View Full Version : Outfits still in need of "sort by last online" with dates

2013-02-09, 03:29 AM
Was chatting with one of my outfit leaders last night about a myriad things when the conversation swung around to the latest patchs, he was telling me one of the biggest beefs they have with the management, running and general house keeping of the outfit stems from still not having the ability to sort out who's playing regular and who's come and gone.

He knows I love to haunt the PS-U forums so asked me to post up a Dev plea for the function to get added sooner rather than later. I know it was probably pulled from the recent updates due to it not being finished as you dev's want it but I'd be remiss not to make a post about it to highlight the issue. ;)
Pretty sure we aren't the only outfit wanting/waiting to get this feature. :)

2013-02-09, 04:18 AM
For WASP we had to make a gdocs spreadsheet during the beta with things like: name, rank, join date, activity status. I find it strange that SOE is not giving outfits the proper tools to manage and maintain their members from within the game environment. The recent additions with the game update were welcome and did manage to make ingame management less of a joke.

2013-02-09, 04:33 AM
Agreed. I've got somewhere between 20-50 people I know I should boot but can't be sure are not active due to not being online all the time.

2013-02-09, 12:46 PM
I am hoping this is still in the works though I haven't heard anything about it.