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2014-01-17, 12:30 AM
It's just a game gentlemen. Why so angry? People send hate when they kill you, when you kill them, when you're in a max, when you c4 their max, when you're in an ESF, when you lock-on to that ESF from the air or ground, or when you kill them with flak. They cry when you hack their Spear Turrets and kill their full Libs, when you use the shield on the Vanguard, when you use the Vortek on the Reaver, or the air-hammer, the ZOE, the Scat, the Hacksaw, the BLueshift, the Vulcan, the Striker....

You get my drift. Are you fucking kidding me? Lighten the fuck up lmfao. That's why people laugh at you when you send hate-tells. We're just here to have fun, shoot the shit with our outfit buddies, farm a little, have moments of epic teamwork, triumphs and failures, good and the bad, and you're JUST MAD.


2014-01-17, 12:40 AM
I quit my girlfriend and dumped my job to play this game. I hate everyone who kills me.

2014-01-17, 12:49 AM
I never get any hate tells. Well, I've only ever gotten two:(

What personal experience prompted this, are there many angry people on your server?:p

2014-01-17, 01:22 AM
I do not have time to read chat messages. I fight! :) Really, do not read those retarded messages.

2014-01-17, 02:16 AM
I don't mean to try and sound leet either, because I've never claimed to be great. I'm a good player with decent hardware who prides himself on his outfit more than his personal numbers.

In fact I can't imagine the flood of hate that truly elite players get...

The elite, just own me, and move on, with skill and class, and never send hate-tells. It's you angry scrubs that actually let this video-game truly own you by making you mad.

2014-01-17, 04:52 AM
I always find them funny, and end up repeating them to outfit mates over voice.

2014-01-17, 05:16 AM
Why would they send you hate for using the striker?

Get with the times brah.

2014-01-17, 05:16 AM
I get hate tells all the time for numerous things here or there. Does it make my play session all the more enjoyable as a result you ask? Yes... Yes it does.

Maybe one of these days I'll make a montage of the all the hate tells I receive.

Bobby Shaftoe
2014-01-17, 06:20 AM
farm a little

Or farm a lot, which is the 'default' for most in this game.

People send hate because they're usually frustrated, being entertained by it is equivalent to hackers doing it for the lulz. 90% of the time it doesn't matter that YOU killed them, just that they died.

I've received hate/hacker tells, I ask what they think I did that warrants the hate/accusation, explain what I did/why they died, then ignore add.

I've also sent it, the last time I played for an extended time just showed me I don't actually have 'fun' playing this game when I'll warp gate camp individual airchavs for an hour, then get swarmed by 6+ of them for 30 minutes and fall for their 'We're better than you' bait.

Am I a hypocrit, sure but I don't pretend to be otherwise and I challenge anyone to prove they aren't either.

2014-01-17, 10:33 AM
Its funny because i get it when i get kills in my max, my favorite is "O get your max its the only way your going to win" I think its funny, or my other favorite "Rocket launcher spam its the only way you can get a kill". I think its hilariouse and just so you guys who send hate messages know, when you send them it makes our frikin day.

Though Ive never sent one (a hate message) the one thing that actually pisses me off in this game is the cloaker. When were in a big fight and pushing the enemy closer to there spawn box, they all start respawning as cloakers with AP mines and sub machine guns. And I dont think they should change that but they should at least give me back my black vision implant. :D

2014-01-17, 12:46 PM
**Hides from the hate tells**
I am a super newb like only a week old!! I hope hate tells are only for the leet :P

2014-01-17, 01:09 PM
I wish I was leet enough to get hate tells. Don't think I've gotten any tells at all a,actually.

2014-01-17, 02:09 PM
Wow Shamrock, whether that's stat-padding or not, if that k/d is accurate you must get mega-hate. Do you have any screenshots?

2014-01-17, 05:09 PM
The tells I gotten from the enemy are often about those semi epic moments when either I did something awesome or he did. I remember last time I got one on one with a NC heavy while I was sitting in a mossy. Sligthly embarrasing for me he did manage to hit me with a phoenix and take me down, I cant remember if I got a kill aswell but he sent me a humble message about the hit and I sent complement back for him getting a nice shot, I think we both had a laugh about it :)

2014-01-18, 01:34 AM
really the only times i get pissed of when i get killed is when i do something stupid, like try and run over a heavy hiding behind a rock who i KNOW has C4.....
or when some bug causes me to get killed like when i was in my prowler and killed a suicidal vanguard right in front of me, only to be insta killed by the GOD DAMN WRECKAGE.

sometimes i get pissed off when i get kill in general, but then i take a moment to figure out what went wrong.

otherwise, death is inevitable in this game, can't avoid it.

2014-01-19, 05:06 AM
I do get really angry at times, but I think I have only sent angry tells like two our three times. The thing is that you are even going further down with your own misery when you add fuel to the fire with that angry and not so constructive tell. It's like handing the enemy a big troll to slap you with over and over again.

2014-01-19, 04:32 PM
I wish I was leet enough to get hate tells. Don't think I've gotten any tells at all actually.

Hahaha - Im with you on this.

I cant remember the last one... that and I dont have time to read the text box :groovy:

2014-01-19, 06:38 PM
Hate tells are pretty common for me as well. I try to tell them that I and my outfit are above shittalking and that we talk shit without bullets.

Then again I am only human and can be prone to my outbursts as well if someone is being particularly vulgar in their messages. You will always have this sort of thing in any gaming environment revolving around PvP. It's people's competitive natures kicking in and no one likes a bruised ego, hehe.

2014-01-19, 07:53 PM
i have gotten about three hate tells since i have been playing, i honestly just laugh when someone takes the game so seriously that they have to actually type a message out to me. It makes the kill even more satisfying.

2014-01-26, 12:53 PM
After thinking about this thread, I also want to bring up the other side of the coin, because it's not worth it's own thread, but these wannabe-MLG-scrubs that use a video-game to belittle people because of their own e-peen-shrinkage are just as bad if not worse than the haters.