View Full Version : Server downtime during EU prim time

2014-01-12, 07:24 PM
Seems SOE has something against the Euro. Far too many times have they put up large patches and server downtime up during EU prim time. The server downtime reduces far too much of the player base at the wrong time.

At least that's what I've noticed.

2014-01-12, 07:29 PM
Thats the problem with having player bases all over the world... time zones.

AU often get hit with patch uploads and server downs around 11pm, just when most players here are hitting their straps.

I know its a PITA but they have to do it a some time.

2014-01-13, 12:13 AM
I've always wondered if they could simply stagger the server downtime, across each time zone, so that it causes the least disruption for the players.

It's as though there is just one guy, in the whole world that is able to update the servers, and he lives in the U S of A...

2014-01-13, 03:42 AM
Yet, 3 pm is hardly 'EU primetime' and the servers are usually back up in the evening.

Plus, as of the latest patch, they're bringing up the servers in a staggered schedule to keep load off the login servers, and they're even prioritizing the EU ones.

You always need a few software engineers to monitor the patching progress and test stability afterwards, and I can perfectly understand the reluctance to head of to work in the middle of the night (remember, 3pm in Europe is 6am in SOE's office).

2014-01-13, 04:03 AM
Don't play on patch day it will be broken anyhow.

2014-01-13, 04:15 AM
They have a few timezones to serve, they could patch EU servers before closing office, we have 8 h between their and GMT

It's not that hard to work a few hours longer, also for soe.

And they can interrupt the EU servers if something goes wrong on USA east and so 2/3 of the servers are up, means more fun for everyone!

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