View Full Version : Clownside 2

2013-01-31, 06:25 PM
When I play this game I want to be part of a scifi-themed, military shooter where everybody and everything looks bad ass and mean machine. Not a cartoon circus full of clowns with spike helmets and ugly death masks, dressed up in carnaval colored suits that hurt the eyes. Not sure what the devs are thinking but imo they went way overboard with these cosmetics, to a level that fighting inbetween an increasing army of all these pierrots is distracting from game play.

Games like Blacklight Retribution already have shown us that there are endless ways to customize (and monetize!) individual load-outs while still looking bad ass and staying within the original design principles.

So, to give the devs a better insight in what they are achieving with these arcade cosmetics, let's post a screenshot of the most ridiculous looking outfits you've come across. I'll start off:

https://0ccu5w.bn1.livefilestore.com/y1p0IrrRL8RfLlhMeYc2tJoFRQOXA7EYSFS_ixQ62fhEV_vFig 745-D_31LV8HMLeQoU5NiJZEdExWZKVYaRiNhupDbvq4giZsI/clownside%202.JPG?psid=1

Imagine what it will look when they will add empire specific run animations (http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?t=52432) to these "professional warriors". I think that might be just enough to put Team Fortress 2 out of business, lol.


2013-01-31, 06:37 PM
I'm sad that this post didn't start with the giraffe camo.

2013-01-31, 06:38 PM
I agree, I am actually quite sick of seeing these recycled helmets while slapping on some crappy "hard hat" or spikes. It looks really cheap and crappy...that's pretty much a given for a large majority. Honestly, I really thought these guys were going to make a serious push on the cosmetics by adding more "tacticool" armor and helmets like the aforementioned Blacklight Retribution.

On the running animations: Completely unnecessary.

2013-01-31, 06:41 PM
I'm sad that this post didn't start with the giraffe camo.
Too obvious maybe but I'll post one when I find a ridiculous looking giraffe camo outfit.

2013-01-31, 06:45 PM
Is it too early for the mandatory... "Bring out the gimp" comment? :)

Gotta agree though, some of these outifts are not good. To think, they spend SC on them too. lol

2013-01-31, 06:46 PM
I have to agree some of the gear just looks like clown school.

And Im not an extreme purist either - I like the TR tiger stripes, I think the illuminated helmets look fine - I dont even mind giraffe.

But there is plenty to roll your eyes about.
Vanu and NC zebra camo of outrageous.
Helmet spikes?
Skulls skulls skulls.
And the NC and Vanu urban camo is looks like it fell out of an 80s night club.

2013-01-31, 06:52 PM
And the NC and Vanu urban camo is looks like it fell out of an 80s night club.

This made me nearly spit my coffee over my monitor... :lol:

Thanks Ghoest9, you made my day.

2013-01-31, 07:22 PM
Yeah it looks like roadwarrior. We definitely need some mean looking sci fi military gear in the cash shop.

2013-01-31, 07:24 PM
No matter what camo I apply, I'm swaddled in purple and teal highlights. Consider this.

2013-01-31, 07:27 PM
Yeaaaa, I really hope the devs stop with all those stupid helmets before this game turns from a good shooter into an ironic hat simulator like TF2 did.

Neutral Calypso
2013-01-31, 07:37 PM
The solution is to kill people with stupid hats.

Also, the wicked giraffe spirits must be exorcised with superior firepower. :mad:


As for me, the only cosmetic stuff I got is forest camo, desert camo, and white camo. When they release a new continent I'll probably get camo for that too.

2013-01-31, 07:40 PM
I had this weird vision of a player wearing those large clown shoes.

2013-01-31, 07:45 PM
That screenshot is really bad.. :lol:

Also I bet Higby didn't expect that to become an animated gif. :lol:

2013-01-31, 07:48 PM
I want to see some more bad assed sci fi military armor models.

2013-01-31, 08:01 PM
I like the goofy helmets and camos, so long as they don't waste too many resources on them I don't see why its an issue, unless you are trying to force your ideals on aesthetics?
Have a goofy Zebra camo as requested.

2013-01-31, 08:05 PM
That outfit, good sir, is a beautiful thing :)

2013-01-31, 09:19 PM
When I play this game I want to be part of a scifi-themed, military shooter where everybody and everything looks bad ass and mean machine. Not a cartoon circus full of clowns with spike helmets and ugly death masks, dressed up in carnaval colored suits that hurt the eyes. Not sure what the devs are thinking but imo they went way overboard with these cosmetics, to a level that fighting inbetween an increasing army of all these pierrots is distracting from game play.

Games like Blacklight Retribution already have shown us that there are endless ways to customize (and monetize!) individual load-outs while still looking bad ass and staying within the original design principles.

So, to give the devs a better insight in what they are achieving with these arcade cosmetics, let's post a screenshot of the most ridiculous looking outfit you've come across. I'll start off:

https://0ccu5w.bn1.livefilestore.com/y1p0IrrRL8RfLlhMeYc2tJoFRQOXA7EYSFS_ixQ62fhEV_vFig 745-D_31LV8HMLeQoU5NiJZEdExWZKVYaRiNhupDbvq4giZsI/clownside%202.JPG?psid=1

Imagine what it will look when they will add empire specific run animations (http://www.planetside-universe.com/showthread.php?t=52432) to these "professional warriors". I think that might be just enough put Team Fortress 2 out of business, lol.


I'm surprised you didn't use the NC heavy assault with camo and SKULL MASK as your example. It's by far the biggest eyesore in the game.

And seriously, the camo does look pretty horrible when combined with the faction highlights. That's part of the reason why I like IRNV so much.

And you guys know... as the years roll on and player studio items come onto the marketplace. This circus is only going to get funnier and funnier. Killer Clowns From Outer Space!

2013-01-31, 11:11 PM
Theres a good thread on the offical forums about people wanting more badass genuine military style cosmetics, yet SOE doesnt want to cash in on it... They really dont like making money lol.

Luckily for TR the zebra camo doesnt look as ridiculous as VS/NC


2013-01-31, 11:39 PM
I wish the gear was empire-specific and thematic.

It's early on in the game... hopefully later stuff will be better.

2013-01-31, 11:49 PM
I like the goofy helmets and camos, so long as they don't waste too many resources on them I don't see why its an issue, unless you are trying to force your ideals on aesthetics?
Apart from the aesthetics of these wacko outfits (I think they're horrible, some might like them), if devs decide to go all out bonanza on gear without sticking to the original design principles, you end up in no time with a game that feels nothing like the original 3 faction fight anymore. It becomes a kindergarten carnival that deteriorates the overall experience.

I mean what is this, Giraffes from Hell?

https://0ccu5w.bn1.livefilestore.com/y1phHXMGYIDSpjvh3z3Nx2NYvRSm3Egi1A0U6IZIQC9zkvWpvg JQUI5Z-LZFlziClEK7glJussUzPIu_MAYT90u3lrIdt3N5STD/death%20by%20giraffe.JPG?psid=1

Pighead Laser Disco?

https://0ccu5w.bn1.livefilestore.com/y1pqp8rsKfUb_W2klHO_AoxDBy2AaSyNDN_z9H7L6-s_S9N2RozvoolTTWXhNZ3kmc1x1zHS4Jub8ZcVopQjkHMeR02V i71n8nf/laser%20disco%20pighead.JPG?psid=1

Mind you, these are not even the worst examples.

2013-02-01, 01:26 AM
I think people should be free to look like a clown if they want to play NC.

2013-02-01, 01:29 AM
I think it's an outrage that there is still no sign of leopard print camo.

2013-02-01, 02:10 AM
Well the question is what is selling best? The average person doesn't even buy cosmetics. 90% of players seem to run with the standard gear or alpha squad camo if they bought that. The only other stuff I ever see is the silly items bought by people who WANT to stand out. They want to look ridiculous I suppose. So I imagine it's a case of them catering to the cosmetics audience. Though I agree I would have much preferred they make all cosmetics more like the composite armor which actually fits the game aesthetic.

2013-02-01, 03:48 AM
I have a bigger problem with the camos not following the actual color pattern set for each empire than with silly camo designs.

Devs, remember that thing?


Please, stick to it.

2013-02-01, 04:06 AM
Honestly I don't really care what other people look like.

In this day and age developers have to cater to the children, the CoD players, and the gaming culture. Unfortunately the culture today promotes ridiculous looks and some of the younger folk will do whatever they can to stand out and "troll". (Even some older people do this as well...I just do not understand)

As long as I retain the option of having my badass matching armor and weapon camoflauge tailored to fit the environment I'm fighting in...
the trolls can wear whatever they want. :)

2013-02-01, 06:08 AM
Eventually I hope for outfit uniforms.

2013-02-01, 06:51 AM
The question you should ask yourself is, is this effective at throwing your eyes off at recognising shapes?

https://0ccu5w.bn1.livefilestore.com/y1p0IrrRL8RfLlhMeYc2tJoFRQOXA7EYSFS_ixQ62fhEV_vFig 745-D_31LV8HMLeQoU5NiJZEdExWZKVYaRiNhupDbvq4giZsI/clownside%202.JPG?psid=1

It actually seems to blend in with the background reasonably. Despite looking like hell. The purple works decently at night, even if it's a tad neon. There are however a lot of camos and suit combis that do very little for the player and their role.

The "camo" of having lights on a NC infil suit for instance is uhm... Yeah.

Check in here for camouflage that's actually used around the world.

Emperor Newt
2013-02-01, 07:18 AM
Too obvious maybe but I'll post one when I find a ridiculous looking giraffe camo outfit.



2013-02-01, 07:20 AM
When I first saw the NC spikes, it sort of reminded me of the Marauders from the later Red Faction games. Which makes sense if you consider that they're both using scrap metal and such.


2013-02-01, 07:34 AM
The spikes were in the game for quite awhile, go see that Pre-Beta TR HA screenshot...

They just decided to activate the cosmetic.

2013-02-01, 07:39 AM
It actually seems to blend in with the background reasonably.

Wait - you have actually logged into the game havent you?

In game urban camo the NC and Vanu wear is probably the most noticeable surface there is at least inside 75 meters or so(at long distances they probably work as well as anything else because the shadows matter more.)

2013-02-01, 07:43 AM
Wait - you have actually logged into the game havent you?

In game urban camo the NC and Vanu wear is probably the most noticeable surface there is at least inside 75 meters or so(at long distances they probably work as well as anything else because the shadows matter more.)

Really depends on where they are. Most of the camos stand out and most players don't adapt camos for different terrain but use default "pretty stuff", because it's too much effort *and costly and mostly pointless* to change for the local terrain.

2013-02-01, 07:47 AM
Really depends on where they are. Most of the camos stand out and most players don't adapt camos for different terrain but use default "pretty stuff", because it's too much effort *and costly and mostly pointless* to change for the local terrain.

I'd hold that it's probably better for you, overall, to look as much like the next guy as possible. The ones with camo get singled out and taken more seriously. Same reason I don't use camo on my Prowler, although there's also the fact that it's a box.

2013-02-01, 07:53 AM
Is it too early for the mandatory... "Bring out the gimp" comment? :)

It's never too early to bring out the gimp!

@OP - agree, the stick on helmet spikes and skull masks no doubt have some teen appeal, but seem a bit ridiculous to me, and cheapen the game somewhat.

I wouldn't dream of spending SC on them. Some decent camo, perhaps, but no more - this isn't Mad Max 2.

But I suppose I would rather see SoE make their money selling junk like this than going down the P2W route. :ugh:

2013-02-01, 08:15 AM
I just cant understand why they don't give us customisation options that are more atheistically pleasing; the current options are just so lacking they deserve the "clown" tag.

Customisation option examples:-



2013-02-01, 08:16 AM
I don't mind the shitty looking camos that much. they just look bad but that's not a real problem if you ask me. What I don't like are the things that don't belong into the planetside universe at all like the skull masks or the planetside and beta decals. Seriously, why would I want to have a ps2 decal in ps2? Doesn't make any sense. Plus I don't see a reason why all 3 factions at war would use skull masks. Those are things that I hate because they break the feeling of a plausible universe.

.sent via phone.

2013-02-01, 08:52 AM
Someone get T-Ray in here - stat!

2013-02-01, 11:39 AM
Rainbow? Please tell me that image in the loadout is doctored. Nothing cheers me up while waging war then a nice dosage of rainbow love.

New VS weapon in the works: Instead of rockets as ammo, HA will now have the option for a rainbow hued plasma ribbon to not only smite their foes with cheery goodness, but leave an after image to promote happy thoughts and improve morale for all nearby.

Next we'll see an avatar name of Rainbow_Brite or CheerBear.

Someone working on the dev team is a hippy in hiding or watched too much Care Bears.

2013-02-01, 11:50 AM
This is actually a thing people are complaining about? ...lol

2013-02-01, 12:01 PM
I don't mind the shitty looking camos that much. they just look bad but that's not a real problem if you ask me. What I don't like are the things that don't belong into the planetside universe at all like the skull masks or the planetside and beta decals. Seriously, why would I want to have a ps2 decal in ps2? Doesn't make any sense. Plus I don't see a reason why all 3 factions at war would use skull masks. Those are things that I hate because they break the feeling of a plausible universe.

.sent via phone.

You can't take my skull away from me.

I find it funny though, people deride skull masks as silly, yet they have been used for CENTURIES in warfare.

@OP - agree, the stick on helmet spikes and skull masks no doubt have some teen appeal, but seem a bit ridiculous to me, and cheapen the game somewhat.

Theres a good thread on the offical forums about people wanting more badass genuine military style cosmetics, yet SOE doesnt want to cash in on it... They really dont like making money lol.

Where the hell did you people get your education?

Those attachments and styles have been used in warfare FOR CENTURIES. Not one single nation of any importance did not have them. EVEN with the advent of conscription.

"Cheapen the game" "Break immersion" "Are unrealistic"

WTF is wrong with you people. What bubble were you raised in? Its one thing to say "Well, its not for me" but this shit about "OMG no one ever used skulls on helms, this game is stupid" is fucking stupid.


2013-02-01, 12:18 PM
i think skull masks are kewl. giraffe camo, not so much.

some of the more extreme "camos" reminds me of 80s action figures.

2013-02-01, 01:12 PM
You can't take my skull away from me.

I find it funny though, people deride skull masks as silly, yet they have been used for CENTURIES in warfare.

Where the hell did you people get your education?

Those attachments and styles have been used in warfare FOR CENTURIES. Not one single nation of any importance did not have them. EVEN with the advent of conscription.

"Cheapen the game" "Break immersion" "Are unrealistic"

WTF is wrong with you people. What bubble were you raised in? Its one thing to say "Well, its not for me" but this shit about "OMG no one ever used skulls on helms, this game is stupid" is fucking stupid.


People did a lot of stuff for "centuries" - that they dont do now and havent for 150 or so years. I suppose when we kill an enemy we could have an animation where we rip out the heart and and wave it over our heads - but really it doesnt seem to fit.

2013-02-01, 01:18 PM
I'd hold that it's probably better for you, overall, to look as much like the next guy as possible. The ones with camo get singled out and taken more seriously. Same reason I don't use camo on my Prowler, although there's also the fact that it's a box.

You take people with camo and skull masks more serious? :)

Interesting. I usualy prioritise based on position, proximity and viewing angle. I don't really consider the payment plan of an enemy player as a priority.

2013-02-01, 01:18 PM
tbh samouraïs have always used skull helmets in order to make their enemy fear them.

2013-02-01, 01:25 PM
that they dont do now and havent for 150 or so years.










While its true, in modern days we do not try to convince the opposition that we are in fact Monsters or demons, the motif endures on.

2013-02-01, 01:58 PM
Skull masks have not been worn by any important army for a very very long time, don't even try to educate us. It's one thing to paint a skull on something you wear anyway, it's another thing to put on A GIANT SKULL mask that COVERS YOUR WHOLE FACE. It just does not make sense and it looks ridiculous.

If any real soldier would strap a huge skull mask over his gear he would get his ass kicked by his officer right away.

2013-02-01, 02:39 PM
Skull masks have not been worn by any important army for a very very long time, don't even try to educate us. It's one thing to paint a skull on something you wear anyway, it's another thing to put on A GIANT SKULL mask that COVERS YOUR WHOLE FACE. It just does not make sense and it looks ridiculous.

If any real soldier would strap a huge skull mask over his gear he would get his ass kicked by his officer right away.

You seem to enjoy making this sci fi universe like todays military. Personally Im a huge warhammer 40k fan and I enjoy those futuristic military novels. And yes in the grim darkness of the 41st millenia they are still wearing skull masks.

2013-02-01, 02:55 PM
Skull masks have not been worn by any important army for a very very long time, don't even try to educate us. It's one thing to paint a skull on something you wear anyway, it's another thing to put on A GIANT SKULL mask that COVERS YOUR WHOLE FACE. It just does not make sense and it looks ridiculous.

If any real soldier would strap a huge skull mask over his gear he would get his ass kicked by his officer right away.

Except for many in the current military. Again, we don't go around trying to convince people we are demons, but its still completely in the military motif.

Any way, point being, its one thing to say "Its not for me" its another to say its out of place. U Mad. I'm Fucking FABULOUS!

Most of the recent Helms have been of Greek or German influence in design.

2013-02-01, 03:23 PM
Warhammer 40K is less ridiculous even with the demons/aliens thing. Certain things in PS2 are ridiculous/ugly and even bad for gameplay (when some factions share the same colors).

2013-02-01, 03:31 PM
You seem to enjoy making this sci fi universe like todays military. Personally Im a huge warhammer 40k fan and I enjoy those futuristic military novels. And yes in the grim darkness of the 41st millenia they are still wearing skull masks.

No, I enjoy a universe where the military resembles ANY real military that deserves this name. There is no military that uses skull masks. It just doesn't fit with the narrative of Planetside.

Only because there is some other science fiction universe where the skulls work (and they do work in warhammer because the whole universe is built on brutality and tribal symbols) doesn't mean that it fits into the PS Universe where everything is clean, and organized.

2013-02-01, 04:21 PM
Warhammer 40K is less ridiculous even with the demons/aliens thing. Certain things in PS2 are ridiculous/ugly and even bad for gameplay (when some factions share the same colors).

Blood Ravens steal the enemy - YouTube

2013-02-01, 04:38 PM
Ah good ol' Boreale (and Garry's mod). Even then I would take an army of space marine in bright shiny red, space elves and demons over some guys in purple spandex with camos from every colors of the rainbow. Or Planetside 1, because in 2003 and with the level of graphics we had it was ok (and no horrible camos/helmets/etc).

2013-02-01, 05:12 PM
I have to agree that some of the camos are pretty bad. Im running ultra low so the game resembles minecraft a lot so I dont know if the camos look any different on high settings.

2013-02-01, 05:13 PM
Oh noes spiked helmes ps2 is doomed doomed i say

I hope SOE puts a hello kitty uniform into the game, I'll wear it just so the OP is pissed off about his destroyed imershun.

On that note, I am seriously considering starting a no shitpost forum, signal-to-noise here and on the official is simply too high.

2013-02-01, 05:15 PM
I think it would be cool if outfits would start asking their members to wear a certain set of camos for each continent. At least they would look more like a cohesive group instead of a motorcycle gang from the badlands.

2013-02-01, 05:17 PM
Just wanted to post to say that I'm glad to see my higbyrunanimation.gif getting used. I hope I see it more.

When I saw the original interview, I said "That needs to made into a gif. Oh wait... I can do that."

2013-02-01, 05:20 PM
About immersion, I was under the impression that Auraxis was in a never ending civil war? I don't know about you but, there is nothing regimented about a civil war outside of the TR, NC are a rabble and the VS are well, the VS :lol:

2013-02-01, 06:59 PM
I think it would be cool if outfits would start asking their members to wear a certain set of camos for each continent. At least they would look more like a cohesive group instead of a motorcycle gang from the badlands.


2013-02-02, 02:50 AM

You can't take my skull away from me.

I find it funny though, people deride skull masks as silly, because they were used CENTURIES ago in warfare.

Where the hell did you people get your education?:rofl:

Not wanting to take your skull away from you; if you want to help fund the game by making yourself look silly then that's fine by me; your choice.

2013-02-02, 03:13 AM
My problem is why isn't there a TF2 like create your own items, submit them to SOE and get them sold on the store setup?

Players can create far better content than the developers and at a much faster rate.

2013-02-02, 04:29 AM
You can't take my skull away from me.

I find it funny though, people deride skull masks as silly, yet they have been used for CENTURIES in warfare.

Where the hell did you people get your education?

Those attachments and styles have been used in warfare FOR CENTURIES. Not one single nation of any importance did not have them. EVEN with the advent of conscription.

"Cheapen the game" "Break immersion" "Are unrealistic"

WTF is wrong with you people. What bubble were you raised in? Its one thing to say "Well, its not for me" but this shit about "OMG no one ever used skulls on helms, this game is stupid" is fucking stupid.


Silly arguments for silly looking people...

Maybe your fucking helmet should have some horns on it. That would also be historical correct. You would look like a goat thats almost as cool as a Skull.

Carbon Copied
2013-02-02, 06:52 AM
Way ahead on the horn front..

2013-02-02, 06:55 AM
Way ahead on the horn front..

Last days of beta maggie was wearing a helmet like that ;)

2013-02-02, 07:19 AM
I would love to hear T-Ray's vision on this because I've heard him once saying that if you design something for a game, it has to be there for a reason.
And atm these largely empire-unspecific cosmetics don't feel they were carefully designed with the Planetside universe in mind but more of a quick afterthought way to facilitate personalization and monetization.

I can actually live with funky Mad Max Look-a likes and goofy Space Pyjama's if that is specifically the way the Planetside universe is supposed to be. But right now I have a hard time to fit this:

https://0ccu5w.bn1.livefilestore.com/y1pP9FOqAmRkprZAajLBT3g4czsCWJm1GzEl_xjrgZLFWJ9mPV ECVMqr6JOvuK3esNP_VAmi3jBvsb6IFFwkduO2lDqzWihJ1LM/silly%20uniforms.JPG?psid=1

with this:


2013-02-02, 07:29 AM
But right now I have a hard time to fit this:


with this:


This is where I wish I had the 'shopping skill to stick NC zebra camo on that carrier picture, so I could say "how about now?". :p

2013-02-02, 07:31 AM
https://0ccu5w.bn1.livefilestore.com/y1pP9FOqAmRkprZAajLBT3g4czsCWJm1GzEl_xjrgZLFWJ9mPV ECVMqr6JOvuK3esNP_VAmi3jBvsb6IFFwkduO2lDqzWihJ1LM/silly%20uniforms.JPG?psid=1
Good lord... And there's no coming back from this since they won't ever remove it unless there's some kind of miracle. I just tested DUST 514 some days ago and found the art design generic and blanc, but at least it looked fine.

2013-02-02, 07:31 AM
Rolfski, those carriers aren't actually made for this incarnation of PS2, but for a more "realistic" Modern Warfare graphic style variant.

PlanetSide is a bit more cartoony and "out there" than that. Compare it to the Magrider and Galaxy artstyles that actually made it in: still more serious, but not as much as you're suggesting here.

2013-02-02, 07:59 AM
Rolfski, those carriers aren't actually made for this incarnation of PS2, but for a more "realistic" Modern Warfare graphic style variant.

PlanetSide is a bit more cartoony and "out there" than that. Compare it to the Magrider and Galaxy artstyles that actually made it in: still more serious, but not as much as you're suggesting here. Afaik Smedley specifically tweeted that carrier as a possible PS2 feature but even if it will probably appear more "cartoony" in game, you get the idea.
Unless of course you believe that "Giraffes from Hell", "Laserdisco Pigheads", "Space Pyjama's" and "Motorcycle Gangs from the Badlands" belong on a Planetside carrier.

2013-02-02, 08:07 AM
As a member of RPS (VS) , I say leave our giraffe camo alone!
It was picked as the voluntary outfit camo of choice because its:

a. Ugly as sin.
b. Utterly fails at being camouflage in any environment.
c. Makes us look daft.
d. Giraffes have become a fixation with RPS.

Skull masks etc are at the member's discretion, but since they are all uniformly ugly, they do rather fall in with "looking bad" motif.

2013-02-02, 08:09 AM
https://0ccu5w.bn1.livefilestore.com/y1pP9FOqAmRkprZAajLBT3g4czsCWJm1GzEl_xjrgZLFWJ9mPV ECVMqr6JOvuK3esNP_VAmi3jBvsb6IFFwkduO2lDqzWihJ1LM/silly%20uniforms.JPG?psid=1

Holy fucking shit, do those spikey helmets really exist ingame? Wtf is this? T-Ray, where are you and what have you done?!? Less time in the gym, more time on the job please :/


I am starting to loose my faith....

2013-02-02, 08:11 AM
More camos i guess is ok. But what I want are more armor and helmet skins. The devs need to get their shit in gear and start giving us a better variety of cosmetic gear.

Emperor Newt
2013-02-02, 09:06 AM
You forgot the best feature of VS giraffe camo: being teamkilled because new players think you are NC as well as new NC players ignoring you because they think you are one of them in a fancy pink outfit.

2013-02-02, 09:40 AM
It could be a lot worse, the stuff avaialble now would be considered tame to most F2P customization options. There could be fur suits, neon camos or fantasy theme helmets.

2013-02-02, 09:53 AM
It could be a lot worse, the stuff avaialble now would be considered tame to most F2P customization options. There could be fur suits, neon camos or fantasy theme helmets.

Vote giant pink dildo as melee weapon customization.

VS only.

2013-02-02, 10:04 AM
Sometimes i think they simply imported all the 3d models of eq into ps2. Maybe we'll see soon the golden capes or magic wands with fire spells on it .

Seriously, we are playing a scifi shooter here. These cosemetic items we have atm maybe proper for the fantasy genre but not for a game like ps2.

2013-02-02, 10:04 AM
Every time I see a guy with a skull helmet, I automatically assume he's around 12-16 years of age. It's not that I try to purposefully think bad of him, my mind just automatically goes "stupid kids."

2013-02-02, 12:10 PM
Every time I see a guy with a skull helmet, I automatically assume he's around 12-16 years of age. It's not that I try to purposefully think bad of him, my mind just automatically goes "stupid kids."

Younger than that, I'd say.

2013-02-02, 12:27 PM
Everytime one of those Skull Helmet Players kill me I AINT EVEN MAD!:rofl:

They just look so very Bad and Tasteless.Not seen those Spikey Helmets yet.

2013-02-02, 01:56 PM

Less skulls/spikes/giraffes

More this


I also would like to see different faction colour variations on your armour, either purchasable or through rank advancement


2013-02-02, 02:38 PM
Well everyone, it seems like it's going to get worse from here.


Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/17rot5/new_maniac_helmets/

2013-02-02, 02:53 PM
Well everyone, it seems like it's going to get worse from here.


Source: http://www.reddit.com/r/Planetside/comments/17rot5/new_maniac_helmets/


2013-02-02, 06:16 PM

I would consider to buy this smed helmet. Every enemy will run because of terrible fear.:mad:

2013-02-02, 08:22 PM
So... what about berets? >.>

2013-02-02, 08:26 PM
I just want a rainbow wig and clown suit armor now, cheers for the ideas Rolfski, just gotta harrass T-ray enough until he buckles....

2013-02-02, 09:10 PM
Good post, the character models either look like Halo spartan ripoffs or completely ridiculous.

2013-02-02, 10:47 PM
We need unicorn hats & fursuits. I say this in jest but, if we're going to go for clown, lets go full retard.

2013-02-02, 11:51 PM
Am I the only one who likes the Maniac Helms ? - Look at my avatar :)

And why is it just HA and Medic ?

(No I am not 12-16 years old, far, far from it)

2013-02-03, 09:24 AM
Personally, I don't care what people wear. I do not spend my time going around looking at everybody. They only time I see them is the half a second I have them in my cross hairs and then its onto the next one.

2013-02-03, 10:02 AM
Personally, I don't care what people wear. I do not spend my time going around looking at everybody. They only time I see them is the half a second I have them in my cross hairs and then its onto the next one.

Only time I get to see my enemies "makeup" is when I am looking at the kill screen after they killed me.

In game it makes no difference

2013-02-03, 10:05 AM
i do want a cape and an commissar hat for when i'm leading a platoon/squad.
OR even a radio back pack like the ps1 CR5 . i'll spend so much SC for that

now model it ; then make make it red and black

2013-02-03, 10:22 AM
I love my spikey helmet so feck you all :-)

2013-02-03, 10:32 AM
Oh man.. maniac helmets? Oh man... okay, now I officially don't feel like part of a space army anymore, I feel like part of a juvenile shooting horde of 16 year olds.

What I ask myself: What is their target audience? It obviously seems to be the kids, not guys 20+

2013-02-03, 12:46 PM
Oh man.. maniac helmets? Oh man... okay, now I officially don't feel like part of a space army anymore, I feel like part of a juvenile shooting horde of 16 year olds.

What I ask myself: What is their target audience? It obviously seems to be the kids, not guys 20+
That's a good point actually. These over the top and somewhat childish looking cosmetics might suggest they're going for a more immature crowd with this game.

2013-02-05, 10:00 AM
That's a good point actually. These over the top and somewhat childish looking cosmetics might suggest they're going for a more immature crowd with this game.

Those of you looking down on people for what helm they ware are the immature ones.



2013-02-05, 10:12 AM
You don't see their helm when they run over you in their tank..

2013-02-05, 10:16 AM
BTW, Higby twittered that they would make some better helmets, I guess most people don't want to be space clowns. Thank god.

.sent via phone.

2013-02-05, 10:31 AM
BTW, Higby twittered that they would make some better helmets, I guess most people don't want to be space clowns. Thank god.

.sent via phone.

Nothing wrong with more variety, however, your assertion that people do not want to be space clowns is laughable.

Variety was always coming, your love of polka dots was irrelevant. But I get it, your an anonymous member of the Internets and have a reputation to maintain.

No one of a "mature age" looks foolish on the Internets. :rofl:

2013-02-05, 10:54 AM
Why can't we have APB's level of customisation? just keep the specs sci-fi based and the colours within the realms of the factions?!

It's so limited at the moment I can't be bothered to put any money into it.

Everything available makes you look like a massive cod piece

2013-02-05, 10:56 AM
It's more a question of immersion and coherence than anything else, I could care less about what others are wearing and I guess it's the case for many people.

2013-02-05, 11:52 AM
It's more a question of immersion and coherence than anything else, I could care less about what others are wearing and I guess it's the case for many people.

Exactly. It's not about being cool, like Bloodworth tries to implicate. I love looking ridicolous in games like APB and that's exactly where stuff like skull masks belong. But APBs world is built around stuff like that.

Immersion and coherence are lost if people run around in stuff/outfits that don't make sense in the given gameworld that was built by the designers.

It's as stupid as if they would add a Lamborghini as new purchasable vehicle in PS2. Usually I love Lamborghinis, but in Planetside they would suck because they just don't fit into the PS universe.

2013-02-05, 04:40 PM
I love my spikey helmet so feck you all :-)

So do I. My NC engineer looks a bit like Sonic, had to have it.

Anyway I think people really need to lighten up about this stuff. The only proper military is the TR so I may understand a complaint there. But the PS world is all a bit camp anyway.

Neutral Calypso
2013-02-05, 08:13 PM
If they add a Sunderer-only paint job that makes it look like the Mystery Machine... I'd buy it.

2013-02-05, 11:35 PM
New helmets are on the way already:


He also confirmed they will be factional this time:


2013-02-05, 11:41 PM
I want a hat with a skull on it.


2013-02-06, 08:27 PM
Those of you looking down on people for what helm they ware are the immature ones.

I have nothing against immature or over-the-top at all but this is PS2, not Saints Row the Third.

If this is going to be the direction of this game...


..they might as well introduce this for empire specific weapons


2013-02-07, 06:47 PM
The hell :lol:

2013-02-07, 10:51 PM
So it's the adults and mature folk who are getting all upset over what items people wear in a game? And we're all looking for dark, military themed stuff in a Planetside game, where the shotguns have triple barrels and the armor was always brightly colored? 'K.

Listen, I get it, I had my own ideas of what Planetside 2's factions would look like (death korp or Helghast for TR, more Unreal type armor for NC, crazy final fantasy like armor for VS that hardly looks human.). And I'm all for added items, no matter what the style. Dark and military? Sure, I'd be interested in that. But seriously, you're so upset that there are people you see for a few seconds are wearing very small horns or some other bright colors besides the bright colors we already wear? Get over yourselves. Look at the bright side, at least the kids aren't on your lawns yet.

2013-02-08, 06:10 AM

I want this helmet.

2013-02-08, 06:47 AM
Listen, I get it, I had my own ideas of what Planetside 2's factions would look like (death korp or Helghast for TR, more Unreal type armor for NC, crazy final fantasy like armor for VS that hardly looks human.).
yes yes yes! i would kill for such design

2013-02-08, 06:53 AM

I want this helmet.

I think the game could have room for Swords also, TR has a chain going round the edge, NC with a big massive sword, and VS with a Lightsaber type thing !!!

OHK, obviously no range (mele) and needs to be pulled out like a weapon (replaces the Pistols).

T-RAY....... you know you want to

2013-02-08, 06:55 AM
But seriously, you're so upset that there are people you see for a few seconds are wearing very small horns or some other bright colors besides the bright colors we already wear? Get over yourselves. Look at the bright side, at least the kids aren't on your lawns yet.

Like it or not but immersion is a huge part of the game experience that people seem to underestimate. Whether your tank gets destroyed from the back by some serious military hardware from a bad ass looking sci-fi spec ops or on the other hand with that "Penetrator" by some clown in an 80's-gone-wrong outfit, makes all the difference in how you experience this game. You can ridicule about this what you want but in the end, it is as important as smooth gun play and a good meta game. There's a reason why I don't play otherwise excellent games like Team Fortress 2 or Guild Wars 2: It's just not my setting and I'm not the only one.

So yes, general art direction of this game is a serious concern that should be addressed. And I'm not saying this game per se needs to look dark Helghast, it just needs to look bad-ass.

So not this:
https://0ccu5w.bn1.livefilestore.com/y1p3lsQIwBvvyMRAHwisPuqpjz6rSwwbGXRWMRiAY5gYVZhtBe hD-FyprGOR-4mX-roDcvWH8xW3keZsd8PtEvDxaEUXlcMHvEj/clownside%202a.JPG?psid=1

But rather this:
https://0ccu5w.bn1.livefilestore.com/y1pV71hRi5rqhvxlIPs1uZu7xkzAVGTCr5xiuOIqm4kvfn3mUD raoqYs51EXJ9ybwoAEGLh_Ynk-6McSGLNuBGIWADTdCTC7rc6/bad%20ass%20Vanu.JPG?psid=1

2013-02-08, 07:45 AM
Rolfski, I actually prefer the ha with the skull mask rather than the sci fi diva you picked.

2013-02-08, 07:50 AM
Rolfski, I actually prefer the ha with the skull mask rather than the sci fi diva you picked.
Are you kidding me? Sigh, I guess I understand now why you want Roman helmets in this game.

2013-02-08, 07:58 AM
I will not wear a funky space clam on my head. It just looks dumb to me.

2013-02-08, 09:14 AM
Skull helms and such are part of the Planetside look.

And I find it hilarious that the people saying "Skull helms are for 12 year old's" want them replaced with Anime inspired designs. :rofl:

2013-02-08, 09:14 AM

I want this helmet.

Look at the APEX helms, and wonder what may have inspired them.



And lastly, the INF helm, maybe that's what you were looking for?

2013-02-08, 09:40 AM
Rolfski, I actually prefer the ha with the skull mask rather than the sci fi diva you picked.

It's not that bad, imo. I picked it because it resembled a female Vanu to me. But you get the idea.


Btw: Can't wait for the devs to let us create our own content (http://imgur.com/a/rJlDg) and let them do the selection. I'm sure it will improve things like cosmetics considerably.


2013-02-08, 02:48 PM
Ok Rolfski I found a sci fi max helmet I really like.

http://hdwallpapersof.com/wallpaper/warhammer_40k_games_warrior_metal_mask_desktop_155 5x1200_hd-wallpaper-7025.png

2013-02-08, 11:21 PM
LMAO @ The Penetrator!

MBroome is going to be the SOE dev interviewee on next week's FNO. He is a senior artist, and is one of the helmet designers (if not THE helmet designer).

So this is your chance to let him know what you would like to see, instead of Mad Max: Beyond Battlefield Auraxis.

2013-02-08, 11:37 PM
Opinions are like assholes right?

What one person finds "in the spirit of the game" another won't. And to be honest, immersion is about as UNIMPORTANT so many people as it is IMPORTANT to others. Why do you think RPG's have separate RP servers? Because to the people that like it, it becomes essential to enjoying the game. To many others it is not only NOT important it is about the silliest thing you could be part of.

Really the camo's and helmets are not that bad, and I personally enjoy a lot of them.
I would NOT want it to go to the point of APB, or really to where Global Agenda went. When GA launched there was a pretty massive ability to personalize you character. As the game went on the Dyes and armors got more and more silly. Pretty soon the whole playerbase was just trying to look as stupid as possible. I don't want that, but I see nothing wrong with the skull helmets and most of the camo's although some of the camo that looks good, or OK on TR/VS is pretty bad on NC IMO.

2013-02-09, 07:46 AM
The nc are the ones that are supposed to look cobbled together


2013-02-09, 07:54 AM
what TR should look like.

2013-02-09, 09:39 AM

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSkAV4uOnDybZLshx09hxQWj2bT0HTYR YWOxWtOIV4T1Ps88yaE








2013-02-09, 11:11 AM
Ok Rolfski I found a sci fi max helmet I really like.

http://hdwallpapersof.com/wallpaper/warhammer_40k_games_warrior_metal_mask_desktop_155 5x1200_hd-wallpaper-7025.png

The image is not loading.

Personally, I'm not too much into over-the-top dark helghast style TR (it has been done so many times) but I guess with space fascists there is not much way around it.

Anyway, if we're talking more bad ass looking in-game characters and cosmetics, I guess this is more of a direction I'm looking for:

Light assault

http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/029/d/9/galaxy_saga__applibot____berserker_of_destruction_ by_djahal-d5t4buo.jpg

Heavy assault (forget the gold look, needs a different color of course)


Vanu style heavy assault


2013-02-09, 07:35 PM
PS2 camo i getting out of hand !

2013-02-09, 11:15 PM
Vanu style heavy assault


I approve this style vor Vanus!

2013-02-10, 01:08 AM
I suspect the NC are going to get the shit end of the stick when it comes to ideas for cosmetics for them, right?

2013-02-10, 05:31 AM
Look at the APEX helms, and wonder what may have inspired them.

The first thing I think of when I look at the APEX is a hard hat, not a centurion's helmet:p

2013-02-10, 08:34 AM
I approve this style vor Vanus!
It's from Mass Effect 3 actually, which has great sci-fi art. I like it better than PS2 art actually, which is generally not that bad if not a bit generic.


I suspect the NC are going to get the shit end of the stick when it comes to ideas for cosmetics for them, right?
Not necessarily, there are plenty of ways to make the NC look bad-ass, like this space marine:


And I can image something like this would make an awesome, manned gun-only, NC mobile howitzer style artillery piece (increase gun elevation and maybe change double barrel with a single one)


Or maybe this as a mobile NC base (probably no place for it in the game but at least it looks impressive):


But only if TR would get something like this for a frigate:


The original NC art wasn't that bad actually if probably not NC-distinctive enough:


2013-02-10, 08:41 AM

Why can't we have THAT helmet? I just don't get it :/

2013-02-10, 10:04 AM
Oh, don't worry. They will add it to the shop at some point:D

2013-02-10, 02:36 PM

I like how that armour doesn't look like it's been drenched in acid


been bothering me recently how NC armour looks up close

As for that helmet itself, we'll likely see it soon at some point, although why it wasn't included since the beginning (especially when it's been promoted everywhere) confuses me

2013-02-13, 05:45 AM
Looks like devs have listened. Player designed camo's, helmets and decals are first up in Player Studio:


And they will keep the final say so anyone thinking of adding something like this for a female NC HA suit will be out of luck :D

https://0ccu5w.bn1.livefilestore.com/y1pfcaKkZzEnqfnOqDw6w5hOEcLIn_xPKBD4gbt8w2MTyRFiOv tvzbEU4U5uC9W_UqbnzoAKZHWxopwecwfCWl0Se85lTWOnXND/female%20HA.JPG?psid=1

2013-02-13, 06:39 AM
The maniac helms remind me that the devs should take 'Silence of the lambs' off their most watched list...

http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/5593/indexnvk.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/580/indexnvk.jpg/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)