View Full Version : AGN: Did you buy the anniversary bundle? - ReachCast Community Question #62

2013-12-01, 03:56 PM
This week's question is ...

"Did you buy the anniversary bundle? Why or why not?"

As always, respond here or e-mail us at [email protected] or call us at (415)787-3224!

2013-12-01, 05:45 PM
Yes I dd. The Heroic boost was too good to pass up. The camo was cool but the rest of the content was nothing to write home about.

2013-12-01, 05:47 PM
Yes. I thought camo looked alright, boost I didn't really need (no resource boost = meh), striker is kind of crap right now, so a gold plated striker is like a gold plated turd - but I wanted to show more financial support for a game I enjoy.

I paid for alpha squad, anniversary bundle, subscription for about 10 or 11 of 12 months, and spent probably in the region of 200 - 300 GBP on cosmetics and weapon unlocks.

I would have bought IRL merch on top of that if there was any.

I should probably stop giving them money, they've constantly been reducing feasibility of (non-VS) MAX units which is my primary play; and the harasser nerf is taking TOO LONG BY FAR.

I thought the anniversary bundle was a great offer for returning/new players which should arrive with the OMFG patch.

2013-12-01, 07:18 PM
Yep. The boost is nice, I like the camo, and had not yet unlocked any of the weapons. I'm actually using the Lancer and Parallax.

2013-12-01, 11:41 PM
No. They have to show a lot more CONTENT before I'm willing to give them money for a bundle that is FAR worse than Alpha Squad. Currently, I highly doubt their ability to actually create a bug-free major patch, and I don't believe they've done it yet in the year since release.. They have a lot to prove.

2013-12-02, 01:30 AM
Yep, I bough the bundle only for XP boost.

I play 1 day a week only and boost is very much needed for me to earn some XP. I also found camoe pretyy good. I like it.

Guns are meh. Nice to have but I do not use those since I already have better ones.

2013-12-02, 01:36 AM
I got it for the XP boost.

I am using the camo because it actually works pretty well in a variety of situations.

However, the weapons were next to useless. The decal looks awful. If it had just been those without the boost, I wouldn't have touched it.

2013-12-02, 04:07 AM
I bought it and felt raped.

I only bought it because of the feedback that the xp boost would be available on all characters and it's not because SOE hotfixed that to screw their customer base.

So those that bought it in the morning get a boost for each of their characters and those of us that had to wait to get home got one boost.

Then there is the balls up on the boost shown being both resource and xp. Some of my outfit members actually received this boost and the anniversary 50% xp boost.

The Heroic Boost was meant to only be available on one character, however, there was a bug that granted some players boosts for each character. Our development team is working to get this resolved as soon as possible. The one boost you received is correct, and you were granted what was intended. Due to the original issue, our development team is investigating a possible resolution for players not affected by this bug. However, we do not have any information on what their plan is at this time. Keep an eye on the forums for any addition information that may come out regarding this. I hope this has cleared things up and we appreciate your understanding and patience. Thank you for playing Planetside 2!

GM Exerege

To translate. "tough shit"

I own and run a business and have done so for years, if I screw up I take the hit financially to provide the best service to my customer. Basic business practice.

Frankly this is the last money i'll be handing over to SOE.

Emperor Newt
2013-12-02, 04:43 AM
Nope. Reasons:

- Not playing enough (max 2 to 3 evenings per week, playing less and less) to warrant the XP boost
- I already own most of the VS weapons, or don't really need the ones I don't have
- I only play VS. No need for TR/NC weapons
- Boost is only for one char. So why including other factions weapons in the bundle anyway?
- Spend enough money. Need to see some good content and balance patches before I throw money at SOE again.

2013-12-02, 07:14 AM

- I already have my character maxed out. So the 6 month boost is pointless for me.
- I already had all the weapons unlocked on all the factions they where included for.
- I can't justify spending that kind of money on a camo that is pretty much just a darker re-skin of my Alpha Squad camo.

2013-12-02, 07:32 AM
I didn't even know about it till after it was over.

2013-12-02, 09:02 AM
I didn't see the point. I already have boosts waiting, from events, to be used as a BR 92, plus I'm in no rush to get to 100. I already own the weapons in the pack, or otherwise don't want to use those offered. There's currently nothing of interest to purchase with SC and I'm not interested in the camo offered.
A bundle such as this dosn't really hold any interest to me anymore, especially since the boost only applies to one character.

I agree with Mastachief. If you make the mistake of giving an incorrect boost in the bundle and you then don't notify your consumer base about the mistake after having corrected it then you should allow players to request a refund or recieve the item that they thought that they purchased. It's generally a bad idea to punish bona fide purchasers.

2013-12-02, 11:10 AM
I bought it and felt raped.

I only bought it because of the feedback that the xp boost would be available on all characters and it's not because SOE hotfixed that to screw their customer base.

So those that bought it in the morning get a boost for each of their characters and those of us that had to wait to get home got one boost.

Then there is the balls up on the boost shown being both resource and xp. Some of my outfit members actually received this boost and the anniversary 50% xp boost.


To translate. "tough shit"

I own and run a business and have done so for years, if I screw up I take the hit financially to provide the best service to my customer. Basic business practice.

Frankly this is the last money i'll be handing over to SOE.


2013-12-02, 03:46 PM
I bought it

1.) I didn't have many of the weapons: I had the Rams and the TAR, but I had none of the other weapons. I have tried to play on other factions before, and the lack of available weaponry was always a pain, I had the NS-11A, but nothing else. Now I have a load of new weapons.
2.) I don't care as much about the boost as I did the guns to be honest, but having the boost is nice. I'm saving it for now, until the resource system goes in, because that is when I expect my play time to go up.

To summarize, it was a great deal for the boost alone, I expect to be with this game for years to come, and this took care of Many top tier weapons I wouldn't otherwise have for quite some time.

2013-12-02, 03:57 PM
No, its absolutely of no interest to me. Even if Christmas wasn't around the corner I could not justify the price. I do not feel like putting hours in until they add more content.

2013-12-02, 05:35 PM
I bought it and felt raped.

I only bought it because of the feedback that the xp boost would be available on all characters and it's not because SOE hotfixed that to screw their customer base.

So those that bought it in the morning get a boost for each of their characters and those of us that had to wait to get home got one boost.

Then there is the balls up on the boost shown being both resource and xp. Some of my outfit members actually received this boost and the anniversary 50% xp boost.


To translate. "tough shit"

I own and run a business and have done so for years, if I screw up I take the hit financially to provide the best service to my customer. Basic business practice.

Frankly this is the last money i'll be handing over to SOE.

Yup thats pretty screwed:rolleyes: was lucky to get the good/buggy deal because i had time to check my outfits forum around 12cet the 1st day it was being offered.
Bought it from the website because my outfits m8s said there was a prob in the ingame store, and it wanted the TR and NC weapons for my toons, good for me but pretty shitty:mad: for all the ppl that where late or bought it ingame....

http://www.thevanuaccord.com/sigs/sig-5428011263290043633-4.png (http://www.thevanuaccord.com)

2013-12-03, 03:44 PM
It was too good a deal to pass up.

Spiffy Camo for all three slots
6-month boost
A lancer
A whole bunch of other stuff I don't need.

Plus, the same for the other two factions (sans the boost)? A better question would be, if you wouldn't buy this bundle... have you ever bought anything?

2013-12-03, 05:45 PM
May I point out here, that the question is somewhat loaded. People who STILL play the game are the ones that WILL likely buy the bundle.

These are same people that didn't leave the game because of (despite) it being quite shallow for quite awhile now. These are the people that still post on PS2-related community sites. In all honesty, the only thing that holds ME on these forums, for example, apart from my wish/hope of the game becoming better before it dries out, is the community and good people. Not SOE.

So the answer:
Reasons: SOE has to regain my trust"
...is the most common in this case, while it's not being voiced on any reddit/forum.

2013-12-03, 06:03 PM
I bought two bundles.
I wanted the XP/Res boosts and I got one.

I've received only one bundle so far.
The drawn out saga of trying to get my original paypal purchase honored continues via support tickets two weeks on...
Should have emailed the The Great Mutato directly to have it fixed.

Carbon Copied
2013-12-03, 07:03 PM
I feel I've been milked of enough cash through SC/subs for now; so as a now none subbed player there's no way I'd part with any more of my cash until proper content is delivered.

Broken down reasons:
I have many laying spare already.
Increasing BR is meaningless so I don't care about the xp working towards the next level.
Post BR 60 I've certed my main infantry classes and vehicles to a stage I'm happy with and have 2k+ certs spare.

Already have them from previous bundles.
I don't play other factions.
Medal chasing is not content.

Looks cool, rehashed alpha squad camo; but fairly decent.

So that to me breaks it down to spending £40 on a camo and weapons I won't use/already have. It was a pretty good deal for new(er) players but I'll spend money again when I feel they've earned it outside of new hats and "cool colours" thanks.