View Full Version : Random annoying things in game

2013-11-12, 04:25 AM
I'll start with these:

1. Engineers little ammopack contains endless supply of ammo, riflegrenades, anything that MAXes use and any RPG rounds, but not something as basic for infantry warfare as handgrenades? Seriously?

2. You can turn off headlights of your vehicle, but your tail-lights are not only always on but also visible from orbit...?

3. 'Tracers'... shooter himself can hardly see them, but everyone else can see them from another continent...

4. The rendering. Pretty f***ing retarded trying to use Skyguard on crowded areas wher you can see enemy tank mile away but the plane your shooting at disappears from the sky after like 200 meters.. and yet you still see that tank sitting there, a mile out.

Please continue.

2013-11-12, 04:35 AM
1). The MAX can mount not one but two Anti-Air Flak Cannons on each arm, human arms, and fire with relative stability. The Skyguard w/ high caliber AA gun mounted on a tank chassis can't keep the weapon stable when firing to save it's life...

2). I'm a Veteran Immortal soldier who's fought on countless battlefields across Auraxis in the name of my Empire, but I never learned how to go Prone?

3). My Prowler has heavy anchors burrowed into the earth to lock me into position for a stabilized fire-rate yet tectonic shifts in Auraxis still cause my tank to slide around when Anchored on a slope...

2013-11-12, 04:39 AM
1. As an engineer you can supply ammo to all ppl. around except yourself. Really?

2. As an Engineer you drop ammo pack and mines. Respawn as another class. Mines stay intact but ammo pack dissapears. FTW?

2013-11-12, 04:44 AM
Grenades cost resources, thats why they, mines & heal kits arent resupplied by ammo packs

2013-11-12, 05:10 AM
Grenades cost resources, thats why they, mines & heal kits arent resupplied by ammo packs

Well, yeah. But why do they cost resources in the first place? And for example RPG's don't? Illogical to say the least, it should be the other way around.

EDIT: C4's and mines i can understand as spamming them wouldn't be fun for anyone. But the handgrenades (AV, concussion, frag etc)..? You can spam RPG's and riflegrenades all day long, i think that's worse than hg's...

Good ones guys, keep them coming (can't believe i forgot the lack of prone and vehicles sliding all over from my list..)

2013-11-12, 05:55 AM
why would someone create spawnrooms that are out in the open to be spawn camped? wouldn't it be more logical to do what the previous game did?

2013-11-12, 06:06 AM
5. Why on earth can't i turn the engine off from my vehicles?! Sooooo annoying specially in Lightning... i rely heavily on audio cues in the game, i assume everyone does. I hate this one soooo bad.

Carbon Copied
2013-11-12, 06:13 AM
Not really a random thing in all fairness but my number 1 thing:

Devs skirting and seeming to give a wall of silence avoiding solutions to problems/questions.

Dev "We can't carve into the world"
Suggestion "Ok so why not bend the surface and multi-prop-stack in the gap to create the illusion of leading into sub levels"
Dev "*silence*...*silence*"

I get you can't respond to every thing that is brought up or you open yourself up to dissection but someone needs to grow a pair and stop pussy footing around topics related to base design, spawn etc. that are repeatedly brought up. I'd be more content if they said "No fuck off we're designing this game with more deathmatch-short attention span in mind" than them to almost leave it open to you thinking "hopefully" that they may consider making it alittle interesting.
At least then as a player you've got an idea of where the game is heading.

2013-11-13, 08:18 AM
My game still crashes when I quit.
That bug is happening since closed beta!

Babyfark McGeez
2013-11-13, 08:49 AM
- On a war-ridden planet with a harsh enviroment the people building facilities decided it would be a good idea to not have doors or windows; "Come on in enemy soldiers, it's open! But bring some blankets, we can't close the door here on esamir."

- Out-of-Bounds areas that kill you while you can clearly see the continents even have natural borders. WTF?

- Making continents almost square so that either a) we have uneven Warpgate placements for three teams, or b) completely wasted areas of the map where never, ever something's going on (looking at you, north-east indar).

- Threshold-Capping/Uncapping a continent ("Ok, we lose the continent if we lose another....wait, let me see, two more, or three...damn allready lost!").
This also removed the one cool aspect of continental warfare we atleast allready had: Last Stands!

- Trying to use the "spot menu" (god that one sucks so much) to try to tell a running max to stop for repairs. Impossible to pull off, but you'll make lots of friends that way. Or ignore them...

- Trying to figure out which direction to go in a hectic situation using the minimap "arrow" on a static minimap.

- Vehicle bays that autodrive your vehicle into a goddamn wall or other obstacle so you have to set it back.

- Teleporters that teleport you from one tiny, campable spawnhut to another tiny, campable spawnhut and generally teleporters and jump-pads that don't seem to follow any logical or intuitive path.

- Tunnels that spit you out to become part of a shooting gallery of the camping enemy, without even being able to get back in.

- Jump-pads, "elevators" and the "sonic-the-hedgehog tunnels" in general which make you feel you're playing Quake or UT.

- Water, or rather, the lack of water/any liquid volumes.

Ok, i better stop here. :D

War Barney
2013-11-13, 09:29 AM
-Playing a NC MAX at any distance or than 5m from the enemy (even then its not great)

-Harassers... for a billion different reasons.

-Snipers 1 shotting you the second you walk outside

-LA having C4 AND the ability to fly over tanks while the place it but my heavy C4 isn't better but I need to run up to the enemy to place it.

-Medic... always and forever, guns as potent as other classes but a self heal making them similar to a heavy and the ability to rezz people.

2013-11-13, 10:24 AM
-Harassers... for a billion different reasons.

^This. I can live with others but that ridiculously OP VulcanHarrasser annoys me to no end...

6. The f**king no-deploy zones. You either park your sundy a mile out in cover or close and completely exposed to everything.

2013-11-13, 11:09 AM
My game still crashes when I quit.
That bug is happening since closed beta!

After you leave the battle and before you end the game, rotate your guy on the screen.....for some reason that works?

2013-11-13, 11:23 AM
Mines disappearing if you move out of a certain range. Resources wasted for nothing.

Wait, what? Are you telling me those times I set mine on bridges have been a waste or resources, times and certs? The whole point of mines is to leave them somewhere and forget about them 'till they go off. Preferably away from where you're fighting as they should be placed on roads leading to the base you're defending.

Jump-pads, "elevators" and the "sonic-the-hedgehog tunnels" in general which make you feel you're playing Quake or UT.

And this. I want immersion, not silly short cuts.

Babyfark McGeez
2013-11-13, 12:08 PM
Wait, what? Are you telling me those times I set mine on bridges have been a waste or resources, times and certs? The whole point of mines is to leave them somewhere and forget about them 'till they go off. Preferably away from where you're fighting as they should be placed on roads leading to the base you're defending.

I have to say i only "tested" this with AI mines (as i didn't feel like wasting more resources and was annoyed by this). I put some down in Mao on the roof at the usual "infils like to hack'em" turrets, quickly spawned at another base close by because the enemy didn't engage as quickly as i thought, and *poof* they were gone when i came back like two minutes later without anyone having stepped onto them.

Gotta test it some time with tank mines. It's very likely they work the same though, i mean, why wouldn't they?

And yeah, it's bullshit (even if it should be just AI mines).

Edit: Testing it right now.

Edit²: Fuck it, not testing it right now. Also add darn desync issues of the servers to the list. Gotta try starting and restarting the client for god-who-knows how many times in order for the game to actually "sync" (else no ability works, no terminals work and you just get booted off again after a minute).

Edit³: Finally tested it. And ok, this is weird shit. Now i plunked down both a tank mine and an AI mine at a base. I flew over half the map and came back, both were still there. Drop-podded into a base on the other half of the map, killed some guys, got killed, spawned at the WG and drove back to the mines: They are still there!!
I don't get this, maybe it got changed with the optimization patch? Or maybe some friendly jerk went into the empty tech plant and got rid of my mines? I'm lost on this one but as of now it seems mines STAY!

Which is good news and is how it should be. So i removed that one. :]

2013-11-13, 03:06 PM
Only 1 thing realy annoys me.

That as a driver of a vehicle with multiple mounted weapon systems and a lovely rendered 3D HUD. I have ZERO indication of the ammo counts of any of the guns.

Realy annoying when I am in my Vulcan Harraser. So much stuff to shoot I keep running out of bullets.

2013-11-14, 01:50 PM
People who screams "I NEED A MEDIIIC!!!" while running away from the medics, towards the enemy.

Then got killed, rezzed, obligatory "Vanu smiles upon you" ritual, then both the medic and the guy got killed by the enemy.

2013-11-14, 03:00 PM

2013-11-14, 06:37 PM

I saw what you did there :)

2013-11-14, 09:31 PM
- Still no clear in-game indicator for newer players that they can switch to ammo pack on their turret slot.

Few days ago I died in my max because some BR 11 engie was convinced he couldn't supply me ammo. When you come to think of it, it's kinda absurd that this basic UI issue, which impacts game play a lot if you're new, is still not fixed one year after launch with all these GUI overhauls.

2013-11-14, 10:08 PM
1. Spawn rooms that sit out in the open above ground like fish bowls ready for a surround. I could think of 15+ things about bad base design, and anti-defender biased mechanics making facility ownership meaningless, but this one is number one.

2. When you choose a spawn location like a beacon or sundy, and it gets destroyed after you click the location, and then the game sends you automatically somewhere else. DO NOT EVER SEND ME WHERE i DID NOT CLICK. Make the spawn fail instead, and let players choose again.

3. Vehicles that blow up when flipped over. Why? I understand the initial damage only of the flip. A timed auto-flip feature that requires you to exit the vehicle and stand within a close radius would be nice (short of an MBT), but at least don't make them blow up. Do sundies even stay flipped over?

I could probably come up with 50+ "quality of life" changes that should be no-brainers, but these are my top 3 most annoying things in the game.

2013-11-15, 10:27 PM
A vehicle, friend or foe, can drive right over my tank and do no damage, but if that vehicle is destroyed and one piece of wreckage falls on my tank it can kill me.

2013-11-16, 08:14 PM
Vehicle/stuff icons:
This have annoyed me since they put them in. I cannot get used to it and they're always in the way. With the new name plates with backgrounds and the turrets it's getting worse. I wish they gave us a "disable" button.

Terminal/turret etc. "lag":
The delay when entering turrets and or accessing terminals.

Proper mouse binding for air vehicles:
Feels like playing Wolfenstein 3D with the keyboard turning.

Not able to disable/adjust glow:
The panels etc. inside (some?) bases glow way too much, especially at night.

Bases are too easy to attack and take over:
Would like the amount of resources/work needed to take a base to be a lot higher. Not like Vanu Archives maybe, but... yeah something.

"Slow" bullets:
I wish the infantry weapons had faster bullets. Too much leading needed for short ranges.

Battle rifles:
I really wish they worked more like the M39 in BF. I love the idea but too slow bullets and too much drop.

2013-11-16, 08:53 PM
A vehicle, friend or foe, can drive right over my tank and do no damage, but if that vehicle is destroyed and one piece of wreckage falls on my tank it can kill me.

Driving with a prowler and blowing up an enemy tank. I go to drive through the rubble to keep on the pain on the enemy and... I die. >_>

Also, not annoying but funny. I shoot an enemy harraser inside a tach pant once. It's trying to run me over. I'm not hoping to blow it up. BUT I DO! WITH NOTHING BUT NORMAL GUN FIRE! Omg, I DESTROYED IT! But it's wreckage is comeing at me. EEP! So it hits me. I think "shit" but I only lose a bit of shield and live. EPIC! :eek:

2013-11-16, 11:20 PM
Liberator gunners cannot 3rd person view, that really bugs me!

2013-11-18, 02:59 AM
1. My "choose universal camouflage" button always resets to "no camouflage" so when I want to change it I have click through them all to get to the one I want. I would love it if clicking it opens up a scroll bar for faster selection.

2. Related to 1 : No way to organize my camouflages to have a night set, Esamir set, desert set, faction set, or whatever to make #1 less of a problem.

3. No information on engineer deployables. How long does my ammo dispenser have before I need to replace it? Have my AV/AI mines been detonated? How many mines can I place before I end up deconstructing old ones?

...and a random thing NOT in game (that gets me every time)...

1. The promised side grade system. Nearly everything is an upgrade from stock. The exception being on weapons; with silencers and high velocity bullets and such. On vehicles though, armor doesn't lower speed, proximity radar doesn't increase your own radar signature, maneuverability chassis doesn't lower speed, and so on. All of these things are straight upgrades.

You could say, for example, that a tank with improved armor is practically equal to one with stealth. I would agree with that. But both are better than a starter tank. A tank with more armor is equally as fast and detectable as a starter tank. While a stealth-ed tank is equally as fast and armored as a starter tank. There is nothing a starter tank can use against a, what should be, specialized tank to give it a chance at winning.

Give these specialists a 15% boost in armor/stealth/whatever, but nerf something else by 10%. They'll still be getting their certs-worth of boosts and they'll be specializing into how they like to play. But they will also be given an Achilles heel they will have to keep in mind while playing.

War Barney
2013-11-18, 07:09 AM
1. My "choose universal camouflage" button always resets to "no camouflage" so when I want to change it I have click through them all to get to the one I want. I would love it if clicking it opens up a scroll bar for faster selection.

2. Related to 1 : No way to organize my camouflages to have a night set, Esamir set, desert set, faction set, or whatever to make #1 less of a problem.

3. No information on engineer deployables. How long does my ammo dispenser have before I need to replace it? Have my AV/AI mines been detonated? How many mines can I place before I end up deconstructing old ones?

...and a random thing NOT in game (that gets me every time)...

1. The promised side grade system. Nearly everything is an upgrade from stock. The exception being on weapons; with silencers and high velocity bullets and such. On vehicles though, armor doesn't lower speed, proximity radar doesn't increase your own radar signature, maneuverability chassis doesn't lower speed, and so on. All of these things are straight upgrades.

You could say, for example, that a tank with improved armor is practically equal to one with stealth. I would agree with that. But both are better than a starter tank. A tank with more armor is equally as fast and detectable as a starter tank. While a stealth-ed tank is equally as fast and armored as a starter tank. There is nothing a starter tank can use against a, what should be, specialized tank to give it a chance at winning.

Give these specialists a 15% boost in armor/stealth/whatever, but nerf something else by 10%. They'll still be getting their certs-worth of boosts and they'll be specializing into how they like to play. But they will also be given an Achilles heel they will have to keep in mind while playing.

Very much agree with the final one, its hardly a side-grade if its just way better, take advanced laser sight over no laser sight, theres no downside just a huge upside.

2013-11-18, 10:47 AM
Very much agree with the final one, its hardly a side-grade if its just way better, take advanced laser sight over no laser sight, theres no downside just a huge upside.

Downside is that the poor schmuck using lasers with have more horizontal recoil than me :D

2013-11-18, 11:31 AM
Very much agree with the final one, its hardly a side-grade if its just way better, take advanced laser sight over no laser sight, theres no downside just a huge upside.

i think we just need more certs in general for the weapons some are no brainers but there are some like the LMGs that people debate over like laser sight vs fore grip.

2013-11-20, 08:21 PM
Exit vehicle and fall through the ground to your death... gg.