View Full Version : HA Heavy Weapons Changes (And More)

2013-01-31, 06:27 AM
Saw this on the official forums, tweets from Higby (no clue how to do that embedding thing with tweets, so you'll have to suffer me quoting them :p ).

Jackhammer changes pt1: reduced recoil & accuracy loss per shot, max damage pushed from 5m to 12m, projectile speed 300m/s->400m/s.

Jackhammer changes pt2: ADS move accuracy penalty reduced ~25%, ADS move speed increased 0.5x -> 0.75x, hipfire accuracy increased.

Jackhammer changes pt3: reload when round in the chamber -100ms, reload when empty +100ms. These changes will be in next update.

MCG will get a better spin up, firing immediately but at a scaled rate while it fully 'spins up'. Not for the 02 patch.

MCG and Lasher will be getting some love too, but, not in the 02 update. Better spin up for MCG and less team damage for Lasher.

He also tweeted that battle rifles are getting a tuning pass for patch 03 (as well as major tuning passes to most infantry weapons, whatever that would amount to), and we're getting the ability to click player names in chat in the upcoming patch.

2013-01-31, 06:33 AM
I really hope they make the bullet speed on battle rifles higher than any other weapon, so it isn't so sub par at range. You're so boned if you ever get into a close range battle with one that you should at least kick ass and take names at medium range...

2013-01-31, 07:21 AM
Good changes = the Jokehammer is currently the worst infantry weapon by far.

2013-01-31, 07:27 AM
Good changes = the Jokehammer is currently the worst infantry weapon by far.


I don't think anybody in my outfit even uses the JH because it's constantly outdone by the Mauler and Piston.

2013-01-31, 08:29 AM
Don't you guys think they go overboard every time they buff or nerf something? Instead of changing one factor and then examining it's effect they always change several at once. And always huge % buffs.
Was the same with the "air balance run".

2013-01-31, 11:41 AM
I really hope they make the bullet speed on battle rifles higher than any other weapon, so it isn't so sub par at range. You're so boned if you ever get into a close range battle with one that you should at least kick ass and take names at medium range...

Yeah, bullet velocity and/or damage would be nice at least. At the minute they don't really do more than you can do with a carbine/assault rifle/LMG on single fire mode, except having (I think, might be wrong) less damage drop off.

I still use my Warden a lot though, normally with a 2x reflex, as my mid range weapon of choice (my other loadout is the GD-22S for CQC and short to mid range). I have a 4x scope for it as well, but I don't really use it as much as it's not really up to par at mid to long range where I would actually need the scope. I wouldn't call it useless, but I wouldn't call it perfect either.

I'm curious as to what they're actually going to do with them.

2013-01-31, 01:07 PM
More tweeted changes (for update 02) from Higby, this time on tanks:

Vanguard: HEAT ~10% velocity increase, AP ~20% velocity increase, Enforcer +acceleration (3x top speed) 5% increase top/side armor

Prowler: HEAT: damage +25%, AP: damage +20%, velocity+10%, Vulcan dmg over range evened - nerfed near dmg, increased far dmg.

Prowler Lockdown: major muzzle velocity buff when in Lockdown, Prowler AP turret in LD now has the highest velocity of all tanks.

Magrider: Removed hover length bonus from performance items, reduced muzzle velocity for HRB (300->250).

Also, he states: we may add turret stabilization as an attachment in a future update.

And that they're also looking into the cause of the tanks sliding randomly on slopes when stationary.

2013-01-31, 01:14 PM
And that they're also looking into the cause of the tanks sliding randomly on slopes when stationary.

Vegetable oil, obviously. Gallons of it.

2013-01-31, 02:14 PM
Higher bullet velocity for the battle rifles should be high on their balance list for sure.

2013-01-31, 02:58 PM
I'm glad the jackhammer is getting a buff. I'm surprised it took them this long.

However I'm pretty annoyed by the fact that they're considering adding turret stabilization as a cert attachment rather than a standard upgrade across all tanks. This should of been in the game since day one (even before) since the secondary turrets already come with stabilization as a standard.