View Full Version : Chat

2014-01-03, 12:42 PM
Why is there no 'side-chat' option? I mean like /region but instead everyone in the selected faction could see it? It'd be /faction then i guess...

If there is one, i'm sorry for being a nub and please delete this then.

But if there isn't, why is that? I mean every other game has it, and there's like gazillion times atleast for me when it would have been useful.

2014-01-03, 12:51 PM
Why is there no 'side-chat' option? I mean like /region but instead everyone in the selected faction could see it? It'd be /faction then i guess...

If there is one, i'm sorry for being a nub and please delete this then.

But if there isn't, why is that? I mean every other game has it, and there's like gazillion times atleast for me when it would have been useful.

Im not sure if this answers your question, but there is a continent wide chat option that is empire specific. It is /orders and everyone in your faction on the same continent as you can see it. You can unlock the ability to use /orders by going to the squad leader area in the certs menu (same as when you unlock beacons) and unlocking it.

2014-01-03, 01:06 PM
Im not sure if this answers your question, but there is a continent wide chat option that is empire specific. It is /orders and everyone in your faction on the same continent as you can see it. You can unlock the ability to use /orders by going to the squad leader area in the certs menu (same as when you unlock beacons) and unlocking it.

I know that. i just thought there should just be a tab next to 'general-chat' that says 'faction-chat' or 'side-chat' or something like that.

2014-01-03, 02:10 PM
I can tell you why they don't have that. It's because everyone would flood the channel making it useless. I actually really like the /orders channel. It's limited to only squad leaders and even then you can't just spam the channel, you have to wait a while until you can post another message to it.

This was an issue in PS1. There was a commander channel there but the only restriction was a high level command rank. As long as you had the proper command rank you could post to the channel. You could also post without a time restriction and didn't have to be a squad leader. This resulted in a lot of spam in the channel which in-turn made me put a lot of people on my ignore list. I only kept the commanders who would use the channel properly off my ignore list.

2014-01-03, 02:38 PM
I can tell you why they don't have that. It's because everyone would flood the channel making it useless. I actually really like the /orders channel. It's limited to only squad leaders and even then you can't just spam the channel, you have to wait a while until you can post another message to it.

This was an issue in PS1. There was a commander channel there but the only restriction was a high level command rank. As long as you had the proper command rank you could post to the channel. You could also post without a time restriction and didn't have to be a squad leader. This resulted in a lot of spam in the channel which in-turn made me put a lot of people on my ignore list. I only kept the commanders who would use the channel properly off my ignore list.

hmm.. guess it depends on the game then.. my point was just that, to have a channel that was not a command channel, but still reserved for the selected faction. I used to play a somewhat similar game with atleast just as many players (during its best times) for almost 7 years, and we had all kinds of channels on the chat (side, squad, outfit, airforce, groundforce, navy, etc) and no channel ever was flooded too bad... but then again, the avreage age of player in that game was probably atleast 10 years older than it is here so i can understand this.
Oh well, now i know why we don't have it, thanks for clearing it up.

2014-01-03, 04:04 PM
Isn't just the regular "say" chat faction-specific?

2014-01-03, 04:47 PM
Isn't just the regular "say" chat faction-specific?

No, it's 'place-specific'.. as in few meters from where you are.. and as far as i know, everyone can see it.

2014-01-04, 05:10 PM
Huh, I thought /region was faction-specific for some reason. Guess I've been tipping off enemies for the past year...

2014-01-04, 07:23 PM
No, /region is faction specific, but not for the whole continent.. jus for people nearby the place you're currently at.

2014-01-04, 08:41 PM
There's always /yell

2014-01-06, 06:34 AM
There's always /yell

Not exactly faction specific, huh?

2014-01-07, 09:11 AM
hah not a Bad Idea at all :D
Sort of a General chat for the faction.. great for helping out new players aswell...

ahh how I'd love a better chat for this game..
Last time I checked was still promoting itself as "MMO"FPS right?

hop hop SOE!! Give us a better chat already, with filters, customizable tabs and different colours blabla, you got it :D

maybe it's a lot of effort I wouldn't know.

2014-01-08, 09:20 AM
Can't be that hard; EQ2 had about a million chart channels, not counting the player created ones. Cross-server chat was pretty cool.