, but definitely laser dot for the VX6, HV45 can also go advanced laser for hipfire or grip for ADS, so up to personal preference here. There is little downside to flash suppressors so id recommend attaching one where available, it makes keeping the aim dot on target/ADS a lot easier. There are better LMG's than the Pulsar for certain roles, eg Polaris with extended clip and laser for CQC, but Pulsar LSW is a nice all-rounder.

2013-02-01, 09:42 AM
P There is little downside to flash suppressors so id recommend attaching one where available, it makes keeping the aim dot on target/ADS a lot easier.

Hows that? How does flash suppressor make targeting easier?

2013-02-01, 09:53 AM
Hows that? How does flash suppressor make targeting easier?

Most VS weapons, particularly LMG's have a great deal of muzzle flare which can partially obscure the target when you ADS and are trying to keep the cross-hair dot on them (as well as lighting you up and making you more visible at night to the enemy) the flash suppressor reduces this muzzle flare, so the benefits are twofold with little to no downside ( a small decrease in velocity).