View Full Version : VR Training , using enemy vehicles ?

2013-10-29, 11:28 PM
Do you guys think it would take a lot to allow us to use enemy vehicles in the VR room ?

The problems I foresee is the tk ban in the VR will make enemy vehicles untargetable. Also there probably is some hard code banning the use of enemy faction vehicles.

But if we could this would be amazing to learn and practice armor and flying formations and tactics.

Oh yea the trolls who would abuse this also pose a problem..

2013-10-30, 02:44 AM
I think atm it's a UI problem with providing spaces on the interface for enemy vehicles. Should be resolvable with a drop-down somewhere to switch between VS, NC, TR, etc.

I'd also love to see some sort of "Scavenger" implant later on that allows you to collect salvage from enemy weapons/vehicles. Once you have enough salvage for a weapon/vehicle, it'll tally up its availability by one (spawning the weapon/vehicle obviously deducting one).

Maybe have the requirement of a connected Amp Station or Tech Plant just to give them more perceived value ("We need Amp to spawn enemy weapons people!, etc").

2013-10-30, 07:08 AM
Do you guys think it would take a lot to allow us to use enemy vehicles in the VR room ?

The problems I foresee is the tk ban in the VR will make enemy vehicles untargetable. Also there probably is some hard code banning the use of enemy faction vehicles.

The problem isn't a hard-coded denial as the design allows for the vehicles to be hackable and was part of the hacking toolset in PS1. The problem has been stated by the development team, that if they enabled the hacking, they currently don't have models for the vehicles when they switch to the other faction. simple color swaps have been suggested, but noone seems to have done anything further with it.