View Full Version : can someone explain the render distance issue?

2013-02-02, 05:35 PM
does anyone know why rendering distance lowers performance? is it because of amount of models rendered?

cant the devs just lower the polygon count/texture detail as the models become farther away?

2013-02-02, 05:39 PM
does anyone know why rendering distance lowers performance? is it because of amount of models rendered?

cant the devs just lower the polygon count as the models become farther away?

As I understand the issue (thanks to all the coding people who answered), game seems to be graphically rendering players (and apparently all entities) through objects, even if you don't see them.

As for rendering distance - it's obvious that the further you look, the more you see, the more your machine has to process. If there wasn't a problem mentioned above, even 6000 render distance would affect your FPS a single bit, unless you are in an aircraft flying over a desert.

As for low polygons - the game has way too many zoom and FoV varieties and you have to adapt LOD to evey single one of them if you don't want your game to look like utter crap. But anyway they do have LOD in the game, if you step even 10 meters away from a guy with a faceplated helmet his helmet will change to default one.

2013-02-02, 05:39 PM
Yes. I know everything there is to know about this issue.

2013-02-02, 06:04 PM
As for low polygons - the game has way too many zoom and FoV varieties and you have to adapt LOD to evey single one of them if you don't want your game to look like utter crap. But anyway they do have LOD in the game, if you step even 10 meters away from a guy with a faceplated helmet his helmet will change to default one.

thanks for the answer. i hope the engine will allow changes to not render outside of line of sight.

even though it will look like crap, i really think they need to further tone down the player detail over distance/in large groups. i think polygons need to be able to lower to ps1 levels if need be.