View Full Version : For some reason PS2 makes me sea sick now.

2013-11-28, 04:31 PM
So I had a few minutes to download the game and play (about half an hour) since the OMFG update. Was curious to see if there was a noticeable performance improvement. There was on the low end of the FPS not dropping below 25 (I had seen anywhere from 0 to 20 at various points since beta) and steady rates in the 40s when fighting. Turning the camera while being shot was no longer a stuttering slide show and I did not notice any hitching when flying into populated areas. Not too shabby, considering I moved the game off my wee 30GB SSD onto my HD (wasted space when not playing the game). However...

I was getting sea sick!

WTH? I've put at least a couple thousand hours into PS2 since closed beta and never experienced that before. What could it be?

Here are my thoughts:

- First time playing with Nvidia 331 drivers. Could be that. 304 seemed to work best.
- "Tearing" was noticeable worse than I had ever noticed in PS2 before, so much so that I turned v-sync on (and I can't recall if that solved the sea sick feeling. I was pressed for time).
- I haven't played any shooter games since the last time I played PS2 (which was a few hours in Sept), so maybe I'm just old and out of shape.
- The FPS Smoothing setting didn't make a difference being on or off and everything else is exactly the same as it always was with my PC and the settings.

Anyone else experience this and have any thoughts? The project I am working on is almost finished so I should have some free time to play games again and I'd like to give PS2 a whirl again. It's a fun game to play when it's not horridly broken and full of cheaters. :)

2013-11-28, 04:34 PM
Make sure your FoV hasnt been reset. Make sure it set to the widest available.

2013-11-28, 04:38 PM
Make sure your FoV hasnt been reset. Make sure it set to the widest available.

I thought of that, but when I checked it was at 55, which is what I always had it at before (21" 1600x900 monitor). Or maybe it was 65... In any event, I don't like the wonky fish eye look one gets when FOV is all the way up so I try to avoid it. What's a good FOV setting that avoids the fish eye, but gets the most FOV?

2013-11-28, 05:32 PM
What's a good FOV setting that avoids the fish eye, but gets the most FOV?



2013-11-28, 06:16 PM
Its the reduction in FoV that gives most people sea sickness. I get it bad in the vehicle sections of HL2 for this reason. I'd max it out and see if it helps, you can then adjust it down to find a sweet spot.

More FoV is advantageous as you get more "peripheral" vision as well.

2013-11-28, 06:26 PM
Its the reduction in FoV that gives most people sea sickness. I get it bad in the vehicle sections of HL2 for this reason. I'd max it out and see if it helps, you can then adjust it down to find a sweet spot.

More FoV is advantageous as you get more "peripheral" vision as well.
I'll give it a whirl, thanks. Not likely tonight though as I already have a churning gut atm for some reason... yuck.

2013-11-28, 06:37 PM
Motion blur in some games makes me seasick. Check if you have it off.

Emperor Newt
2013-11-29, 07:39 AM
More FoV is advantageous as you get more "peripheral" vision as well.
But also makes stuff in the center of your screen smaller (harder to spot/aim at). So from a certain point on (I would argue ~85 to 90 horizontal) it becomes a personal trade-off.

2013-11-29, 07:52 AM
My friends get motion sick when watching me play, especially when flying. Shrug.

2013-11-29, 09:00 AM
Hey thanks GreyFrog. I put the FOV slider at max and didn't get sea sick. Woohoo! For the first few minutes I noticed the fish eye, but wasn't so bad.

That said though, I won't be playing PS2 any more. PS2 is a First Person Shooter. Shooter. There's just no point in playing a shooter game where my shots do no register, at all.

I was at Xenotech and there were some people up on the roof shooting into the courtyard, so I went back to the spawn and switched over to LA with my PWD SMG. I flew up and sneaked right up behind a guy, where I stood about 1 foot away, on the roof above him, and quite literally unloaded a full magazine of 60 rounds into him, reloaded, and unloaded 40 more shots before he got up and killed me. I was hitting him, because his body was clearly making the hit animation and it wasn't "lag", because he turn around, watched me shoot him the face, reload, and shoot some more, then stood up and shot me.

For the half hour prior to that it seemed like my hits weren't registering, but I wasn't fully sure. Would explain why I couldn't hit shit with dual bursters.

Anyhow, this never happened in beta, but it has happened every time I've played since Feb. Why bother playing a game like this? Shooter game where shots don't work. There's simply no point. :lol:

Was fun. Was nice to be part of this community leading up to and including beta. PS2 could have been a great game. Thanks to all who tried to help it get there.


Take care.

Emperor Newt
2013-11-29, 02:24 PM
The exact same thing happens to me too every now and then. Seems to be some kind of desync issue when there are a lot of people around (at least it's more likely then).
Sometimes relogging helps, sometimes not.

2013-11-29, 02:57 PM
Going from one game to another can do this to me. Binging in some Mount and Blade can make playing something else cause me to damn near throw up if I don't take a rest between them.

Then again I never bother with FOV and just use defaults unless I really need to change them. Playing with my PC hooked to a 42 inch TV has some perks though it tends to have a lot of frame ripping if settings are wrong. Some games I can make buildings look to be made of rubber like in old B/W cartoons.

2013-11-29, 03:39 PM
Being TR, are you sure it's not guilt? The lives of all those innocents weighing heavily on your conscience? Worth considering, anyway.