View Full Version : Mass increase on all vehicles since OMFG1

2013-11-26, 10:38 PM
I previously made a thread on the assumption this change was only directed towards aircraft. After speaking with different players and reading the results of the previous threads it has become clear that SOE has implemented a game wide increase of Mass on all vehicles in game.

Those who are ground based players might find your vehicles taking more damage on collisions or even reduced handling on key vehicles. Those who fly are much more likely to notice the same sloppy and slow controls we now have since the change. Made even more apparent when your aircraft is critical as we lose all momentum and fall like a rock now. This is all due to the Mass of vehicles being increased without SOE ever mentioning it in their patch notes.

This on top of the fact that no SOE devs have responded to this issue means they either again screwed up and released code accidentally or have attempted to sneak this upon the community. If this change has affected your game play speak up and share it. You are not wrong there is something different after that last update and SOE won't do anything unless we make a fuss about their mistake.

2013-11-26, 11:11 PM
I recall them mentioning before that to reduce the CPU burden of the physics during the big fights they had came up with a way to scale the physics back, by my recollection affecting their physics reactions based on distance.

This may be something entirely separate though, just wanted to chime in.

2013-11-26, 11:27 PM
Yeah I'm just chiming in as well I personally don't mind these mass changes. I know that some people do though.

2013-11-27, 02:55 AM
I like that my vehicles feels heavy now because these are war machines...

They should BE heavy and FEEL heavy, They feel like a real war machine should feel like given the universes setting, Not some paper weight that can do anything split second, even aircraft.

Emperor Newt
2013-11-27, 09:27 AM
Tested it a bit and I really like the heavier feel of vehicles.
Have to test if a Harasser can still be used to increase the top speed of Lightnings when going uphill.

2013-11-27, 09:58 AM
Tested it a bit and I really like the heavier feel of vehicles.
Have to test if a Harasser can still be used to increase the top speed of Lightnings when going uphill.
This ^^ was and still is pretty random.
I am mostly in an MBT or Harraser. Sometimes you can push other vehicles and sometimes, you, them or both just get instagibbed.
Its the same with hitting scenery at speed, sometimes you bounce off, sometimes you flip and often you blow up.

2013-11-27, 10:13 AM
I like that my vehicles feels heavy now because these are war machines...

They should BE heavy and FEEL heavy, They feel like a real war machine should feel like given the universes setting, Not some paper weight that can do anything split second, even aircraft.

The last time they were heavy I got stuck in my Lightning ang accidentaly launched it into space... Just saying.

2013-11-27, 10:21 AM
I wonder if this is somehow related to that fact that AT mines aren't working right (often don't explode when they should).

2013-11-27, 10:59 AM
I like that my vehicles feels heavy now because these are war machines...

They should BE heavy and FEEL heavy, They feel like a real war machine should feel like given the universes setting, Not some paper weight that can do anything split second, even aircraft.

It's pretty arbitrary whether or not you like the changes, because the fact is that these changes were never explained to us before being published, despite how they change gameplay, and they were never tested on the test server. It seems that with nearly every patch, SOE puts in something that we were never made aware of in their patch notes. The word that the better MMO companies would use for that kind of oversight is Unacceptable, especially after players have asked for a clarification (is it a bug or not?) for a week after the patch on twitter, the official forums, and the official fan forum.

2013-11-27, 11:00 AM
I've noticed it on aircraft now.

Still doesn't stop my Flash from sliding and spinning like I'm driving on ice though.

2013-11-27, 12:09 PM
I've noticed it on aircraft now.

Still doesn't stop my Flash from sliding and spinning like I'm driving on ice though.

I was hoping for a traction boost for the flash as well. Most of the time it's easier and fast to just walk the couple hundred meters.

2013-11-27, 02:00 PM
i already made a reply in the other thread and i'll repeat it here for the sake of discussion.

in regard to flying a Liberator, you are no longer able to reliably land while burning. if the terrain is flat, you might survive to repair, but you are not able to maintain any altitude in order to find a suitable LZ.

prior to this change, you could not climb, but could control your descent and steer the plane while the remaining damage ticked down. now you simply fall, gliding down into whatever is below. if it's not flat, you explode.

i can't say with certainty, but i also suspect that airborne collisions have been affected. i sincerely hope this does not lead to the return of inexplicable, indestructible scythe ramming.

2013-11-27, 02:17 PM
i already made a reply in the other thread and i'll repeat it here for the sake of discussion.

in regard to flying a Liberator, you are no longer able to reliably land while burning. if the terrain is flat, you might survive to repair, but you are not able to maintain any altitude in order to find a suitable LZ.

prior to this change, you could not climb, but could control your descent and steer the plane while the remaining damage ticked down. now you simply fall, gliding down into whatever is below. if it's not flat, you explode.

i can't say with certainty, but i also suspect that airborne collisions have been affected. i sincerely hope this does not lead to the return of inexplicable, indestructible scythe ramming.

From what I've seen and heard all collisions damage has been increased due to this. Also been some rumblings of larger collision fields then what we are used to.

2013-11-27, 04:14 PM
I was hoping for a traction boost for the flash as well. Most of the time it's easier and fast to just walk the couple hundred meters.

I like the challenge of driving a 3 speed flash. Sure it's wild, but that's why i loved it :) like trying to tame a wild beast, or a highly powered supercar. Also handbrake turning is an absolute must on the flash, when you get that sorted it's fun as hell!