View Full Version : Fall Damage is to sensitive atm

2013-02-07, 09:28 AM
Since the GU2 I've been taking way more fall damage than I was previous, I don't mind fall damage in games it's just when I step off a curb I don't expect to break both my legs as if I was jumping off 6 story building or when I slid down a pretty short harmless slope only to end up breaking my neck at the end and that highly amusing screen to come up and say

"Stop killing yourself"

I feel enough is enough, the Dev's really need to have a look at the distance travelled vs damaged taken from falls and tweak it so it isn't so unforgiving.
For me I believe jumping from a second story roof should give fall damage anything under that like going out a second story window while crouched should be fine and not punished.

Also on the same topic/issue is the collision damage you take from jumping on stationary vehicles, also last night there was a parked empty prowler just below a window so I jumped onto it and boom 50% of my HP were taken. :(
(Note: this was me jumping up onto the prowler from ground level to get into the window)

Anyone else experience or get frustrated by this?

2013-02-07, 09:34 AM
They could add a tushy-cushion cert? :o

And yeah, I frequently kill friendlies who jump on top of my deployed Sundy, including myself.

2013-02-07, 09:35 AM
The vehicle thing is a bug at the minute, i've been instagibbed just landing softly on Sundies to plant C4. :p

I do feel they could tone down fall damage in general a bit though. Most of the time it's not so much of an issue since your shield takes the damage then regens, but it would be nice not to instantly die jumping off a 6ft tall box because you only have two bars of health left (that happened to me last night :( ).

2013-02-07, 09:55 AM
I also had the impression fall damage was a lot less forgiving, and other people in my outfit were also wondering if SOE had changed something.
It's not necessarily wrong to increase fall damage, but the transition from forgiving to unforgiving is very unpleasant. It will take a while before I adapt to it.

Dying is annoying enough, but it often happens at times when I was in pretty bad shape anyway, and I can live with that (the "stop killing yourself" animation does no good to my blood pressure in this situation, I must say).

What really gets to me is getting your shield 50% down at random times when running over rocks or uneven ground. I don't want to get into fights unless my shield is at 100%, which forces me to wait a lot.

2013-02-07, 09:56 AM
Could be worse... Could be Far Cry 2.

302 Found

2013-02-07, 11:51 AM
I used Charge going up uneven terrain last night and took my entire top meter of damage.

2013-02-07, 02:58 PM
Yeah, I've noticed this too since GU2. Hope it gets fixed.

2013-02-07, 03:00 PM
It is kind of funny to drop down a level in a protected spawn room just to take falling damage.

2013-02-07, 03:06 PM
Since the GU2 I've been taking way more fall damage than I was previous, I don't mind fall damage in games it's just when I step off a curb I don't expect to break both my legs as if I was jumping off 6 story building or when I slid down a pretty short harmless slope only to end up breaking my neck at the end and that highly amusing screen to come up and say

"Stop killing yourself"

I feel enough is enough, the Dev's really need to have a look at the distance travelled vs damaged taken from falls and tweak it so it isn't so unforgiving.
For me I believe jumping from a second story roof should give fall damage anything under that like going out a second story window while crouched should be fine and not punished.

Also on the same topic/issue is the collision damage you take from jumping on stationary vehicles, also last night there was a parked empty prowler just below a window so I jumped onto it and boom 50% of my HP were taken. :(
(Note: this was me jumping up onto the prowler from ground level to get into the window)

Anyone else experience or get frustrated by this?

I LOLed at the parts where you said you break both your legs when stepping off a curb. So when you land on a sundy you explode like your in a Michael Bay Film?

2013-02-07, 05:38 PM
Agreed.. to much damage ATM.

LOL Charging into a hail of bullets and nades, come out with half health.. slide down a slope and instadeath... go figure. :)

2013-02-07, 07:10 PM
One of the first things I noticed.. definitely needs to be adjusted.

2013-02-07, 08:34 PM
Although, it does make shield regen more useful...

Hey, I'm just looking for positives

2013-02-07, 09:50 PM
That bug now seems to have been addressed in a new Hotfix.


Akrasjel Lanate
2013-02-08, 08:42 AM
Yes it has been increased, but i yet have to kill my self with it.

2013-02-08, 11:17 AM
What I hate is when you get stuck on a crevice... move 2 inches (literally) and it gives you the fall indicator then death. All without moving a foot.

This happened a lot while running around on top of the big bases. I think they got most of the bad spots fixed, but I still run over them once and awhile.

2013-02-08, 11:20 AM
What I hate is when you get stuck on a crevice... move 2 inches (literally) and it gives you the fall indicator then death. All without moving a foot.

This happened a lot while running around on top of the big bases. I think they got most of the bad spots fixed, but I still run over them once and awhile.

I've had that a couple of times before, but I think the spots where you get stuck in a crevice (not sure why, but I find this word extremely hilarious :D ) and fall through the world are much more common.

2013-02-08, 11:59 AM
It's the landing on top of a sunderer to plant c4 instadeath that bugs me.

Jumping.from a low roof should be zero damage, anythinng higher then ok progressively higher fall damage is reasnable.

But fixx the vehiccle thing. Seriously.

2013-02-08, 01:51 PM
I think there was a change in the last patch.