View Full Version : Latest kick in the teeth...

2014-01-17, 09:54 AM
I've been racking up my kills with my Longshot and I finally got my Auraxium medal.

Now I pretty pissed off right now... With the Auraxium medal I was supposed to get 200 certs.

I keep a record of the amount of certs I have earned at the end of each session and I know for a fact that I have only earned 143 certs for today's play so far and that's how I know I haven't had my Auraxium certs.

Is this something I should log a ticket for?

2014-01-17, 10:03 AM
Isn't it 400? I don't remember if they actually show up as earned certs or if they're just added to your cert pool.

2014-01-17, 10:41 AM
Hi Chip,

No, it's 200 certs, at least for the Longshot anyway.

And nothing more than I have earned through passive certs and certs earned today while playing have been added to my pool.

As of the end of Jan 15th I had earned 14566 certs in total.

My latest stats are showing 14736. I must have earned a few more since my last log on and so according to today I have earned 170 certs.

I've e-mailed Pro7.

And I was surprised, don't know how I did it, to have created a log in at SOE and I've created a post in the general support forum over there.

I somehow don't have much confidence in them getting back to me or fixing this because they totally failed to fix the other problem I logged.

Ah well... it's only a game.........................

2014-01-17, 12:17 PM
I could be wrong but I am pretty sure Auraxiam medals (for any weapons) give you 200 certs.

It should flash the Auraxiam medal symbol at the top of your screen and then award you with 200 certs immediately after.

Also, good luck getting help with this. They have been really busy with other stuff going on like server maintenance that they aren't responding to tickets much now. I have had one open for a while now because I haven't been able to get on PTS for over a week.

2014-01-17, 12:33 PM
It should flash the Auraxiam medal symbol at the top of your screen and then award you with 200 certs immediately after.

Hi, yeah, I got the medal symbol at the top of my screen but no certs. I checked straight away.

As it happens I've just received an e-mail reply back from Pro7. I have given the chap more details. I didn't use the weapon again after I got the Auraxium medal, and I signed out shortly afterwards, so you can still see my last kill using the Longshot on my character's killboard.

With this, and the other issue, I'm currently down about 350 certs now.

But I've got to be pragmatic about this, considering the fact that they still haven't given me my lost passive certs back (details in the other post), even though they had responded to that and promised to resolve the problem.

If they do sort it out, great, if not... I've just got to carry on regardless. I still enjoy the game, although I'm a tad fed up right now... I'll get over it LOL.

2014-01-17, 02:09 PM
I've just got to carry on regardless. I still enjoy the game, although I'm a tad fed up right now... I'll get over it LOL.

I am having some problems with PTS and this is exactly how I feel. I used to go on PTS almost as much as live but I haven't been able to get on for over a week and I have missed 3 of my outfits scrims and I am about to miss another if the problem isnt fixed today (which I doubt it will be).

2014-01-20, 02:47 PM
Okay peeps,

I received an e-mail earlier from Pro7 support. The message basically confirmed that 200 certs had been added to my character.

Trouble is, when I make a note of my stats, I only record my total Certs owned, and I was expecting that figure to show any sudden increase in Certs. Which they still do not, even though I am being told that 200 more Certs have been "added."

So, the question is, when you peeps got any Auxarium medals, did your overall Cert count also show the increase, or was it just an increase in your current available Cert amount?

I guess I should have made a record of that figure too, but I expected the total figure to go up. I know I had over 6000 Certs, which is a lot, I know, but I really, for the life of me, remember the exact figure.

Pain in the bum... Because of my bad memory, and not making a note of my available Certs, it'll be down to Pro7 to take pity on me and, in their eyes, gift me yet another 200 Certs.

If I'm being a bit of a prat please ignore this latest post............

2014-01-20, 03:09 PM
I seem to remember just getting the certs added to my pool. I'll take note next time I get one.

2014-01-20, 03:17 PM
If I'm being a bit of a prat please ignore this latest post............

You were pretty prat from the start getting all poopy pants. Next time just calm down, breathe and submit a ticket. :lol:

2014-01-20, 03:40 PM
I find it intriguing that someone as cert focused as you would not have the awareness to notice when you were about to get an Auraxium medal and in turn notice the increase in your pool.

Im not to close to as anal retetive as you about it but in the course of playing I always cant help but to notice the bmb in my pool.

Do you actually look at your interface?

considering the fact that they still haven't given me my lost passive certs back (details in the other post), even though they had responded to that and promised to resolve the problem.

/em rolls eyes

2014-01-20, 06:11 PM
No reason to be rude, Ghoest.

2014-01-20, 10:08 PM
But is there any reason to continue whining about a less than a days worth of free certs that went missing on a day when the server had a major malfunction?
It happened to all players(at least in the US) across the board.

2014-01-21, 12:37 AM
But is there any reason to continue whining about a less than a days worth of free certs that went missing on a day when the server had a major malfunction?

Hi Ghoest,

I was just chatting amongst friends :)

I do look at my interface regularly in game. What I didn't do was make a note of what my cert pool was before I logged off.

By the way, can I just say something here?

I know I have had a bit of a whine here and there, about a couple of things, mainly cert orientated (I have explained before why that is elsewhere).

Now, peeps can respond in a number of ways when they see a "whining" post.

They can offer some sympathy and advise.

Or they can berate the OP for being a whiner and be quite abusive.

Personally, If I can't offer any help I will simply not respond to a topic. I feel that there is no need to cause any more "upset" for the OP, who probably feels he has a problem, why else would they post in the first place.

If it helps the community, I will try not to post any more whining topics :)



2014-01-21, 12:42 AM
I seem to remember just getting the certs added to my pool. I'll take note next time I get one.

Okay Chip, thanks :)

I'm going to e-mail support back today and tell them to close this ticket anyway. I am putting this down to experience and in future I'll either take more care to watch what is going on.

2014-01-21, 04:34 PM
Im a big fan of whining about game balance.
And Im cool with whining when a game company makes a bad/selfish decision.

Its just that in particular whining about a small amount of lost free certs in what was obviously a technical problem that SOE tried to fix as quickly as possible is silly - the loss was inconsequential and it occurred while SOE was doing its best to help the game.

2014-01-22, 01:47 PM
Im a big fan of whining about game balance.
And Im cool with whining when a game company makes a bad/selfish decision.

Its just that in particular whining about a small amount of lost free certs in what was obviously a technical problem that SOE tried to fix as quickly as possible is silly - the loss was inconsequential and it occurred while SOE was doing its best to help the game.

Dude, this game has a very long progression time.
50 certs is worth one hour of gameplay to free users.
Hey is complaining about 4 hours of his life, down to 2 and a half hour if he is a member like he said.

I remember during the launch that the auraxis medal was 500 certs.

The truth is, bugs that make us losing certs happens all the time, I already made the math here and I lost about 5.000 certs for each character right now, I just wish once they forgot to charge my credit card for the subscription, but in that they are good to do.

Also I am not receiving the passive certifications bonus since day 17 and the only answer from support I got is that they are overloaded with tickets and canĀ“t answer me and I should call them, an international call...

Looks like the planetside 2 support team is down to two or one people, SOE is really fucking the game badly.

2014-01-22, 06:22 PM
Agreed Falcon. Its "little' things like this that happen everytime they do a patch or some special theme that racks me off. There is generally no come back or recompence, its never dealt with and we are advised to suck it up.

I am starting to dread every patch now because it means a generalised SNAFU with a 3-5 day wait to get back to normal.

2014-01-27, 08:53 AM
Sad faces all round. :(