View Full Version : Community building on Waterson TR

2013-02-09, 01:38 PM
Hello to the TR on Waterson server.

My name is Zib and I am a officer in the Imperial Reach outfit, of course thats on waterson.

My outfit has been attempting to come up with a solution to the lack of TR coordination on Waterson server, that is between outfits. We have come up with a outline that might help us coordinate more with ingame tools. We plan to get as many outfits that are interested to meet up in TS. Our plan is to come up with a way of getting outfit leaders to meet each other and get to know other outfits, this will enable us to come up with a system of using in game leader chat without all the trolls and tools that spam it nonstop.

If you are interested please hit me up with a ingame friends request and we can get on TS and talk it over.
We have talked to about 4-5 outfits so far so we just really want to get the momentum to get this going and make the fights better on waterson. If you have any questions or are interested please let me know or just jump on our ts and let any NCO know who you are.

If we want to get the big fights and have fun then the community needs to come together to get this working.

TS info: ts.imperialreach.com:7057