View Full Version : PSU Outfit leaderboard

2013-02-01, 04:38 AM
I've noticed that if I: play the game, get a few kills (believe me very few), log out then check the leaderboard on PSU for my outfit it doen't show the kill I have just made.

However, if I then click and open up my character and then display the outfit leaderboard the numbers have been updated correctly.

Does this mean tha the leaderboard displays displays data from an internal database table but the the table detail is only updated whenever the detail for each character is individually selected by a user?

In which case I can't depend on the leaderboards being correct, given that some people will check their data and some won't.

Am I getting this right?

2013-02-01, 05:05 AM
Yes you are...

2013-02-01, 08:47 AM
Yep thats correct, we cache data locally because the API tends to be a bit slow. The cached data is updated every (I think 5 minutes, could be more) when you load the character page or a signature. The leaderboard at this time does not retrieve updated character stats. The outfit leaderboard also only shows active characters.

2013-02-01, 08:50 AM
Thanks Hamma.

2013-02-01, 09:02 AM
Where is this outfit leaderboard you speak of?

2013-02-01, 09:05 AM
Under your char page - example:


Click the Outfit Name:


2013-02-01, 10:17 AM
It's not so much a leaderboard, as it is an outfit list of those who have checked their characters on PSU sorted by rank.

2013-02-01, 10:52 AM
It's not so much a leaderboard, as it is an outfit list of those who have checked their characters on PSU sorted by rank.

I know.

2013-02-01, 10:57 AM
Yea pretty much.. ;)

We can pull entire outfits from the API now we just have bigger plans for that.

2013-02-01, 11:33 AM
Yea pretty much.. ;)

We can pull entire outfits from the API now we just have bigger plans for that.

While the stats are interesting to look at, the real "leading outfits" are the ones that are in there genuinely trying to make the game fun to play for all sides.

Along those lines, I had fun blowing up your blue dudes last night EvilPig.

I managed to have this epic moment near Rashnu, when I fell off the ledge where I was shooting tanks from and I ended up right in front of a Lightning while I was reloading my default rocket launcher, inside a swarm of Vanguards. The Lightning drove toward me and I was able to jump on to it and run over top of it, Jackie Chan style, and then blow it up with a rocket to the butt! Epic indeed, but THEN I actually killed an NC at point blank range! Miracles do happen. And THEN I managed to run back up onto the hill, shoot another tank, flank while it backed up to retreat, and blow it up with a rocket to the butt! And... that's 100% what why I like playing HA - that cat and mouse positioning and the challenge of getting shit done without being insta-gibbed. Later on at Zurvan I also managed to kill 5 NC in about 1 minute as an Engineer, while I was defending a generator from the ramparts. Granted two of them did not see me zip up the elevator thing behind them, but still... I actually killed dudes close up! Woot! Go me! :)

Incidentally, I am glad I rerolled on Connery, because I was crashing left and right, with complete 0 FPS unplayability on (the shit hole that is) Matherson. Prior to finding an issue with my video card staying in low power mode the other day, I had actually given up on PS2, because I just couldn't play with 5-10 FPS, flashing white screen, and crashing every few minutes... Fixing the drivers and changing servers has allowed me to go back to 15-30 FPS in decent battles and 50-80 FPS just flying around. Yay! I can actually play the game again...