View Full Version : News: One year Anniversary News, Stream and Bundle!

2013-11-19, 07:25 PM
Kind of expected a deal like this to be available and its not bad value imo.

You can log in via the link to check what you already own from the deal.

Celebrate PlanetSide 2's first anniversary with this mega bundle.
Note: Bundle contains equivalent weapons for all 3 Empires.
Ends 11/24/13 11:59 PM PST

Heroic Boost - 6 Month (50% XP + 50% Resources)
Carnage Battle Rifle
Corvus VA55
Razor GD 23
LC3 Jaguar
Serpent VE92
EM4 Longshot
Parallax VX3
Phoenix AE
Striker AE
Lancer AE
Headshot Vehicle Decal
Anniversary Camo for Vehicle
Headshot Armor Decal
Anniversary Camo for Weapon
Anniversary Camo for Armor

Regular Price SC14300 / $143

BUNDLE PRICE SC3999 / $39.99

You can also purchase more than one if you want to stock up on the boosts which are normally SC5000 / $50.00 on their own.

Everything but the boosts will be account-wide. The camos currently aren't, but will be with a fix coming soon(TM)

SOE has made several announcements in honor of the one year anniversary of PlanetSide 2! Starting Tuesday, November 19th at 4:00 PM PST all players will receive Double XP and be eligible to purchase a One Year Anniversary Bundle.

This bundle includes an exclusive Heroic Boost that grants 50% experience for six months, Headshot vehicle and armor decal, One-Year Anniversary armor, weapon and vehicle camo and an Anniversary Editiion Phoenix, Striker and Lancer! ...But that's not all! We're also adding the RAMS .50M, EM4 Longshot, Parallax VX3, Serpent VE92, LC3 Jaguar, Razor GD-23, Corvus VA55, TAR and Carnage BR. Valued at $143 USD, players can purchase this fantastic bundle for $39.99.

Double XP will last until the 24th at 11:59PM PST. Additionally they have announced an all day stream starting tomorrow at 10AM PST! Players have a chance to win 3 NVIDIA Titans, a Playstation 4 and other goodies during the stream. To check out the full stream schedule click here and tune in live starting at 10:00AM on twitch.tv/planetside2. Last but not least on November 20th PlanetSide 2 Trading Cards will be available on Steam.

2013-11-19, 07:28 PM
Nice bundle... the heroic boost itself is worth the price.

2013-11-19, 07:32 PM
For those paying in Aussie Peso's its $46.21 atm.

2013-11-19, 07:39 PM
I just want to know one thing:

If I buy the Bundle, with my TR character, does all characters receive all weapons?
It is like they will receive it, empire golden rocket launchers to everyone, but I am not sure!
Also, boosters were something global, but they changed it, now boosters I got with my TR character are no use to my other characters, so...
If i buy the 1 year bundle, all my characters and new ones will receive the heroic boost? Like alpha squad?
And like I said, it really looks like a second alpha squad to the game, some weapons, a 6 months boosters, 1 bundle of camo and 1 bundle of decal, I think it is just missing a LMG that was replaced with the ESRL and the title. For the same price. (you would also receive 4.000 SC with the pack...)
I will wait more 2 days and hope for a SC deal, any SC deal will do! Even 10% off! I am almost paying full price for it!

2013-11-19, 07:54 PM
I just want to know one thing:

If I buy the Bundle, with my TR character, does all characters receive all weapons?

It will be the same deal as Alpha squad I assume.

However, this time the bundle is not really catering loyal players, which is a shame. Loyal players have most of the weapons already unlocked but are not discounted for this, which makes this a though deal for them.

This bundle should be offered without the weapons as well and available at least until the next double/tripple SC sales.

2013-11-19, 08:01 PM
Am I readong it correctly that this heroic implant is not as good as it was last time?

2013-11-19, 08:09 PM
Am I readong it correctly that this heroic implant is not as good as it was last time?

IIRC the Alpha Squad boost was 50% resource and XP, just like this one. The main difference is that I doubt that each new character you create gets one (a boost) unlike the alpha squad deal.

2013-11-19, 09:12 PM
Updated OP with news post, also a stream tomorrow.


SOE has made several announcements in honor of the one year anniversary of PlanetSide 2! Starting Tuesday, November 19th at 4:00 PM PST all players will receive Double XP and be eligible to purchase a One Year Anniversary Bundle.

This bundle includes an exclusive Heroic Boost that grants 50% experience for six months, Headshot vehicle and armor decal, One-Year Anniversary armor, weapon and vehicle camo and an Anniversary Editiion Phoenix, Striker and Lancer! ...But that's not all! We're also adding the RAMS .50M, EM4 Longshot, Parallax VX3, Serpent VE92, LC3 Jaguar, Razor GD-23, Corvus VA55, TAR and Carnage BR. Valued at $143 USD, players can purchase this fantastic bundle for $39.99.

Double XP will last until the 24th at 11:59PM PST. Additionally they have announced an all day stream starting tomorrow at 10AM PST! Players have a chance to win 3 NVIDIA Titans, a Playstation 4 and other goodies during the stream. To check out the full stream schedule click here and tune in live starting at 10:00AM on twitch.tv/planetside2. Last but not least on November 20th PlanetSide 2 Trading Cards will be available on Steam.

2013-11-19, 11:01 PM
Well, the page where I made the purchase made no mention of the fact that the Heroic Boost was only for XP.
The picture clearly shows XP and Resources.
Whats the story SOE?

2013-11-19, 11:36 PM
When that Heroic Boost was available back in March, it was 50% for both XP and Resources. When they re-offered it again a few months later, it was just for XP. Its been just for XP every time its been made available since. Its not quite as valuable as the original version, which is probably why they're making the whole bundle 4k instead of 5k just for the boost.

I bought the original boost and it definitely was a help to resource gain, I spammed tank mines and C4 all over the place without a care, and I have to hold myself back a little now that its gone. But the other problem with that boost is that you can't time it for just when you're playing. At 5000 SC, I calculated that the 50% 7-day boost is a better deal if you bought a bunch of them at half-off, unless you play practically every single day. At 3999 SC for the boost and all the other stuff (the camo is nice and dark, I took a good hard look at some people wearing it today, looks like some RL camos for once) is a pretty good deal.

Unfortunately I have less than 1000 SC left and I refuse to buy more until its a Triple Station Cash deal. I already have my gift cards purchased (Gamestop deal) too, but I'd rather wait than spend them now just for this bundle. I really don't need another XP boost, rather have resources if anything. $10 for a 1500SC card, then tripled, trumps everything, if I don't use it for Planetside 2, I'll save it for EQ Next.

2013-11-20, 12:37 AM
Hmmm... Five days to make my mind up. I have all the weapons mentioned, at least for my faction (I only play as NC out of principle LOL). So I'd just be getting it for the boost and the camo and I may not play enough to justify the boost......

2013-11-20, 02:18 AM
Excellent bundle. I will buy it since PS2 is the only game I play nowdays :) I never ever before used Resources boost. Now I often find myself run out of mines. Not anymore I guess for the next 6 months :)

Beware, NC soldier from Russia is coming with mines on battle field.

Dodgy Commando
2013-11-20, 03:35 AM
Even if you own a few of the weapons, it can still be worthwhile if you add it all up. Depends if you play other factions too, ofc.

The timing isn't good for me with Christmas around the corner, but I'm still considering it.

Does anyone have any pics for the camo?

2013-11-20, 05:29 AM
I think this is it? From the official forums,


2013-11-20, 06:28 AM
okay... I think the cool shades may have swung it...

2013-11-20, 06:32 AM
A cheaper bundle without weapons would be nice.

Babyfark McGeez
2013-11-20, 07:49 AM
Soo, while that's nice and all, what could the "special anniversary surprise, something we have been waiting for since day 1" be?


I sure hope it's not selling us stuff like this. Because that'd be hardly a surprise and also not something we have been waiting for (since day 1).

But if it turns out to be just that i probably still have some sarcasm boost unequipped and will use it for just this occassion. :p

2013-11-20, 07:54 AM
So, can anyone confirm that the heroic booster is to the character you bought the bundle?
I also have almost all weapons on the bundle, I really with they made it without the weapons.
I am almost getting it because of a freaking golden striker! Even the game reporting I already got it.
But today I saw someone with the golden striker with camo... It really ruins the weapon. Like all golden weapons you must clear your weapon camouflage slot before using it.

2013-11-20, 09:04 AM
Updated - you have to enter to win the PS4 and other stuff on the stream. Here is the link:


2013-11-20, 09:44 AM
I loathe social media so much that no amount of PS4's would entice me to sign up for Facebook for a chance to win. But good luck to everyone who does!

2013-11-20, 09:46 AM
Soo, while that's nice and all, what could the "special anniversary surprise, something we have been waiting for since day 1" be?


I sure hope it's not selling us stuff like this. Because that'd be hardly a surprise and also not something we have been waiting for (since day 1).

But if it turns out to be just that i probably still have some sarcasm boost unequipped and will use it for just this occassion. :p

Still crossing my fingers for server transfer tokens! :groovy:

Dodgy Commando
2013-11-20, 10:19 AM
The camo looks very nice, I think I might just go ahead on this one!

2013-11-20, 10:33 AM
So, can anyone confirm that the heroic booster is to the character you bought the bundle?
I also have almost all weapons on the bundle, I really with they made it without the weapons.
I am almost getting it because of a freaking golden striker! Even the game reporting I already got it.
But today I saw someone with the golden striker with camo... It really ruins the weapon. Like all golden weapons you must clear your weapon camouflage slot before using it.

I can confirm. I've purchased the bundle and the boost and the camos were for that one character only. Although the camos appear to be bugged.

Keep in mind though, it's not a 50% resource boost, it's XP only (unless that's another bug).

Dodgy Commando
2013-11-20, 11:47 AM
It's not account-wide for the camo?

I find that odd considering the other 'common pool' camos are account-wide.

2013-11-20, 01:13 PM
A cheaper bundle without weapons would be nice.

I don't mind the cost, but the fact that i already have most of the weapons, and the ones i dont have, i dont even want... i wish you could just select 3 weapons on it. Ofcourse thats still not a bad deal since that boostpack is so expensive and you get the cool camo too.. although that camo is almost invisible on VS characters. Looks very cool on TR and NC still.

2013-11-20, 05:39 PM
F-ck facebook.

WTF do I need to have facebook account to enter for a prize from a company who I pay a monthly sub to.

2013-11-21, 01:02 AM
With regard to the camo, just be aware it has gold highlights. It's not that viewable with still shots.

2013-11-21, 02:44 AM
I'm lost. Where's the part I was waiting a year for? I saw the part where they essentially said, "Esamir v3 in December, Amerish v2 in January, and Hossin *after that*," meaning what? February? March? Really? Is there something that is innately hard to understand about "Your game has no metagame and is bleeding customers quickly"?

But anyway, I guess that's probably off topic... So did I just miss the part where everyone lost their mind and has renewed hope in the game, but just forgot to post anywhere about the super cool announcement?

2013-11-21, 06:39 PM
For the people wondering about the resource boost, it has been gone from the heroic boost for a while now. They are trying to get rid of resource boosts all together if im not mistaken.

Also people continue to misunderstand the concept of a meta game. Here is a link http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=metagame

2013-11-23, 04:45 AM
So I bought the boost and it is ok. I do not care about weapons , the only thing I needed was XP boost. I think SOE added least sold weapons into he bundle just so that people start using them :)

Emperor Newt
2013-11-23, 07:58 AM
S I think SOE added least sold weapons into he bundle just so that people start using them :)
Pretty much. They bascially already did that in the past.

Dev A: "Hey, we have these weapons nobody uses! Should we balance them?"
Dev B: "Nah! Just make them cheaper!"

2013-11-25, 06:37 AM
I didn't bother with this in the end. I had already purchased the weapons in the bundle, at least the ones that I would use and I don't think I play the game enough to warrant the boost. And the camo would have been nice, I suppose, but I've never been one for caring what I look like, either in a game or in real life.

Twas a tough decision though...