View Full Version : A serious problem with this game's playerbase

2013-02-07, 03:23 PM
I believe that there's a serious problem, and it is one that has to be addressed by SOE as soon as possible. At least in my opinion, that is. People seem to think that they're entitled to kill anything at any time. Everything that kills them is overpowered and everything they kill they killed based on skill. They then whine on the forums and get nerfs and buffs. This makes the game boring, and it's most obvious in the air; a lot of the areas where air should be are no fly zones due to AA MAXes and turrets. Lock on G2A and A2A missiles are also symptoms of this. All this has made vehicles completely ineffective, except if they are extremely careful and are only taking on vehicles.

Gone are the situations when I'd stare down the barrel of a Magrider and have that one last second to say my prayers; now I can count on someone else taking it out from a lib or with a lock on launcher. No longer can I look at the sky and be happy that there are no ESFs there to absolutely destroy me, since I can just get into the nearest turret and lock down an entire hex. I can two shot lightnings with a rocketlauncher, so fighting them is no problem at all. My Prowler used to feel like a capable, powerful war machine, but this is no longer the case.

This might be just more and more people certing into more powerful weapons... but SOE is making the problem even worse, especially with the recent Magrider nerf that removed them from Ceres completely, or at least in significant numbers. But the thing is, a lot of the feel of this game has been destroyed by people who look at it like a competitive Call of Duty.

What do you guys think of this?

2013-02-07, 03:26 PM
I think you suffer from your own complaint:

People seem to think that they're entitled to kill anything at any time.

2013-02-07, 03:31 PM
Totally disagree, the balancing has been pretty good lately. Also you might want to stop pointing fingers on people who just like a different game and calling them a "problem".

.sent via phone.

2013-02-07, 03:37 PM
I think you just wrote, "I am mad that magriders and scythes no longer allow me to farm infantry without having to think about my own safety", in which case my thoughts on your post are: boohoo.

2013-02-07, 03:45 PM
Lock on ground missiles need to go and I rarely use vehicles for anything but transportation or sunderer hunting, lock on AA is understandable, but g2g takes out all of the skill out of it. I've gotten really good at calculating missle drop on my dumb fire and hit tanks more often than not now, it so satisfying when you see that red circle and you hear the thump, but now all these no skill smart rocket players scare all the tanks away with their lock ons warnings. These F2P MMO's will always cater to the lowest common denomination because thats where the cash is at, bet they are making a killing on these lock on g2g launchers, so theres no closing pandoras box at this point, shy of a miracle nerf.

2013-02-07, 03:48 PM
Now just hold on a minute here, OP.

You complain about people complaining about things being overpowered, and then you complain that AA is OP.

2013-02-07, 03:49 PM
He wants SOE to address the problem with human nature. lol

2013-02-07, 03:49 PM
I guess I worded my post poorly since you guys apparently think that I'm a Vanu when I'm actually a Terran heavy assault... sort of a sideeffect of writing this late in the evening I guess. But in case you didn't understand, what I'm trying to say is that engagements in this game always turn into a game of rock paper scissors and whenever someone does something good and changes the flow of the battle, whatever he used is called "overpowered", and this makes the game more and more predictable, when I believe that the result of every engagement, provided that one of the sides isn't completely noobish, should be an epic fight, not as it is now, a bunch of infantry flinging rockets at vehicles and whining about a Zephyr shot killing ten of then when they clump up. Again, I apologize for the poor wording.

2013-02-07, 03:50 PM
Lock on ground missiles need to go and I rarely use vehicles for anything but transportation or sunderer hunting, lock on AA is understandable, but g2g takes out all of the skill out of it. I've gotten really good at calculating missle drop on my dumb fire and hit tanks more often than not now, it so satisfying when you see that red circle and you hear the thump, but now all these no skill smart rocket players scare all the tanks away with their lock ons warnings. These F2P MMO's will always cater to the lowest common denomination because thats where the cash is at, bet they are making a killing on these lock on g2g launchers, so theres no closing pandoras box at this point, shy of a miracle nerf.

Not sure what your problem with these is, G2G lock on missiles are the easiest to dodge.

Now, Phoenix fly-by-wire camera guided missiles... Just you wait. :p :D

2013-02-07, 03:50 PM
Magrider was completely retarded in its previous form.

2013-02-07, 03:52 PM
G2G you have plenty of cover usually. Unless you spam with a tank from magrider hill, it's usually not such a big issue. Additionally, if you have a lightning or ATV you can drive fast so the missile will explode in the ground behind you.

G2A you have almost no cover, if there are 5 people with G2A in the area (that the pilot can't see/find), it's like jumping into a room unarmed with 5 enemy cloakers and no cover. If you dive low you can easily get sniped by tanks or other ESF get the drop on you.

One guy with G2A in the area and you basically can't operate there anymore, as you don't know if it's one, two or even an ESF. You can't operate if there is a Dual Burster as well. With the exception that it requires skill from the max and ... well proper reaction, from the pilot. I play both, ESF and Burster - i think they are pretty balanced, Max does a good job and if the pilot doesn't get out of there immediately he is dead. G2AM and A2AM however is silly atm.

2013-02-07, 04:19 PM
People who complain about complaining strike me as fellows who miss their own point.

2013-02-07, 04:36 PM
I have no problem using my flare window to escape a G2A killbox, and no problem taking the next pass to use differential terrain masking to figure out where the launcher(s) are. They may not render, but your lock warning sure as hell does and it's pure LoS.

I realize this is anecdotal, but I've got almost a terabyte of footage that can selectively "prove" any side of this argument you like. I take that to mean that, in the general case, things are fine.

edit - Full disclosure, I'm also running max stealth, which makes the window a bit bigger.

2013-02-07, 04:47 PM
G2G you have plenty of cover usually. Unless you spam with a tank from magrider hill, it's usually not such a big issue. Additionally, if you have a lightning or ATV you can drive fast so the missile will explode in the ground behind you.

G2A you have almost no cover, if there are 5 people with G2A in the area (that the pilot can't see/find), it's like jumping into a room unarmed with 5 enemy cloakers and no cover. If you dive low you can easily get sniped by tanks or other ESF get the drop on you.

One guy with G2A in the area and you basically can't operate there anymore, as you don't know if it's one, two or even an ESF. You can't operate if there is a Dual Burster as well. With the exception that it requires skill from the max and ... well proper reaction, from the pilot. I play both, ESF and Burster - i think they are pretty balanced, Max does a good job and if the pilot doesn't get out of there immediately he is dead. G2AM and A2AM however is silly atm.

From my experience G2A lock on launchers are not as easy to use as lots of the playerbase thinks. You only have a easy lock on out in the open but there you also are an easy target thus infantry is near cover or building which also means you have access to terminals. The covers both works for and against you. The locking on process is easily broken when the aircraft passes by cover or behind buildings or uses hills or canyons.

If your in an organized squad however its definitly easier to do. But in this case aircraft shouldn't work on their own anyway and work together with ground troups.

2013-02-07, 04:49 PM
the game is fine atm when it comes to weapon balance. shut up.

2013-02-07, 04:53 PM
...Now, Phoenix fly-by-wire camera guided missiles... Just you wait. :p :D

You are probably going to hear me rage, especially now that I can't get my grubby TR mitts on 'em. At least until I go infil and start knifing NC who are staring at their rocket's screen.
Man, I fscking hate phoenixes

2013-02-07, 05:13 PM
You are probably going to hear me rage, especially now that I can't get my grubby TR mitts on 'em. At least until I go infil and start knifing NC who are staring at their rocket's screen.
Man, I fscking hate phoenixes

What, you don't like NC-tickle-naughty-TR-wockutz? :D

2013-02-07, 05:14 PM
Ive got no problems with the game play or balance issue ATM. I think SOE is trying hard to address the real issues and for the most part, are doing a reasonable job.

Sorry MFour, I cant support you on this one.

2013-02-07, 07:14 PM
Honestly OP.. welcome to every single gaming community ever. Get used to it, we have popcorn.

2013-02-07, 07:22 PM
Wait. What? Popcorn?

I didnt so no popcorn! All i see is cake. How many certs for the popcorn?

2013-02-07, 07:39 PM
Did Magriders really get an incline nerf? I hear the same complaints at the official forum :lol:

The trouble with the Magriders is that other tanks can only dream of places they can go too. Coupled with high range and accuracy, they destroy any ground counters with impunity. They also go to a side of steep cliff (their backs against the wall) and point their nose with a birds eye view, over an outpost (like the one on top of Tawrich), and just blast anything that moves.

Imagine if Vanu Light Assault can fly 1 story high and NC/TR Light assaults can only jump over a short, outpost wall. Will Vanu say that's not immensely overpowered?

2013-02-07, 07:41 PM
Imagine if Vanu Light Assault can fly 1 story high and NC/TR Light assaults can only jump over a short, outpost wall. Will Vanu say that's not immensely overpowered?

The question should be, would some Vanu say it's fair and balanced?

2013-02-07, 07:51 PM
...Imagine if Vanu Light Assault can fly 1 story high and NC/TR Light assaults can only jump over a short, outpost wall. Will Vanu say that's not immensely overpowered?

A more realistic scenario would be if VS MAXs had LA jumpjets while the NC MAX got a shield and the TR MAX got lockdown.
Slightly frustrating at the beginning but after you learn to adapt it's not so bad. You just play towards your strengths (and drop shit tons of boomers/never open doors)

2013-02-07, 08:14 PM
A more realistic scenario would be if VS MAXs had LA jumpjets while the NC MAX got a shield and the TR MAX got lockdown.
Slightly frustrating at the beginning but after you learn to adapt it's not so bad. You just play towards your strengths (and drop shit tons of boomers/never open doors)

That's not it. Magriders is omnidirectional in a plane. It has 4 movement axis (front-back, left-right, 2 diagonals). NC/TR tanks 1 axis. Now, if Vanu Max can move in any direction while TR and NC can only move front and back AND Vanu Maxes still have jumpjets, then that's even more accurate. lol

2013-02-07, 08:57 PM
That's not it. Magriders is omnidirectional in a plane. It has 4 movement axis (front-back, left-right, 2 diagonals). NC/TR tanks 1 axis. Now, if Vanu Max can move in any direction while TR and NC can only move front and back AND Vanu Maxes still have jumpjets, then that's even more accurate. lol

My point is: Asymmetry can work and be balanced. Magriders that are up where no one else can easily get at is the same as the VS MAX. It could fly up into trees, get at the very tip top of bases, etc and it was not overwhelmingly overpowered. You grabbed your Striker and fucked 'em up.

2013-02-07, 09:08 PM
You are probably going to hear me rage, especially now that I can't get my grubby TR mitts on 'em. At least until I go infil and start knifing NC who are staring at their rocket's screen.
Man, I fscking hate phoenixes

I hate peenixes and peenix users... oh how I hate them SOOOOO much... Peenixes and Scats... two of the biggest reasons I have an overwhelming and irrational hatred for the NC.

2013-02-07, 09:31 PM
He wants SOE to address the problem with human nature. lol

If SOE did that we would all stop fighting D=